Sudden Silence From All Those Biden/Afghanistan Defenders

There was absolutely nothing preventing Pedo Joe from negotiating a new agreement with the players.

Except he's a fucking incompetent moron.
Yep he sure could have made demands but the only thing protecting our troops from attack was the truce. Without an extension of the deadline the Generals assured him the Taliban would resume attacking us on May 1st. So he did just that. He, well his commanders on the ground, extended the truce till Aug 31st. He didn't try to impose any of Trumps conditions on them. Do you think he should have? If so? which ones and how?

It really was stupid to link the pullout to 9-11. Oh-oh. More penance.
Kewl. High Priestess said two Kief hits and an edible of my choice.

Nah I'm saying is it was a terrorist attack by one of the Taliban's competitors. Even Trump acknowledged the threat. They were active in Kabul in 2021. We should have rallied and railed to go after them in unison but all I ever heard since I heard of the event was. Saul Biden's Fault. I've always blamed the msm. They want the Goldfish to forget the failures of 20 year and focus on two weeks in Aug. That way they can help launch a new mission some day. I don't know what that means. Must be the brownie.
In other words, it was the Teliban.
Poor, powerless Biden, utterly unable to change anything his predecessor did. Helpless.

Won't someone please think of the Biden!

Why would he want to do that. Biden was the guy saying for a decade what a stupid idea it was to still be in Afghanistan.

I wish Trump was man enough to own his own policies, but that would be asking too much.
No actually he was much stronger willed than Lily-Livered and ego fragile Trump. He is willing to take the unjustified criticism because he chose to end the endless occupation of Afghanistan. I'm just pointing out what Trump did in implementing the accords without holding the Taliban accountable, as well as what he did during his lame duck period that made things worse than they should have been in our evacuation.

All out of spite and revenge on America.

Biden drops to 39% approval rating in NPR/PBS/Marist ... › 2022 › 02 › 25 › 1082979837 › a-majority-say-bidens-first-year-was-a-failure-a-new-poll-finds
4 days agoAgain, here, it's bad news for Biden: Just 34% approve of how he's handling the situation, while 50% disapprove. The poll was conducted before Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine .

Who'd you vote for????
Trump's signature
Trump's plan
Trump's people on the front.
Biden gave the go on Trump's plan
On the advice of Trump's generals.

But you go on being the traitorous puppet.

This is the success we could have had had it not been for Leftists like you.

1.We will withdraw our civilians first

2. Then we will bring out our allies civilians

3. Next, the Afghans who aided us, the interpreters

4. Only then, will we draw out our US troops.

5. This will be done at Bagram Military Airbase, a fully defensible airport.

Under Biden: “The Bagram district governor, Darwish Raufi, expressed irritation with not being included in the process. He said in a statement that the U.S. military left “without coordinating with security and defense forces and in general without coordinating” with the Afghan government and officials in Bagram district.”

6. Democrat Planning: “Fears Rise About Safety of Afghan Airport as U.S. Warns Americans to Stay Away”

‘Trapped in hell’: Kabul airport chaos casts doubt on US promise of safe evacuation”

“Hamid Karzai International Airport where thousands of would-be evacuees are being stopped from reaching the safety of U.S. military protection. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said that the 5,000-plus American servicemembers at the airfield “don’t have the capability to go out and extend operations currently into Kabul” to provide safe passage for American citizens or foreign allies traveling there.” Few answers for Afghan evacuees seeking safe passage to Kabul airport

7. What a Difference - Watch How Donald Trump Dealt With the Taliban

8. Trump conversation with Taliban leaders prior to withdrawal: “I will hold you responsible if any of the red lines were broken during our withdrawal.” Trump reminded of the Democrat favorite, Suleiman. Biden was the voice against killing Bin Laden. Point made. Fear and respect for Trump.

9. “UK Parliament Holds Joe Biden in Contempt and the Details Are Disturbing The embarrassment on the world stage continues under Joe Biden. Following the total collapse of Afghanistan and while in the midst of an ongoing, dangerously chaotic evacuation, the UK Parliament has voted to hold the President of the United States in contempt.” UK Parliament Holds Joe Biden in Contempt and the Details Are Disturbing

10. Under the Democrats, $billion in equipment and classified material was left to the Taliban.

Donald Trump: (11:20)
So they weren’t fulfilling their obligations and condition, but here’s… Just to finish. The people come out first, then I was going to take all of the military equipment. We have billions and billions of dollars worth of new Black Hawk helicopters, brand new that Russia now will be examining and so will China and so will everybody else to figure it, because it’s the greatest in the world.

Donald Trump: (11:42)
We have brand new army tanks and all sorts of equipment, missiles. We have everything. I was going to take it out because I knew they weren’t going to fight. Just one thing, and I have to say, and this is different from everyone else. I said, “Why are they fighting? Why are these Afghan soldiers fighting against the Taliban?” And I was told some very bad information by a lot of different people. Donald Trump Sean Hannity Interview on Afghanistan August 17: Transcript
Biden listened to the generals appointed by Trump. TRAITOR
The generals as incompetent and irrational as Trump. TRAITOR
So I guess you're saying no one ever appointed by Trump can be trusted. TRAITOR.
Surprisingly relevant advice for a TRAITOR. TRAITOR.

Let's check:

Top generals contradict Biden, say they urged him not to withdraw from Afghanistan

Gen. Frank McKenzie said that he recommended maintaining a small force of 2,500 troops in Afghanistan earlier this year.

McKenzie also acknowledged that he talked to Biden directly about the recommendation by Gen. Scott Miller, the commander of U.S. Forces Afghanistan until July, that the military leave a few thousand troops on the ground, which Miller detailed in closed testimony last week.

“I was present when that discussion occurred and I am confident that the president heard all the recommendations and listened to them very thoughtfully,” McKenzie said.

McKenzie’s remarks directly contradict Biden’s comments in an Aug. 19 interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, in which he said that “no one” that he “can recall” advised him to keep a force of about 2,500 troops in Afghanistan.

Let's check:

Top generals contradict Biden, say they urged him not to withdraw from Afghanistan

Gen. Frank McKenzie said that he recommended maintaining a small force of 2,500 troops in Afghanistan earlier this year.

McKenzie also acknowledged that he talked to Biden directly about the recommendation by Gen. Scott Miller, the commander of U.S. Forces Afghanistan until July, that the military leave a few thousand troops on the ground, which Miller detailed in closed testimony last week.

“I was present when that discussion occurred and I am confident that the president heard all the recommendations and listened to them very thoughtfully,” McKenzie said.

McKenzie’s remarks directly contradict Biden’s comments in an Aug. 19 interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, in which he said that “no one” that he “can recall” advised him to keep a force of about 2,500 troops in Afghanistan.

War mongers want to continue war mongering. No surprise there.

Biden drops to 39% approval rating in NPR/PBS/Marist ... › 2022 › 02 › 25 › 1082979837 › a-majority-say-bidens-first-year-was-a-failure-a-new-poll-finds
4 days agoAgain, here, it's bad news for Biden: Just 34% approve of how he's handling the situation, while 50% disapprove. The poll was conducted before Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine .

Who'd you vote for????
A weaker man would truly be upset with that.
Trump's signature
Trump's plan
Trump's people on the front.
Biden gave the go on Trump's plan
On the advice of Trump's generals.

But you go on being the traitorous puppet.
Xiden’s plan
Xiden’s failure
Xiden’s refusal to heed the advice of his generals
Xiden’s fuckup

Now go fuck yourself you low class retard.
Yep par for the "Blame Biden at All Cost" brigade. They can't prove the Generals lied but deep down in their guts they just know the Truympygbear is right.....
Par for the course for you. Blame Trump no matter how much evidence is thrown in your face. You can’t prove anything you claim yet your know it isn’t Xiden’s fault, even though he made the final decisions.
Why would he want to do that. Biden was the guy saying for a decade what a stupid idea it was to still be in Afghanistan.

I wish Trump was man enough to own his own policies, but that would be asking too much.
Then why didn’t he tell Obozo to get out? Oh yeah, Obozo called Afghanistan the “good war” as opposed to Iraq, which he screwed up royally. We wish you had a brain and could realize this, but that’s asking too much,
Yep par for the "Blame Biden at All Cost" brigade. They can't prove the Generals lied but deep down in their guts they just know the Truympygbear is right.......
Yet you blame Trump at all costs. if wrong to do to one, wrong to do to both.
he can't force people out.

now when you hit GO time, everything should be coordinated. it wasn't. simply put.

You are right, people knew for a year and a half we were leaving and they stayed.
A weaker man would truly be upset with that.

A smarter man, and his supporters, might question his ineptitude and ideology.

You might want to take a look at this book....he was holding on by his fingernails just as you are.


I don't now Hiroo personally, so he might not be the low-life lying scum that you are.
Par for the course for you. Blame Trump no matter how much evidence is thrown in your face.

Yet you blame Trump at all costs.

I've blamed Trump for the actions he took or in some cases didn't take. I credit Joe with telling the Military to end the 20 year occupation. Trump only enforce one condition of the Doha Accords and that was the truce with US forces. He ignored all the other and still implemented the withdrawal condition we were obligated too, and then some. When Joe took office we were in the weakest position than ever before. Biden didn't try to enforce those conditions either and relied on the Truce to protect our forces as well. I blame ISIS for the Terrorist SBer attack Not Trump, or Biden or even the Taliban.

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