Sudden Silence From All Those Biden/Afghanistan Defenders

First of all we were talking about a time where the Rabid Right portrays Afghanistan as calm and serine because of the Exalted One Accords, when in fact the battle was still raging, without us. Your characterization of my example of that continued fighting under Trump as "very concened' shows everything I need to know about your style.
Progs sold themselves as they destroyed Trump and belittled Deplorables as the Masters of Utopia! Still are. Your spews are like the Candyman...Who can take a sunrise.....the candyman can. Only you like the movies.
Why do you keep deflecting from the topic of your thread? You want to talk about how Trump enabled the Iranians to increase their enrichment processes by dropping out of that multi-national pac? Really?

Did you ever answer the question why Trump flip-flopped on his original order to completely withdraw by Jan 15th 2021 to only pulling out 70% of the Troops the week before he left office?

Was it some kind of rage stage in his election loss that he was going through or what?
Why do you keep deflecting from the topic of your thread? You want to talk about how Trump enabled the Iranians to increase their enrichment processes by dropping out of that multi-national pac? Really?

Did you ever answer the question why Trump flip-flopped on his original order to completely withdraw by Jan 15th 2021 to only pulling out 70% of the Troops the week before he left office?

Was it some kind of rage stage in his election loss that he was going through or what?

Why are you afraid to answer this question???

You wrote: "Truly your callous disregard for the lives....."

I put you in your place, thus:
Wait......didn't you vote for the party that insists on nuclear arming the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?????"
Why do you keep deflecting from the topic of your thread? You want to talk about how Trump enabled the Iranians to increase their enrichment processes by dropping out of that multi-national pac? Really?

Did you ever answer the question why Trump flip-flopped on his original order to completely withdraw by Jan 15th 2021 to only pulling out 70% of the Troops the week before he left office?

Was it some kind of rage stage in his election loss that he was going through or what?

Trump did no such thing, liar.

The Democrat's "deal" never had any inspections of Iranian nuclear build-up.

"Iran Caught Hiding Nuclear Work, Sparking Call for Full Sanctions ‘Snapback’"

Iran has been blocking inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) from accessing key sites that the watchdog group has cited for having traces of undisclosed nuclear materials, fueling speculation that Tehran is again engaged in the secret construction of nuclear weapons-grade material.

Recently installed IAEA chief Rafael Griossi took the unprecedented step this week of going public about Iran's intransigence, telling Reuters on Tuesday the Islamic Republic is not living up to multiple commitments under the landmark nuclear accord.

"We have insisted and despite all our efforts we have not been able to get that [access], ..."

Iran Caught Hiding Nuclear Work, Sparking Call for Full Sanctions 'Snapback'

As I have always said, there were never meant to be any inspections.


"Americans and Israelis who hate the new nuclear agreement with Iran are already focusing on one part in particular: It doesn’t authorize snap, no-notice inspections of all locations. Israel’s hard-right Education Minister Naftali Bennett claims the accord is a “farce” because “in order to go and make an inspection, you have to notify the Iranians 24 days in advance.”

This is not exactly right, but close enough. (Iran’s declared nuclear sites will be under continuous monitoring. If the International Atomic Energy Agency wants to inspect a non-declared site and Iran refuses, Iran has 14 days to convince the IAEA it’s doing nothing wrong without providing access. If it can’t, the commission governing the agreement has seven days to vote on whether to force Iran to provide access, and if it does Iran has three more days to comply. The exact procedure is established in paragraphs 74-78 of the agreement text.)"

Why Is Iran’s Refusal to Allow No-Notice Inspections Legit? U.S. History With Iraq


“Particularly troublesome, you have to wait 24 days before you can inspect.”

–Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), speaking to reporters about the international nuclear agreement with Iran, Aug. 10, 2015

“At non-designated sites it will take 24 days to get an inspection.”

–Schumer, speaking to reporters, Aug. 11


" The prime minister exhorted International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Yukiya Amano to “go and inspect this atomic warehouse immediately,” before Iran hides its contents.

A week later, however, the IAEA rejected his suggestion. In a statement, the agency said, “All information obtained, including from third parties, is subject to rigorous review and assessed together with other available information to arrive at an independent assessment based on the agency’s own expertise.”

This wasn’t the first time the IAEA failed to investigate possible Iranian violations discovered by Israeli intelligence. "

... at least twice the IAEA has acknowledged it was not verifying compliance."
What the IAEA doesn't know — or want to know — about Iran’s nuclear program


Proof of the lack of inspections is right here:

“Netanyahu Exposes Iran’s Nuclear Facade

Another secret nuclear facility is revealed as Iran continues to push its nuclear program forward.

Netanyahu’s press conference came hours after the International Atomic Energy Agency revealed that it found traces of uranium from Iran’s secret atomic warehouse.

This latest information comes a year and a half after Netanyahu first revealed Iran’s secret nuclear archive, which exposed Iran’s plan to develop five nuclear warheads as early as 2003. It also comes a year after he exposed an Iranian secret nuclear warehouse in Tehran and asked the International Atomic Energy Agency to inspect the site, where he claimed Iran had once stored 33 pounds of radioactive material, which it disguised as rug cleaner. In April, Reuters reported that the agency had inspected the site and took samples for analysis.

A few hours before Netanyahu’s speech, the International Atomic Energy Agency announced the discovery of traces of uranium from the sample taken at the Tehran warehouse, the same element Iran is enriching and one of the only two fissile elements with which it is possible to develop a nuclear bomb.

Netanyahu responded to the discovery by calling it a direct violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. He also showed satellite images of the warehouse, which illustrate that Iran literally covered it up with gravel.” Netanyahu Exposes Iran’s Nuclear Facade

It was a bad agreement for the beginning. We said it years ago. And let me tell you a few examples about why it is a bad agreement. You cannot inspect the facilities. You have to let them know in advance if you want to come to inspect the military facilities. It's a joke. They continue with a ballistic missile program. Prime Minister Netanyahu exposed documents that we found in Tehran and we showed it to the world that they're continuing with their ballistic missile program. Third, is the issue of the expiration date. What will happen in five, six, seven years and the most important the President has talk about it is the funding. Today they have a lot of funding and they put into their military and sponsoring their proxies in Syria, in Lebanon, in Yemen. They're using that money that they're getting from the Europeans to sponsor terrorism all over the world. Rep. Michael McCaul on Iran deal flaws, immigration policy

Now answer the question about your disregard for human life.
Progs sold themselves as they destroyed Trump and belittled Deplorables as the Masters of Utopia! Still are. Your spews are like the Candyman...Who can take a sunrise.....the candyman can. Only you like the movies.
Masters of Utopia? Awesome. I'm nearly speechless.

Anything but the truth, huh?
Did you ever answer the question why Trump flip-flopped on his original order to completely withdraw by Jan 15th 2021 to only pulling out 70% of the Troops the week before he left office?

Was it some kind of rage stage in his election loss that he was going through or what?
Did you ever answer the question why Trump flip-flopped on his original order to completely withdraw by Jan 15th 2021 to only pulling out 70% of the Troops the week before he left office?

Was it some kind of rage stage in his election loss that he was going through or what?

Were you lying when you claimed concern for human lives????
Were you lying when you claimed concern for human lives????

Why did Trump flip-flop on his original order to completely withdraw by Jan 15th 2021 to only pull out 70% of the Troops the week before he left office?
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Truly your callous disregard for the lives of the Afghan civilians, as well as the other 2448 American fatalities in your effort to beat Biden with the 13 soldiers we lost in a terrorist attack in Kabul must be an inspiration for the Neo-GOP faithful everywhere.
Ok, you miserable, wise-ass despicable creep. Show me, even just one instance where I showed any disregard for any deaths resulting from the war in Afghanistan, especially our brave soldiers. The rest of this forum can put up and support your demented shit but to me, you are figurately dead. Good-bye and good riddance.

Why did Trump flip-flop on his original order to completely withdraw by Jan 15th 2021 to only pull out 70% of the Troops the week before he left office?

Of course you were voted in favor of giving nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.

You will not be allowed to lie and get away with it without being exposed as lying scum.

Think of me as Karma.
Stupid post, but I'll give you one more chance:



.....Or this.....


Let's see how smart you are.

Many of us know already.

Gee.....I wonder why that dolt doesn't want to answer.

Maybe because it proves he's s dolt.
OK, we get it, your horrified by the Afghan deaths. Let us know how broken up you are for the 13 military deaths that Biden's decisions caused. Try to do that without nary a mention of the name Trump.
Trump had those ISIS guys released from prison... 5000 of them.
Of course you were voted in favor of giving nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.

You will not be allowed to lie and get away with it without being exposed as lying scum.

Think of me as Karma.
Israel would stop threatening Iran if they had nukes too.
Israel would stop threatening Iran if they had nukes too.

I love it when you post examples proving your mental condition.

Saves me lots of time.

You’re kinda the modern version of Goebbels, in Gucci loafers instead of hobnail boots.
Ok, you miserable, wise-ass despicable creep. Show me, even just one instance where I showed any disregard for any deaths resulting from the war in Afghanistan, especially our brave soldiers. The rest of this forum can put up and support your demented shit but to me, you are figurately dead. Good-bye and good riddance.
Another fine example of how the budding little fascists in the Neo-GOP can dish it out rather nicely:

"You seemed to be so very concerned about the lives of the Afghan forces not to mention the Taliban scum. How about our military, our citizens, don't they count in your eyes? "

But they get all Triggered when forced to take it.

You do make me laugh though, so thanks for that.
Trump had those ISIS guys released from prison... 5000 of them.
If you see it as ok to dump on Trump for that prisoner release then I expect you to do the same for Biden because he is the one responsible for that.
Let us hear your condemnation of Biden.
They were released
If you see it as ok to dump on Trump for that prisoner release then I expect you to do the same for Biden because he is the one responsible for that.
Let us hear your condemnation of Biden.
They were released from prison in September 2020. Biden wasn't president.

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