Sudden Silence From All Those Biden/Afghanistan Defenders

how many troops, American citizens and Afghan friendlies died due to that withdrawal.
Pretty sure after the Surrender was signed we stopped reporting those Afghani figures but ...

"In the third week of October 2020, the Washington Post reported that, “the Taliban staged 356 attacks, two suicide bombings and 52 mine explosions across the country, killing 51 civilians and wounding 157. They said more than 400 insurgents were killed but did not give casualty figures for Afghan forces. A suicide bombing Saturday in Kabul, which killed at least 24 students, was claimed by the Islamic State group, a rival extremist organization."

No one is arguing that we shouldn't have left Afghanistan, douchebag. Joe is totally responsible for how the task was conducted. He's totally responsible for every American who was killed or left behind.

The Generals were. Ya'll whined to high heaven that President Biden ignored their advice, so you didn't mean it? Why did the guy who made the deal not leave the military a working plan to get everybody out by the deadline he set?
The Generals were. Ya'll whined to high heaven that President Biden ignored their advice, so you didn't mean it? Why did the guy who made the deal not leave the military a working plan to get everybody out by the deadline he set?
The US government isn't responsible for evacuating civilians. .. nor do they have authority over US citizens abroad.
Pretty sure after the Surrender was signed we stopped reporting those Afghani figures but ...

"In the third week of October 2020, the Washington Post reported that, “the Taliban staged 356 attacks, two suicide bombings and 52 mine explosions across the country, killing 51 civilians and wounding 157. They said more than 400 insurgents were killed but did not give casualty figures for Afghan forces. A suicide bombing Saturday in Kabul, which killed at least 24 students, was claimed by the Islamic State group, a rival extremist organization."

You seemed to be so very concerned about the lives of the Afghan forces not to mention the Taliban scum. How about our military, our citizens, don't they count in your eyes? Trump did not cause the deaths of either for the last year or two. Biden killed many in a heartbeat. Quit trying to defend him, you are convincing nobody. Biden is a disaster at home and abroad and he should rot in hell.
The Generals were. Ya'll whined to high heaven that President Biden ignored their advice, so you didn't mean it? Why did the guy who made the deal not leave the military a working plan to get everybody out by the deadline he set?
The generals don't make policy decisions, you dumbfuck. Why should Trump make a plan for Biden to follow when the later is likely to tear it up the minute he gets into office?
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-If Biden had two back legs to stand on he could have counter-manded everything Trump did and put in a plan that wasn't as disastrous as the one he is ultimately responsible for.
Trump had already made the concessions per the Doha agreement so no, not without reverting back to war he couldn't take back those concession. President Biden tasked our best military minds for the plan that he ultimately approved. Nice backhanded slap at the military. They didn't lose any lives in combat and only lost them to a suicide bombing which even during the truce was not uncommon in Kabul.
Like his EO actions on Trump's policies concerning the pipeline and the border and energy.
LOL. Squirrel..
You seemed to be so very concerned about the lives of the Afghan forces not to mention the Taliban scum. How about our military, our citizens, don't they count in your eyes? Trump did not cause the deaths of either for the last year or two. Biden killed many in a heartbeat. Quit trying to defend him, you are convincing nobody. Biden is a disaster at home and abroad and he should rot in hell.
First of all we were talking about a time where the Rabid Right portrays Afghanistan as calm and serine because of the Exalted One Accords, when in fact the battle was still raging, without us. Your characterization of my example of that continued fighting under Trump as "very concened' shows everything I need to know about your style.
First of all we were talking about a time where the Rabid Right portrays Afghanistan as calm and serine because of the Exalted One Accords, when in fact the battle was still raging, without us. Your characterization of my example of that continued fighting under Trump as "very concened' shows everything I need to know about your style.
You are giving me a headache. I will try my best to ignore your warped view of reality from now on.
Why should Trump make a plan
Exactly my point all along. After gifting the Taliban the Reduction to 2500 troops and no plan going forward after that (well except to punt) he was stabbing the military in the back and limiting the next administration actions.
You are giving me a headache. I will try my best to ignore your warped view of reality from now on.
You also asked about the Afghan friendlies.

What was the new CIC suppose to do with 2500 troops being protected by a truce until May 1st. Do you think the 6100 troops that were pulled out in Trumps lame duck withdrawal could have been of some use by the Military in planning the withdrawal? Planning the withdrawal with 8600 troops would look a lot different than planning with 2500.
Exactly my point all along. After gifting the Taliban the Reduction to 2500 troops and no plan going forward after that (well except to punt) he was stabbing the military in the back and limiting the next administration actions.
One thing Trump said he wouldn't do before leaving Talibanistan was leave an intact airport behind to be
used against us and countless arms and military accoutrements...not forgetting all the thousands of people
left behind by Joe Biden.

Donald Trump never got the chance to fully implement his plan due to the dubious 2020 election
speaking of being "stabbed in the back".

I don't know how he "stabbed" the military in the back or "limited" Biden's actions since leaving Afghanistan
instantly seemed to be Joe's only interest.
Ah Stinky, I still stand by my statements.

Still resorting to insults rather than answer the question I see.

"Why did the Dirty Don wait until after his loss to Biden to try these drastic moves? How did the Afghan Army and the Government feel about him cutting US forces 70% below the level set in the Accords, even though the Taliban had only achieved one of the conditions?"

Furthermore the only condition the Taliban met was the truce with US and Allied forces, but not the truce with the Afghan Army or the Government. So all the while the Rabid Right claims that all was calm in Afghanistan for 18 months was a lie. Civilians, Government workers, and their Army were under attack by the Taliban and ISIS terrorist.

I do so enjoy exposing scummy lying low-lives like you.

Let's do it again, real soon....m'kay????
Donald Trump never got the chance to fully implement his plan due to the dubious 2020 election
speaking of being "stabbed in the back".

Is that why he left the Taliban in such a strong position a week before he left office, by reducing our troop strength 70% below the level set by the Doha Accords. Because of his election loss?
First of all we were talking about a time where the Rabid Right portrays Afghanistan as calm and serine because of the Exalted One Accords, when in fact the battle was still raging, without us. Your characterization of my example of that continued fighting under Trump as "very concened' shows everything I need to know about your style.
You're lying of course. We have never done that. What we have said is that there were no American deaths for 18 months before the end of the Trump administration. That point is irrefutable
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You're lying of course. We have never done that. What we have said is that there were no American deaths for 18 months for the end of the Trump administration. That point is irrefutable
Irrefutable and inexcusable that the truce wasn't extended to the Afghan Army and Government workers and civilians even though it was included in Trumps Surrender Accords. Trump did not enforce that condition on the Taliban.

"In the third week of October 2020, the Washington Post reported that, “the Taliban staged 356 attacks, two suicide bombings and 52 mine explosions across the country, killing 51 civilians and wounding 157. They said more than 400 insurgents were killed but did not give casualty figures for Afghan forces. A suicide bombing Saturday in Kabul, which killed at least 24 students, was claimed by the Islamic State group, a rival extremist organization.
Irrefutable and inexcusable that the truce wasn't extended to the Afghan Army and Government workers and civilians even though it was included in Trumps Surrender Accords. Trump did not enforce that condition on the Taliban.

"In the third week of October 2020, the Washington Post reported that, “the Taliban staged 356 attacks, two suicide bombings and 52 mine explosions across the country, killing 51 civilians and wounding 157. They said more than 400 insurgents were killed but did not give casualty figures for Afghan forces. A suicide bombing Saturday in Kabul, which killed at least 24 students, was claimed by the Islamic State group, a rival extremist organization.
OK, we get it, your horrified by the Afghan deaths. Let us know how broken up you are for the 13 military deaths that Biden's decisions caused. Try to do that without nary a mention of the name Trump.
OK, we get it, your horrified by the Afghan deaths. Let us know how broken up you are for the 13 military deaths that Biden's decisions caused. Try to do that without nary a mention of the name Trump.

Truly your callous disregard for the lives of the Afghan civilians, as well as the other 2448 American fatalities in your effort to beat Biden with the 13 soldiers we lost in a terrorist attack in Kabul must be an inspiration for the Neo-GOP faithful everywhere.
Truly your callous disregard for the lives of the Afghan civilians, as well as the other 2448 American fatalities in your effort to beat Biden with the 13 soldiers we lost in a terrorist attack in Kabul must be an inspiration for the Neo-GOP faithful everywhere.

"Truly your callous disregard for the lives....."

Wait......didn't you vote for the party that insists on nuclear arming the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?????"
"Truly your callous disregard for the lives....."

Wait......didn't you vote for the party that insists on nuclear arming the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?????"

Why do you keep deflecting from the topic of your thread? You want to talk about how Trump enabled the Iranians to increase their enrichment processes by dropping out of that multi-national pac? Really?

Did you ever answer the question why Trump flip-flopped on his original order to completely withdraw by Jan 15th 2021 to only pulling out 70% of the Troops the week before he left office?

Was it some kind of rage stage in his election loss that he was going through or what?

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