Sudden Silence From All Those Biden/Afghanistan Defenders

Read the Doha Accords. That was also Trump's plan, which is why the Kabul Quislings weren't even invited to Doha when the agreement was hammered out.

Funny thing, I don't have a problem with getting out of Afghanistan. We should have done that in 2009, when it was pretty clear that the Quislings were just trying to steal as much money as we were shoveling over there.

I have a problem with Trump taking no responsibility for HIS agreement, but Trump never takes responsibility for anything. Biden at least does.
Biden blames Trump for everything. He's a stupid as you are.
Not really. Lowest estimates were 20 to 25 thousand fresh troops to start a new offensive.

But that was the plan. To box the American military and the next Administration in between a rock and a hard place. Re-invade or use the already establish semi truce and complete the withdrawal as best we can without having to fight our way out.

The President made the right decision.
Everybody running to the airport was the best we could do?

They were released
They were released from prison in September 2020. Biden wasn't president.

Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said on Friday that “thousands” of ISIS-K terrorists have been released from the prison at the Bagram Air Base since President Joe Biden’s administration abandoned it on July 1.​

If you see it as ok to dump on Trump for that prisoner release then I expect you to do the same for Biden because he is the one responsible for that.
Let us hear your condemnation of Biden.
The plan Biden approved had a weak link. After 5 presidential terms and 20 year worth of training, the Army folded and did not defend their country. Course the answer to who gave this advise is in your link

"In June, General Mark Milley told lawmakers that Bagram wasn’t “tactically or operationally” necessary."

“On Bagram, it is not necessary tactically or operationally for what we’re going to try to do here with Afghanistan,” Milley said at the time. “Consolidate on Kabul with support of their government. But to back up a little bit here on the momentum of the Taliban, so to speak, there are 81 district centers that have, that are currently, we think, that are underneath Taliban control.”

“There is no provincial capital that is under Taliban control,” Milley said, later adding, “We’re concerned. We’re watching it. But there’s a 300,000 plus or minus military force, the Afghanistan army and police force, and it is their job to defend their country.”
Trump didn't negotiate with the afghan government... Just the Taliban.
The Afghan government has always been a paper tiger. Outside the cities, the Taliban runs everything. And now, thanks to Joe's surrender, the Taliban runs the whole country.
Bush we
The Afghan government has always been a paper tiger. Outside the cities, the Taliban runs everything. And now, thanks to Joe's surrender, the Taliban runs the whole country.
Afghanistan was a last ditch effort to save Enron.
The Afghan government has always been a paper tiger. Outside the cities, the Taliban runs everything. And now, thanks to Joe's surrender, the Taliban runs the whole country.
Pretty sure most of the thanks for the surrender goes to Trumpyberra's Accords he signed with the Taliban. Oh sure Trump didn't actually have the balls to stand up to the generals and say no to their forever war and gave in to the minimal number of troops they said the needed. But the truce Trump negotiated did provide US troops cover for the withdrawal even after the Afghan Army deserted us. But it was Joe (Head of the Clean Up Crew) who said no more.
Trump agreed to the deal and did nothing as the Taliban ignored the deal. Violent crime has spiked in red states as well. Red states have Republican GOVERNORS.
New flash idiot. XIDEN is fully responsible for HIS screwup I never Afghanistan. By the way, violent crime is spiking in DEM run cities in those Red States.
:auiqs.jpg: Maybe if you leftists didn't like heroin so much, you wouldn't have given so much money to the Taliban togrow your poppies.
The Taliban stopped them from growing poppies. It's a Muslim thing. You didn't know, did you?
Another fine example of how the budding little fascists in the Neo-GOP can dish it out rather nicely:

"You seemed to be so very concerned about the lives of the Afghan forces not to mention the Taliban scum. How about our military, our citizens, don't they count in your eyes? "

But they get all Triggered when forced to take it.

You do make me laugh though, so thanks for that.
No asshole, it’s uneducated, Anti-American shitstains like YOU that are a laughingstock. Bet you laughed when your Dear Leader Xiden killed those CHILDREN in response to the 13 Americans HE allowed to die.

Trump's plan:

1.We will withdraw our civilians first

2. Then we will bring out our allies civilians

3. Next, the Afghans who aided us, the interpreters

4. Only then, will we draw out our US troops.

5. This will be done at Bagram Military Airbase, a fully defensible airport.

Under Biden: “The Bagram district governor, Darwish Raufi, expressed irritation with not being included in the process. He said in a statement that the U.S. military left “without coordinating with security and defense forces and in general without coordinating” with the Afghan government and officials in Bagram district.”

You can't force US citizens to leave and the government doesn't pay to evacuate expats.
No asshole, it’s uneducated, Anti-American shitstains like YOU that are a laughingstock. Bet you laughed when your Dear Leader Xiden killed those CHILDREN in response to the 13 Americans HE allowed to die.
You moron, the US government doesn't evacuate civilians. If you are going to defy warnings from the state department and go to Afghanistan, you're on your own.
You moron, the US government doesn't evacuate civilians. If you are going to defy warnings from the state department and go to Afghanistan, you're on your own.
Hey dumbfuck, there are students and people who aided American forces still over there. Go tell their families they’re on their own coward. Now STFU troll.
No asshole, it’s uneducated, Anti-American shitstains like YOU that are a laughingstock. Bet you laughed when your Dear Leader Xiden killed those CHILDREN in response to the 13 Americans HE allowed to die.
OH hey there Trig, how's it going....
OMG look what they did to U.

Sadly though, it was a reflection of what the WOT devolved into under GW, Obama, and Trump. Where civilians paid a high price in terror attacks and drone reprisals. Every one of those presidents increased the use of drones or warfare by remote. Hopefully Biden will be the first to decrease it, but we'll see.
The agreement was great, sadly the Taliban didn't live up to their part, and then you dembots elected the surrendered in chief Joey Xiden who ignored the agreement, and the military and gave the country back to the terrorist, while leaving behind Americans, and betraying our allies....

Uh, you know, if you really believe this, you are too stupid to have an argument.
If you are just trolling, you are too dishonest.

EVERYONE knew that the Doha accords was turning the country over to the Taliban. We knew it. They knew it. The Afghan Quisling knew it.
Hey dumbfuck, there are students and people who aided American forces still over there. Go tell their families they’re on their own coward. Now STFU troll.
Nope. They were there on their own.. and evidently didn't buy round trip tickets. If they worked for the US government they would have been evacuated. Think twice before you ignore state department travel warnings.
OH hey there Trig, how's it going....
View attachment 602393 OMG look what they did to U.

Sadly though, it was a reflection of what the WOT devolved into under GW, Obama, and Trump. Where civilians paid a high price in terror attacks and drone reprisals. Every one of those presidents increased the use of drones or warfare by remote. Hopefully Biden will be the first to decrease it, but we'll see.
You did nothing to me you ignorant POS. You’re just a pathetic one trick pony. Blame Trump and note that you run like hell from the fact that you support your Dear Leader killing children.

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