Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says

Still waiting on the memo......................

“Neither the initial application in October 2016, nor any of the renewals, disclose or reference the role of the DNC, Clinton campaign, or any party/campaign in funding Steele’s efforts, even though the political origins of the Steele dossier were then known to senior DOJ and FBI officials,” the memo said."

":oops8: " :p
Trump should get a extra year as President because of these Dirty Democrats
You put all this together with the texts from these investigators, and it is obvious exactly what was going on.
Remember Adam Schiff and others screaming this will damage national security and give up sources and methods?? Pretty obvious they lied Bigly. Anyone claiming otherwise is a partisan hack.
It may very well damage the credibility of the FBI for some time and of the Justice Department, and it may make some judges more skeptical about their presentations of probable cause for warrants, and it may even raise questions about the legitimacy of warrants issued to the FBI in other cases, but in the long run it will strengthen national security by protecting our justice system from those, even those in very high office, who would subvert it for political purposes.
Riddle me this................The MEMO had to be DE-CLASSIFIED in order to be released.............Took Presidential authority to allow it's release to the public..............yet........................

Beating a Hasty Retreat from the Steele Dossier

As noted above, Fusion GPS and Steele briefed Yahoo News about the dossier claims — specifically, reporter Michael Isikoff. I discussed Isikoff’s report, including its timing and his sources, in a recent column: Reporting indicates that sometime in September 2016, the DOJ and FBI applied to the FISA court for a warrant to surveil Carter Page, and that the warrant was granted. Interestingly, on September 23, 2016, Yahoo’s Michael Isikoff reported on leaks he had received that the U.S. government was conducting an intelligence investigation to determine whether Carter Page, as a Trump adviser, had opened up a private communications channel with such “senior Russian officials” as Igor Sechin and Igor Diveykin to discuss lifting economic sanctions if Trump became president. It is now known that Isikoff’s main source for the story was Fusion’s Glenn Simpson. Isikoff’s report is rife with allegations found in the dossier, although the dossier is not referred to as such; it is described as “intelligence reports” that “U.S. officials” were actively investigating — i.e., Steele’s reports were described in a way that would lead readers to assume they were official U.S. intelligence reports. But there clearly was official American government involvement: Isikoff’s story asserts that U.S. officials were briefing members of Congress about these allegations that Page was meeting with Kremlin officials on Trump’s behalf. The story elaborated that “questions about Page come amid mounting concerns within the U.S. intelligence community about Russian cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee.” Those would be the cyberattacks alleged — in the dossier on which Congress was being briefed — to be the result of a Trump-Russia conspiracy in which Page was complicit.

We had to wait for had to be De-Classified first..............yet he handed it over to Yahoo News...........Leaked it..........

“The Page FISA application incorrectly assesses that Steele did not directly provide information to Yahoo News,” the memo said, noting that Steele admitted in British court to meeting with Yahoo News, along with other news outlets in September 2016 to share details in the dossier."

Either the FISA application was intentionally filled out incorrectly (truth withheld / omitted) or it was a mistake. On a warrant, every detail must be completely, 100% accurate and true. If you even mis-spell a person's name on a warrant it is INVALID!

This proves the FIDA Warrant filed for surveillance against Carter Page was INVALID - ILLEGAL!

THAT MEANS Page's Indictment, if based on any evidence found as a result of this warrant being approved, will be NULL and VOID! Overturned if challenged!

It's obvious to folks really paying attention, that the sitting Democrat President ordered surveillance on the Republican opposition candidate. And the FBI did conspire to both allow Hillary Clinton to skate, and go after Donald Trump. It's as dirty as it gets. It makes Watergate look like small potatoes. But will anyone be held accountable? Don't hold your breath.

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