Sudden Silence From All Those Biden/Afghanistan Defenders

Can you prove any of that ridiculous assumption? No, you can't.
He wanted to

1. Get us out of Afghanistan.

2. Get us out of Iraq and Syria.

3. Complete the withdrawal from Germany.

4. Get us out of Africa.

It was Nov. 9, 2020
That was the problem for years.

He did what Bush, Obama and Trump didn't have the balls to do.
You people are absolutely clueless. The only reason Biden deserted Afhganastan is that Trump started the ball rolling. Biden is too damn dumb to come up with a workable exit plan. To make matters even worse he also ignored the general's good advice and screwed it all up at the cost of too many lives.
You people are absolutely clueless. The only reason Biden deserted Afhganastan is that Trump started the ball rolling. Biden is too damn dumb to come up with a workable exit plan. To make matters even worse he also ignored the general's good advice and screwed it all up at the cost of too many lives.

The Generals wanted to re-invade with a lot more than 2500 troops and maintain the 20 year status quo. That was the first decision President Biden made. No to the forever war. Then he tasked his General to come up with an evacuation plan. Why? Because there was no plan to get out by May 1st. The Trump Surrender agreement deadline and the deadline for the Truce Trump negotiated too.

One life is too many but if he had taken the Generals initial advice and continue our presence in the country the casualties to US personal would have been much higher than 13. The killing of Afghan civilians or engagements with the Afghan Army never really stopped even though the Surrender Accords call for them to cease.

Trump deserted the Afghanis, Biden was the clean up crew for that 20 year failed nation building exercise.
The Generals wanted to re-invade with a lot more than 2500 troops and maintain the 20 year status quo. That was the first decision President Biden made. No to the forever war. Then he tasked his General to come up with an evacuation plan. Why? Because there was no plan to get out by May 1st. The Trump Surrender agreement deadline and the deadline for the Truce Trump negotiated too.

One life is too many but if he had taken the Generals initial advice and continue our presence in the country the casualties to US personal would have been much higher than 13. The killing of Afghan civilians or engagements with the Afghan Army never really stopped even though the Surrender Accords call for them to cease.

Trump deserted the Afghanis, Biden was the clean up crew for that 20 year failed nation building exercise.
Biden deserted the Afghanis. Trump wasn't in office at the time, moron.
Biden deserted the Afghanis. Trump wasn't in office at the time, moron.
The Generals testified that the Taliban met only one condition of Trumps accord yet for some reason Trump reduced our troop level 70% (2500) more than were called for in those Accords (8600).

Rest assured though, the same Generals told the incoming President that with a mere 20 to 25 thousand fresh meat sacs, ops, I mean soldiers, they could take back all those loses and begin to turn things around again for good.

Biden did not come to their rescue by sacrificing more American blood. He was willing to take that hit. Those who disparage him for that choice are despicable.

He had set the date for May of 2021, then Biden changed it to September 11, 2021, then he figured out that 9/11 wouldn't work and changed to August and he still botched it after 8 months of his planning.

Kind of hard to "plan" when you stop paying your quislings to fight for you.

Biden did exactly what we had to do, set a date to get out and got out. Period.

20 years of useless war was more than enough.
I got it, you are as smart as all the military advisors. It's a wonder that the Democratic Party hasn't hired you on, you claim to be so smart on every subject. We are all in awe of you!

Here's the problem with that. The military advisors were the ones who created this mess, who kept shoveling hundreds of billions of dollars and thousands of lives into Afghanistan, only for us to end up where we started, with the Taliban in charge.

What we need to do is actually sack every flag officer in the service right now, as they are all subject to the kind of "Group think" that got us into this mess.

So Biden's solution was to...surrender to the Taliban.


Read the Doha Accords. That was also Trump's plan, which is why the Kabul Quislings weren't even invited to Doha when the agreement was hammered out.

Funny thing, I don't have a problem with getting out of Afghanistan. We should have done that in 2009, when it was pretty clear that the Quislings were just trying to steal as much money as we were shoveling over there.

I have a problem with Trump taking no responsibility for HIS agreement, but Trump never takes responsibility for anything. Biden at least does.
It remains a one-question IQ test: "Which party did you vote for in '20????"

"Did you vote for the power-crazed intellectual and moral deficient Orange Con-Man or did you vote against the dawn of authoritarianism and dynastic rule?
He wanted to

1. Get us out of Afghanistan.

2. Get us out of Iraq and Syria.

3. Complete the withdrawal from Germany.

4. Get us out of Africa.

It was Nov. 9, 2020
Seems like great goals...we've been in Germany since WW2...why the heck are we still there? Especially with their Govt colluding with Putin and undermining NATO

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