Sudden Silence From All Those Biden/Afghanistan Defenders

I haven't talked about Biden's failures. Biden didn't negotiate and sign the Skedaddle Accords and then let the war continue between the Taliban and the Government and Army who were suppose to be negotiating a peaceful settlement, while we prepared to skedaddle. That drawdown had a more profound effect on the Afghan Army than the Military thought. Their failure in the field is what caused most all the issues with the Aug. withdrawal. I'm not saying that was the only reason they didn't try to protect us on our way out, but it had an effect. ISIS still might have gotten a SBer though in Kabul.
Poor, powerless Biden, utterly unable to change anything his predecessor did. Helpless.

Won't someone please think of the Biden!
The army just kicked the Democrats in the....propagnda.

"Biden Attacks Credibility of U.S. Army Report on Afghanistan, Doubles Down on Botched Withdrawal"

It remains a one-question IQ test: "Which party did you vote for in '20????"

The one that loves America.
As opposed to the one that serves Russia.
This thread, and the past year, has left all of the Democrat voters in this sort of confusion.

They just don't learn.
Then again they are consistent. Let me explain. IF the victorius are brown, yellow, red, or BLACK over America (even perceived victory) their overlords through the media let them know that all is fine. For these demented idiots (all of the ones that post on this site), it is all about optics.

They hate white people. They white Americans the most. They hate America. To clarify. Their globalist overlords hate America and have their monkeys through mass education and mass media have them well trained.

It's really that simple. So, the taliban murdering other brown people isn't going to draw hype from the media. No way. That's why we never learn about the Trans Sahara slave trade during negro history month. That's why the mass media doesn't say a thing about black on black crime. That's why bail was set up for that ape that ran over people at a parade and gofundme set it up while they stopped all funding for so called white supremacist truckers.

It's that simple.

Trump's plan:

1.We will withdraw our civilians first

2. Then we will bring out our allies civilians

3. Next, the Afghans who aided us, the interpreters

4. Only then, will we draw out our US troops.

5. This will be done at Bagram Military Airbase, a fully defensible airport.

Under Biden: “The Bagram district governor, Darwish Raufi, expressed irritation with not being included in the process. He said in a statement that the U.S. military left “without coordinating with security and defense forces and in general without coordinating” with the Afghan government and officials in Bagram district.”

What a plan.
Why didn't he execute it?

THAT's right.
Cause it was all


Trump signed Afghanistan over to the Tliban and left Biden to carry out TRUMP's plan.

An American would know this.
A Russian loyalist would not.


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Nice deflection to a current poll. I love polls. What would we do without polls to tell us how to feel.

One week prior to being forced to punt to Joe why did the CiC cut our defenses so much so close to the transfer of power do you think? After making those cuts, 70% below the Doha Accords, didn't he run away without leaving a plan to carry out the final leg of his evacuation to anybody?.

It's all about the cut and run, nothing else, someone once said. They were right. Biden could have told the Taliban to stuff it and we weren't leaving until they carried out all the things they agreed to with the Don. It would have cost perhaps a few hundred more lives and we'd still be there today. It was a hard choice, but Joe made the right decision to leave.


Who'd you vote for????
The one that loves America.
As opposed to the one that serves Russia.

1. For most of a century Democrat foreign policy vis-a-vis Russia, the Soviet Union, has been to embrace, make excuses for, and shield the Kremlin. Of course, the favor has been in the fake dossier that the Kremlin provided to Hillary and Democrats.

2. Then:
There can be no argument about FDR's pro-dictatorship proclivities. He raced to embrace Stalin's Bolsheviks when no previous President nor Sec'y of State would deign to do so.
"Four Presidents and their six Secretaries of State for over a decade and a half held to this resolve," i.e., refusal to recognize the Soviet government. That was written by Herbert Hoover, one of those four Presidents. He wrote it in his "Freedom Betrayed: Herbert Hoover's Secret History of the Second World War and Its Aftermath"by George H. Nash, published posthumously, obviously, in 2011, pg 24-29.

Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.
'Russia Uber Alles'

What nation did Roosevelt represent, again?​

3. Now:

"Biden energy policy enriched Russia, emboldened Putin, enabled invasion of Ukraine, critics claim​

"When President Joe Biden first took office, he revoked permission for construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline, banned new leases for oil and gas production on federal land, and planned on restricting methane waste emissions from natural gas drilling on public lands. While the U.S. pipeline construction has stopped, a Louisiana federal judge's ruling has delayed the Biden administration's plan to restrict natural gas drilling.

Largely as a result of such sharp restrictions on U.S. energy production, gas prices at the pump have jumped by $1 a gallon from a year ago, and oil prices have skyrocketed to $90 a barrel — the highest levels since the Obama administration.

Last year, Biden also lifted bipartisan congressional sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which was to deliver Russian natural gas to Germany. Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Biden announced that he would reinstitute the sanctions, an announcement that came a day after Germany halted certification of the pipeline.

The only option for Biden to "affect Russian behavior — is to kick them out of the international banking system, and he wouldn't do it,"

Biden energy policy enriched Russia, emboldened Putin, enabled invasion of Ukraine, critics claim

"The Biden Administration is nickel and diming our way forward when we should be putting punitive sanctions, in the immediate moment, on the primary source of revenue for Russia which is their energy and oil exports," former VP Mike Pence tweeted.

If it is not the geography that the Democrats appear to be enamoured by, it can only be ideology.
What a plan.
Why didn't he execute it?

THAT's right.
Cause it was all

View attachment 608579

Trump signed Afghanistan over to the Tliban and left Biden to carry out TRUMP's plan.

An American would know this.
A Russian loyalist would not.

He didn't execute it because Democrats stole the election, and he wasn't the President.

You didn't know that........dunce?????
Who'd you vote for????

One week prior to being forced to punt to Joe why did the CiC cut our defenses so much so close to the transfer of power do you think? After making those cuts, 70% below the Doha Accords, didn't he run away without leaving a plan to carry out the final leg of his evacuation to anybody?.
One week prior to being forced to punt to Joe why did the CiC cut our defenses so much so close to the transfer of power do you think? After making those cuts, 70% below the Doha Accords, didn't he run away without leaving a plan to carry out the final leg of his evacuation to anybody?.

Who was President for the debacle???

And.....did the sitting President have any obligation to follow a plan by the preceding President?

Why did Biden screw it up so badly???

Why do you vote for failure and injury to America???

And.....exactly when did you become the low-life scummy liar that readers recognize????
Who was President for the debacle???
Trump was the president who negotiated the Agreement and then proceeded to ignore the Taliban breaking all but one of the conditions, while we enforce all our and then some.
And.....did the sitting President have any obligation to follow a plan by the preceding President?

After the Trumpybear spitefully ordered the complete withdrawal and then flip flopped to keep a minimum of 2500 troops 70% of what was agreed to in the Accords, there was no military plan in place to compete the evacuation. Benedict Donald Screwed the pooch and gleefully handed the mess to President Biden.
Trump was the president who negotiated the Agreement and then proceeded to ignore the Taliban breaking all but one of the conditions, while we enforce all our and then some.

After the Trumpybear spitefully ordered the complete withdrawal and then flip flopped to keep a minimum of 2500 troops 70% of what was agreed to in the Accords, there was no military plan in place to compete the evacuation. Benedict Donald Screwed the pooch and gleefully handed the mess to President Biden.

Since you can do naught but dissemble, I'll give the correct answer.

Trump organized an orderly withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Biden and the Democrats found a way to ignore that, the current President had no oblication to continue any policy or agreement of a previous President.

So the Democrats armed the Taliban as Obama armed the Iranians.
Trump was the president who negotiated the Agreement and then proceeded to ignore the Taliban breaking all but one of the conditions, while we enforce all our and then some.

After the Trumpybear spitefully ordered the complete withdrawal and then flip flopped to keep a minimum of 2500 troops 70% of what was agreed to in the Accords, there was no military plan in place to compete the evacuation. Benedict Donald Screwed the pooch and gleefully handed the mess to President Biden.

“Key Trump Defense Official Refutes Blinken, Says Trump Left Afghan Withdrawal Plan For Biden

A former key Defense Department official is calling out the Biden team for claiming that the Trump administration did not leave Joe Biden a plan for the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

During an interview with Just The News, Kash Patel — the former chief of staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller — hit back against claims from Secretary of State Antony Blinken for claiming that the Trump administration did not leave Biden a plan for the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Blinken testified before Congress that Trump left Biden a deadline for leaving Afghanistan without a plan. Patel responded to that claim by saying: “No, absolutely not.” Patel accused Blinken of playing “politics with the national security apparatus of the United States.”

“We actually did not leave them a deadline,” he said. “It was a negotiation between the U.S. government, the Taliban, and the Afghans. And if that date was not to work for this incoming administration, they could have moved it.”

Patel said Trump’s overall plan was to “peacefully negotiate yourself out of Afghanistan with a conditions-based withdrawal. And the world knew that was President Trump’s plan.”

“And they knew that they couldn’t cross at least President Trump’s threat to rain down on them, should they harm a U.S. personnel or allied member,” Patel said. “And that was the difference, really, between our plan and their plan.”

When asked about what the Trump administration’s plans would have been, Patel said: “American citizens would be drawn out first, safely, and we would identify them through the process that is in place when you methodically do something with the military, the State Department, and the intelligence community.”

“There’s a difference when you evacuate versus proactively go get them,” Patel added.

The plan, he said, “was to make sure we got to every American before we left the military, before we left Bagram [Air Base], before we left equipment, and left a crisis like the Biden administration did.”

As for the plan for leaving Bagram Air Base, Patel said that it was “the very last thing we do in the country after Americans were out after our equipment was out and/or destroyed, after the thousands of detainees at Bagram were adjudicated” and airlifted out of the country.”

Patel rounded out his comments by arguing that the Biden administration “bucked” NATO allies at Bagram “when Biden said, ‘We’re up and leaving.'” 'What They Chose To Do Was Break The Entire Agreement': Trump Actually Did It - Report Reveals Biden Was Left a Withdrawal Plan: Kash Patel Claims
Patel said Trump’s overall plan was to “peacefully negotiate yourself out of Afghanistan with a conditions-based withdrawal. And the world knew that was President Trump’s plan.”
Well old Trumpybear got the withdrawal part down pat, however he forgot to ensure the Taliban complied with their obligations before he withdrew our forces in accordance to the Trump Surrender Accords.
When asked about what the Trump administration’s plans would have been, Patel said:
There were no plans or orders after the flip flop from complete withdrawal on Jan 15th to keeping the minimum number 2500 given to the military for the approaching May 1st deadline for the withdrawal and Truce.

The world knows it was because he was spiteful over his loss in 2020 and as a man of poor character, was seeking revenge.

Benedict Donald.
One week prior to being forced to punt to Joe why did the CiC cut our defenses so much so close to the transfer of power do you think? After making those cuts, 70% below the Doha Accords, didn't he run away without leaving a plan to carry out the final leg of his evacuation to anybody?.
Well old Trumpybear got the withdrawal part down pat, however he forgot to ensure the Taliban complied with their obligations before he withdrew our forces in accordance to the Trump Surrender Accords.

There were no plans or orders after the flip flop from complete withdrawal on Jan 15th to keeping the minimum number 2500 given to the military for the approaching May 1st deadline for the withdrawal and Truce.

The world knows it was because he was spiteful over his loss in 2020 and as a man of poor character, was seeking revenge.

Benedict Donald.

Don't you want to brag about your candidate, the one you voted for????

Who was it again?????

Why do you Democrats insist on arming American's enemies????


the Taliban seized way more ScanEagle drones than the government is saying they did. There is no accounting on the number of crashed units.

Direct Quote from Report
“This also raises concerns about how NAVAIR justified procuring 105 ScanEagle vehicles totaling over $32 million and spare parts totaling over $52 million, and future planned procurements.”

This week, the SIGAR audit on the $174 million drone loss disappeared from its website. Here is the link that was removed.


Here is a breakdown of estimated vehicle costs:

  • Armored personnel carriers such as the M113A2 cost $170,000 each and recent purchases of the M577A2 post carrier cost $333,333 each.
  • Mine resistant vehicles ranges from $412,000 to $767,000. The total cost could range between $382 million to $711 million.
  • Recovery vehicles such as the ‘truck, wrecker’ cost between for the base model $168,960 and $880,674 for super strength versions.
  • Medium range tactical vehicles include 5-ton cargo and general transport trucks were priced at $67,139. However, the family of MTV heavy vehicleshad prices ranging from $235,500 to $724,820 each. Cargo trucks to transport airplanes cost $800,865.
  • Humvees – ambulance type (range from $37,943 to $142,918 with most at $96,466); cargo type, priced at $104,682. Utility Humvees were typically priced at $91,429. However, the 12,000 lb. troop transport version cost up to $329,000.
  • Light tactical vehicles: Fast attack combat vehicles ($69,400); and passenger motor vehicles ($65,500). All terrain 4-wheel vehicles go up to $42,273 in the military databases.



UPDATE: Biden's Gift to Taliban Included 110 Helicopters, 20 Light Attack Airplanes, 42,000 Light Attack Vehicles, 25,000 Grenade Launchers

If you thought the Joe Biden Afghanistan disaster was bad now – things are going to get much worse. Joe Biden supplied the Taliban terrorist organization and their Islamist accomplices with billions of dollars worth of US armaments. Rather than destroying the equipment before leaving the...

1. For most of a century Democrat foreign policy vis-a-vis Russia, the Soviet Union, has been to embrace, make excuses for, and shield the Kremlin. Of course, the favor has been in the fake dossier that the Kremlin provided to Hillary and Democrats.

2. Then:
There can be no argument about FDR's pro-dictatorship proclivities. He raced to embrace Stalin's Bolsheviks when no previous President nor Sec'y of State would deign to do so.
"Four Presidents and their six Secretaries of State for over a decade and a half held to this resolve," i.e., refusal to recognize the Soviet government. That was written by Herbert Hoover, one of those four Presidents. He wrote it in his "Freedom Betrayed: Herbert Hoover's Secret History of the Second World War and Its Aftermath"by George H. Nash, published posthumously, obviously, in 2011, pg 24-29.

Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."​

Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.​


'Russia Uber Alles'​

What nation did Roosevelt represent, again?​

3. Now:

"Biden energy policy enriched Russia, emboldened Putin, enabled invasion of Ukraine, critics claim​

"When President Joe Biden first took office, he revoked permission for construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline, banned new leases for oil and gas production on federal land, and planned on restricting methane waste emissions from natural gas drilling on public lands. While the U.S. pipeline construction has stopped, a Louisiana federal judge's ruling has delayed the Biden administration's plan to restrict natural gas drilling.

Largely as a result of such sharp restrictions on U.S. energy production, gas prices at the pump have jumped by $1 a gallon from a year ago, and oil prices have skyrocketed to $90 a barrel — the highest levels since the Obama administration.

Last year, Biden also lifted bipartisan congressional sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which was to deliver Russian natural gas to Germany. Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Biden announced that he would reinstitute the sanctions, an announcement that came a day after Germany halted certification of the pipeline.

The only option for Biden to "affect Russian behavior — is to kick them out of the international banking system, and he wouldn't do it,"

Biden energy policy enriched Russia, emboldened Putin, enabled invasion of Ukraine, critics claim

"The Biden Administration is nickel and diming our way forward when we should be putting punitive sanctions, in the immediate moment, on the primary source of revenue for Russia which is their energy and oil exports," former VP Mike Pence tweeted.

If it is not the geography that the Democrats appear to be enamoured by, it can only be ideology.
Welcome to the Post Trumpian 2st century.

He didn't execute it because Democrats stole the election, and he wasn't the President.

You didn't know that........dunce?????
2 years to not get it done vs 6 months for Biden to get it done?

Sounds like more of Trump's cowardice and more of your being a TRAITOR. TRAITOR.

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