Subway founder: Obama has created oppresive regulatory environment

Anyone else see a pattern here? All of the successful entrepreneurs who went from rags to riches admit they wouldn't have been able to start or build their businesses in the current climate that Obama and the communist liberals have created....

The founder of Subway says there’s no way he could start the sandwich chain today, thanks to the oppressive regulatory environment and Obamacare.

Subway Founder: Subway Would Not Exist If Started Today Due to Government Regulations | Washington Free Beacon

And, the founder of Subway has amassed a great fortune by producing fat and salt-laden, mass produced, artificially flavored sandwiches handed out by underpaid teenage workers which even the Earl of Sandwich would refuse.

What's your point?

Hmm..., isn't the salary the same at Subway as it is at Mickey D's, Wendy's, B.K's, and KFC?
I guess Deluca is running his European stores as non-profit. He sure as hell pays those employees' medical coverage and a higher wage than in the US.

Europeans also pay a much higher price for the same sandwich. Subway also employs far fewer people than it could in Europe.

So all those poor overtaxed Europeans living under the bootheel of oppressive socialism still manage to have the buying power to pay twice what an American can for a sandwich?

Anyone else see a pattern here? All of the successful entrepreneurs who went from rags to riches admit they wouldn't have been able to start or build their businesses in the current climate that Obama and the communist liberals have created....

The founder of Subway says there’s no way he could start the sandwich chain today, thanks to the oppressive regulatory environment and Obamacare.

Subway Founder: Subway Would Not Exist If Started Today Due to Government Regulations | Washington Free Beacon

And, the founder of Subway has amassed a great fortune by producing fat and salt-laden, mass produced, artificially flavored sandwiches handed out by underpaid teenage workers which even the Earl of Sandwich would refuse.

What's your point?

Hmm..., isn't the salary the same at Subway as it is at Mickey D's, Wendy's, B.K's, and KFC?

Yeah, probably. But, how many of their founders are out publicly moaning about how much regulations have hurt their business?
This guy couldn't do now what he did in 1965?

Even with all these rich job creators paying a top rate of under 40%?

The top tax rate in 1965 was 70%. The minimum wage btw, adjusted for inflation, was much higher than it is now.

OMG, how did he do it?

Fred DeLuca is a partisan hack liar. He first started calling his sub shops Subway in 1968 when the minimum wage was the highest it's ever been and his business was already a franchise. The key to his business was marrying the bread making operation with the product, but they still make shitty products, when it comes to subs and streaks.
If you doubled the price of labor, it wouldn't double the price of a sandwich, because labor isn't near that large of a percentage of the price of doing business..


No, I suppose the bun, meat, cheese, lettuce, etc. cost something.

But nowhere near $5 per footlong.
There are other weaknesses in his argument.

1. Are we supposed to believe that other countries can have universal health care AND still have franchise restaurants, and somehow, some way, America can't do it?

2. He started his restaurant in the 1960's. Certainly, a lot had changed between then and 2009 when Obama became president. So, I don't really see where it makes much sense to lay all the blame for his perceived ills on our regulatory system on a man who's been president for only 4 of the last 48 years.

When you have several hundred restaurants world wide, your name (the name of your business, to be exact) is well known. You can easily expand from 1200 to 2000, because people everywhere in the world know who you are and what your product is, regulations, or no regulations.

On the other hand, when you are just starting out and you are unknown to everyone except your parents, wife and kids you have nowhere to go if you are strangled by business killing Obama regulations.

That is his point.

And what are the Obama regulations that kill a guy starting a sub shop today?

...and the answer was?
When you have several hundred restaurants world wide, your name (the name of your business, to be exact) is well known. You can easily expand from 1200 to 2000, because people everywhere in the world know who you are and what your product is, regulations, or no regulations.

On the other hand, when you are just starting out and you are unknown to everyone except your parents, wife and kids you have nowhere to go if you are strangled by business killing Obama regulations.

That is his point.

And what are the Obama regulations that kill a guy starting a sub shop today?

...and the answer was?

From the OP:
Deluca: Payroll tax increases, Obamacare pose challenge to small business - See more at: Founder: Subway Wouldn?t Exist If Started Today Due to Regulations | Washington Free Beacon
And what are the Obama regulations that kill a guy starting a sub shop today?

...and the answer was?

From the OP:
Deluca: Payroll tax increases, Obamacare pose challenge to small business - See more at: Founder: Subway Wouldn?t Exist If Started Today Due to Regulations | Washington Free Beacon

New businesses are starting up around here every day and they're "burdened" by those same regulations. Why can some do it and others can't?
Europeans also pay a much higher price for the same sandwich. Subway also employs far fewer people than it could in Europe.

And this is bad, why?

OK, numskull. I'll put it in terms as simple as I possibly can:

Which amount would you rather pay for the same exact sandwich, $5.00 or $10.00?

Think carefully, now. Your answer will determine whether you are a moron.

I'd rather pay $5.00 and make sure that the money went to the people who did the work, not a greedy corporation.
And what are the Obama regulations that kill a guy starting a sub shop today?

...and the answer was?

From the OP:
Deluca: Payroll tax increases, Obamacare pose challenge to small business - See more at: Founder: Subway Wouldn?t Exist If Started Today Due to Regulations | Washington Free Beacon

The payroll tax is where it was when Obama took office, and I've never heard of a sub shop that had more than 50 employees.

The streets were full of shot because people rode horses then, moron. Henry Ford put an end to that, not the government. Life expectancy was lower because the state of medical science was much less advanced. You can also thank private business for improving medical science. private business and private charities developed penicillin, the polio vaccine and countless other medicines that extend our lives. We are all richer now because private business invested in technology and our stock of capital and greatly increased the productivity of the worker.

We are all richer because we had a labor movement that fought for worker's rights. We have a higher life expectency because we created medicare to make sure that granny still got medical treatment after business had no more use for her.

Government really does more than send that check to your double-wide, Cleetus.

In the past people had a choice of putting their children to work or watching them starve to death. The greatly improved productivity of labor made possible by private investment is what allowed that to end, not child labor laws.

Horseshit. The wealthy would have kept right on using children if people hadn't said no.

This is where your thinking is kind of fucked up. The rich don't allow the rest of us to do anything.

We allow them to be rich.


Your theory is a liberal myth. Only morons believe in it. Republicans fucked up nothing. Higher taxes and more government regulations harm our standard of living, so stupid turds like you are the ones fucking it all up.

Actually, we were more prosperous when the wealthy paid their fair share and we had strong regulations on industry.
Shocking ! Another rich white guy crying he might have to help some of his his underpaid employees get health care. Isn't he the the asshole that said he opened Subway to make people more healthy?
So gee, REPUBLICAN business owners like to speak out saying how they couldn't start their businesses today??

All I see are cities and states giving huge handouts to any business that wants to relocate there. In my state it is sickening the tax breaks and land deals we give out to these companies.

And they are HUGE companies, ones like Amazon, Boeing, Google, etc...
Besides, Subway could start ant THRIVE, afterall, people can use their food stamps at Subway....
So gee, REPUBLICAN business owners like to speak out saying how they couldn't start their businesses today??

All I see are cities and states giving huge handouts to any business that wants to relocate there. In my state it is sickening the tax breaks and land deals we give out to these companies.

And they are HUGE companies, ones like Amazon, Boeing, Google, etc...

If things are so easy to start a business today, why haven't you started a business?
I really doubt that most of the world's wealthy nations envy our healthcare system and it's costs, nor do they envy American's addiction to unhealthy fast food (which contributes to the high cost of the US's healthcare).!

There are enough patients from those wealthy nations who come to the United States for health care when they can't find it in their own country.

I don't know much about the eating habits of wealthy nations like Brunei, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain, but I can safely say that the fat and sugar content of foods made in wealthy Europe and wealthy America is different ONLY that foods in America are inspected for quality, while in Europe they serve horse meat pretending it's beef.

There is no such thing as "unhealthy food". Grammatically, the do-gooders should know that the words 'healthy" and "unhealthy" refer to PEOPLE; describing food with the same intention should be "wholesome" or "unwholesome".

Nutritionally, only not adhering to moderation is bad for you.

WOW dude, I hope you didn't pay for your education. If you did, ask for your money back.

Oh and while you are waiting, eat only at Mcdonalds, all your meals for a month. Let us know how that works out for you. Remember. Eat McDonalds in moderation. But make sure all you eat is from Mcdonalds. The "wholesome" fast food. Right?

My education was paid all by myself, without government subsidies, government loans and affirmative action. I taught myself to be computer programmer and achieved such success that the company I worked for supplied my living expenses for six years, apartment, food and car, away from home, out of state, just so that I would be there at the Head Office. While there I was asked to proof read letters and reports - not even relating to computer programming - by people whose first language and mother tongue was English, unlike mine.

Be that as it may. Before you get any credit for ridiculing my suggestion about moderation, tell me - HONESTLY - about your body weight, your diet, your exercise routine, your age and your blood pressure.

I will be 74 on Monday. I take my doggie for a 2 mile walk each day. I bowl three times a week, with a 171 average. I take my Grandson to events you liberal skunks would look down upon. I eat what I enjoy eating, usually in a careful manner, but I'll be damned if I deny myself of an occasional indulgence, be they what they may. And I'll be similarly be damned if I ever listen to the dietary advise of the Cellulite Queen, Michelle Obama.

I must confess I eat at McDonalds from time to time. Also at Burger King. Or KFC, in spite of the sad fact that nowadays they use only about two herbs and spices in their totally bland chicken dinners.

An objective person looking at my life would say that my own money I spent on my education was well spent, and I am entitled to no refund. But it it was otherwise, I would donate that refund to home schooling, because it is obvious by your posts that public education is a failure.
...and the answer was?

From the OP:
Deluca: Payroll tax increases, Obamacare pose challenge to small business - See more at: Founder: Subway Wouldn?t Exist If Started Today Due to Regulations | Washington Free Beacon

The payroll tax is where it was when Obama took office, and I've never heard of a sub shop that had more than 50 employees.

He's not blaming OBAMA for payroll tax increases since 1965, but he is blaming Obamacare,

and I agree; If Obama care effects only those businesses with more than 50 employees, then I am surprised that a Subway should care. I'd maintain a maximum staff of 49, firing at least one every week just to keep the others on their toes.
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yes there should be no regulations. Take a look at china. The middle class there is purely and overtly oppressed and the air is toxic. Yes lets look at their model.

OMG the drama queens are running in pairs now. How did we ever survive the first 150 years, or over the centuries for that matter without regulations?

We didn't.

Fact of the matter is, most people lived in pretty stark misery in the 19th century, with streets full of shit because there was crappy sanitation. Average life expectency of an industrial worker then was less than 50 years.

Then those pesky progressives started insisting on child labor laws and overtime laws and minimum wage and the wealthy whined that this would stifle growth...

But a funny thing happened. It created a prosperous middle class instead, and we enjoyed unprecedented prosperty.

Until the REpublicans started fucking it up.

Your ignorance is so big it makes VY Canis Majoris look like a grain of sand. You do have one thing right though, the middle class was a creation of government policy. The ultra high tax rates on what was considered high incomes kept people from working for more money once they had enough to support themselves. They also kept tax revenues lower than they are now.

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