Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says

You're not seeing it. The FISA warrant was based on a dossier paid to a former British spy, and money from the Democratic Party.
So? Steele was also employed by the FBI at the time and had always been a credible source. This is a big ol' nothingburger.

A nothing burger? Wow. If this is the threshold, you are going to be Canada sooner than you know it.

This guy had a CLEAR conflict of interest. Hes a fooking Foreign National, and a so-called Former spy at that. he made up a bs narrative all to justify this massive operation against a candidate for the opposition party.

British, Canada and Obamas pals. They are responsible and fully aware of what was going on, all of them needed Hillary to win.
Page had been on the FBI's radar for years. Steele was a credible source. Much of his dossier has been verified.

Honestly, I don't even know why this memo had to be classified in the first place. I guess the FBI was afraid it would be used for a trumped up political stunt? Pun intended :laugh:
If Page had been on the FBI's RADAR for years, like now, the Democrats had NOTHING. The illegally obtained FISA warrants helped them finally take him down .... for tax evasion charges dating back to 2006, before Obama was ever elected President.

Can you say, 'Scooter libby'? :p
Nothing but a nothing burger to satiate Baby Trump and his brainless supporters.

Deep state! Deep state! :rofl:

Steele's dossier placed Trump's attorney in a country where he never was or ever had been. How can a credible intelligence agent make such an "error" unless he is making up shit because he doesn't want Trump to become president? AND that IS what is said to also be in this memo, that Steel made it known he did not want Trump to be president of the United States before he made his so-called investigation. If he made up information about the whereabouts of Trumps lawyer, now were supposed to believe Trump had hookers piss in the bed Obama and his wife slept? and why believe anything else about it? he was paid to help win a presidential campaign, not to be truthful.
The truth about this dossier is pretty clear to everyone except for people who just dont like Trump and want to hang onto anything that gets him out of office
You're not seeing it. The FISA warrant was based on a dossier paid to a former British spy, and money from the Democratic Party.
So? Steele was also employed by the FBI at the time and had always been a credible source. This is a big ol' nothingburger.

A nothing burger? Wow. If this is the threshold, you are going to be Canada sooner than you know it.

This guy had a CLEAR conflict of interest. Hes a fooking Foreign National, and a so-called Former spy at that. he made up a bs narrative all to justify this massive operation against a candidate for the opposition party.

British, Canada and Obamas pals. They are responsible and fully aware of what was going on, all of them needed Hillary to win.
Page had been on the FBI's radar for years. Steele was a credible source. Much of his dossier has been verified.

Honestly, I don't even know why this memo had to be classified in the first place. I guess the FBI was afraid it would be used for a trumped up political stunt? Pun intended :laugh:
If Page had been on the FBI's RADAR for years, like now, the Democrats had NOTHING. The illegally obtained FISA warrants helped them finally take him down .... for tax evasion charges dating back to 2006, before Obama was ever elected President.

Can you say, 'Scooter libby'? :p
Lol you wish. Now the investigation will continue without you rubes being able to pretend Hillary and Fusion GPS nullifies it.
So this begs the question I've been asking for eons. If they had the dossier in their hands in the summer of 2016 which many of us believed they did, was the "McCain" drama of running to Britain to get a copy of the dossier some sort of bizarre attempt at a coverup so they could portray the dossier as something new in the FBI arsenal against Trump?

What was the purpose of the public drama?

The source of the dossier knew that McCain still had hard feelings toward Trump. That's why he contacted McCain to take the dossier to the FBI but by the time McCain took it to them, they had already received a copy from Steele.
Should Hillary be forced to payback for the cost of the Mueller Russian Collusion Delusion investigation?
The Mueller investigation is based on false information, which is why they have failed to produce one shred of evidence. It's only continuing for political reasons because fake news and distractions are all the Dems have to fight Trump.

Ignorant morons like you "think" that the Mueller investigation is ONLY based on the Steele dossier????......Really????

Does the firing of Comey ring any fucking bells in your half brains as THE reason for the appointment of Mueller??

What a DUD this memo is turning out to be.......LOL
You stupid shit, that's not what I said. The Mueller investigation is based on the desire to destroy an American President and you fucking know it. No Democrat ever believed the Dossier was real (except idiots like you). Everything they have used to justify any of their attempts to stop Trump from leading this country has been invented by partisan criminal Democrats. There was no Russia collusion (except by Hillary), no sexual harassment of liberal dykes, no pissing on beds. Slander and unprovable made up allegations are all you pathetic criminal leftists have.
The GOP thinks this will stop Meuller. I can’t fucking wait to watch Trump fall :lol:

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