Sudden Silence From All Those Biden/Afghanistan Defenders

You lying scum.....I note the lies are becoming more and more diaphanous.

Trump has a plan, he was feared and respected so that it would have been carried out as agreed to.

The Democrats stole the election, making it impossible for Trump's efforts to be put into effect.

You voted for a lose, because you are a loser.

And now you'll lie to try to hide it.
Trump wants money and revenge.
That's true. My questions all centered around what actions President Trump took in the lame duck period culminating on Jan15th 2021, that you kept dodging. But it seems you believe it was his loss in the election that drove him to reduce our troop level way beyond what he agreed to in the Doha Agreement. Or Rather, his belief that it was stolen, that drove him to gift that force reduction to the Taliban. So there is no need to continue your trite insult feast any longer. Unless you believe he had other reasons for his actions?

They're really simple questions.
Why hide, every reader knows both the aswers and your fear of answering.

Who was President for the debacle???

And.....did the sitting President have any obligation to follow a plan by the preceding President?

Why did Biden screw it up so badly???

Why do you vote for failure and injury to America???

And.....exactly when did you become the low-life scummy liar that readers recognize????
US presidents
They're really simple questions.
Why hide, every reader knows both the aswers and your fear of answering.

Who was President for the debacle???

And.....did the sitting President have any obligation to follow a plan by the preceding President?

Why did Biden screw it up so badly???

Why do you vote for failure and injury to America???

And.....exactly when did you become the low-life scummy liar that readers recognize????
US presidents are supposed to honor agreements , treaties made by their predecessors.
US presidents
US presidents are supposed to honor agreements , treaties made by their predecessors.

Then why did you gripe about Trump's phone call to Ukraine, dunce???

....why did Bill 'the rapist' Clinton sign a treaty with the Ukraine with exactly the same purpose?????

"Formal Title

  • Treaty Between the United States of America and Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters with Annex, signed at Kiev on July 22, 1998, and with an Exchange of Notes signed on September 30, 1999, which provides for its provisional application.
Date Received from President

  • 11/10/1999 Text of Treaty Document available as:

....we have proof that the Democrats did exactly what they claim was a crime when Trump does it…..

It's fun when you jam both feet into your mouth.
"Revenge and Spite" against your fellow Americans are the Two Main Pillars of the Neo-GOP and the Trumpitarians.

Against what you voted for, and now you're lying and crying, trying to shed the blame.

When do you change your avi to "LowLifeLyingScum"?????????

Can't wait for the unveiling.

They're really simple questions.
You've already fessed up that for you it was revenge and spite that drove those lame duck decisions. Perhaps you'd like to discuss the ramifications of those lame duck decision and what it meant for the military mission in Afghanistan and for the Surrender Accords Trumpyberra negotiated.
Against what you voted for,

Right. I voted for Biden. A majority of us did. As a result, the Toddler inside the Trumpybear got the better of him and in a fit of spiteful rage and seeking revenge against the Country, Benedict Trump sought to gum up the transfer of power to the winners in every way possible. Including, but not limited to, his final gift to the Taliban.
Is that why he left the Taliban in such a strong position a week before he left office, by reducing our troop strength 70% below the level set by the Doha Accords. Because of his election loss?
Why the pointless whining? Where has Quid Pro Joe shown any inclination whatsoever to hang onto
our last base in Afghanistan?

He went in, in the middle of the night, and shut off electricity to our very useful airbase there
giving it away..

He simply left tens of millions, if not more, in arms for the Taliban to take away and use
for their own.

He has left, by the State Department's own figuring, over nine thousand Americans and allies
to survive somehow on their own in hostile Talibanistan. When was the last time, if ever, that Joe even
pretended to acknowledge the people he stranded there?

Your bitching is perverse. It's that mentally disabled clown Joe Biden who presided over the
final end of US involvement there, though no one made him abruptly and abandon everything like
an evicted squatter.
Why do you keep deflecting from the topic of your thread? You want to talk about how Trump enabled the Iranians to increase their enrichment processes by dropping out of that multi-national pac? Really?
That "multi national pack" was a sham from the start and it was Obama's way of seeing to it Iran
got nuclear capabilities while everyone watched.

Iran was, is and will always be a rogue nation with nuclear ambitions whether they are in Obama's
little pretend pact or not, albeit with millions of dollars he released to them by his imperious decree.
Right. I voted for Biden. A majority of us did. As a result, the Toddler inside the Trumpybear got the better of him and in a fit of spiteful rage and seeking revenge against the Country, Benedict Trump sought to gum up the transfer of power to the winners in every way possible. Including, but not limited to, his final gift to the Taliban.
It was Joe who turned off the lights and left all our military hardware for the Taliban to have.
Not Donald Trump. And it's Quid Pro Joe who turned his back on thousands of Americans abandoned there.

Not Donald Trump.
I'm not saying it's a good or bad thing. The real problem is the one of perpetual war. You see in a normal war, the war comes to an end, all sides release their prisoners and everyone goes home.

In the FOREVER WAR, which thankfully Biden ended, what do we do with those guys? They haven't broken any laws in the US, and we can't continue to hold them when hostilities end.

The thing is, I don't have a problem with what Trump did in the Doha Accords. I have a problem with him trying to pretend the predictable result wasn't his fault.

Somehow, some broken down old Humvees aren't much of a threat... it's not like they are going to drive to Tel Aviv and run some Zionists over.

But we can always hope.

So let's look at what we did. We invaded the country. But we didn't want to really commit troops. You know, start a draft and send some middle class kid over there. What you actually do when you are serious about a war. Instead we bribed the warlords over there with money and equipment, and acted all surprised when they switched back to the Taliban once it was clear we were leaving.

Our leaders lied to us that the Afghan people hated Jihadism and loved them some American Democracy. The war contractors got fat, kids were sent over there for no good reason, and after 20 years of running around in a circle, we found ourselves exactly where we started.

The Good News. When the Zionist Lobby yells, "We need to go to war over there!!!" people will actually question it the next time.
And the hell of it is, you get your feelings hurt when someone correctly points out you sharing Nazi beliefs.
Right. I voted for Biden. A majority of us did. As a result, the Toddler inside the Trumpybear got the better of him and in a fit of spiteful rage and seeking revenge against the Country, Benedict Trump sought to gum up the transfer of power to the winners in every way possible. Including, but not limited to, his final gift to the Taliban.
You sure do like the taste of Biden's ass.
Why did Trump flip-flop on his original order to completely withdraw by Jan 15th 2021 to only pull out 70% of the remaining 8600 Troops the week before he left office? Why did he gift that reduction to the Taliban on the eve of the new Administration and leave with just 2500 US troops?
Why did your Dear Leader Xiden ignore everything Trump negotiated and get 13 Americans killed, then turn around and murder a bunch of children?

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