Subway founder: Obama has created oppresive regulatory environment

Every time I hear the Nutter's going on about "Obama's" regulations killing small business, I think of a guy I knew up in business-friendly, solidly Republican Oklahoma. He ran a little rural convenience store and BBQ joint, but he closed it down and moved away.

Know why? First, the "free market" soft drink suppliers declined to stop at his store unless he bought a minimum amount, even though their trucks went right by there nearly every day. Next, the STATE health department, not Obama's federal government, came in and told him he'd have to spend multiple thousands of dollars on new refrigeration equipment, even though he'd been using what he had for years and it filled his needs just fine. They threatened to revoke his health license if he didn't comply.

So, he closed it. Now, there are NO grocery stores of any kind, anywhere along about a 40 mile stretch of highway and local residents have to drive to the county seat if they want a Coke or a sandwich.

One more example: The State of Texas, (we all know which party controls that government, don't we?) forced every commercial kitchen in the state to install bigger automatic dry fire extinguishers a few years ago. Overnight, the ones they had (which met the state standard) were suddenly insufficient. No new extinguisher? No health license. It cost our local VFW $2500 to meet the requirement. A lot of smaller restaurants simply closed down.

So..when I hear them babbling on about onerous, liberal, Obama, federal regulations, I have to laugh because they don't seem to be too upset about REPUBLICAN regulations which are doing the same thing. I guess that's alright, huh?

So how does that prove regulations aren't burdensome?
Anyone else see a pattern here? All of the successful entrepreneurs who went from rags to riches admit they wouldn't have been able to start or build their businesses in the current climate that Obama and the communist liberals have created....

The founder of Subway says there’s no way he could start the sandwich chain today, thanks to the oppressive regulatory environment and Obamacare.

Subway Founder: Subway Would Not Exist If Started Today Due to Government Regulations | Washington Free Beacon

I grew up in a city and have been to some good steak an sub shops in my day. Subway doesn't even pass as adequate. The man must consider himself a great entrepreneur to get Americans to buy his shitty product. Subway is a prime example of how large amounts of money can trump small local businesses producing excellent products, because big money can find better locations. It reminds me of how modern coffee makers have replaced the percolators of the past. Americans have swapped quality for convenience in their fast paced world.
Every time I hear the Nutter's going on about "Obama's" regulations killing small business, I think of a guy I knew up in business-friendly, solidly Republican Oklahoma. He ran a little rural convenience store and BBQ joint, but he closed it down and moved away.

Know why? First, the "free market" soft drink suppliers declined to stop at his store unless he bought a minimum amount, even though their trucks went right by there nearly every day. Next, the STATE health department, not Obama's federal government, came in and told him he'd have to spend multiple thousands of dollars on new refrigeration equipment, even though he'd been using what he had for years and it filled his needs just fine. They threatened to revoke his health license if he didn't comply.

So, he closed it. Now, there are NO grocery stores of any kind, anywhere along about a 40 mile stretch of highway and local residents have to drive to the county seat if they want a Coke or a sandwich.

One more example: The State of Texas, (we all know which party controls that government, don't we?) forced every commercial kitchen in the state to install bigger automatic dry fire extinguishers a few years ago. Overnight, the ones they had (which met the state standard) were suddenly insufficient. No new extinguisher? No health license. It cost our local VFW $2500 to meet the requirement. A lot of smaller restaurants simply closed down.

So..when I hear them babbling on about onerous, liberal, Obama, federal regulations, I have to laugh because they don't seem to be too upset about REPUBLICAN regulations which are doing the same thing. I guess that's alright, huh?

So how does that prove regulations aren't burdensome?

It doesn't. It just shows, once again, the hypocrisy and dishonesty of the Nutter's. When's the last time you heard them moaning about regulations imposed by Republican regimes?
So how does that prove regulations aren't burdensome?

It doesn't. It just shows, once again, the hypocrisy and dishonesty of the Nutter's. When's the last time you heard them moaning about regulations imposed by Republican regimes?

It doesn't show anything of the sort. congressional republicans are responsible for the regulations in some city in Oklahoma or Texas. How do you know those were passed by Republicans? You're just assuming they were.

If anything, your examples proved that regulations can kill business. It doesn't matter who passes them, and Obama is passing a lot of them. we already know he intends to shut down the coal industry. About 20% of all coal fired power plants are already slated to be shut down. How will higher utility bills help business or the poor?
Anyone else see a pattern here? All of the successful entrepreneurs who went from rags to riches admit they wouldn't have been able to start or build their businesses in the current climate that Obama and the communist liberals have created....

The founder of Subway says there’s no way he could start the sandwich chain today, thanks to the oppressive regulatory environment and Obamacare.

Subway Founder: Subway Would Not Exist If Started Today Due to Government Regulations | Washington Free Beacon

You mean we might not be able to eat shitty, dry overpriced sandwiches?

yes there should be no regulations. Take a look at china. The middle class there is purely and overtly oppressed and the air is toxic. Yes lets look at their model.

OMG the drama queens are running in pairs now. How did we ever survive the first 150 years, or over the centuries for that matter without regulations?

We didn't.

Fact of the matter is, most people lived in pretty stark misery in the 19th century, with streets full of shit because there was crappy sanitation. Average life expectency of an industrial worker then was less than 50 years.

Then those pesky progressives started insisting on child labor laws and overtime laws and minimum wage and the wealthy whined that this would stifle growth...

But a funny thing happened. It created a prosperous middle class instead, and we enjoyed unprecedented prosperty.

Until the REpublicans started fucking it up.
I guess Deluca is running his European stores as non-profit. He sure as hell pays those employees' medical coverage and a higher wage than in the US.

Europeans also pay a much higher price for the same sandwich. Subway also employs far fewer people than it could in Europe.

And this is bad, why?

OK, numskull. I'll put it in terms as simple as I possibly can:

Which amount would you rather pay for the same exact sandwich, $5.00 or $10.00?

Think carefully, now. Your answer will determine whether you are a moron.
Europeans also pay a much higher price for the same sandwich. Subway also employs far fewer people than it could in Europe.

And this is bad, why?

OK, numskull. I'll put it in terms as simple as I possibly can:

Which amount would you rather pay for the same exact sandwich, $5.00 or $10.00?

Think carefully, now. Your answer will determine whether you are a moron.

Can you post evidence a $5 US sandwich costs $10 in Europe?
People complain now of having to support people on Medicaid, just wait until Obamacare kicks in when our government (us the tax payers) pays the majority of cost on premiums for people under the 400 PLL.

All of the regulations under Obama has created over 12.6 million job losts since he took office and that number is still climbing. Obama continues to make new NAFTA agreements so doing business overseas is viewed as a preferred choice.

America is going down and being destroyed as the sheep sit and watch it.
yes there should be no regulations. Take a look at china. The middle class there is purely and overtly oppressed and the air is toxic. Yes lets look at their model.

OMG the drama queens are running in pairs now. How did we ever survive the first 150 years, or over the centuries for that matter without regulations?

We didn't.

Fact of the matter is, most people lived in pretty stark misery in the 19th century, with streets full of shit because there was crappy sanitation. Average life expectency of an industrial worker then was less than 50 years.

The streets were full of shot because people rode horses then, moron. Henry Ford put an end to that, not the government. Life expectancy was lower because the state of medical science was much less advanced. You can also thank private business for improving medical science. private business and private charities developed penicillin, the polio vaccine and countless other medicines that extend our lives. We are all richer now because private business invested in technology and our stock of capital and greatly increased the productivity of the worker.

Then those pesky progressives started insisting on child labor laws and overtime laws and minimum wage and the wealthy whined that this would stifle growth... .

In the past people had a choice of putting their children to work or watching them starve to death. The greatly improved productivity of labor made possible by private investment is what allowed that to end, not child labor laws.

But a funny thing happened. It created a prosperous middle class instead, and we enjoyed unprecedented prosperty.

Until the REpublicans started fucking it up.

Your theory is a liberal myth. Only morons believe in it. Republicans fucked up nothing. Higher taxes and more government regulations harm our standard of living, so stupid turds like you are the ones fucking it all up.
And this is bad, why?

OK, numskull. I'll put it in terms as simple as I possibly can:

Which amount would you rather pay for the same exact sandwich, $5.00 or $10.00?

Think carefully, now. Your answer will determine whether you are a moron.

Can you post evidence a $5 US sandwich costs $10 in Europe?

I haven't claimed either exists. That isn't the point of the question, moron. Apparently you don't get it either, so I will ask you as well. Which would you rather pay for the same exact sandwich, $5.00 or $10.00? Your answer will determine whether you are a moron.
OK, numskull. I'll put it in terms as simple as I possibly can:

Which amount would you rather pay for the same exact sandwich, $5.00 or $10.00?

Think carefully, now. Your answer will determine whether you are a moron.

Can you post evidence a $5 US sandwich costs $10 in Europe?

I haven't claimed either exists. That isn't the point of the question, moron. Apparently you don't get it either, so I will ask you as well. Which would you rather pay for the same exact sandwich, $5.00 or $10.00? Your answer will determine whether you are a moron.

The person who posed the question took the moron trophy and has already lapped the rink a few times.

Can you prove the prices for Subway sandwiches are higher in Europe, yes or no, and don't play that bullshit game where you compare a downtown London price with Bumfuck, Arkansas?

I'm not saying this to be rhetorical, but I've had many subs, cheese steaks and pizzas from local shops made by Jewish and Italian business owners that were far superior to anything available in these franchise chains. Those owners took pride in their business and made products worthy of attracting repeat customers.
Can you post evidence a $5 US sandwich costs $10 in Europe?

I haven't claimed either exists. That isn't the point of the question, moron. Apparently you don't get it either, so I will ask you as well. Which would you rather pay for the same exact sandwich, $5.00 or $10.00? Your answer will determine whether you are a moron.

The person who posed the question took the moron trophy and has already lapped the rink a few times.

Can you prove the prices for Subway sandwiches are higher in Europe, yes or no, and don't play that bullshit game where you compare a downtown London price with Bumfuck, Arkansas?

I'm not saying this to be rhetorical, but I've had many subs, cheese steaks and pizzas from local shops made by Jewish and Italian business owners that were far superior to anything available in these franchise chains. Those owners took pride in their business and made products worthy of attracting repeat customers.

Since you are trying desperately to avoid the answering the question, we can assume you don't see any difference between paying $5.00 or paying $10.00 for the same exact sandwich.

You just officially proved that you are a moron!

I haven't claimed either exists. That isn't the point of the question, moron. Apparently you don't get it either, so I will ask you as well. Which would you rather pay for the same exact sandwich, $5.00 or $10.00? Your answer will determine whether you are a moron.

The person who posed the question took the moron trophy and has already lapped the rink a few times.

Can you prove the prices for Subway sandwiches are higher in Europe, yes or no, and don't play that bullshit game where you compare a downtown London price with Bumfuck, Arkansas?

I'm not saying this to be rhetorical, but I've had many subs, cheese steaks and pizzas from local shops made by Jewish and Italian business owners that were far superior to anything available in these franchise chains. Those owners took pride in their business and made products worthy of attracting repeat customers.

Since you are trying desperately to avoid the answering the question, we can assume you don't see any difference between paying $5.00 or paying $10.00 for the same exact sandwich.

You just officially proved that you are a moron!


If you doubled the price of labor, it wouldn't double the price of a sandwich, because labor isn't near that large of a percentage of the price of doing business.

You brought up the point about prices to claim Europe pays that price and wormed out when challenged.
The person who posed the question took the moron trophy and has already lapped the rink a few times.

Can you prove the prices for Subway sandwiches are higher in Europe, yes or no, and don't play that bullshit game where you compare a downtown London price with Bumfuck, Arkansas?

I'm not saying this to be rhetorical, but I've had many subs, cheese steaks and pizzas from local shops made by Jewish and Italian business owners that were far superior to anything available in these franchise chains. Those owners took pride in their business and made products worthy of attracting repeat customers.

Since you are trying desperately to avoid the answering the question, we can assume you don't see any difference between paying $5.00 or paying $10.00 for the same exact sandwich.

You just officially proved that you are a moron!


If you doubled the price of labor, it wouldn't double the price of a sandwich, because labor isn't near that large of a percentage of the price of doing business.

You brought up the point about prices to claim Europe pays that price and wormed out when challenged.

You still aren't answering the question. You have already proved that you're a moron.

It's a simple question: which would you rather pay for the exact same sandwich, $5.00 or $10.00?
Since you are trying desperately to avoid the answering the question, we can assume you don't see any difference between paying $5.00 or paying $10.00 for the same exact sandwich.

You just officially proved that you are a moron!


If you doubled the price of labor, it wouldn't double the price of a sandwich, because labor isn't near that large of a percentage of the price of doing business.

You brought up the point about prices to claim Europe pays that price and wormed out when challenged.

You still aren't answering the question, moron. You have already proved that you're a moron.

Explain why you brought this point up and now claim you weren't saying it about Europe!
"It takes real ignorance to try to judge our past by today's standards, those people built a nation envied by the world with the best knowledge the had available and as knowledge was gained things changed. Now we are to the point of diminishing returns on regulations and most are put in place by bureaucrats trying to justify their jobs, not because there is a real need for them."


Thank yo, OKTexas!

I really doubt that most of the world's wealthy nations envy our healthcare system and it's costs, nor do they envy American's addiction to unhealthy fast food (which contributes to the high cost of the US's healthcare).!

There are enough patients from those wealthy nations who come to the United States for health care when they can't find it in their own country.

I don't know much about the eating habits of wealthy nations like Brunei, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain, but I can safely say that the fat and sugar content of foods made in wealthy Europe and wealthy America is different ONLY that foods in America are inspected for quality, while in Europe they serve horse meat pretending it's beef.

There is no such thing as "unhealthy food". Grammatically, the do-gooders should know that the words 'healthy" and "unhealthy" refer to PEOPLE; describing food with the same intention should be "wholesome" or "unwholesome".

Nutritionally, only not adhering to moderation is bad for you.

WOW dude, I hope you didn't pay for your education. If you did, ask for your money back.

Oh and while you are waiting, eat only at Mcdonalds, all your meals for a month. Let us know how that works out for you. Remember. Eat McDonalds in moderation. But make sure all you eat is from Mcdonalds. The "wholesome" fast food. Right?
This guy couldn't do now what he did in 1965?

Even with all these rich job creators paying a top rate of under 40%?

The top tax rate in 1965 was 70%. The minimum wage btw, adjusted for inflation, was much higher than it is now.

OMG, how did he do it?

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