Sudden Silence From All Those Biden/Afghanistan Defenders

I usually tune Jumbo out.

I supported Biden getting us out of Afghanistan.

I still do.
I don't think anyone in the Pentagon would have suggested that we destroy the very equipment that three presidents spent 20 years giving to the Afghans to use to defend themselves with?

Pretty ill-logical.
Nonsense. US military doctrine is to destroy weapons and equipment that can't be recovered to deny its use to the enemy.

Well, it used to be, at any rate. Creepy Joe fucked that up.
Biden extended Trumps evacuation deadline by 3 months.

The war in Afghanistan was lost when Bush gave up on chasing down Bin Laden and decided he was going to get revenge on Saddam.

The real problem was that we armed the very same tribal militias that had previously supported the Taliban and expected them to stay loyal after we stopped paying them.
The geopolitics of the area is fucked up, no question. Much of it can be laid at the feet of the Afghanis themselves, who don't seem to be interested in turning their calendars forward 1400 years.
Trump didn't enforce the conditions on the Taliban like he agreed to. He moved no dates, He met all of our obligations. Also, as a bonus to the Taliban he withdrew 70% of the remaining 8600 troops one week before his term was up. Those are not red herrings. You really think it's all Joe's fault for not demanding the Taliban meet those conditions Trump didn't enforce? He did it on purpose and even bragged about how he hamstrung the Military and the New Administration.


Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame

Donald Trump: (22:53) The Blurter in Chief comes clean.
there wasn’t anything to enforce…
Trump didn't enforce the conditions on the Taliban like he agreed to. He moved no dates, He met all of our obligations. Also, as a bonus to the Taliban he withdrew 70% of the remaining 8600 troops one week before his term was up. Those are not red herrings. You really think it's all Joe's fault for not demanding the Taliban meet those conditions Trump didn't enforce? He did it on purpose and even bragged about how he hamstrung the Military and the New Administration.


Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame

Donald Trump: (22:53) The Blurter in Chief comes clean.
what do you mean enforce? they either did it, or didn’t…and if they didn’t we wouldn’t leave.

Xiden ignored it and bailed. He made it clear the agreement and it’s terms had nothing to do with his plan to withdraw…so stop already and learn to accept reality
Nonsense. US military doctrine is to destroy weapons and equipment that can't be recovered to deny its use to the enemy.

Well, it used to be, at any rate. Creepy Joe fucked that up.
Do you think the military that planned the evacuation had a plan to destroy all the American weapons the Afghan Army had and were still using in coordination with us, that Biden cancelled? What about attacking the Taliban after they acquired the weapons from the retreating Afghans. Do you think they had a plan to attack the same Taliban that was honoring the truce to let us evacuate without having to fight our way out, and Joe said no?
there wasn’t anything to enforce…

what do you mean enforce? they either did it, or didn’t…and if they didn’t we wouldn’t leave.

Xiden ignored it and bailed. He made it clear the agreement and it’s terms had nothing to do with his plan to withdraw…so stop already and learn to accept reality
It was his decision to withdraw and not continue the war. He made that first before tasking our best military mind to come up with the plan.

The Agreement Trump made.

The term and conditions are here. They had everything to do with the plan for the evacuation. So in reality, after Trumpyberra screwed the pooch, that gave Taliban great leverage against the few remaining US Troops who were protected by the truce. And you think Joe should have broken that truce and gone back to war for some reason?
Do you think the military that planned the evacuation had a plan to destroy all the American weapons the Afghan Army had and were still using in coordination with us, that Biden cancelled? What about attacking the Taliban after they acquired the weapons from the retreating Afghans. Do you think they had a plan to attack the same Taliban that was honoring the truce to let us evacuate without having to fight our way out, and Joe said no?
The time to destroy equipment is before/during a planned and orderly evacuation. You either destroy the equipment with explosives or heavy gunfire, or you remove key components that render the equipment inoperable. I was a USAF generator mechanic for 20 years. We were trained how to destroy our equipment. Never got to practice, dammit. Always wanted to drain the oil out of an engine and let it run until it seized. That would have been something to see on a MEP-012A that uses a V-12 Cummins.

You are so very desperate to blame Trump for something Biden fucked up. Normal people aren't buying it.
The time to destroy equipment is before/during a planned and orderly evacuation. You either destroy the equipment with explosives or heavy gunfire, or you remove key components that render the equipment inoperable. I was a USAF generator mechanic for 20 years. We were trained how to destroy our equipment. Never got to practice, dammit. Always wanted to drain the oil out of an engine and let it run until it seized. That would have been something to see on a MEP-012A that uses a V-12 Cummins.

You are so very desperate to blame Trump for something Biden fucked up. Normal people aren't buying it.

The Taliban got the Afghan Armies weapons, not ours.

I have not once blamed Trump for not destroying the Afghan Armies weapons. Or anyone. Wtf were they suppose to fight with? Like you said destroying our equipment is the military's job and they said they did it.
The Taliban got the Afghan Armies weapons, not ours.

I have not once blamed Trump for not destroying the Afghan Armies weapons. Or anyone. Wtf were they suppose to fight with? Like you said destroying our equipment is the military's job and they said they did it.
The Afghan military doesn't seem to have fought much at all. It wouldn't have been out of line to destroy the aircraft and armor.
The Afghan military doesn't seem to have fought much at all. It wouldn't have been out of line to destroy the aircraft and armor.

They were shut out of the negotiations and the conditions that should have protected them like our troops were, was completely ignored. Furthermore their support teams were being evacuated.
They were shut out of the negotiations and the conditions that should have protected them like our troops were, was completely ignored. Furthermore their support teams were being evacuated.
Did Biden reach out to them?


You seem to think Biden is completely powerless. I guess that makes it easier to not hold him accountable, huh?
Nonsense. US military doctrine is to destroy weapons and equipment that can't be recovered to deny its use to the enemy.

Well, it used to be, at any rate. Creepy Joe fucked that up.

Bullshit. We left tons of equipment behind in Vietnam when Saigon fell. Some of it is still in use 50 years later.

The geopolitics of the area is fucked up, no question. Much of it can be laid at the feet of the Afghanis themselves, who don't seem to be interested in turning their calendars forward 1400 years.

Or they are perfectly happy with their lifestyle and we should mind our own business. You see, there was a GOOD reason to go into Afghanistan, and that was to get Bin Laden. (you know, the job Bush couldn't finish and had to leave for Obama to do.) We really had no business trying to 'remake' the country in our image. If the Russians couldn't do it, we were bound to fail.

The Afghan military doesn't seem to have fought much at all. It wouldn't have been out of line to destroy the aircraft and armor.

And how many American lives were you willing to expend to destroy equipment that was largely obsolete, anyway?
Did Biden reach out to them?
Biden wasn't the president when the Taliban was breaking the Surrender Accords and launching attacks on the Afghan Government and Army while we were meeting our obligations like troop reduction. That put the Taliban in much better tactical and strategic position on Jan. 21, 2021.
You seem to think Biden is completely powerless.
His knew his options. A weaker man would have buckled under the Generals pressure to keep the 2500 troops for his own political expediencies, like the Trumpyberra did when he flip-flopped on his complete withdrawal order in Nov. 2020, right after his loss was announced.

President Biden make the hard call.
Bullshit. We left tons of equipment behind in Vietnam when Saigon fell. Some of it is still in use 50 years later.
Thus proving what a good idea it is to destroy abandoned equipment.
Or they are perfectly happy with their lifestyle and we should mind our own business. You see, there was a GOOD reason to go into Afghanistan, and that was to get Bin Laden. (you know, the job Bush couldn't finish and had to leave for Obama to do.) We really had no business trying to 'remake' the country in our image. If the Russians couldn't do it, we were bound to fail.
This will shock you, but I agree. We should have stayed with the job until Bin Laden was dead...then left, with warnings to the Afghanis that they can do what they want in their own borders, but if they export terrorism, we'll rain down hell on them.
And how many American lives were you willing to expend to destroy equipment that was largely obsolete, anyway?
The Afghani military were running. There would have been little threat to American troops.

But now Islamic terrorists in Afghanistan and Iran have American military equipment, and can threaten Americans and American allies.

Thanks solely to the incompetent old pedo you voted for.
Biden wasn't the president when the Taliban was breaking the Surrender Accords and launching attacks on the Afghan Government and Army while we were meeting our obligations like troop reduction. That put the Taliban in much better tactical and strategic position on Jan. 21, 2021.

His knew his options. A weaker man would have buckled under the Generals pressure to keep the 2500 troops for his own political expediencies, like the Trumpyberra did when he flip-flopped on his complete withdrawal order in Nov. 2020, right after his loss was announced.

President Biden make the hard call.
He made the "hard call" to surrender to Islamic terrorists.
He made the "hard call" to surrender to Islamic terrorists.
Again Dave, that was Benedict Donald who signed the Accords and hamstrung the military on his way out the door. Stabbing the Afghan Army and Government in the back wasn't hard for Donnie to do at all. The way he treated then no wonder they hate all America. What do you make of this statement he made before the fall.

Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame.

Donald Trump: (22:53)
Again Dave, that was Benedict Donald who signed the Accords and hamstrung the military on his way out the door. Stabbing the Afghan Army and Government in the back wasn't hard for Donnie to do at all. The way he treated then no wonder they hate all America. What do you make of this statement he made before the fall.

Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame.

Donald Trump: (22:53)
Poor, helpless Biden, utterly powerless to do anything. :(
Thus proving what a good idea it is to destroy abandoned equipment.

No, it shows we should stop trying to outsource our wars to other people.

This will shock you, but I agree. We should have stayed with the job until Bin Laden was dead...then left, with warnings to the Afghanis that they can do what they want in their own borders, but if they export terrorism, we'll rain down hell on them.

Um, yeah. The only reason why the Afghans had Bin Laden was because the Saudis refused to take him.

The Afghani military were running. There would have been little threat to American troops.

Yes, because people who have been fighting a 40 year civil war have no idea how to fight back.

But now Islamic terrorists in Afghanistan and Iran have American military equipment, and can threaten Americans and American allies.

I'll worry when they start driving a HUMMV down our streets... oh, wait, that wasn't a terrorist, that was an entitled asshole.
No, it shows we should stop trying to outsource our wars to other people.

Um, yeah. The only reason why the Afghans had Bin Laden was because the Saudis refused to take him.

Yes, because people who have been fighting a 40 year civil war have no idea how to fight back.

I'll worry when they start driving a HUMMV down our streets... oh, wait, that wasn't a terrorist, that was an entitled asshole.
If you hate America so much, why are you still here?

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