Sudden Silence From All Those Biden/Afghanistan Defenders

The truce between US force and the Taliban was the only condition the Taliban met. There was open warfare between the Taliban and the Afghan Army we supported. According to the Generals testimony, the 2500 were the minimum troops they said they needed to continue to support the Afghan Army. You see Trump ordered the complete withdrawal by Jan 15th but flip flopped when the generals reminded him of our obligations until May 1st. There was no plan forwarded to the military for the May 1st evacuation date. Furthermore they had to redeploy over twice that many for the evacuation.

The rabid right makes a mockery of the sacrifice the last 13 soldiers killed in that 20 year war made.
as you said----"You see Trump ordered the complete withdrawal by Jan 15th but flip-flopped when the generals reminded him of our obligations until May 1st". Because it is Trump you categorized it as a flip flop when in fact he LISTENED to his generals and followed their suggestions. What did your a**hole Biden do other than ignoring good advice?
they’ve had a deep anger towards the father of the GOP ever since he freed their slaves

Bigger than even that.....

"They hate conservatives. They hate our country. They hate the American flag. They hate police. They hate traditional values. They hate rural voters. They hate rural America. They hate working class people. They hate those without college degrees. They hate anything not situated in urban America."
Intolerance: Oh, So This Is Why Around Half Of Liberals Can't Stand Being Around Trump Supporters
If Biden didn't screw it up. They would be alive today.
Wow. Way to not blame the Terrorist who blew himself up to killed all those civilians and soldiers. One could make that callous remark about every president.

If is the most powerful word. If for instance, there was a smooth transfer of power to the new team perhaps a smoother evacuation plan could have been developed to meet the May 1st timeline instead of the paralysis that existed after Jan 15th.
Wow. Way to not blame the Terrorist who blew himself up to killed all those civilians and soldiers. One could make that callous remark about every president.

If is the most powerful word. If for instance, there was a smooth transfer of power to the new team perhaps a smoother evacuation plan could have been developed to meet the May 1st timeline instead of the paralysis that existed after Jan 15th.
All Biden had to do was get our people out first and the people that helped us. Then get the troops out, and it would've worked out. But Biden is too stupid to do it.
what would have occurred had not your sort been successful in stealing the election.

That is how your leader justified his actions regarding his parting Gift to the Taliban. When his loss was announced he must have been very angry at the country and he set out to do as much harm to us on the world stage as he could.

That is how your leader justified his actions regarding his parting Gift to the Taliban. When his loss was announced he must have been very angry at the country and he set out to do as much harm to us on the world stage as he could.

You wrote this:

I am often wrong and am more than willing to admit my mistakes.

I wrote:

Let's check: did you make a mistake voting for Biden?

You responded:


post 5
All Biden had to do was get our people out first and the people that helped us. Then get the troops out, and it would've worked out. But Biden is too stupid to do it.
Damn, if only we had the generals testimony about what happened after the new administration took over.....
Damn, if only we had the generals testimony about what happened after the new administration took over.....
Anyone knows you get your people out first. If he did that, those 13 soldiers wouldn't have been there. So yes Biden gets the blame.
Trump had already cut US troops from 13,000 to 2500 and freed 5,000 prisoners before September 2020.
Yep, Trump made major steps towards peace in the region....but he didn't free any prisoners, he helped broker the prisoner exchange between the Taliban and the Afghan Govt. where both got folks released. It was a big step towards peace, but then Xiden screwed it up....and well the dembots that were stupid enough to vote for the idiot
as you said----"You see Trump ordered the complete withdrawal by Jan 15th but flip-flopped when the generals reminded him of our obligations until May 1st". Because it is Trump you categorized it as a flip flop when in fact he LISTENED to his generals and followed their suggestions. What did your a**hole Biden do other than ignoring good advice?
Funny to see a Republican whine about the adjective "Flip flop". Just saying. He might not have been of sound mind when he signed that order for complete withdrawal but he was convinced to change it with not only the above but also the imagines of Saigon in his last week in office that they forecasted. They never discussed the any other options presented to Trump. They did say that the 2500 was a minimal number they needed to continue operations.

As for President Biden, He told the Generals no the continue presence because when the Trump negotiated truce ran out we would need to redeploy tens of thousand new troops to prop up the thing they called a government. That was the first thing he did. Then he tasked them with getting us out. We all know the only weak link in their plan was the failure of the Afghan Army. But they adapted.
No. Stinky......

Let's be clear: this is still your choice:



You are lying scum.....even you aren't this stupid.
By' broker' you mean he demanded the Government release them. 5 to 1.
No, he got the two parties to agree.

Obviously there was going to be more on one side, since they had much more.

You appear to continue to leave the important parts out....regardless, it was Xiden that surrendered and Xiden who screwed up the withdraw, leading to more deaths, the rise of terrorist again, the fall of the Govt of Afghan, and earned himself the contempt of the United Kingdom for his actions.

Xiden lied, people died.
You are lying scum
Oh my!
No, he got the two parties to agree.

Obviously there was going to be more on one side, since they had much more.

You appear to continue to leave the important parts out....regardless, it was Xiden that surrendered and Xiden who screwed up the withdraw, leading to more deaths, the rise of terrorist again, the fall of the Govt of Afghan, and earned himself the contempt of the United Kingdom for his actions.

Xiden lied, people died.
Here is an assesement in Oct 2020.

"Eight of the 14 months in the peace process will elapse at the end of October 2020, and so far, there has been no progress towards defining and reaching an actual peace – and no clear progress towards ending the fighting. The Taliban has eased its pressure on U.S. and foreign forces – in return for ongoing force cuts and freeing Taliban prisoners. However, it continues to attack Afghan military and government targets in 24 of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces and sometimes in the capital, Kabul.

The fighting is still all too serious. the UN reported on October 14, 2020, that, “several districts of Helmand, including areas near provincial capital Lashkargah, and parts of neighboring Kandahar province have been affected. The highway between Lashkargah and Kandahar – Afghanistan’s second largest city – has been inaccessible due to the presence of improvised explosive devices (IEDs).”4

In the third week of October 2020, the Washington Post reported that, “the Taliban staged 356 attacks, two suicide bombings and 52 mine explosions across the country, killing 51 civilians and wounding 157. They said more than 400 insurgents were killed but did not give casualty figures for Afghan forces. A suicide bombing Saturday in Kabul, which killed at least 24 students, was claimed by the Islamic State group, a rival extremist organization.”

Oh my!

Here is an assesement in Oct 2020.

"Eight of the 14 months in the peace process will elapse at the end of October 2020, and so far, there has been no progress towards defining and reaching an actual peace – and no clear progress towards ending the fighting. The Taliban has eased its pressure on U.S. and foreign forces – in return for ongoing force cuts and freeing Taliban prisoners. However, it continues to attack Afghan military and government targets in 24 of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces and sometimes in the capital, Kabul.

The fighting is still all too serious. the UN reported on October 14, 2020, that, “several districts of Helmand, including areas near provincial capital Lashkargah, and parts of neighboring Kandahar province have been affected. The highway between Lashkargah and Kandahar – Afghanistan’s second largest city – has been inaccessible due to the presence of improvised explosive devices (IEDs).”4

In the third week of October 2020, the Washington Post reported that, “the Taliban staged 356 attacks, two suicide bombings and 52 mine explosions across the country, killing 51 civilians and wounding 157. They said more than 400 insurgents were killed but did not give casualty figures for Afghan forces. A suicide bombing Saturday in Kabul, which killed at least 24 students, was claimed by the Islamic State group, a rival extremist organization.”'re used to being known as lying scum????

Must be a usual occurrence, huh?
Yep, Trump made major steps towards peace in the region....but he didn't free any prisoners, he helped broker the prisoner exchange between the Taliban and the Afghan Govt. where both got folks released. It was a big step towards peace, but then Xiden screwed it up....and well the dembots that were stupid enough to vote for the idiot
Nope. They freed 5000 in September 2000. Trump didn't know much about Afghanistan or the middle east and he was too smart to learn anything. He got zip from the Taliban, just like he got zip from the Chinese and Israelis.
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