Suggestion Box


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
What with the Democrats and media fostering a potential civil war in the United States, Europe continuing to follow the failed Ostpolitik of the Cold War while permitting themselves to be overrun with destructive vermin, a Communist Pope preaching the glories of socialism and the dispensing in the West of moral codes that kept a certain order for thousands of years, perhaps it's time for learned, civilized men and women to take matters in hand and save Western Civilization from destroying itself.

Work towards term limits...we have to break their power down before anything can strikes have worked in other nations but here they will just print money and enlarge the IRS....that leaves us very little we can do....that is why people like Trump need to run for office...
What with the Democrats and media fostering a potential civil war in the United States, Europe continuing to follow the failed Ostpolitik of the Cold War while permitting themselves to be overrun with destructive vermin, a Communist Pope preaching the glories of socialism and the dispensing in the West of moral codes that kept a certain order for thousands of years, perhaps it's time for learned, civilized men and women to take matters in hand and save Western Civilization from destroying itself.

Buy yourself more tissues
Get rid of Soros...

George was born in 1930, so he is really old, I hope his kids are more "fair and balanced" politically.
George Soros - Wikipedia
In 1983, George Soros married Susan Weber (born April 15, 1955), 25 years his junior. They divorced in 2005. They have two children:
  • Alexander Soros (born 1985): Alexander has gained prominence for his donations to social and political causes, focusing his philanthropic efforts on "progressive causes that might not have widespread support."[89] Alexander led the list of student political donors in the 2010 election cycle.[90]
  • Gregory James Soros (born 1988), artist
What with the Democrats and media fostering a potential civil war in the United States, Europe continuing to follow the failed Ostpolitik of the Cold War while permitting themselves to be overrun with destructive vermin, a Communist Pope preaching the glories of socialism and the dispensing in the West of moral codes that kept a certain order for thousands of years, perhaps it's time for learned, civilized men and women to take matters in hand and save Western Civilization from destroying itself.

Buy yourself more tissues


Hell, I'm 67. Even if I make 90, this is all academic for me. I lived through the peak. If we don't do it again, c'est la vie.
I'd suggest that you stop watching so much TV ... give a break for a few weeks ... walk around your neighborhood and chat up the folks you meet ... attend a local government board meeting ... volunteer an afternoon at the orphanage ... and quit eating so much meat, dammit, too much is bad for you ...

Absolutely nothing is going to happen in Washington DC until after the next election, that's a year away ... tune in then ... you won't miss a thing ...
I'd suggest that you stop watching so much TV ... give a break for a few weeks ... walk around your neighborhood and chat up the folks you meet ... attend a local government board meeting ... volunteer an afternoon at the orphanage ... and quit eating so much meat, dammit, too much is bad for you ...

Absolutely nothing is going to happen in Washington DC until after the next election, that's a year away ... tune in then ... you won't miss a thing ...

I don't watch TV.
What with the Democrats and media fostering a potential civil war in the United States, Europe continuing to follow the failed Ostpolitik of the Cold War while permitting themselves to be overrun with destructive vermin, a Communist Pope preaching the glories of socialism and the dispensing in the West of moral codes that kept a certain order for thousands of years, perhaps it's time for learned, civilized men and women to take matters in hand and save Western Civilization from destroying itself.


Vote 3rd party. The Duopoly is dividing us by design, the more we are divided the stronger it is
I'd suggest that you stop watching so much TV ... give a break for a few weeks ... walk around your neighborhood and chat up the folks you meet ... attend a local government board meeting ... volunteer an afternoon at the orphanage ... and quit eating so much meat, dammit, too much is bad for you ...

Absolutely nothing is going to happen in Washington DC until after the next election, that's a year away ... tune in then ... you won't miss a thing ...

I don't watch TV.

Then turn off the talk radio...something is brainwashing you
What with the Democrats and media fostering a potential civil war in the United States, Europe continuing to follow the failed Ostpolitik of the Cold War while permitting themselves to be overrun with destructive vermin, a Communist Pope preaching the glories of socialism and the dispensing in the West of moral codes that kept a certain order for thousands of years, perhaps it's time for learned, civilized men and women to take matters in hand and save Western Civilization from destroying itself.


Vote 3rd party. The Duopoly is dividing us by design, the more we are divided the stronger it is

Third -party currently functions only a spoiler, often spoiling the wrong side of things.

I've not seen an impressive 3rd party candidate capable of winning in my life.
I'd suggest that you stop watching so much TV ... give a break for a few weeks ... walk around your neighborhood and chat up the folks you meet ... attend a local government board meeting ... volunteer an afternoon at the orphanage ... and quit eating so much meat, dammit, too much is bad for you ...

Absolutely nothing is going to happen in Washington DC until after the next election, that's a year away ... tune in then ... you won't miss a thing ...

I don't watch TV.

Then turn off the talk radio...something is brainwashing you

I read and write, all day. I have news in the background, often switched between philosophies.
Well ... start reading something else ... may I suggest Robert Jordon's The Wheel of Time ... that should keep your mind off whatever it is that plagues you ... just think you need to give politics a break for a while ... yeesh, the closest thing we have to that around here is Portland folks fire bombing the Federal offices there, all normal as normal can be ...
Third -party currently functions only a spoiler, often spoiling the wrong side of things.

I've not seen an impressive 3rd party candidate capable of winning in my life.

No 3rd party candidate has been capable of winning because you have been programmed your whole life not to vote for them because they cannot win. And then when you ask why they cannot win you are told because nobody will vote for them, and then when you ask why nobody will vote for them they say because they cannot win and when you ask why they cannot win you are told because nobody will vote for them, and then when you ask why nobody will vote for them they say because they cannot win.

It is an endless cycle of circular reasoning.
Third -party currently functions only a spoiler, often spoiling the wrong side of things.

I've not seen an impressive 3rd party candidate capable of winning in my life.

No 3rd party candidate has been capable of winning because you have been programmed your whole life not to vote for them because they cannot win. And then when you ask why they cannot win you are told because nobody will vote for them, and then when you ask why nobody will vote for them they say because they cannot win and when you ask why they cannot win you are told because nobody will vote for them, and then when you ask why nobody will vote for them they say because they cannot win.

It is an endless cycle of circular reasoning.
Or...the pseuedocons could have voted for an actual conservative in the Republican primaries.

I still wonder to this day why they picked a New York limousine liberal Democrat huckster instead.


What with the Democrats and media fostering a potential civil war in the United States, Europe continuing to follow the failed Ostpolitik of the Cold War while permitting themselves to be overrun with destructive vermin, a Communist Pope preaching the glories of socialism and the dispensing in the West of moral codes that kept a certain order for thousands of years, perhaps it's time for learned, civilized men and women to take matters in hand and save Western Civilization from destroying itself.


Vote 3rd party. The Duopoly is dividing us by design, the more we are divided the stronger it is
You follow that advice. In fact, I encourage all leftists to vote 3rd party
the pseuedocons

Are you parroting that term from "LaDexter?"

It is an amazingly accurate term for the likes of Mike Huckabee and Lindsay Graham....
I've been using the term "pseudocons" (short for pseudo-conservatives) since coming to this forum.

It describes just about every last Trump supporter, as well as Trump himself.

Though I have been using the term since long before Trump came along.

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