"Suicide of the West"

Are you at some point going to give an actual argument rather than saying that some dumbass made wrong predictions 100 years ago?

In 2118 somebody will dig up this thread ,and declare us all dumbasses....?

Relying on history, every time the kind of mass migration has happened the destruction of the nation has soon followed. History is on my side, not yours. ........

Exactly wrong. Don't invoke History if you don't understand it at all. There have been many waves of mass migration throughout US history. We have always ended up stronger for it despite the mewling of weak-minded morons.
..... It's dumb to believe that people magically change their behavior...

That's right. Americans will still be Americans, even if their skin tone frightens the cowards among us. The US Constitution will still be the US Constitution, and this great nation will long survive the passing of a few more irrelevant simpletons like you.
"Suicide of the West," Jonah Goldberg argues that identity politics are dismantling the institutions essential to American society. Part political history, part expository essay, the work chronicles the evolution of Western civilization, from tribalism to liberal democratic capitalism. Goldberg argues that the latter has driven the immense improvement in quality of life over the past century and that current political trends threaten to undermine this progress.

A Jew talking about Suicide of the West while its HIS RACE that's leading the train down the tracks to the suicide of the west. Patrick Buchanan is someone worth reading and listening to about the suicide of the west.
"Suicide of the West," Jonah Goldberg argues that identity politics are dismantling the institutions essential to American society. Part political history, part expository essay, the work chronicles the evolution of Western civilization, from tribalism to liberal democratic capitalism. Goldberg argues that the latter has driven the immense improvement in quality of life over the past century and that current political trends threaten to undermine this progress.

A Jew talking about Suicide of the West while its HIS RACE that's leading the train down the tracks to the suicide of the west. Patrick Buchanan is someone worth reading and listening to about the suicide of the west.

..... It's dumb to believe that people magically change their behavior...

That's right. Americans will still be Americans, even if their skin tone frightens the cowards among us. The US Constitution will still be the US Constitution, and this great nation will long survive the passing of a few more irrelevant simpletons like you.

So you believe that there will be no change despite the country being minority white. Well, to that I say, look at what the minorities are doing already. That should give you a clue. As said, they vote majority democrat, and the more of them there are the more extreme the democrat party is turning into. Good luck with your vision...

Texas will be turning blue come 2024, or the republican party will start touting anti-American talking points at that point too. It's going to be downhill from there.
Uh, I think it depends on whether the various "cultures" within the U.S. can come together. So far, it seems like the answer to that is "no". Not even close.
..... It's dumb to believe that people magically change their behavior...

That's right. Americans will still be Americans, even if their skin tone frightens the cowards among us. The US Constitution will still be the US Constitution, and this great nation will long survive the passing of a few more irrelevant simpletons like you.

So you believe that there will be no change despite the country being minority white. Well, to that I say, look at what the minorities are doing already. That should give you a clue. As said, they vote majority democrat, and the more of them there are the more extreme the democrat party is turning into. Good luck with your vision...

Texas will be turning blue come 2024, or the republican party will start touting anti-American talking points at that point too. It's going to be downhill from there.

Sounds like you should be looking for somewhere else to live.
Uh, I think it depends on whether the various "cultures" within the U.S. can come together. So far, it seems like the answer to that is "no". Not even close.

The answer now is the same it has always been: of course.
..... It's dumb to believe that people magically change their behavior...

That's right. Americans will still be Americans, even if their skin tone frightens the cowards among us. The US Constitution will still be the US Constitution, and this great nation will long survive the passing of a few more irrelevant simpletons like you.

So you believe that there will be no change despite the country being minority white. Well, to that I say, look at what the minorities are doing already. That should give you a clue. As said, they vote majority democrat, and the more of them there are the more extreme the democrat party is turning into. Good luck with your vision...

Texas will be turning blue come 2024, or the republican party will start touting anti-American talking points at that point too. It's going to be downhill from there.

Sounds like you should be looking for somewhere else to live.

Oh I am not moving to Texas to boost their voter numbers. You will find me in an area that is the most distant from this mess, watching as others keeps failing. When the time is right we will secede as the mess ensues.

I of course hope other freedom appreciating people will be with me, but so far you are sounding like you want to be a part of the disaster on the other side of the wall (which there will be a big wall with words written to never repeat the mistakes). Your choice...
......When the time is right we will secede........

No, you won't.

Well, we will attempt to secede. Hopefully it will work. Otherwise, we are looking at a gruesome, gruesome 3rd world future. Even worse, the leftists are looking to capitalize on the demographic change and if they succeed, it will be Venezuelan style. Better have lots and lots of guns stocked, that will help with the negotiations.
The Lawless Corrupt Democratic Party is constantly pointing towards a left wing totalitarian one party government.
They will eventually have permanent political power and that is what they will do.
In Left Wing economics the middle class becomes government slaves.
"Suicide of the West," Jonah Goldberg argues that identity politics are dismantling the institutions essential to American society. Part political history, part expository essay, the work chronicles the evolution of Western civilization, from tribalism to liberal democratic capitalism. Goldberg argues that the latter has driven the immense improvement in quality of life over the past century and that current political trends threaten to undermine this progress.

LMAO the left lose several elections, the people reject them and their control freak jobs killing policies, naturally they argue the people voted wrong, call them deplorable, racist, xenophobes. :auiqs.jpg:
I agree with those contributors to this thread who have implied that sometime (probably in the next century) the United States of America will decide that it is necessary to do what Yugoslavia did: partition the land.

Hopefully, it will be a peaceful transition.

All countries that rise to great heights eventually fall.

The United States of America, IMHO, will not be an exception.

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