Suit In Oklahoma Could Knock Out ObamaCare

I love how conservatives are convinced that liberals are going to give up on making healthcare a right, paid for by taxes. We're not. Single payer is the ultimate goal, and I don't know any liberal who thinks we won't one day get it.

That is exactly where we are headed. ObamaCare is a stepping stone in that direction.

We either need the government entirely out of the healthcare business, or we need it all in. Not that all in is a good thing, it is just better than this hodgepodge half-assed steaming pile of shit we have had since the Depression.

I would prefer all out, but we are clearly headed for all in.
I love how conservatives are convinced that liberals are going to give up on making healthcare a right, paid for by taxes. We're not. Single payer is the ultimate goal, and I don't know any liberal who thinks we won't one day get it.

The SC's ruling on Obamacare made it crystal clear that the federal government cannot make healthcare a 'right' with a Constitutional amendment.

Good luck...:lol:
No. It means the citizens who do not have state exchanges will throw the assholes out on the street who are preventing their states from having exchanges.

And then when all those red state legislatures turn blue, they will redraw Congressional districts.

You have some evidence that Obamacare is desired by the people of those states?

Wishful thinking my collectivist friend...:lol:

The federal web site crashed due to high traffic.

Bullshit. The website's traffic was minuscule compared to estimates. It crashed because it was built by bureaucrats that face no competition and no incentive to thrive.

The polls are clear. Obamacare is a nightmare that the people who are not nanny state collectivist suck ups despise.

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