Suicide Is Painless: Republican Impotence


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2013
Carrabelle, fl. 60 miles s of tallahassee
I am not alone in my disgust and aggravation with republicans, but this becomes anger when I watch the democrats in the house begin a wholesale onslaught on trump WHILE passing legislation on some of their election promises like gun control and Medicaid for all, all of this in less than two months. You can check the record and see that I strongly suggested in 2017 that the house and senate go into hyperdrive and pass a slew of republican programs in the first months of the 2017 congress. Did they do it, no. Were they prepared to do it, no. Did they want to do it, apparently not. The republicans we are stuck with voting for are placeholders. They are spineless, feckless, uninspiring, uncaring, uncreative, and unconcerned about any conservative compass. They are passive, playing possum,deathly scared of their own shadow, and submissive to any form of bullying from the left. I don’t know where the people that vote for republicans can go after being left at the altar so many times, but the seeds of discontent are turning into redwoods.

Let’s try the genteel assessment. Democrats are like the Borg on Star Trek. They are the collective, they are intensely organized. Intolerant of dissension. Focused totally on the mission or goal. Their sheer momentum bolls over the opposition. The ends justify any means. Any personal sacrifice is acceptable for the greater good. Resistance is futile.

Republicans are individualists. They think a preponderance of thinking individuals will amass during elections to restore our constitution and republic because there is really no other course of action. The very notion of liberty seems to offset the need for organization or zealotry. They think the truth is so self evident that it will always rise to the top so in the long run their views will prevail. They don’t want to be perceived as mean and think the code of civility is observed by all. They are steeped in tradition, slow to be aware of changing mores, and late to the media revolution. Most importantly, they think aggressive advocacy of their positions is unseemly. Don’t worry, everything will work out in the end.

I don’t believe in the genteel assessment. And success doesn’t either.

Where are all the senators Trump personally drug over the finish line. Have we heard one rallying cry from the senator from Tennessee, Indiana, Missouri, Florida, Texas, South Dakota? You don’t even know their names, do you? So you liked trump when he won the election for you but now he is toxic. Why are the republicans in the House of Representatives suddenly finding their voices now that they are in the minority and powerless? Why isn’t our majority leader in the senate suggesting his own new deal? Why don’t house members have a drug price reduction plan. Why aren’t republicans convening with the president to adopt the penny plan to reduce our debt.

The democrats are teetering on the brink of the abyss. Republicans could easily nudge them into oblivion for the 2020 election with positive, conservative, creative programs to address the real needs and concerns of the American people, by being the adult in the room. Trump will carry your water for you but you have to give him some water to carry. Unite. Be of singular purpose, meaning do what is best for America. Take advantage of a weakened enemy and pursue your advantage. Become proactive and do something, anything to make your voters proud of you. Don’t wait for someone else to do your fighting for you. Make up your mind to be a statesman or stateswoman and stop being pansies.
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