Suffocation to be used in capital punishment

I have my issues with the current system of capital punishment in this country.
But that's another topic.

A prisoner in AL is going to be killed by asphyxiation by nitrogen gas. Does that rise to cruel and unusual? It certainly is unusual since gas chambers have been outlawed.
/----/ Oh my heart bleeds for the hitman who murdered a woman in cold blood for $1,000
Kenneth Eugene Smith was accused of being a hitman and was sentenced to death following his conviction in the 1989 murder of Elizabeth Dorlene Sennett, a preacher's wife, in northwestern Alabama's Colbert County.

Prosecutors said in 1988 that Smith and John Forrest Parker each received $1,000 to carry out the slaying on behalf of Elizabeth's husband, Rev. Charles Sennett, Sr., the pastor of the Westside Church of Christ in the city of Sheffield. - CBS News
/----/ Oh my heart bleeds for the hitman who murdered a woman in cold blood for $1,000
Kenneth Eugene Smith was accused of being a hitman and was sentenced to death following his conviction in the 1989 murder of Elizabeth Dorlene Sennett, a preacher's wife, in northwestern Alabama's Colbert County.

Prosecutors said in 1988 that Smith and John Forrest Parker each received $1,000 to carry out the slaying on behalf of Elizabeth's husband, Rev. Charles Sennett, Sr., the pastor of the Westside Church of Christ in the city of Sheffield. - CBS News

It has nothing to do with sympathy for criminals.
That is a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

That if you conservatives were really interested in reducing abortion, you'd support family leave, sex education and availability of contraception.

Oh, yeah, and the law has never recognized fetuses as people, even when abortion was illegal.
then why have their been pregnant woman who were killed by someone and that person charged with a double homicide?...
In my opinion, anyone sentenced to death should suffer the same method they employed on their victims. All appeals should be limited to two years after sentencing.

So how many innocent people are you willing to execute for your murder boner?

I would be fine with that, as long as if we later find out that he was innocent, the cops, jury, judge and prosecutors could all be prosecuted for murder.
About that...

The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law that recognizes an embryo or fetus in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb."[1]

It's a bullshit law, but even it is limited to other crimes of violence. So it doesn't cover abortions.

But nothing to do with what I said. Let's review what I actually said.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

If you conservatives were really interested in reducing abortion, you'd support family leave, sex education and availability of contraception.

Oh, yeah, and the law has never recognized fetuses as people, even when abortion was illegal. - If it did, they would have charged abortionists with murder, they would count fetuses on the census, they would have to investigate every miscarriage as a homicide, and they would have to allow you to count your pregnancy as a tax deduction.
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then why have their been pregnant woman who were killed by someone and that person charged with a double homicide?...
Because we don't follow our own legal precedents. We just let emotion rule.

Take a look at Scott Peterson. This guy was convicted on almost no actual evidence other than he was cheating on his pregnant wife. (WHich makes him a cad, but not a murderer.)
Maybe we should let the families of the victims kill the guilty.

Just think of the money we could save.

Awesome, and then the families of the guilty can kill the families of the victims. Where does it end?
Do you know what it's like for your body to be starved of oxygen?

It would be akin to drowning

Do you think drowning is just like falling asleep?

Why not just lock the guy in a freezer and let him die of hypothermia? Would that bee cruel?

Not what I claimed at all. But as the body loses oxygen it becomes lethargic, I have experienced hypoxia which is very similar. Everything goes gray, and your vision drops to a point. I felt nothing. There was no fear, no concern, just a feeling of existing, but not really caring.

My pilot dropped us back down to below 12,000 feet so I could recover to normal (he was on oxygen) and it was only then that I had concern. I was amazed at how subtle the change was. One moment I am a functioning pilot, engrossed in the minutia of flight, and the next I was in a cocoon of clouds, but not caring.

So yeah, I can safely say he felt nothing. His body was certainly reacting, but his mind was elsewhere.
then why have their been pregnant woman who were killed by someone and that person charged with a double homicide?...
/——-/ “That if you conservatives were really interested in reducing abortion, you'd support family leave, sex education and availability of contraception.”

How stupid. Regardless if we do or don’t “support” family leave, it’s available to everyone. How is supporting family leave going to reduce unwanted pregnancy?
Sex education has been going on
for decades with little or no effect. What adult woman doesn’t know how pregnancies happen? Finally, every pharmacy has contraceptives available.
What’s your excuse now?
It's a bullshit law, but even it is limited to other crimes of violence. So it doesn't cover abortions.

But nothing to do with what I said. Let's review what I actually said.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

If you conservatives were really interested in reducing abortion, you'd support family leave, sex education and availability of contraception.

Oh, yeah, and the law has never recognized fetuses as people, even when abortion was illegal. - If it did, they would have charged abortionists with murder, they would count fetuses on the census, they would have to investigate every miscarriage as a homicide, and they would have to allow you to count your pregnancy as a tax deduction.
My purpose was to subtly inform you that you are wrong about the death of a fetus due to a violent crime not being a crime. I just thought you'd want to gradually catch up. It's been quite some years now.

Neither I nor the law mentions abortion. Nor is the topic of the thread abortion.o If you want another thread on abortion, start one.
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So how many innocent people are you willing to execute for your murder boner?

I would be fine with that, as long as if we later find out that he was innocent, the cops, jury, judge and prosecutors could all be prosecuted for murder.
Line 'em up!

With scores of appeals and DNA, the chance of an innocent person being put to death is zero.
Line 'em up!

With scores of appeals and DNA, the chance of an innocent person being put to death is zero.
No it isn't. And the fact is that it is more expensive to execute a prisoner than to have him serve a life sentence.
No it isn't. And the fact is that it is more expensive to execute a prisoner than to have him serve a life sentence.
Not if we limit appeals, etc, to two years from the sentencing date.
How stupid. Regardless if we do or don’t “support” family leave, it’s available to everyone. How is supporting family leave going to reduce unwanted pregnancy?
Sex education has been going on
for decades with little or no effect. What adult woman doesn’t know how pregnancies happen? Finally, every pharmacy has contraceptives available.
What’s your excuse now?

Family leave only applies to companies over 50 employees and it's not paid. It's pretty close to not having family leave at all. Loose your job or the Fetus? That's an easy one for a lot of working people. So long, Globby!

Sex Education HAS has an effect.


Contraceptives can only be gotten with a prescription, and you nutters fought to allow companies like Hobby Lobby to not cover them.
Line 'em up!

With scores of appeals and DNA, the chance of an innocent person being put to death is zero.

Except for the 20 times it's already happened, and the 196 times it almost happened.

There was no DNA at all in the Scott Peterson case. He was still convicted and sentenced to death. The only reason he was released from Death Row is the judge improperly dismissed juror and one of the jurors who should have been removed for misconduct wasn't. But he's still in prison despite being probably innocent.
Except for the 20 times it's already happened, and the 196 times it almost happened.

There was no DNA at all in the Scott Peterson case. He was still convicted and sentenced to death. The only reason he was released from Death Row is the judge improperly dismissed juror and one of the jurors who should have been removed for misconduct wasn't. But he's still in prison despite being probably innocent.
When were the last 10? I am glad you recognize that the system worked 196 times, even generations ago.

He should be on death row. He's an animal. He was tried and convicted, and he's guilty. There is no "probably innocent". That's your fantasy.
Because we don't follow our own legal precedents. We just let emotion rule.

Take a look at Scott Peterson. This guy was convicted on almost no actual evidence other than he was cheating on his pregnant wife. (WHich makes him a cad, but not a murderer.)
so the fetus is a person when the mother is murdered,but just a hunk of meat when it gets aborted?......thats pretty hypercritical.....

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