Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says

So this begs the question I've been asking for eons. If they had the dossier in their hands in the summer of 2016 which many of us believed they did, was the "McCain" drama of running to Britain to get a copy of the dossier some sort of bizarre attempt at a coverup so they could portray the dossier as something new in the FBI arsenal against Trump?

What was the purpose of the public drama?

"If we could only find one Republican to make it more believable..."
Nothing burger
You are's bad...we are talking jail time...
No, we’re not talking jail time. You’re talking jail time.

You're a blooming idiot.

Steele was getting paid by the FBI.

The FISA court was not told it was a political document paid for by Hillaryous.

The dossier was submitted to the FISA court before the FBI had proved the assertions.

Lynch knew about it. Obama knew about it.

You might as well quit posting about it, you're looking dumber by the minute.
Well the investigation will continue. And now republicans won't be able to whine that this info that came out will end the investigation, because, of course, it won't have.
This drives a huge stake in the heart of any continuing investigation of Trump, especially since going into year 2 the Democrats still can't even produce evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation...

...and since this Summary of EVIDENCE proves that to get an excuse to start up an investigation the DOJ and FBI had to conspire / collude with a foreign spy who was, as the FBI assessed, desperate to prevent Trump from winning the they (Obama, Hillary, FBI, DOJ...) were.

This is the biggest 'boomerang' to date, coming back to hit the conspirators right in the throat! Every one of them involved should be PERP-WALKED immediately...
This memo has turned out to be a BIG FUCKING DUD.......I love it.

(good thing that unemployment is down for Nunes' search for a new job......LOL)

It's a big fat nothing burger.

Really? You, like CNN and MSNBC are in full damage control mode right now. You're thinking that the memo is basically a "Trump authorized document", which has been highly edited, falsified, and full of omitted facts.

Son, you are in for one hell of a rude awakening.
Nothing burger
You are's bad...we are talking jail time...
No, we’re not talking jail time. You’re talking jail time.

You're a blooming idiot.

Steele was getting paid by the FBI.

The FISA court was not told it was a political document paid for by Hillaryous.

The dossier was submitted to the FISA court before the FBI had proved the assertions.

Lynch knew about it. Obama knew about it.

You might as well quit posting about it, you're looking dumber by the minute.
Nah I’m having too much fun laughing about it. The memo! The memo! Deep state! Obama!


All the Republicans did was piss off the intelligence community and the FBI, and showed Americans that they don’t respect the law enforcement community
I will say this, and I want you all to please understand, this is NOT about the FBI. This is about some very bad actors high up within the circle of influence of the former president, in collusion with his former Secretary of State.

I cannot say for not if Trump is guilty of something. IF he is guilty, I can only suggest that all of this was a method to get the warrant based on intelligence from the CIA or another foreign intelligence agency. As such, they needed an excuse, and used the dossier for this, knowing full well they needed an excuse based on intel from NSA, British.French/Israeli intel or something which they could never reveal so they needed this approach.

That is the only situation I can see this being "legitimate", and if this is the case, I will apologize in the future, as real national security in defense of America always takes precedence if its honest and dire (you can never have a foreign compromised agent as president obviously).

If however, Trump is NOT guilty, than this was all a determined effort to ensure Clinton won, and the Democrats and the globalists controlled America, crushing it from within, via the judiciary and open borders policy.
When democrats tried to turn America into a 3rd world nation.

Wait, that's what they are always attempting.

Thank god, Trump has prevailed. Prepare for butthurt.
I will say this, and I want you all to please understand, this is NOT about the FBI. This is about some very bad actors high up within the circle of influence of the former president, in collusion with his former Secretary of State.

I cannot say for not if Trump is guilty of something. IF he is guilty, I can only suggest that all of this was a method to get the warrant based on intelligence from the CIA or another foreign intelligence agency. As such, they needed an excuse, and used the dossier for this, knowing full well they needed an excuse based on intel from NSA, British.French/Israeli intel or something which they could never reveal so they needed this approach.

That is the only situation I can see this being "legitimate", and if this is the case, I will apologize in the future, as real national security in defense of America always takes precedence if its honest and dire (you can never have a foreign compromised agent as president obviously).

If however, Trump is NOT guilty, than this was all a determined effort to ensure Clinton won, and the Democrats and the globalists controlled America, crushing it from within, via the judiciary and open borders policy.
Thank you for that....but the fact remains....

2 YEARS into this 'witch hunt', Democrats can not even produce evidence of a crime ever committed warranting an investigation, let alone the President's involvement in such a crime.
Remember Adam Schiff and others screaming this will damage national security and give up sources and methods?? Pretty obvious they lied Bigly. Anyone claiming otherwise is a partisan hack.

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