Sudden Silence From All Those Biden/Afghanistan Defenders

Read the Doha Accords. That was also Trump's plan, which is why the Kabul Quislings weren't even invited to Doha when the agreement was hammered out.

Funny thing, I don't have a problem with getting out of Afghanistan. We should have done that in 2009, when it was pretty clear that the Quislings were just trying to steal as much money as we were shoveling over there.

I have a problem with Trump taking no responsibility for HIS agreement, but Trump never takes responsibility for anything. Biden at least does.
The agreement was great, sadly the Taliban didn't live up to their part, and then you dembots elected the surrendered in chief Joey Xiden who ignored the agreement, and the military and gave the country back to the terrorist, while leaving behind Americans, and betraying our allies....
Sell out the Afghan Government.
Expect them to continue to fight while we withdrew.

Oh, wait, they didn't continue to fight after Trump sold them out?
Trump kept the peace. Now we are suffering as we have reengaged back into the swamp and globalism. The Founding Fathers told us about this. This is a total Biden cluster phuk. He caused it. Progs caused it with the help of same thinking Repubs and the massive sea of unelected swampers. The citizens are being slowly destroyed and he said we will suffer some more from a Russian incursion. Demonic is what Progs are using a face of love from social justice.
As is usual, with SUBS, no counter argument is offered, since said SUB lacks the cognitive ability to do so....

Why did W flip off TNA and hand Afghan to Taliban?

Why did Biden leave billions $$ of US arms for Taliban?

Why did Col Tim Osman trust Taliban?

Questions cause SUB 5 IQ brains to crash....
Tim Osman? You believe that crap?
. Trump had already agreed to the Taliban s demands.
What difference does that make? Biden agreed to even worse demands.

Get this through your heads: Biden caused the disaster in Afghanistan, not Trump. Biden was at the helm at the time, not Trump. These attempts to pin it on Trump are ridiculous and pathetic.
Seems like great goals...
Carter was the last president who tried to reduce our presence on the world stage, but he reversed course when the USSR invaded Afghanistan. The Carter Doctrine was the basis for our interventions in the ME for over 40 years.

Why did the Dirty Don wait until after his loss to Biden to try these drastic moves? How did the Afghan Army and the Government feel about him cutting US forces 70% below the level set in the Accords, even though the Taliban had only achieved one of the conditions?

"Did you vote for the power-crazed intellectual and moral deficient Orange Con-Man or did you vote against the dawn of authoritarianism and dynastic rule?

Stupid post, but I'll give you one more chance:



.....Or this.....


Let's see how smart you are.

Many of us know already.
The Taliban wasn't complying with the agreement, so these demands could easily have been ignored.
Trump let them slide and followed our obligations during his term. For a bonus to the Taliban, after he became a lame duck, he reduced our troop level 70% below the level set in the Accords.

Yep the General assured the incoming administration that with 20 or 25 thousand fresh troops we could get the upper hand on the Taliban again. We'd just have to break the truce and fight them again. Go back to war.
Carter was the last president who tried to reduce our presence on the world stage, but he reversed course when the USSR invaded Afghanistan. The Carter Doctrine was the basis for our interventions in the ME for over 40 years.

Why did the Dirty Don wait until after his loss to Biden to try these drastic moves? How did the Afghan Army and the Government feel about him cutting US forces 70% below the level set in the Accords, even though the Taliban had only achieved one of the conditions?

Why would anyone pay any attention to your posts when you are an exposed liar????

You wrote this:

I am often wrong and am more than willing to admit my mistakes.

I wrote:

Let's check: did you make a mistake voting for Biden?

You responded:


post 5

The agreement was great, sadly the Taliban didn't live up to their part, so these demands could easily have been ignored.

The timeframe for compliance was within the Trumps term in office. It was up to the CiC to make sure the Taliban lived up to the conditions before we complied. That's why it was called condition based. Trump ignored their violations and continued to met all our agreed upon conditions. Then when he became a lame duck he went further and reduced our troop level 70% below the level set in the Accords. He did this one week before the new administration took office.
The timeframe for compliance was within the Trumps term in office. It was up to the CiC to make sure the Taliban lived up to the conditions before we complied. That's why it was called condition based. Trump ignored their violations and continued to met all our agreed upon conditions. Then when he became a lame duck he went further and reduced our troop level 70% below the level set in the Accords. He did this one week before the new administration took office.
no it wasn’t…he gave a potential withdraw of may of 2021
Why would anyone pay any attention to your posts when you are an exposed liar????

You wrote this:

I am often wrong and am more than willing to admit my mistakes.

I wrote:

Let's check: did you make a mistake voting for Biden?

You responded:

Ah Stinky, I still stand by my statements.

Still resorting to insults rather than answer the question I see.

"Why did the Dirty Don wait until after his loss to Biden to try these drastic moves? How did the Afghan Army and the Government feel about him cutting US forces 70% below the level set in the Accords, even though the Taliban had only achieved one of the conditions?"

Furthermore the only condition the Taliban met was the truce with US and Allied forces, but not the truce with the Afghan Army or the Government. So all the while the Rabid Right claims that all was calm in Afghanistan for 18 months was a lie. Civilians, Government workers, and their Army were under attack by the Taliban and ISIS terrorist.
no it wasn’t…he gave a potential withdraw of may of 2021
"The United States will reduce the number of U.S. military forces in Afghanistan to 8,600 and implement other commitments in the U.S.-Taliban agreement within 135 days of the announcement of this joint declaration and the U.S.-Taliban agreement, and will work with its allies and the Coalition to reduce proportionally the number of Coalition forces in Afghanistan over an equivalent period, subject to the Taliban’s fulfillment of its commitments under the U.S.- Taliban agreement."

Meeting those condition was all on Trump. Why the lame duck reduction from 8600 to 2500 on Jan 15th? But you think Joe Biden should have broken the truce and re-invaded because Trump fucked up and met all the conditions and let them slide by meeting only one? How many soldier would that have killed?
The timeframe for compliance was within the Trumps term in office. It was up to the CiC to make sure the Taliban lived up to the conditions before we complied. That's why it was called condition based. Trump ignored their violations and continued to met all our agreed upon conditions. Then when he became a lame duck he went further and reduced our troop level 70% below the level set in the Accords. He did this one week before the new administration took office.
It's Biden's fault, douchebag. The bottom line is that he was incharge of the disaster. No amount of special pleading will make Trump responsible for it.

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