Sudden Silence From All Those Biden/Afghanistan Defenders

Wrong. Those other guys weren't morons like Biden. I had nothing to do with "balls" but with pure ignorance on his part.

We most certainly could have gotten out without leaving them with our equipment. We could have destroyed all of it for that matter as opposed to leaving it with them. There are many, many things we could have done.

Biden is an idiot and anyone that can't see that is even a bigger one. His debacle in Afghanistan is just one of many ill-conceived things he has done thus far.

Wrong. Those other guys weren't morons like Biden. I had nothing to do with "balls" but with pure ignorance on his part.

We most certainly could have gotten out without leaving them with our equipment.

The equipment was left because we supposedly left them armed to protect themselves. We never learn that what they do is simply leave everything and go home.

Also as noted many times, Trump claimed in March 2020 that we were leaving and if he really meant it and we were going to pull things out, that is when you start doing so.

We could have destroyed all of it for that matter as opposed to leaving it with them. There are many, many things we could have done.

Biden is an idiot and anyone that can't see that is even a bigger one. His debacle in Afghanistan is just one of many ill-conceived things he has done thus far.

We could have left in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 but we didn't.
Speaking of "giving away"'s what the Democrats awarded to the 7th century savages:

the Taliban seized way more ScanEagle drones than the government is saying they did. There is no accounting on the number of crashed units.

If you ever served in the military, you'd realize how meaningless those figures are.

Most of that equipment can't be maintained without spare parts and technical maintenance, which the Taliban doesn't have. Most of that equipment will be broken down in a year, if it isn't already.
They're really simple questions.
Why hide, every reader knows both the aswers and your fear of answering.

Who was President for the debacle???

Bush who decided to go in there, then forget about it when he had an opportunity to go after Saddam instead.

If there was a time WHEN this could have been won, it was in 2002, when the Afghan people were still angry enough at the Taliban to work with us to get rid of them. Instead, we put a bunch of corrupt quislings in charge that made people MISS the Taliban.

Getting out is fine, but it needed to be done in a much more orderly and less rewarding way to the Taliban. Any moron could have done what Biden did. He essentially picked up the phone and said we are leaving on x day. Get out. He had absolutely no insight as to the repercussions of such a withdrawal. We have yet to see all the damage he did by essentially giving the Taliban billions of dollars in the form of rare metals they will sell to China. Maybe a Republican will get elected and numbskull Democrats can blame the next Taliban terrorist attack on him/her.

Wow... this is the most white people thing I have ever heard. HOW DARE WE LET THOSE PEOPLE OF COLOR CONTROL THEIR OWN RESOURCES? Those are Afghanistan's resources, and they are pretty much free to sell them to who they want. We poured trillions of dollars into that country to secure a "commodity" that might be worth "billions"? Seriously, this makes sense to you, Cleetus? I thought you were a Business Genius. You don't throw away a TRILLION dollars and 2500 lives to make a small profit on a commodity.

Some day, you might mature enough to realize Communism has failed everywhere it's been tried, and no, it won't work here with you in charge.

Except no one has proposed Communism. I'd just like to go back to Pre-Reagan America, where we were the richest and most prosperous country in the world.

Wrong. Those other guys weren't morons like Biden. I had nothing to do with "balls" but with pure ignorance on his part.

We most certainly could have gotten out without leaving them with our equipment. We could have destroyed all of it for that matter as opposed to leaving it with them. There are many, many things we could have done.

Biden is an idiot and anyone that can't see that is even a bigger one. His debacle in Afghanistan is just one of many ill-conceived things he has done thus far.

How were we going to destroy billions of dollars of equipment with only the 2500 guys Trump left in the country?

Do you think that they were going to walk into an Afghan Army Camp and say, "Hey, guys, I know you are debating whether to make a pointless last stand against the Taliban or switch sides and just throw in with them, but do you mind if we walk around and blow up these HUMMV's we gave you? "

We spent 20 years giving equipment to the Afghan National Army on the dubious theory if we threw enough money at them, they would learn to love Coke, Democracy and Jesus! The reality is, they just took the money and the equipment, and as soon as they saw we were done, they were done, too.

I blame Bush for that, not Biden.
Wow... this is the most white people thing I have ever heard. HOW DARE WE LET THOSE PEOPLE OF COLOR CONTROL THEIR OWN RESOURCES? Those are Afghanistan's resources, and they are pretty much free to sell them to who they want. We poured trillions of dollars into that country to secure a "commodity" that might be worth "billions"? Seriously, this makes sense to you, Cleetus? I thought you were a Business Genius. You don't throw away a TRILLION dollars and 2500 lives to make a small profit on a commodity.

Again, you bring race into an argument that has nothing to do with race. We left the country knowing that a terrorist group was going to take over. Yeah, those terrorist are “brown” as if that matters to anybody, but the point is we handed them the keys to the kingdom. Other “brown” people in Afghanistan that are not members of the Taliban are starving. Like good little authoritarians, the Taliban will live well on the money they receive from the resources, the non-Taliban folks will starve as the leaders will spend what is left after funding their lavish lifestyles on buying bombs and figuring out ways to destroy America.

Do you think that they were going to walk into an Afghan Army Camp and say, "Hey, guys, I know you are debating whether to make a pointless last stand against the Taliban or switch sides and just throw in with them, but do you mind if we walk around and blow up these HUMMV's we gave you? "

Or we could have started slowly moving all the equipment to the air base and then blown the entire thing up with a few sorties Immediately after we left. The Taliban wasn’t making serious encroachments after we drew down the 2500 troops. It wasn’t until Biden opened his fat mouth again about leaving that that became a problem. We could have either destroyed the stuff or gotten it out. That is a fact, but Biden is a knee-jerk idiot who is being led around by the nose by traitors. You and your kind are blind, devoted followers willing to walk off a cliff for your Dear Party.
Again, you bring race into an argument that has nothing to do with race. We left the country knowing that a terrorist group was going to take over. Yeah, those terrorist are “brown” as if that matters to anybody, but the point is we handed them the keys to the kingdom. Other “brown” people in Afghanistan that are not members of the Taliban are starving. Like good little authoritarians, the Taliban will live well on the money they receive from the resources, the non-Taliban folks will starve as the leaders will spend what is left after funding their lavish lifestyles on buying bombs and figuring out ways to destroy America.

Or we could have started slowly moving all the equipment to the air base and then blown the entire thing up with a few sorties Immediately after we left. The Taliban wasn’t making serious encroachments after we drew down the 2500 troops. It wasn’t until Biden opened his fat mouth again about leaving that that became a problem. We could have either destroyed the stuff or gotten it out. That is a fact, but Biden is a knee-jerk idiot who is being led around by the nose by traitors. You and your kind are blind, devoted followers willing to walk off a cliff for your Dear Party.

We failed no matter how you want to measure it and there will be people simply clamoring to do it again.

I will note again though, why weren't we doing all of this from March till December 2020?
We failed no matter how you want to measure it and there will be people simply clamoring to do it again.

I will note again though, why weren't we doing all of this from March till December 2020?

I don’t know. Personally I would have left a small force their indefinitely, or at least until we didn’t feel the Taliban would take over or we could eliminate their leadership. We have opened a huge can of worms that will come back to bite us in the not too distant future. Sadly, I think their future actions will make 9/11 look like a small kitchen fire. We have a military presence in many countries around the world that are far less strategic than Afghanistan.
I don’t know. Personally I would have left a small force their indefinitely, or at least until we didn’t feel the Taliban would take over or we could eliminate their leadership. We have opened a huge can of worms that will come back to bite us in the not too distant future. Sadly, I think their future actions will make 9/11 look like a small kitchen fire. We have a military presence in many countries around the world that are far less strategic than Afghanistan.

Right, you would have stayed there indefinitely. Ruling over people with no say in what is happening. The very same reason we fought the Revolutionary War.

We fought to drive out England. We celebrate that. When they fight to drive out the US we call them terrorists.

The reason for 9-11 in the first place was because of our military all over the world. We were told to quit trying to take the world's resources and demand that they bend to our every whim. We refused to listen. Yes it will happen again and you can't blame them.
Right, you would have stayed there indefinitely. Ruling over people with no say in what is happening. The very same reason we fought the Revolutionary War.

We fought to drive out England. We celebrate that. When they fight to drive out the US we call them terrorists.

The reason for 9-11 in the first place was because of our military all over the world. We were told to quit trying to take the world's resources and demand that they bend to our every whim. We refused to listen. Yes it will happen again and you can't blame them.

OK, so now we are to the point where you are saying the Taliban are not terrorist or that their terrorism is justified because of US actions around the world and in their country.

This is a completely false narrative that the Democrats push on a daily basis. We cannot make terrorist like us. It doesn’t matter what we do or don’t do, short of converting to Islam, that will make them not want to kill us. This ridiculously shallow and uninformed view is what led Biden to recently lift sanctions on Iran. The thinking is that if we lift sanctions they will let us in and give us access to see their access. They won’t show us anything of value and we simply just gave them money to accelerate their nuclear program which they will attempt to use to destroy Israel. This policy of appeasement is really just a policy of weakness allowing other countries who aren’t run by weak knee’ed, latte drinking political science majors to take control of the world.
OK, so now we are to the point where you are saying the Taliban are not terrorist or that their terrorism is justified because of US actions around the world and in their country.

They are defending their country. We had no right to take it over.

Is that not the very same thing we are accusing Putin of wanting to do?

This is a completely false narrative that the Democrats push on a daily basis. We cannot make terrorist like us. It doesn’t matter what we do or don’t do, short of converting to Islam, that will make them not want to kill us. This ridiculously shallow and uninformed view is what led Biden to recently lift sanctions on Iran. The thinking is that if we lift sanctions they will let us in and give us access to see their access. They won’t show us anything of value and we simply just gave them money to accelerate their nuclear program which they will attempt to use to destroy Israel. This policy of appeasement is really just a policy of weakness allowing other countries who aren’t run by weak knee’ed, latte drinking political science majors to take control of the world.

We invade a country and the people don't like us. Imagine that. Maybe you are on to something here?
If you ever served in the military, you'd realize how meaningless those figures are.

Most of that equipment can't be maintained without spare parts and technical maintenance, which the Taliban doesn't have. Most of that equipment will be broken down in a year, if it isn't already.

What a stupid post.

Seems to be your specialty.
Bush who decided to go in there, then forget about it when he had an opportunity to go after Saddam instead.

If there was a time WHEN this could have been won, it was in 2002, when the Afghan people were still angry enough at the Taliban to work with us to get rid of them. Instead, we put a bunch of corrupt quislings in charge that made people MISS the Taliban.

Wow... this is the most white people thing I have ever heard. HOW DARE WE LET THOSE PEOPLE OF COLOR CONTROL THEIR OWN RESOURCES? Those are Afghanistan's resources, and they are pretty much free to sell them to who they want. We poured trillions of dollars into that country to secure a "commodity" that might be worth "billions"? Seriously, this makes sense to you, Cleetus? I thought you were a Business Genius. You don't throw away a TRILLION dollars and 2500 lives to make a small profit on a commodity.

Except no one has proposed Communism. I'd just like to go back to Pre-Reagan America, where we were the richest and most prosperous country in the world.

How were we going to destroy billions of dollars of equipment with only the 2500 guys Trump left in the country?

Do you think that they were going to walk into an Afghan Army Camp and say, "Hey, guys, I know you are debating whether to make a pointless last stand against the Taliban or switch sides and just throw in with them, but do you mind if we walk around and blow up these HUMMV's we gave you? "

We spent 20 years giving equipment to the Afghan National Army on the dubious theory if we threw enough money at them, they would learn to love Coke, Democracy and Jesus! The reality is, they just took the money and the equipment, and as soon as they saw we were done, they were done, too.

I blame Bush for that, not Biden.

BlindBoo said:
Exactly, as our last troops pulled out of a province the Taliban took over, many times without a fight. It was not a surprise that they would try to move in. What surprised the Generals was the rapid collapse or just melting away of the Army.

They're really simple questions.
Why hide, every reader knows both the aswers and your fear of answering.

Who was President for the debacle???

And.....did the sitting President have any obligation to follow a plan by the preceding President?

Why did Biden screw it up so badly???

Why do you vote for failure and injury to America???
As CiC of the Worlds premiere military his hand were not tied. But it would have been very hard to go back to war, to justify the casualties, for a propped up country that was falling apart.
Harder than going back to an energy dependent nation when Joe Biden simply erased the Keystone Pipeline
when he illegitimately took office and made sure the US would be coming back again and again to OPEC
ministers with hat in hand, like a begging waif from a Dickens novel?

Please sir, we are cold and need to feed our automobiles....may we have some oil, please?
Harder than going back to an energy dependent nation when Joe Biden simply erased the Keystone Pipeline
when he illegitimately took office and made sure the US would be coming back again and again to OPEC
ministers with hat in hand, like a begging waif from a Dickens novel?

Please sir, we are cold and need to feed our automobiles....may we have some oil, please?

The pipeline was Canadian oil. Why is this so hard for people to understand?
Uniformed as ever. Of course they advised him that they could most defiantly take the entire country back from the Taliban, with enough bodies. He told them no. Then the told them to get him some workable plans to get us out. It was either that or go back to combat when the truce expired. Nobody wanted that.
So decrepit Joe Biden gave his generals two choices, both of which were horrible, to work from?

He had other options. You, and Joe, just choose to ignore them. In fact you choose to lie about the options.

Leaving behind billions of dollars of advanced arms for the Taliban to take over and over 9,000 Americans
left behind before Joe "turned the page" on fellow citizens was not a fait accompli until Biden made it so

Of course you also think shooting unarmed 1/6 demonstrators was acceptable, even preferable,
government policy. So who is surprised by your Neanderthal stances?
Who was President for the debacle
Bush, Obama, and Trump.
And.....did the sitting President have any obligation to follow a plan by the preceding President?
The Obligations of the Surrender Accords had already carried out by Trump. Even though the Taliban only met one of theirs
Why did Biden screw it up so badly???
In a word, he didn't. You see in a fit of rage and some would say out of spite and seeking revenge, President Trump decided after the Networks had announce his loss publicly that he was going to withdrawal US Troops from several foreign nations, Including Germany, Iraq, Afghanistan and the entire African continent. In the end of course he was talked down to reducing the number of troops called for in the Accords 8600, down to 2500. Which put the Taliban is a much better strategic position and our supposed allies the Afghan Army in a much weaker one.

We got out without any combat deaths which the rabid right ignores even though it was because of Trump Truce. Maybe because it was the only thing the Taliban adhered to in the Agreement or that it helped a great deal after the Afghan Army said Adios.

ISIS Terrorists struck in Kabul many times during the Truce. And our WOT has has many civilian casualties via drone. Every president since Clinton has not only increased their use but have also increased the number of civilian casualties than their predecessors.
Bush, Obama, and Trump.

The Obligations of the Surrender Accords had already carried out by Trump. Even though the Taliban only met one of theirs

In a word, he didn't. You see in a fit of rage and some would say out of spite and seeking revenge, President Trump decided after the Networks had announce his loss publicly that he was going to withdrawal US Troops from several foreign nations, Including Germany, Iraq, Afghanistan and the entire African continent. In the end of course he was talked down to reducing the number of troops called for in the Accords 8600, down to 2500. Which put the Taliban is a much better strategic position and our supposed allies the Afghan Army in a much weaker one.

We got out without any combat deaths which the rabid right ignores even though it was because of Trump Truce. Maybe because it was the only thing the Taliban adhered to in the Agreement or that it helped a great deal after the Afghan Army said Adios.

ISIS Terrorists struck in Kabul many times during the Truce. And our WOT has has many civilian casualties via drone. Every president since Clinton has not only increased their use but have also increased the number of civilian casualties than their predecessors.

Your claim as the answer of who was President causing, during the debacle...

"Bush, Obama, and Trump."

We need go no are self-identified as lying scum.

We will reprise this in the future.
Harder than going back to an energy dependent nation when Joe Biden simply erased the Keystone Pipeline
when he illegitimately took office and made sure the US would be coming back again and again to OPEC
ministers with hat in hand, like a begging waif from a Dickens novel?

Please sir, we are cold and need to feed our automobiles....may we have some oil, please?
Squirrels. Production from the oil patch fell under Trump and our export dropped due to the world economic slow down and not because of a canceled, incomplete pipeline that would bring foreign oil through the country mostly for export. The election was not stolen. The Saudis have the best spigot to cheap (easily accessable) oil. All presidents have asked them to increase or decrease their production depending on the need of the time. Why are you pretending otherwise?

Funny Dicken's parody line. :113:
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Your claim as the answer of who was President causing, during the debacle...

"Bush, Obama, and Trump."

We need go no further.....

Correct. The debacle in Afghanistan was the nation building occupation. Nearly 20 years, billions in treasure. Countless lives lost and destroyed. Each had commanded tens of thousands of Troops. Poured dollar after dollar into training and arming the Afghan Army and police force all in an obvious failed nation building effort.

The WarHawks want the public to forget about the past presidents roles and want to agree with the Rabid Right that seems to want to blames the entire Afghan fiasco on Joe via the Rabid Right narrative which doesn't include the Lame Duck shenanigans' of Benedict Donald that aided our enemies and hurt our allies. That way they can do it again.

They told me to tell you to keep up the good work.

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