Sudden Silence From All Those Biden/Afghanistan Defenders

So decrepit Joe Biden gave his generals two choices, both of which were horrible, to work from?

He had other options. You, and Joe, just choose to ignore them. In fact you choose to lie about the options.

Leaving behind billions of dollars of advanced arms for the Taliban to take over and over 9,000 Americans
left behind before Joe "turned the page" on fellow citizens was not a fait accompli until Biden made it so

Of course you also think shooting unarmed 1/6 demonstrators was acceptable, even preferable,
government policy. So who is surprised by your Neanderthal stances?
The number of troops they asked for was the number they already had. 2500. Furthermore the generals testified that when the truce with the Taliban was lifted those troops would be at high risk and any attack on them would result in a necessary increase in force or more boots on the ground. There are 38 provinces in Afghanistan and we were spread pretty thin.

Why was the troop level so low? Why did we reduce it so much right before Joey took office?

So we should have ordered our allies to destroy the equipment we gave them to defend themselves? Or should we have just blown all that up with them in it. With friends like you, no wonder they said ..... nope.....adios.
Correct. The debacle in Afghanistan was the nation building occupation. Nearly 20 years, billions in treasure. Countless lives lost and destroyed. Each had commanded tens of thousands of Troops. Poured dollar after dollar into training and arming the Afghan Army and police force all in an obvious failed nation building effort.

The WarHawks want the public to forget about the past presidents roles and want to agree with the Rabid Right that seems to want to blames the entire Afghan fiasco on Joe via the Rabid Right narrative which doesn't include the Lame Duck shenanigans' of Benedict Donald that aided our enemies and hurt our allies. That way they can do it again.

They told me to tell you to keep up the good work.
"The Debacle" is a specific term referring to Biden's cut-and-run from Afghanistan.....that and nothing else, lying scum.

Now.....who was President for the debacle?????
Correct. The debacle in Afghanistan was the nation building occupation. Nearly 20 years, billions in treasure. Countless lives lost and destroyed. Each had commanded tens of thousands of Troops. Poured dollar after dollar into training and arming the Afghan Army and police force all in an obvious failed nation building effort.

The WarHawks want the public to forget about the past presidents roles and want to agree with the Rabid Right that seems to want to blames the entire Afghan fiasco on Joe via the Rabid Right narrative which doesn't include the Lame Duck shenanigans' of Benedict Donald that aided our enemies and hurt our allies. That way they can do it again.

They told me to tell you to keep up the good work.

Biden was wrong on Afghanistan - Brookings​ › blog › 2021/11/09 › bide...

Biden argued that America went into Afghanistan for counterterrorism purposes (to rout al-Qaida) and not for nation-building, and that the ...

President Biden under fire: Who is to blame for Afghanistan's ...​ › news › politics › 2021/08/28

Joe Biden promised the US withdrawal would be "secure and orderly. ... inevitably 'messy'? What went wrong in US withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Who is responsible for the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle?​ › index.cfm › 2021/10

— By the administration's own admission, it abandoned hundreds of Americans and left thousands of Afghan allies vulnerable to the murderous ...

Biden's Betrayal of Afghans Will Live in Infamy - The Atlantic​ › ideas › archive › 2021/08

The Biden administration failed to heed the warnings on Afghanistan, failed to act with urgency—and its failure has left tens of thousands of ...

Who was President for the debacle???

And.....did the sitting President have any obligation to follow a plan by the preceding President?

Why did Biden screw it up so badly???

Why do you vote for failure and injury to America???

And.....exactly when did you become the low-life scummy liar that readers recognize????
"The Debacle" is a specific term referring to Biden's cut-and-run from Afghanistan.....that and nothing else, lying scum.

Now.....who was President for the debacle?????

The cut was done by Benedict Donald. One week prior to being forced to punt to Joe Why did the CiC cut our defenses so much so close to the transfer of power do you think?

Of course after receiving the punt Joe ran with it, the hand we were dealt by Benedict Donald lame duck withdrawals that strengthened the Taliban's position while weakening ours and that of our allies in Afghanistan. He got us out with no combat deaths and one deadly terrorist attack from ISIS in Kabul. Well, most of the credit goes to the men and women in uniform for a phenomenal job.
The cut was done by Benedict Donald. One week prior to being forced to punt to Joe Why did the CiC cut our defenses so much so close to the transfer of power do you think?

Of course after receiving the punt Joe ran with it, the hand we were dealt by Benedict Donald lame duck withdrawals that strengthened the Taliban's position while weakening ours and that of our allies in Afghanistan. He got us out with no combat deaths and one deadly terrorist attack from ISIS in Kabul. Well, most of the credit goes to the men and women in uniform for a phenomenal job.
Who was President for the debacle???

And.....did the sitting President have any obligation to follow a plan by the preceding President?

Why did Biden screw it up so badly???

Why do you vote for failure and injury to America???

And.....exactly when did you become the low-life scummy liar that readers recognize????

Biden was wrong on Afghanistan - Brookings › blog › 2021/11/09 › bide...

Biden argued that America went into Afghanistan for counterterrorism purposes (to rout al-Qaida) and not for nation-building, and that the ...

President Biden under fire: Who is to blame for Afghanistan's ... › news › politics › 2021/08/28

Joe Biden promised the US withdrawal would be "secure and orderly. ... inevitably 'messy'? What went wrong in US withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Who is responsible for the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle? › index.cfm › 2021/10

— By the administration's own admission, it abandoned hundreds of Americans and left thousands of Afghan allies vulnerable to the murderous ...

Biden's Betrayal of Afghans Will Live in Infamy - The Atlantic › ideas › archive › 2021/08

The Biden administration failed to heed the warnings on Afghanistan, failed to act with urgency—and its failure has left tens of thousands of ...

Biden was wrong on Afghanistan - Brookings › blog › 2021/11/09 › bide...
Biden argued that America went into Afghanistan for counterterrorism purposes (to rout al-Qaida) and not for nation-building, and that the ...

Their argument fails to take into consideration the lame duck withdrawals and the fact that we met all the conditions of the Accords ourselves and let the Taliban get away without having met any but one, under Trump. Failing to hold the Taliban to the conditions of his Accords was another one of Trumpybear many failures. Btw since they didn't meet those conditions, why the lame duck reductions? (Other than spite and revenge of course.)
There was one thing of value that wasn't a gift to the Taliban that Trumpybear left behind for the US Military. That was the truce with the Taliban. President Biden did not ignore that at all, in fact he got the Taliban to extend it till we left.

Kabul had been rocked buy several ISIS suicide bombing during the Accord period but use to be we rallied behind our President after our troops were kill by terrorist, but not anymore. As far as our response it was par for the course. Civilians have paid the highest price in the never ending WOT by remote control.
You lose. Couldn’t go one sentence without blaming Trump for your Dear Leader Xiden’s screwup. Trump left nothing there. Xiden was the one who cut and ran in the dead of night like a coward. Not even informing our allies that we were leaving. Thirteen of our troops were killed as a direct result of Xiden’s botched retreat.
You lose. Couldn’t go one sentence without blaming Trump for your Dear Leader Xiden’s screwup. Trump left nothing there
I win, I was giving the Orange Bastard or Cheddar Shredder credit where due. His truce with the Taliban made the last 18 months or so free of combat deaths for Americans and our allies.*
Who was President for the debacle???

And.....did the sitting President have any obligation to follow a plan by the preceding President?

Why did Biden screw it up so badly???

Why do you vote for failure and injury to America???

And.....exactly when did you become the low-life scummy liar that readers recognize????

Seeing how Donnie did most of the cutting and then ran from the final obligation of his Surrender Accords and left the hard part up to someone else, are you giving up on the ""The Debacle" is a specific term referring to Biden's cut-and-run from Afghanistan.....that and nothing else," strategy?
Seeing how Donnie did most of the cutting and then ran from the final obligation of his Surrender Accords and left the hard part up to someone else, are you giving up on the ""The Debacle" is a specific term referring to Biden's cut-and-run from Afghanistan.....that and nothing else," strategy?

Who was President when the worst withdrawal since Dunkirk, took place?

That would be during September of 2021.

Who was President for the debacle???

And.....did the sitting President have any obligation to follow a plan by the preceding President?

Why did Biden screw it up so badly???

Why do you vote for failure and injury to America???

And.....exactly when did you become the low-life scummy liar that readers recognize????
Correct. The debacle in Afghanistan was the nation building occupation. Nearly 20 years, billions in treasure. Countless lives lost and destroyed. Each had commanded tens of thousands of Troops. Poured dollar after dollar into training and arming the Afghan Army and police force all in an obvious failed nation building effort.

The WarHawks want the public to forget about the past presidents roles and want to agree with the Rabid Right that seems to want to blames the entire Afghan fiasco on Joe via the Rabid Right narrative which doesn't include the Lame Duck shenanigans' of Benedict Donald that aided our enemies and hurt our allies. That way they can do it again.

They told me to tell you to keep up the good work.
Wow, you just can't hold Biden responsible for anything, can you?
Wow, you just can't hold Biden responsible for anything, can you?
Not true. He is responsible for finally telling the General no to another generation of the war in Afghanistan and holding the status quo. All the war hawks were watching, waiting and hoping he would pull the old switch-a-roo like Obama and Trump both did, you know., campaigning on getting us out and then at the last minute pulling the football way ........

He is responsible for tasking the best military minds we have for the exit plan as well as approving it.

Also that MF has been a supporter of the WOD forever. He needs to make amends for enabling that war on American citizens.

He is also responsible for making me sleep every time he speaks.
Not true. He is responsible for finally telling the General no to another generation of the war in Afghanistan and holding the status quo. All the war hawks were watching, waiting and hoping he would pull the old switch-a-roo like Obama and Trump both did, you know., campaigning on getting us out and then at the last minute pulling the football way ........

He is responsible for tasking the best military minds we have for the exit plan as well as approving it.

Also that MF has been a supporter of the WOD forever. He needs to make amends for enabling that war on American citizens.

He is also responsible for making me sleep every time he speaks.
You praise him with faint damns.
Again, you bring race into an argument that has nothing to do with race. We left the country knowing that a terrorist group was going to take over. Yeah, those terrorist are “brown” as if that matters to anybody, but the point is we handed them the keys to the kingdom. Other “brown” people in Afghanistan that are not members of the Taliban are starving. Like good little authoritarians, the Taliban will live well on the money they receive from the resources, the non-Taliban folks will starve as the leaders will spend what is left after funding their lavish lifestyles on buying bombs and figuring out ways to destroy America.

Actually, race has everything to so with it. Let's review, Cleetus. You said. -

We have yet to see all the damage he did by essentially giving the Taliban billions of dollars in the form of rare metals they will sell to China.

This works on the assumption that those rare metals were "ours" even though they were under THEIR land. You know, instead of the very sensible position that any country is free to sell their resources to anyone willing to buy them. This is the kind of white people imperialist bullshit the West has been engaging in for centuries, and we need to knock it the fuck off.

Or we could have started slowly moving all the equipment to the air base and then blown the entire thing up with a few sorties Immediately after we left. The Taliban wasn’t making serious encroachments after we drew down the 2500 troops. It wasn’t until Biden opened his fat mouth again about leaving that that became a problem. We could have either destroyed the stuff or gotten it out. That is a fact, but Biden is a knee-jerk idiot who is being led around by the nose by traitors. You and your kind are blind, devoted followers willing to walk off a cliff for your Dear Party.

Are you fucking kidding me?

This is what Afghanistan looked like in 2015.


They had control of most of the country.

What we were going to accomplish in a few weeks we hadn't accomplished in 20 years?

Here's the thing. We outsourced the war to a bunch of tribal leaders who had aligned themselves to the Taliban before we invaded. They did the bare minimum to keep the money and weapons flowing, and when it was clear we were going to leave, they switched sides and took all that equipment we gave them with them.

I don’t know. Personally I would have left a small force their indefinitely, or at least until we didn’t feel the Taliban would take over or we could eliminate their leadership. We have opened a huge can of worms that will come back to bite us in the not too distant future. Sadly, I think their future actions will make 9/11 look like a small kitchen fire. We have a military presence in many countries around the world that are far less strategic than Afghanistan.

We were over there for 20 years. Mullah Omar was never killed, he died quietly in his bed. Trump released 5000 Taliban fighters, including some really hard-core guys. That's kind of the opposite of

Now, I doubt the Taliban is going to be any threat at all. First, they don't want a repeat of 2001. Second, they really know they need international investment in their economy. The Chinese aren't going to invest with them if they are going to potentially arm Islamic radicals like the Uyghurs.

OK, so now we are to the point where you are saying the Taliban are not terrorist or that their terrorism is justified because of US actions around the world and in their country.

This is a completely false narrative that the Democrats push on a daily basis. We cannot make terrorist like us. It doesn’t matter what we do or don’t do, short of converting to Islam, that will make them not want to kill us. This ridiculously shallow and uninformed view is what led Biden to recently lift sanctions on Iran. The thinking is that if we lift sanctions they will let us in and give us access to see their access. They won’t show us anything of value and we simply just gave them money to accelerate their nuclear program which they will attempt to use to destroy Israel. This policy of appeasement is really just a policy of weakness allowing other countries who aren’t run by weak knee’ed, latte drinking political science majors to take control of the world.

Wow. Really? Because it seems to me America didn't really have a problem with the Islamic World until we 1) Started supporting the Zionist Entity and 2) Supported multinational corporations looting their resources.

Maybe we should stop giving them reasons to WANT to kill us, as we have bombed, invaded or occupied 14 Islamic Countries over the last 40 years.
What a stupid post.

Seems to be your specialty.

Yet you don't have an answer... I guess it was not within the parameters of your bot- posting.


"Click-whirr... point I cannot refute... default to insult... click whirr"
You praise him with faint damns.

Not at all, it sounds to me like he is actually EVALUATING the situation, instead of cultishly repeating talking points.

If the Collapse of Afghanistan happened on Trump's watch, you and the Mail Order Bride From Hell would be on here totally excusing it.

The reality is, Afghanistan was lost in 2009, when Karzai stole the election and we let him do it. Everything else was just waiting for the Taliban to win.
"The Debacle" is a specific term referring to Biden's cut-and-run from Afghanistan.....that and nothing else, lying scum.

Who was President for the debacle???


"Malfunction! Malfunction! Keep repeating slogans! Don't address points"

The Debacle was going in there with any goal other than murdering Bin Laden. That's on Bush, not Biden. We were not going to change their culture, we were not going to make them love Coca-Cola and Democracy no matter how much money we threw into there.
This works on the assumption that those rare metals were "ours" even though they were under THEIR land. You know, instead of the very sensible position that any country is free to sell their resources to anyone willing to buy them. This is the kind of white people imperialist bullshit the West has been engaging in for centuries, and we need to knock it the fuck off.

I don’t think anybody said their rare metals were ours, what we said was that we don’t want that wealth in the hands of a terrorist organization hell-bent on destroying the US. All Afghans are not members of the Taliban, in fact, very few are as compared to their entire population. The land belongs to the Afghans who are not members of the Taliban, since they make up the majority of the population. We were simply trying to give it to them and protect our country from the radicals. If we wanted to take over their country and take their resources, we could have done so at any time. We could have done the same with Iraq.

Maybe we should stop giving them reasons to WANT to kill us, as we have bombed, invaded or occupied 14 Islamic Countries over the last 40 years.

Now, I doubt the Taliban is going to be any threat at all. First, they don't want a repeat of 2001. Second, they really know they need international investment in their economy. The Chinese aren't going to invest with them if they are going to potentially arm Islamic radicals like the Uyghurs.

You completely misunderstand WHY they want to kill us. We can bake them as many cakes as you wish, but the radical Islamists will always want to kill us, that is, unless Democrats can succeed with their assault on Christianity. You sound like John Kerry and all the other brain-dead Democratic negotiators. Spoiled, indoctrinated ignorance leads to this type of nonsensical reasoning.

Wrong on all accounts. We will revisit shortly, unfortunately. Start working on your excuses now, but remember, it will be Biden’s fault, not the next Republican president.(assuming the Democrats don’t fix all future elections)
I don’t think anybody said their rare metals were ours, what we said was that we don’t want that wealth in the hands of a terrorist organization hell-bent on destroying the US. All Afghans are not members of the Taliban, in fact, very few are as compared to their entire population. The land belongs to the Afghans who are not members of the Taliban, since they make up the majority of the population. We were simply trying to give it to them and protect our country from the radicals. If we wanted to take over their country and take their resources, we could have done so at any time. We could have done the same with Iraq.

Um, you straight up said that we shouldn't let them have the minerals in their own country, dude! Then when I called you on your white privilege bullshit, you scampered off.

The reality is, the Taliban came to power once in 1996, and they are in charge again because they reflect the sensibilities of the Pashtun majority in Afghanistan. left to their own devices, the Taliban come to power.

You completely misunderstand WHY they want to kill us. We can bake them as many cakes as you wish, but the radical Islamists will always want to kill us, that is, unless Democrats can succeed with their assault on Christianity. You sound like John Kerry and all the other brain-dead Democratic negotiators. Spoiled, indoctrinated ignorance leads to this type of nonsensical reasoning.

Yawn, well, if you see the world over whose Imaginary Sky Pixie we need to grovel in front of, you might have a point.
But they aren't invading OUR countries, we are invading theirs, with the US taking the lead in the last 70 years. Maybe it's time we realize that if you don't want to be stung by hornets, stop sticking your hand in a hornet's nest.

Wrong on all accounts. We will revisit shortly, unfortunately. Start working on your excuses now, but remember, it will be Biden’s fault, not the next Republican president.(assuming the Democrats don’t fix all future elections)

Nope, not really. Hell, I remember after Saigon fell, and there were all these dire predictions about how the whole of Southeast Asia would go Communists and the dominos will fall and so on... And in reality- the Vietnamese were just glad we weren't bombing them anymore. Today they welcome Americans.

Biden isn't the one who signed a shit deal selling out the Afghan Government, that was Trump.

Of course, there are plenty of other people around the world who hate us for good reason, and soon enough, the war hawks in Washington will find a reason to go to war with them.

You see, I had my great idea for peace in our time. You bring back a draft, no exemptions, and the children of the rich are put in an elite airborne unit that will be the first deployed to any war zone.

Betcha we never have another war after that.

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