Sudden Silence From All Those Biden/Afghanistan Defenders

The number of troops they asked for was the number they already had. 2500. Furthermore the generals testified that when the truce with the Taliban was lifted those troops would be at high risk and any attack on them would result in a necessary increase in force or more boots on the ground. There are 38 provinces in Afghanistan and we were spread pretty thin.

Why was the troop level so low? Why did we reduce it so much right before Joey took office?

So we should have ordered our allies to destroy the equipment we gave them to defend themselves? Or should we have just blown all that up with them in it. With friends like you, no wonder they said ..... nope.....adios.
Our "allies" said nope, addios for the most part anyway.
You mean to tell me sick decrepit Joe could have given our weapons stockpile to Afghan soldiers but
instead just left if for the Taliban to pick up and use?

With allies like Joe Biden no wonder the Taliban was able to walk right into Kabul and take over, like
we were never there.

How stupidly pathetic are you...defending the worst president in US history.
Not true. He is responsible for finally telling the General no to another generation of the war in Afghanistan and holding the status quo. All the war hawks were watching, waiting and hoping he would pull the old switch-a-roo like Obama and Trump both did, you know., campaigning on getting us out and then at the last minute pulling the football way ........

He is responsible for tasking the best military minds we have for the exit plan as well as approving it.
Biden did NOT approve the plan his generals gave him, and you know it, or should,
It's been posted enough and here it is again. Generals contradict Biden, say they advised leaving troops in Afghanistan.

Give the lies a rest.
Biden did NOT approve the plan his generals gave him
Like I said the first time. " He is responsible for finally telling the General "No" to another generation of the war in Afghanistan and holding the status quo with the already depleted force he inherited from his predecessor. His decision was based on the fact that a remaining force would be a lightening rod for attacks by the Taliban after the Cease fire ended. He made that decision first. Since there was no plan forwarded to get the remaining few troops left behind by the Orange Turd, he had to task our military to come up with some plans to get our people out.
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Our "allies" said nope, addios for the most part anyway.
You mean to tell me sick decrepit Joe could have given our weapons stockpile to Afghan soldiers but
instead just left if for the Taliban to pick up and use?

With allies like Joe Biden no wonder the Taliban was able to walk right into Kabul and take over, like
we were never there.

How stupidly pathetic are you...defending the worst president in US history.

According to the generals testimony, US force destroyed or disabled all the equipment and ammo they left behind. Of course what you said is simple not true. Truth is the Afghan Army had the billions in weapons gifted to them by the near 20 year bipartisan nation building effort we failed at. Should we have destroyed the weapons we gave them that they were using to defend themselves and cover our withdrawal?

Ya'll are funny though.
According to the generals testimony, US force destroyed or disabled all the equipment and ammo they left behind. Of course what you said is simple not true. Truth is the Afghan Army had the billions in weapons gifted to them by the near 20 year bipartisan nation building effort we failed at. Should we have destroyed the weapons we gave them that they were using to defend themselves and cover our withdrawal?

Ya'll are funny though.

Right. 350,000 Afghan Army Rifles. Never Fired, only dropped once.

I'm also wondering how this was to be done.

Knock Knock

"Hi, we are from the US Army. According to our records, we gave you 20 HUMMV's and 120 rifles."

"Sounds about right."

"Well, we know you are busy and all, trying to decide if you want to do a foolish last stand against the Taliban, or if you are just going to cut a deal to throw in with them, but we'd like to demolish all these weapons before the last US Troop leaves."

"Yeah, that's not gonna happen, buddy."
Not at all, it sounds to me like he is actually EVALUATING the situation, instead of cultishly repeating talking points.

If the Collapse of Afghanistan happened on Trump's watch, you and the Mail Order Bride From Hell would be on here totally excusing it.

The reality is, Afghanistan was lost in 2009, when Karzai stole the election and we let him do it. Everything else was just waiting for the Taliban to win.
Yeah, yeah, everything is America's fault. Don't you know any other songs? This one's boring.
Right. 350,000 Afghan Army Rifles. Never Fired, only dropped once.

I'm also wondering how this was to be done.

Knock Knock

"Hi, we are from the US Army. According to our records, we gave you 20 HUMMV's and 120 rifles."

"Sounds about right."

"Well, we know you are busy and all, trying to decide if you want to do a foolish last stand against the Taliban, or if you are just going to cut a deal to throw in with them, but we'd like to demolish all these weapons before the last US Troop leaves."

"Yeah, that's not gonna happen, buddy."

It's impressive what 'Don the Con' gets these guys to believe. IMO, he is the greatest Con Man this country has ever produced.
So you believe being sexist and racist is a legitimate debate tool?

I wasn't aware being a 'bot was a race.

Again, you labor under the delusion that PC is an actual person.

It's a bot. You can tell it's a bot because it never directly addresses the people it is responding to. It just picks up a few key words and throws in a response. Like a bot does.

Yeah, yeah, everything is America's fault. Don't you know any other songs? This one's boring.

I'm sorry you lack the ability to reason. But it seems to me that if you fight a 20 year war, and you end up in EXACTLY the same place you started at, maybe someone needs to ask some questions.
I wasn't aware being a 'bot was a race.

Again, you labor under the delusion that PC is an actual person.

It's a bot. You can tell it's a bot because it never directly addresses the people it is responding to. It just picks up a few key words and throws in a response. Like a bot does.
You're certainly not helping disprove that you're a bot. "CommieBot-1964". Yeah, that sounds about right.

But you refer to her as "mail order bride" and post pictures of robots with Asian faces.

You're a racist, and you're a sexist. Don't bother denying it
I'm sorry you lack the ability to reason. But it seems to me that if you fight a 20 year war, and you end up in EXACTLY the same place you started at, maybe someone needs to ask some questions.
Biden surrendered to terrorists. That makes you happy.
You're certainly not helping disprove that you're a bot. "CommieBot-1964". Yeah, that sounds about right.

But you refer to her as "mail order bride" and post pictures of robots with Asian faces.

You're a racist, and you're a sexist. Don't bother denying it

Actually, no, because I respond on point to what you are saying... so that wouldn't incorrect. Or at least my programming is a lot better.

It generates number-pointed crazy in response to keywords. So, yeah, if she's going to try to catfish you with a picture of some Asian chick, then the Asian Robots are hilarious.

My theory was that they were supposed to put Coprophiliac Fetish into the factory settings, and they programmed it with "Hate Radio Talking Points" No doubt an understandable translation error...

Biden surrendered to terrorists. That makes you happy.

Actually, the surrender was made by Trump and Pompeo at Doha. It makes the deal Chamberlain got at Munich look good by comparison.
Actually, no, because I respond on point to what you are saying... so that wouldn't incorrect. Or at least my programming is a lot better.

It generates number-pointed crazy in response to keywords. So, yeah, if she's going to try to catfish you with a picture of some Asian chick, then the Asian Robots are hilarious.

My theory was that they were supposed to put Coprophiliac Fetish into the factory settings, and they programmed it with "Hate Radio Talking Points" No doubt an understandable translation error...
More sexism and racism. You just can't help it.
Actually, the surrender was made by Trump and Pompeo at Doha. It makes the deal Chamberlain got at Munich look good by comparison.
It's funny how you can do that -- claim getting out is a good thing, then blasting Trump for making it happen.

Well, that's what happens when you're driven solely by emotions -- hatred and rage.
It's funny how you can do that -- claim getting out is a good thing, then blasting Trump for making it happen.

Well, that's what happens when you're driven solely by emotions -- hatred and rage.

I don't blame Trump for making it happen.
I blame him for not being man enough to own up to it.
Um, you straight up said that we shouldn't let them have the minerals in their own country, dude! Then when I called you on your white privilege bullshit, you scampered off.

The reality is, the Taliban came to power once in 1996, and they are in charge again because they reflect the sensibilities of the Pashtun majority in Afghanistan. left to their own devices, the Taliban come to power.

Yeah, we don't fund terrorism against our country. Seriously, how dumb can you be? That was a purely rhetorical question, we all know the answer.

Yawn, well, if you see the world over whose Imaginary Sky Pixie we need to grovel in front of, you might have a point.
But they aren't invading OUR countries, we are invading theirs, with the US taking the lead in the last 70 years. Maybe it's time we realize that if you don't want to be stung by hornets, stop sticking your hand in a hornet's nest.

Fantasy , la-la land. That is where you lefties live. Can't we all just get along? LOL...God you are an idiot.

Of course, there are plenty of other people around the world who hate us for good reason, and soon enough, the war hawks in Washington will find a reason to go to war with them.

You see, I had my great idea for peace in our time. You bring back a draft, no exemptions, and the children of the rich are put in an elite airborne unit that will be the first deployed to any war zone.

Betcha we never have another war after that.

You been listening to a lot of CCR lately haven't you? The sentiment of Fortunate Son sums you and many other Democrats up perfectly. Good song, but the lyrics and the sentiment are for anti-US, adolescent minded, ignorant fools. It was specifically written in reference to the Vietnam War, but today's Democrats ascribe to the same sentiment about the US in general. It is one thing to apply this to a specific event/policy and quite another to apply it to the US in general.

I am fine with a mandatory stint in the military for all males at age 18, but the military can't be run by left-wing quacks or it will just be an extension of the indoctrination they receive in the public school system.
According to the generals testimony, US force destroyed or disabled all the equipment and ammo they left behind. Of course what you said is simple not true. Truth is the Afghan Army had the billions in weapons gifted to them by the near 20 year bipartisan nation building effort we failed at. Should we have destroyed the weapons we gave them that they were using to defend themselves and cover our withdrawal?

Ya'll are funny though.
Considering the Taliban has taken what was left behind and are now using those weapons for themselves
I would have to say, quite rationally, yes!

We should have destroyed or disabled sophisticated aircraft and helicopters
(25 aircraft and 39 helicopters are said to be disabled...out of 167 aircraft abandoned).
etc. Afghanistan: The weapons left behind to the Taliban and what it means for the country's future

Y"all are pretty fucking stupid.
Considering the Taliban has taken what was left behind and are now using those weapons for themselves
I would have to say, quite rationally, yes!

With friends like you who needs enemies. When exactly would you have destroyed the weapons? Before or after they lost and left the field. If you attacked the Taliban you'd be breaking the truce and put all remaining US and allied troops, which were very limited in number thanks to the Cheddar Shredder, in harms way?

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