Sudden Silence From All Those Biden/Afghanistan Defenders

The Neo-GOP denigration of the US Military continues. They claim the military lied when they degraded all the US Equipment they couldn't get out and scoffed at the notion that the equipment shown on TV was anything other than the equipment the Afghan Army abandoned. Why was the morale of their Army so low do you suppose? Could it be because Trump didn't base his withdrawals on the conditions in the Doha Agreement, which put the Taliban in a much stronger position than if it was an actual conditioned base withdrawal.
The Neo-GOP denigration of the US Military continues. They claim the military lied when they degraded all the US Equipment they couldn't get out and scoffed at the notion that the equipment shown on TV was anything other than the equipment the Afghan Army abandoned. Why was the morale of their Army so low do you suppose? Could it be because Trump didn't base his withdrawals on the conditions in the Doha Agreement, which put the Taliban in a much stronger position than if it was an actual conditioned base withdrawal.

Nothing here 'degraded,' lying low-life.

It was a gift to our enemies just as FDR and Obama have done.


the Taliban seized way more ScanEagle drones than the government is saying they did. There is no accounting on the number of crashed units.

Direct Quote from Report
“This also raises concerns about how NAVAIR justified procuring 105 ScanEagle vehicles totaling over $32 million and spare parts totaling over $52 million, and future planned procurements.”

This week, the SIGAR audit on the $174 million drone loss disappeared from its website. Here is the link that was removed.


Here is a breakdown of estimated vehicle costs:

  • Armored personnel carriers such as the M113A2 cost $170,000 each and recent purchases of the M577A2 post carrier cost $333,333 each.
  • Mine resistant vehicles ranges from $412,000 to $767,000. The total cost could range between $382 million to $711 million.
  • Recovery vehicles such as the ‘truck, wrecker’ cost between for the base model $168,960 and $880,674 for super strength versions.
  • Medium range tactical vehicles include 5-ton cargo and general transport trucks were priced at $67,139. However, the family of MTV heavy vehicleshad prices ranging from $235,500 to $724,820 each. Cargo trucks to transport airplanes cost $800,865.
  • Humvees – ambulance type (range from $37,943 to $142,918 with most at $96,466); cargo type, priced at $104,682. Utility Humvees were typically priced at $91,429. However, the 12,000 lb. troop transport version cost up to $329,000.
  • Light tactical vehicles: Fast attack combat vehicles ($69,400); and passenger motor vehicles ($65,500). All terrain 4-wheel vehicles go up to $42,273 in the military databases.




UPDATE: Biden's Gift to Taliban Included 110 Helicopters, 20 Light Attack Airplanes, 42,000 Light Attack Vehicles, 25,000 Grenade Launchers

If you thought the Joe Biden Afghanistan disaster was bad now – things are going to get much worse. Joe Biden supplied the Taliban terrorist organization and their Islamist accomplices with billions of dollars worth of US armaments. Rather than destroying the equipment before leaving the...

Don't forget Hillary providing our uranium to the Kremlin for a 'donation.'

Democrats......they're not on our side.
Nothing here 'degraded,' lying low-life.

It was a gift to our enemies just as FDR and Obama have done.
There is no depth to which the budding little fascist s of Trump Neo-GOP will stoop to placate their Exalted one. Even calling our top military commander a lying low-life, is just par for their anti-American course. The Generals testimony confirms everything I've postulated here in the not so silent rebut of all the Neo-GOP lies about the end of the Afghan occupation. Their "blame Joe at all costs" campaign is as political as their "You didn't build that" campaign.

Nope. Avoided three times.

You haven't addressed the effects of the sanctions, making Russian oil money, nothing but a WIN-WIN, as the only things Russia can buy with it are farm products and consumer goods.
If your truly think nobody will deal with Putin and he won’t be able to buy whatever he wants, you’re dumber than you sound.
There is no depth to which the budding little fascist s of Trump Neo-GOP will stoop to placate their Exalted one. Even calling our top military commander a lying low-life, is just par for their anti-American course. The Generals testimony confirms everything I've postulated here in the not so silent rebut of all the Neo-GOP lies about the end of the Afghan occupation. Their "blame Joe at all costs" campaign is as political as their "You didn't build that" campaign.

No lie too stupid for you to not spread around dumbfuck. This is ALL on Xiden and useless morons like YOU who support him. You’re just a pathetic little sheep. Can’t blame your Dear Leader for anything. No matter how bad it is.
There is no depth to which the budding little fascist s of Trump Neo-GOP will stoop to placate their Exalted one. Even calling our top military commander a lying low-life, is just par for their anti-American course. The Generals testimony confirms everything I've postulated here in the not so silent rebut of all the Neo-GOP lies about the end of the Afghan occupation. Their "blame Joe at all costs" campaign is as political as their "You didn't build that" campaign.


Who'd you vote for again????
No lie too stupid for you to not spread around dumbfuck. This is ALL on Xiden and useless morons like YOU who support him. You’re just a pathetic little sheep. Can’t blame your Dear Leader for anything. No matter how bad it is.
Yep par for the "Blame Biden at All Cost" brigade. They can't prove the Generals lied but deep down in their guts they just know the Truympygbear is right.......
What a plan.
Why didn't he execute it?

THAT's right.
Cause it was all

View attachment 608579

Trump signed Afghanistan over to the Tliban and left Biden to carry out TRUMP's plan.

An American would know this.
A Russian loyalist would not.
You retards believe Biden is powerless to undo anything Trump did.

And you voted for him.

Well old Trumpybear got the withdrawal part down pat, however he forgot to ensure the Taliban complied with their obligations before he withdrew our forces in accordance to the Trump Surrender Accords.

There were no plans or orders after the flip flop from complete withdrawal on Jan 15th to keeping the minimum number 2500 given to the military for the approaching May 1st deadline for the withdrawal and Truce.

The world knows it was because he was spiteful over his loss in 2020 and as a man of poor character, was seeking revenge.

Benedict Donald.
So you admit Biden is weak and ineffectual.

We told you that before the election, but you voted for him anyway.

2 years to not get it done vs 6 months for Biden to get it done?

Sounds like more of Trump's cowardice and more of your being a TRAITOR. TRAITOR.
Are you getting paid for every mindless repetition of that now-meaningless word? Do they have to be all caps? And do you get an allowance for new keyboards? Because I expect you're hammering on them pretty hard in incoherent rage, retard.
The Neo-GOP denigration of the US Military continues. They claim the military lied when they degraded all the US Equipment they couldn't get out and scoffed at the notion that the equipment shown on TV was anything other than the equipment the Afghan Army abandoned. Why was the morale of their Army so low do you suppose? Could it be because Trump didn't base his withdrawals on the conditions in the Doha Agreement, which put the Taliban in a much stronger position than if it was an actual conditioned base withdrawal.
Why do you lie so much? Are you paid, too?

I can't imagine anyone displaying such a complete lack of self-respect without a profit motive.
There is no depth to which the budding little fascist s of Trump Neo-GOP will stoop to placate their Exalted one. Even calling our top military commander a lying low-life, is just par for their anti-American course. The Generals testimony confirms everything I've postulated here in the not so silent rebut of all the Neo-GOP lies about the end of the Afghan occupation. Their "blame Joe at all costs" campaign is as political as their "You didn't build that" campaign.

What's the going rate, 5 bucks a post?
So you admit Biden is weak and ineffectual.

We told you that before the election, but you voted for him anyway.

No actually he was much stronger willed than Lily-Livered and ego fragile Trump. He is willing to take the unjustified criticism because he chose to end the endless occupation of Afghanistan. I'm just pointing out what Trump did in implementing the accords without holding the Taliban accountable, as well as what he did during his lame duck period that made things worse than they should have been in our evacuation.

All out of spite and revenge on America.
No actually he was much stronger willed than Lily-Livered and ego fragile Trump. He is willing to take the unjustified criticism because he chose to end the endless occupation of Afghanistan. I'm just pointing out what Trump did in implementing the accords without holding the Taliban accountable, as well as what he did during his lame duck period that made things worse than they should have been in our evacuation.

All out of spite and revenge on America.
You only had to drink a glass of the Kool-Ade, dude, not the whole washtub.
Why do you lie so much? Are you paid, too?

I can't imagine anyone displaying such a complete lack of self-respect without a profit motive.
Not lying Dave. The only condition Trump ever cared about was that US troops not get attacked buy the Taliban. He didn't care about enforcing the agreed upon talks between the Taliban and the Government and allowed the Taliban to continue to attack both the Afghan Army and the Afghan Government. All the while we were evacuating our forces. Biden used that very same truce with the Taliban too, and didn't hold them accountable to Trumps agreement either. Another truth the Trumpers will howl about is the condition that the Taliban stop other terrorist organizations from using Afghanistan as a base. ISIS launched several SBer bombings in Kabul during the implementation of the Accords. Did
the Donald hold the Taliban Accountable for not complying with that condition and did that play any part in the dreadful attack during the evacuation?

Where do I apply?

The Neo-GOP desperately want to believe that the history of the Afghan Withdrawal began on Jan 21st and had nothing to do with his actions prior to leaving office. History shows what a petulant asshole Benedict Donald really was.
There is no depth to which the budding little fascist s of Trump Neo-GOP will stoop to placate their Exalted one. Even calling our top military commander a lying low-life, is just par for their anti-American course. The Generals testimony confirms everything I've postulated here in the not so silent rebut of all the Neo-GOP lies about the end of the Afghan occupation. Their "blame Joe at all costs" campaign is as political as their "You didn't build that" campaign.

Our current military leadership talks more with Xi and the CCP than with Biden
Not lying Dave. The only condition Trump ever cared about was that US troops not get attacked buy the Taliban.
Joe sure fucked that up, didn't he?

You can criticize Biden. It's okay. You won't burst into flame.

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