Successful right wingers should consider themselves lucky

There’s a certain poster on this board who seems to enjoy spending his fabulous retirement chiding others about their ‘little lives’. And because he made a bunch of money with Microsoft in the early days, he feels entitled to do it. Problem is, he was lucky.

Bill Gates didn’t know the company would explode so there’s no way in hell he could have. Gates was the lucky guy who was in the right place at the right time for a profound paradigm shift. And it didn’t hurt that he was an unscrupulous weasel either. This other guy was along for the ride.

He’ll rightfully claim that he worked hard during that time. Big deal. A lot of people work hard. I work hard. I’ve had years worth of 60, 70, 80+ hour work weeks and while I’m comfortable, I’m not all that comfortable. My brother-in-law has worked for four separate start-ups, two of which went public and it wasn’t enough to elevate him out of the middle class.

Of course, looking back, I’m sure he thinks his success was preordained and ALL due to his amazing talent and hard work. I never cease to be amazed at the brass balls that right wingers who’ve ‘made it’ display to the rest of the world.

Awaiting your hate...

Why do you think he's like this because he's supposedly a "rightwinger".

To be honest, some of the most big-head obnoxious narcissists I've met were college professors with liberal ideologies.

Let's call the guy an asshole and leave it at that. :D

Undeniable fact of life, MOST people would not make the trade required to be extremely successful.

Most would never want to work that hard.

Not just the work, but the investment. I know two people who built businesses. They borrowed a lot of money and depleted their savings investing in their business. They barely broke even after a few years. They both had spouses that worked and they got a second job and they barely got by for a few years. One of my friends lived in a travel traveler to save expenses. Now her and her husband are in a gorgeous large house with a swimming pool. It took a good ten years for them to really see their efforts pay off.

I don't know many willing to sacrifice that much and put everything they have into their dream. Of course, now they employ other people and they are very concerned about how Obamacare will affect them if/when the employer mandate become reality. They aren't crazy about the idea of kicking their employees to Obamacare, so we'll see what happens. I hope they survive this administration's "help."

Most people play it safe. They work, save as much money as possible by living within their means to avoid debt and they get by okay. Self-made wealthy people went far beyond that and didn't play it safe. It's sink or swim because they lose everything and end up in deep debt if things don't work out.
We are all the sum total of our decisions, you are the only one that can take credit for your situation, period, end of story. Luck over a lifetime isn't really a factor, many have made fortunes and lost it due to poor decisions.
There’s a certain poster on this board who seems to enjoy spending his fabulous retirement chiding others about their ‘little lives’. And because he made a bunch of money with Microsoft in the early days, he feels entitled to do it. Problem is, he was lucky.

Bill Gates didn’t know the company would explode so there’s no way in hell he could have. Gates was the lucky guy who was in the right place at the right time for a profound paradigm shift. And it didn’t hurt that he was an unscrupulous weasel either. This other guy was along for the ride.

He’ll rightfully claim that he worked hard during that time. Big deal. A lot of people work hard. I work hard. I’ve had years worth of 60, 70, 80+ hour work weeks and while I’m comfortable, I’m not all that comfortable. My brother-in-law has worked for four separate start-ups, two of which went public and it wasn’t enough to elevate him out of the middle class.

Of course, looking back, I’m sure he thinks his success was preordained and ALL due to his amazing talent and hard work. I never cease to be amazed at the brass balls that right wingers who’ve ‘made it’ display to the rest of the world.

Awaiting your hate...

Why do you think he's like this because he's supposedly a "rightwinger".

To be honest, some of the most big-head obnoxious narcissists I've met were college professors with liberal ideologies.

Let's call the guy an asshole and leave it at that. :D


Point taken.
I still dont get what right wing has to do with it, other than democrats hate the rich, except people who think like them, suprise suprise.
"Successful right wingers should consider themselves lucky"

Luck is the residue of design. :thup:
What I find amusing is that people who work hard and make the effort to succeed and who accomplish it are trashed while people who make no effort are proclaimed victims of a unjust society. The only true failure is failure to try this nation can and does offer everyone equal opportunity to succeed but it can't promise equal results if you feel there is another country you could do better in go for it.

I'm all for people being successful. Where it goes south is when they adopt this arrogant attitude that everyone could be similarly successful if they'd only work harder. They completely discount the role of luck in the equation.

There's no doubt luck plays a part in someone becoming successful I think the majority of rich successful people would acknowledge that what I see more and more of is people acting like luck is primary reason someone becomes successful and discounts the hard work, dedication,and sacrifice that goes into it.

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