Sucks of goats to off the scale?


Jul 14, 2009
We aught to put a little more effort into the levels since they put so much into being stupid.
Jose displays epic suckage.
Jose sucks to the max
Jose just made a plate of suffering suckotash
Jose sucks and swallows...and enjoys the warm feeling in his belly.
Jose is in the green last time I checked
Christopheria is manytimes goatsuckage

georgephillip x2
P F Tinmore will always suck goats, but wants more out of the relationship.
Jose is in the green last time I checked
Christopheria is manytimes goatsuckage

georgephillip x2
P F Tinmore will always suck goats, but wants more out of the relationship.

I'd really like to know how many red badges Christophera would have if the board didn't stop at 5.
Originally posted by Mr.Fitnah
Jose is in the green last time I checked

Not green yet, Fitnah... but getting there.

I actually miss the damn red blots. I felt like I was on my period or something.
  • Thanks
Reactions: Jos
Too bad each one can't be customized.

"Bullfighter secretly loves Mexicans"

"Chistophera is an OCTA sock"

"Terrall is a reptoid"
Jose is in the green last time I checked
Christopheria is manytimes goatsuckage

georgephillip x2
P F Tinmore will always suck goats, but wants more out of the relationship.

I just used Jose as an example since he was in the deep red for a while.
A better measure of suckage can be found in the words people post than the collective votes against them.
A better measure of suckage can be found in the words people post than the collective votes against them.

If you want to spend the time reading their ....
Unless you're a brand new noob who showed your ass to the wrong person, you've got to seriously suck to be in the red around here.

We're not talking garden variety Hoover troll suckage. We're talking epic suckage. Suckage of massive, hulking proportions. Suckage that makes black holes jealous.

Yep, there oughtta be a little creativity involved in describing the exact level of suck. There should be some reason not to skip over their posts completely, right?
In 2001 Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords made a pilgrimage to Israel that she has called a turning point in her life. During that same year, Israeli forces killed 103 children, 31 by head shots.

In the last ten years the IDF has killed at least 255 Palestinian children using head shots. In 2009 the UK Telegraph asked a Sinai physician about the nature of these shootings:

"'I can't precisely decide whether these children are being shot at as a target, but in some cases the bullet comes from the front of the head and goes towards the back, so I think the gun has been directly pointed at the child.'"

If the only victim of the Tuscon shootings had been a congressperson who could always be counted on to support Israeli war crimes, the concept of karma would be much easier to apply.

Nine year-old Christina Taylor Green among the other victims seems the most tragic loss.

"It is equally tragic to read of nine-year-old Akaber, killed by Israeli gunfire to her head while riding in her uncle’s car to get medical stitches removed, and of the 29 other nine-year-olds killed by Israeli forces in the past decade, eight of them by Israeli gunfire to the head...

"But there is hope that Gabrielle Giffords is going to survive

"Let us pray that she recovers fully, that she is able to return to Congress, and that she then works to prevent others – including Palestinians – from being shot in the head.

Alison Weir: Shot in the Head

His source? An opinion piece on Look at the unproven numbers he cites and still this place allows this drivel?

But which this forum seems to allow, even when the rules are clear that you must cite sources when you create attachments. What he did is not free speech.

It is a lie of false attachment. Reported and allowed.

So what is not allowed here?

Georgephillip =
The TOS say you have to give a link. It doesn't say it has to be a good one. :lol:

Embarrassing them by holding their feet to the fire sometimes helps. Assuming they have shame, that is. If not, you'll just get more opinion pieces from blogs. *shrug*

It happens in every forum, but I tend to avoid the ME arguments like the plague here. My tolerance for fools, trolls and liars seems to be wearing thin lately. :)
Here are the levels:

  • (poster) is on their way down.
  • (poster) is not well liked.
  • (poster) is likely a worthless troll
  • (poster) should be ignored at all costs
  • (poster) sucks off goats
  • (poster) is off the scale.

I think it would be cool to have some additional ones mixed into that.

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