Sudden Silence From All Those Biden/Afghanistan Defenders

The cut was done by Benedict Donald. One week prior to being forced to punt to Joe Why did the CiC cut our defenses so much so close to the transfer of power do you think? After making those cuts, 70% below the Doha Accords he ran away without leave a plan to carry out the final leg of his plan.

It's all about the cut and run, nothing else, like you said.

Of course he wasn't obligated. But in reality the previous guy gave away the bath, the baby, the kitchen and the sink. Maybe that's what he meant in Ohio?

Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame.

Donald Trump: (22:53)
What stopped Joe Biden from, on his first day in his ill gained office, sending several thousands troops to Afghanistan for an extremely short duration assignment?
Just long enough to properly dispose of the weapons Incapacitated Joe ran off and left for the Taliban to keep?

Nothing at all.
What stopped Joe Biden from, on his first day in his ill gained office, sending several thousands troops to Afghanistan for an extremely short duration assignment?
Just long enough to properly dispose of the weapons Incapacitated Joe ran off and left for the Taliban to keep?

Nothing at all.

I don't think anyone in the Pentagon would have suggested that we destroy the very equipment that three presidents spent 20 years giving to the Afghans to use to defend themselves with?

Pretty ill-logical.
Yeah, we don't fund terrorism against our country. Seriously, how dumb can you be? That was a purely rhetorical question, we all know the answer.

Really? Because let's not forget, Bin Laden got his start because the CIA gave him and the rebels in Afghanistan a SHITLOAD of money to fight the Russians. Those dirty, stinking commies were going to teach girls how to read, and we just couldn't have that!!!

Then they turned on us.

Telling a foreign people that they can't control their resources because we won't like what they MIGHT do with them is the height of imperial hubris. We dumped a shitload of money into Afghanistan and 20 years later, the Taliban cake-walked into Kabul.

Fantasy , la-la land. That is where you lefties live. Can't we all just get along? LOL...God you are an idiot.

Um, no Arab has ever bothered me. Seems to me that you've confused the interests of the wealthy and the Jews for my interests. I couldn't honestly care less what they do in their own countries, and if they push the Zionists into the sea, sucks to be them.

You been listening to a lot of CCR lately haven't you? The sentiment of Fortunate Son sums you and many other Democrats up perfectly. Good song, but the lyrics and the sentiment are for anti-US, adolescent minded, ignorant fools. It was specifically written in reference to the Vietnam War, but today's Democrats ascribe to the same sentiment about the US in general. It is one thing to apply this to a specific event/policy and quite another to apply it to the US in general.

Uh, just not seeing the difference. Back then we recruited poor kids into the military to fight in Vietnam. Rich kids like Bush, Cheney, Limbaugh, Trump all found ways to avoid the draft. Today we have a "volunteer" military where we recruit poor kids with the promise of a college education that never happens.

So it's kind of easy for the rich and the politicians to send OTHER people's kids off to war. I mean, it's just poor people.

I am fine with a mandatory stint in the military for all males at age 18, but the military can't be run by left-wing quacks or it will just be an extension of the indoctrination they receive in the public school system.

You mean they might learn about "Science" and "math" and other ungodly subjects? Heaven forbid.
What stopped Joe Biden from, on his first day in his ill gained office, sending several thousands troops to Afghanistan for an extremely short duration assignment?
Just long enough to properly dispose of the weapons Incapacitated Joe ran off and left for the Taliban to keep?

Nothing at all.

Really? because on paper, the Afghan Army was 350,000 men strong We were going to really disarm 350,000 guys who didn't want to be disarmed?
If Biden had given them some warning, they'd have had plenty of time to disable the major weapons systems.

But he didn't. It was a clusterfuck, and in no rational way can it be called a victory for Biden...unless you accept that he was working for the Taliban and Iran.

Biden extended Trumps evacuation deadline by 3 months.

The war in Afghanistan was lost when Bush gave up on chasing down Bin Laden and decided he was going to get revenge on Saddam.

The real problem was that we armed the very same tribal militias that had previously supported the Taliban and expected them to stay loyal after we stopped paying them.
You mean they might learn about "Science" and "math" and other ungodly subjects? Heaven forbid.

All your other stuff is just you usual nonsense. No reason for reply.

As to this, it is not scientific that, for example, a boy can be a girl or that a girl can be a boy. Why should we support the antics of clearly mentally ill folks? We can attempt to help them and shouldn't make fun of them, but we can't acquiesce to their fantasies just to make them feel good about themselves. That is the kind of stuff you folks believe and that is the kind of stuff that is being pushed in our military. China, Russia, Iran, N. Korea, the all love it because it makes us weaker. You and other can't see it because you are blind and just a little stupid.
Cleetus, you are done-der predictable.

All your other stuff is just you usual nonsense. No reason for reply.

In short, you really can't refute any of it. We get that. The ironic thing is, most of the people dying for "empire" get no benefit of it. Heaven forbid we should ever question why.

As to this, it is not scientific that, for example, a boy can be a girl or that a girl can be a boy. Why should we support the antics of clearly mentally ill folks? We can attempt to help them and shouldn't make fun of them, but we can't acquiesce to their fantasies just to make them feel good about themselves.

Okay, so your transphobia is not a refutation of science, it's just you demonstrating your irrational fears.

There is a wealth of scientific evidence that transgender people are not mentally ill. Some people are just wired that way. 50 years ago, homosexuality was listed as a mental illness. The term "hysteria" comes from the sexist notion that a woman having a uterus made her irrational. Maybe we need to look at the real mental illnesses, racism, misogyny, homophobia and transphobia. Hating on people who have no effect on your life truly sounds... crazy.

That is the kind of stuff you folks believe and that is the kind of stuff that is being pushed in our military.

Um, so? Hey, you know what, when I was in the IL NG, I knew an officer who later came out as Trans. (She's the cousin of the current IL Governor.) She made the rank of Lt. Colonel before retiring. The guy who was just on Jeopardy!, ran for weeks and set records. The only insanity is your insecurities.

China, Russia, Iran, N. Korea, the all love it because it makes us weaker. You and other can't see it because you are blind and just a little stupid.

Yawn, Cleetus, nobody is living in fear of our Christian Legions.

Those foreign countries don't need to worry, you guys wreck our economy, stir racial divisions.

It wasn't a group of drag queens that stormed our capitol, it was a bunch of inbred rednecks.
I don't think anyone in the Pentagon would have suggested that we destroy the very equipment that three presidents spent 20 years giving to the Afghans to use to defend themselves with?

Pretty ill-logical.
And what if that "stuff" falls into the hands of the Taliban?

Then the "illogical" becomes very logical and Joe's cowardly failure has real consequences for the
people of Afghanistan.
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I don't think anyone in the Pentagon would have suggested that we destroy the very equipment that three presidents spent 20 years giving to the Afghans to use to defend themselves with?

Pretty ill-logical.
The Pentagon was telling Xiden not to surrender...he didn't listen to them
The Pentagon was telling Xiden not to surrender...he didn't listen to them

When President Donald Trump came into office in January 2017, approximately 11,000 U.S. troops were reportedly in Afghanistan, with U.S. force levels having declined from their 2009- 2011 high point of approximately 100,000 U.S. troops.37 In June 2017, President Trump delegated to Secretary of Defense James Mattis the authority to set force levels, reportedly limited to around 3,500 additional troops; Secretary Mattis signed orders to deploy them in September 2017.38 Those additional forces (all of which were dedicated to NATO-led RSM) arrived in Afghanistan within months, putting the total number of U.S. troops in the country between 14,000 and 15,000 by the end of 2017........ In February 2020, the United States and the Taliban signed a formal agreement in which the United States committed to withdrawing all of its troops, contractors, and non-diplomatic civilian personnel from Afghanistan, with a drawdown in military forces to 8,600 by mid-July 2020 and a complete withdrawal by the end of April 2021...... The U.S. withdrawal commitment was not conditioned on the Taliban reducing violence against the Afghan government, making concessions in intra-Afghan talks, or taking other actions. The agreement also stated that up to 5,000 Taliban prisoners held by the Afghan government (which was not a party to the agreement) and up to 1,000 Afghan personnel captured by the Taliban “will be released” in March 2020.........Throughout 2020, U.S. officials stated that the Taliban were not in full compliance with the agreement, U.S. force levels continued to drop, reaching 8,600 one month ahead of the mid-July 2020 deadline in the U.S.-Taliban accord.42 Confusion about the United States’ future military posture grew in October 2020 due to contradictory visions expressed by senior Trump Administration officials, including President Trump’s tweet that, “We should have the small remaining number of our BRAVE Men and Women serving in Afghanistan home by Christmas!” 43 On November 17, 2020, then-Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller announced, “we will implement President Trump’s orders to continue our repositioning of forces” from Afghanistan, and that 2,500 U.S. forces would remain in Afghanistan by January 15, 2021. Acting Secretary Miller characterized the drawdown (announced alongside a similar reduction of U.S. forces from Iraq) as “consistent with our established plans and strategic objectives,” and said it “does not equate to a change in U.S. policy or objectives.” 44 On January 15, 2021, Acting Secretary Miller confirmed that the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan had reached 2,500

The president made the decision to withdraw the remaining 2500 troops. It would have been very hard to redeploy tens of thousand of fresh bodies in an obvious failed effort to build a nation.

"Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame"

Donald Trump: (22:53) Confessions from the Cheddar Shredder.
When President Donald Trump came into office in January 2017, approximately 11,000 U.S. troops were reportedly in Afghanistan, with U.S. force levels having declined from their 2009- 2011 high point of approximately 100,000 U.S. troops.37 In June 2017, President Trump delegated to Secretary of Defense James Mattis the authority to set force levels, reportedly limited to around 3,500 additional troops; Secretary Mattis signed orders to deploy them in September 2017.38 Those additional forces (all of which were dedicated to NATO-led RSM) arrived in Afghanistan within months, putting the total number of U.S. troops in the country between 14,000 and 15,000 by the end of 2017........ In February 2020, the United States and the Taliban signed a formal agreement in which the United States committed to withdrawing all of its troops, contractors, and non-diplomatic civilian personnel from Afghanistan, with a drawdown in military forces to 8,600 by mid-July 2020 and a complete withdrawal by the end of April 2021...... The U.S. withdrawal commitment was not conditioned on the Taliban reducing violence against the Afghan government, making concessions in intra-Afghan talks, or taking other actions. The agreement also stated that up to 5,000 Taliban prisoners held by the Afghan government (which was not a party to the agreement) and up to 1,000 Afghan personnel captured by the Taliban “will be released” in March 2020.........Throughout 2020, U.S. officials stated that the Taliban were not in full compliance with the agreement, U.S. force levels continued to drop, reaching 8,600 one month ahead of the mid-July 2020 deadline in the U.S.-Taliban accord.42 Confusion about the United States’ future military posture grew in October 2020 due to contradictory visions expressed by senior Trump Administration officials, including President Trump’s tweet that, “We should have the small remaining number of our BRAVE Men and Women serving in Afghanistan home by Christmas!” 43 On November 17, 2020, then-Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller announced, “we will implement President Trump’s orders to continue our repositioning of forces” from Afghanistan, and that 2,500 U.S. forces would remain in Afghanistan by January 15, 2021. Acting Secretary Miller characterized the drawdown (announced alongside a similar reduction of U.S. forces from Iraq) as “consistent with our established plans and strategic objectives,” and said it “does not equate to a change in U.S. policy or objectives.” 44 On January 15, 2021, Acting Secretary Miller confirmed that the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan had reached 2,500

The president made the decision to withdraw the remaining 2500 troops. It would have been very hard to redeploy tens of thousand of fresh bodies in an obvious failed effort to build a nation.

"Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame"

Donald Trump: (22:53) Confessions from the Cheddar Shredder.
yes trump was able to maintain the peace and withdraw troops
yes trump was able to maintain the peace and withdraw troops
I'll give him that. The Taliban honored the truce with US forces all the way till the last plane left. It is the reason we suffered no combat casualties during that final evacuation of the remaining forces. They didn't or couldn't, honor the condition of not allowing Islamic Terrorists to operate inside the country.
I don't think anyone in the Pentagon would have suggested that we destroy the very equipment that three presidents spent 20 years giving to the Afghans to use to defend themselves with?

Pretty ill-logical.
Especially since we were sorta hoping the afganis would hold out against the Taliban long enough for our guys to get on transports and fly the hell out of that goat shit hell hole. LOL
I'll give him that. The Taliban honored the truce with US forces all the way till the last plane left. It is the reason we suffered no combat casualties during that final evacuation of the remaining forces. They didn't or couldn't, honor the condition of not allowing Islamic Terrorists to operate inside the country.
yep and xiden ignored the agreement and the military tans surrendered the country

betraying our allies, leaving americans behind and even earning the contempt of the united kingdom
yep and xiden ignored the agreement and the military tans surrendered the country

betraying our allies, leaving americans behind and even earning the contempt of the united kingdom
what agreement did Biden ignore?
yep and xiden ignored the agreement and the military tans surrendered the country
The only condition the Taliban met from the agreement was the truce with us. How can you think Biden Ignored that? Trump had already met all of our obligations, and then some, before Biden took office. Nor did he ignore the militaries request to maintain the status quo. He told them no to the forever war they wanted.
The only condition the Taliban met from the agreement was the truce with us. How can you think Biden Ignored that? Trump had already met all of our obligations, and then some, before Biden took office. Nor did he ignore the militaries request to maintain the status quo. He told them no to the forever war they wanted.
1) because he said he ignored it.
2) that was only one part of the agreement. The agreement called for a “a permanent and comprehensive ceasefire” between the Taliban and Afghan Govt...which wasn't realized, thus Xiden ignored the agreement as well.
the agreement called for a “a permanent and comprehensive ceasefire” between the Taliban and Afghan Govt...which wasn't realized, thus Xiden ignored the agreement as well.

The thing is, the agreement had a timetable of 135 days for implementation. Every condition trump met while allowing the Taliban to slide strengthened the Taliban's position. Till finally at the end of Trumps term we were left with just 2500 troop spread out over 38 provinces and a withdrawal deadline looming with no plan to evacuate the 2500 troop or our Afghan Allies. So you think Biden should have gone in and forced the Taliban to do what they promised Trump they would do because Trump didn't enforce his own agreement? That's kind of a chickenshit way to blame the next guy. Wow.
The thing is, the agreement had a timetable of 135 days for implementation. Every condition trump met while allowing the Taliban to slide strengthened the Taliban's position. Till finally at the end of Trumps term we were left with just 2500 troop spread out over 38 provinces and a withdrawal deadline looming with no plan to evacuate the 2500 troop or our Afghan Allies. So you think Biden should have gone in and forced the Taliban to do what they promised Trump they would do because Trump didn't enforce his own agreement? That's kind of a chickenshit way to blame the next guy. Wow.
The date could always be was not fixed..and was only conditioned on things being met.

""We'll be very much hoping that they will be doing what they say they're going to be doing." - Trump after the agreement

"And if the Taliban and the Afghan government live up to their commitments — and they may or they may not, but I think we have a lot of reason why they will. I think they will," -Trump again on the agreement

. It’s been public. But we’ll be down to, very shortly, we’ll be down to less than 4,000 soldiers. We’ll be out of there, knowing that certain things have to happen. Certain things have to be fulfilled, but 19 years is a long time."-Trump again

Regardless, not sure why we are talking about a plan, that was in place, that isn't wasn't followed, Xiden ignored it, didn't care about it...and he ignored the Pentagon.

So, your comments are mere red herrings
So, your comments are mere red herrings
Trump didn't enforce the conditions on the Taliban like he agreed to. He moved no dates, He met all of our obligations. Also, as a bonus to the Taliban he withdrew 70% of the remaining 8600 troops one week before his term was up. Those are not red herrings. You really think it's all Joe's fault for not demanding the Taliban meet those conditions Trump didn't enforce? He did it on purpose and even bragged about how he hamstrung the Military and the New Administration.


Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame

Donald Trump: (22:53) The Blurter in Chief comes clean.

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