Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says

Well the investigation will continue. And now republicans won't be able to whine that this info that came out will end the investigation, because, of course, it won't have.

What exactly is Mueller investigating?
He's not investigating, he's pretending to investigate. Fishing, in the hopes of finding something, anything, to accuse Trump of, hoping enough people will believe there's something there so they will vote Democrat in November.
For over a year we've heard Russia Russia Russia and the only compelling evidence of any Russian involvement found so far goes squarely against the Democratic side and Democratic Operatives.....................Abuse of power and Warrants by High Profile individuals in the FBI, CIA and others to mount a political attack against their opponents.

And the left still clings to their lies...............deny when proof is all against them...............The only ones guilty of collusion with the Russians are the very ones who accuse others of doing it.

The problem with a LIE. You must tell more Lies to cover up the first Lie...........eventually the truth comes up and bites you in the ass. No matter how hard you try to hide it, cover it up, or create a diversion to get attention off of it. The Lie almost always gets uncovered.............

Problem is............those who abused their powers will probably never see a day behind bars where they belong. Because our country has allowed the Federal Govt' too much power.
I got through, and read it.

It's just the beginning. Many heads will roll.

I wait with beady-eyes and bated breath for those whining about omissions to present them.
It's worse than we I guess in Obama's 3rd world America this is SOP but this is America we don't play this way...this whole thing leads right to the Kenyan's doorstep... The DOJ, FBI, CIA, IRS, EPA were all weaponized by the Kenyan Obama...worse than Nixon...
It is? What’s in there that wasn’t already public information?
Dossier was false. No new revelation. Steele was biased and had to do anything to keep trump from getting elected. Already knew that. Pretty damning stuff on the fbi. Heads should roll at the top of the fbi. Not sure if they will though since our shadow govt is so deeply engrossed within.
Well the investigation will continue. And now republicans won't be able to whine that this info that came out will end the investigation, because, of course, it won't have.

What exactly is Mueller investigating?
He's not investigating, he's pretending to investigate. Fishing, in the hopes of finding something, anything, to accuse Trump of, hoping enough people will believe there's something there so they will vote Democrat in November.

I know you know, but I asked lefties to be exact what investigation is about.

It started with "collusion", with no evidence of any. It continued as "obstruction", but it's unclear how you obstruct the investigation where no crime is specified or committed. I would like to know, what is official Mueller investigation about right now.

Did Trump drove of the bridge and left someone to die in the car or something?
So FBI and DOJ corruption
AKA more American law enforcement corruption.

Just like we've been saying all along.

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That's a very unfair and inaccurate description. You aren't Canada, you have Constitution that many great men and women die for, this broad comment isn't right. I would gladly have the average FBI agent deal with a criminal situation than any other police agency on earth.

This all points to Obama and Clinton. Mark my words.
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WOW, that memo says it all, you cant trust these Dirtocrats at all
"According to the memo, Steele was terminated as an FBI source “for what the FBI defines as the most serious of violations—an unauthorized disclosure to the media of his relationship with the FBI” on October 30, 2016."

The Summary states that THE FBI CUT OT ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH A FOREIGN SPY WITH WHOM THEY WERE WORKING IN THE INVESTIGATION AGAINST TRUMP WHEN IT BECAME PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE! FBI tried to cut all ties with Steele, a foreign spy who was collaborating with Russian sources, with whom they had been working with in an attempt to take down Trump - to ensure he did not win the Presidency....and the dossier was their 'Insurance Policy' they would use / were using to try to get rid of him after he won.

The reason is obvious - it would be extremely damning / damaging for the American people to know that the Obama administration, FBI and DOJ had colluded to protect Hillary Clinton from being indicted so she could continue to run for President WHILE working with a foreign spy collaborating with Russians in an attempt to 'fix' the General Election and ensure Trump did not win.

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