Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says

Millions of Americans have traveled to Russia. That certainly isn't an indication that you're a spy. The dossier is a pile of crap, so anything it says is irrelevant.

There was absolutely no basis for issuing a warrant to spy on Carter Page. None.

Millions of Americans were never previously under surveillance as a foreign agent either.

Obviously there is plenty of basis for a warrant on Page as he's had one for years.

You shouldn't be defending Page. You should be pissed that Trump hired this guy in the first place.
so why wasn't he arrested in 2013 if he was an agent?

That's not within my purview to know. My guess is that he's producing good intel.
If it's not within my purview to know then why are you giving us your worthless opinion on it?

Feel free not to respond, dope.
You said your opinion was worthless, then you gave it to us nevertheless.

Don't you realize your behavior is schizophrenic?
The memo has nothing to do with the investigation. It would still be underway if there were no dossier or warrant.
McCabe said without they would never have gotten the
Mueller’s been investigating for less than 9 months. Ken Starr investigated Whitewater for 6 years. Mueller can do this until Trump is out of office before your whining is heard.
The FBI was investigating Trump long before he was elected.

Yes. The FBI investigation began in July of 2016. Months before any warrant application, dope.
And going on 2 years now no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation exists.

And the Democrats turned to treason, collaborating with a foreign spy they assessed to be a lying extremist...

In barely 6 months of investigations we have 4 indictments of Trump team members and 2 guilty pleas. With both Papodopoulos and Flynn admitting that they lied to the FBI about ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

We know there are very serious crimes in the Trump team. We know that these crimes relate directly with Russia. The only question many such crimes exist, by whom and for how long.

Which is why the Mueller investigation will continue.

You dont' know any such thing, moron.

Of course we do. Flynn and Papodopoulos have both plead guilty. There's no question that these very serious crimes occured.


And both admitted in court, that they lied to the FBI about contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. There is no question that these very serious crimes relate directly to Russia.

Which is why the Mueller investigation will continue.[/QUOTE]
Millions of Americans have traveled to Russia. That certainly isn't an indication that you're a spy. The dossier is a pile of crap, so anything it says is irrelevant.

There was absolutely no basis for issuing a warrant to spy on Carter Page. None.

Millions of Americans don't claim that they have ties to the Kremlin.

When did Page claim to have ties to the Kremlin? BTW, Hillary has ties to the Kremlin, and so does Slick Willy.

Page had been subject to investigation since 2014. Before there even was a Trump campaign. Making any claim that the Trump campaign was why he was investigated blithering nonsense.

Cause precedes effect. It doesn't follow it by 2 years.

They tried to get a FISA warrant in 2013, but it got turned down. The three warrants after that were requested so the FBI could spy on the Trump campaign.

Page wasn't even with the Trump campaign at the time, retard.
so why was the trump campaign surveilled? good point.

It wasn't, dope.
The memo has nothing to do with the investigation. It would still be underway if there were no dossier or warrant.
McCabe said without they would never have gotten the
Going on two years now the Democrate have been conducting the WITCH HUNT, an attempt to oveethrow the newly elected President of the United States ..

Only to have it exposed that the former 1st Lady and Secretary of State, the Obama administration - the most criminal in US history engaged in treason, and the Obama DOJ and FBI engaged in TREASON.

They collaborated with, shared classified information with, and paid a foreign spy who was working with Russians...

They collaborated with a foreign spy the FBI assessed was 'desperate to prevent Trump from being elected President'...

The FBI considered the fake, Russia propaganda-filled report as their 'Insurance Policy' to take down Trump in case he did win.

They deceived the FISA court into granting them warrants to spy on the political opposing party during an election... This DWARFS Watergate!

This is the largest criminal scandal in US history....

Hillary, Obama, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok - committed TREASON, and history will remember them as TRAITORS, enemis to the state.
Mueller’s been investigating for less than 9 months. Ken Starr investigated Whitewater for 6 years. Mueller can do this until Trump is out of office before your whining is heard.
The FBI was investigating Trump long before he was elected.

Yes. The FBI investigation began in July of 2016. Months before any warrant application, dope.
And going on 2 years now no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation exists.

And the Democrats turned to treason, collaborating with a foreign spy they assessed to be a lying extremist...

In barely 6 months of investigations we have 4 indictments of Trump team members and 2 guilty pleas. With both Papodopoulos and Flynn admitting that they lied to the FBI about ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

We know there are very serious crimes in the Trump team. We know that these crimes relate directly with Russia. The only question many such crimes exist, by whom and for how long.

Which is why the Mueller investigation will continue.
Hey Skyler, tell me how an indictment for tax evasion dating back to 2006, before Obama was even elected, proves 'Collusion'...

You're such a liberal crotch sniffing, traitor supporting joke...

Millions of Americans don't claim that they have ties to the Kremlin.

When did Page claim to have ties to the Kremlin? BTW, Hillary has ties to the Kremlin, and so does Slick Willy.

Page had been subject to investigation since 2014. Before there even was a Trump campaign. Making any claim that the Trump campaign was why he was investigated blithering nonsense.

Cause precedes effect. It doesn't follow it by 2 years.

They tried to get a FISA warrant in 2013, but it got turned down. The three warrants after that were requested so the FBI could spy on the Trump campaign.

Page wasn't even with the Trump campaign at the time, retard.
He was with the Trump campaign when the FBI douchebags used the Steele "dossier" pike of crap to get a FISA warrant.


Page left the campaign in September of 16.

You dopes don't even know the basics of this matter.
then why did the warrants end up at trump?

The only warrant was specific to Page.
When did Page claim to have ties to the Kremlin? BTW, Hillary has ties to the Kremlin, and so does Slick Willy.

They tried to get a FISA warrant in 2013, but it got turned down. The three warrants after that were requested so the FBI could spy on the Trump campaign.

Page wasn't even with the Trump campaign at the time, retard.
He was with the Trump campaign when the FBI douchebags used the Steele "dossier" pike of crap to get a FISA warrant.


Page left the campaign in September of 16.

You dopes don't even know the basics of this matter.
then why did the warrants end up at trump?

The only warrant was specific to Page.
Hillary and the FBI collaborated with a foreign spy working with Russians, a spy they assessed to be a lying anti-Trump extremist desperate to prevent Trump from becoming President ... like they were...
Millions of Americans don't claim that they have ties to the Kremlin.

When did Page claim to have ties to the Kremlin? BTW, Hillary has ties to the Kremlin, and so does Slick Willy.

Page had been subject to investigation since 2014. Before there even was a Trump campaign. Making any claim that the Trump campaign was why he was investigated blithering nonsense.

Cause precedes effect. It doesn't follow it by 2 years.

They tried to get a FISA warrant in 2013, but it got turned down. The three warrants after that were requested so the FBI could spy on the Trump campaign.

Page wasn't even with the Trump campaign at the time, retard.
so why was the trump campaign surveilled? good point.

It wasn't, dope.
The memo has nothing to do with the investigation. It would still be underway if there were no dossier or warrant.
McCabe said without they would never have gotten the
Mueller’s been investigating for less than 9 months. Ken Starr investigated Whitewater for 6 years. Mueller can do this until Trump is out of office before your whining is heard.
The FBI was investigating Trump long before he was elected.

Yes. The FBI investigation began in July of 2016. Months before any warrant application, dope.
And going on 2 years now no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation exists.

And the Democrats turned to treason, collaborating with a foreign spy they assessed to be a lying extremist...

In barely 6 months of investigations we have 4 indictments of Trump team members and 2 guilty pleas. With both Papodopoulos and Flynn admitting that they lied to the FBI about ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

We know there are very serious crimes in the Trump team. We know that these crimes relate directly with Russia. The only question many such crimes exist, by whom and for how long.

Which is why the Mueller investigation will continue.
Hey Skyler, tell me how an indictment for tax evasion dating back to 2006, before Obama was even elected, proves 'Collusion'...

You're such a liberal crotch sniffing, traitor supporting joke...


Says the poor fool that quoted as 'fact' in the Nunes memo that the FBI didn't disclose that possible political motivations of the Dossier......

.....with Nunes just admitting that yes, the FBI did include that information.

You've been duped.

And of course, you're ignoring both Flynn and Papodopoulos who have plead guilty to lying to the FBI about contacts between the Trump team and Russia. There is no debate that there are very serious crimes in the Trump team. There is no debate that these crimes relate directly with Russia.

Which is why Mueller will continue to methodically dig into the crimes of the Trump team.
Not really. If it is true that the FISA court was mislead to believe that the dossier was a straight up surveillance document and was not given information that Steele was paid, the document had political motivations to sway an election, and that senior FBI and DOJ officials were keeping this purposely from the FISA court ?
Then this looks pretty big, and actually FBI officials are not supposed to take political sides like that. we will see though

the document had political motivations to sway an election,

How does it sway an election when it was classified, dope?

It was absolutely meant to sway an election because the FISA warrant was gotten to spy on the then Candidate Trump. Remember what Watergate was about? spying on political opponents and covering up. no different here except here the people doing the spying and covering up have great support from much of the media, an entire political party and high ranking feds to protect and turn a blind eye. Nixon had no such protections and had to resign

It was absolutely meant to sway an election because the FISA warrant was gotten to spy on the then Candidate Trump.

The FISA warrant targeted Carter Page who was no longer a member of the Trump Team.

When I first heard about this memo. WOW.......... I thought FBI they raped Trump. To find out it was carter page they’ve been monitoring since 2013.

I did not get a copy of the memo. So now WHAT?

The memo is just the beginning of Americans finding out what the hecks been going on is my guess..

False documents from the Clinton campaign were used by the Obama administration to undermine and illegally spy on a (Trump) Presidential candidate and help/attempt to steal an election seems to be the probable bottom line.

From the what I read they were tracking & monitoring Page then continued when he was part of Trump campaign.
Nothing said about anything else.
The memo has nothing to do with the investigation. It would still be underway if there were no dossier or warrant.
McCabe said without they would never have gotten the
Going on two years now the Democrate have been conducting the WITCH HUNT, an attempt to oveethrow the newly elected President of the United States ..

Only to have it exposed that the former 1st Lady and Secretary of State, the Obama administration - the most criminal in US history engaged in treason, and the Obama DOJ and FBI engaged in TREASON.

They collaborated with, shared classified information with, and paid a foreign spy who was working with Russians...

They collaborated with a foreign spy the FBI assessed was 'desperate to prevent Trump from being elected President'...

The FBI considered the fake, Russia propaganda-filled report as their 'Insurance Policy' to take down Trump in case he did win.

They deceived the FISA court into granting them warrants to spy on the political opposing party during an election... This DWARFS Watergate!

This is the largest criminal scandal in US history....

Hillary, Obama, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok - committed TREASON, and history will remember them as TRAITORS, enemis to the state.
Mueller’s been investigating for less than 9 months. Ken Starr investigated Whitewater for 6 years. Mueller can do this until Trump is out of office before your whining is heard.
The FBI was investigating Trump long before he was elected.

Yes. The FBI investigation began in July of 2016. Months before any warrant application, dope.
And going on 2 years now no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation exists.

And the Democrats turned to treason, collaborating with a foreign spy they assessed to be a lying extremist...
No evidence that has been publicly released.
How does it sway an election when it was classified, dope?

It was absolutely meant to sway an election because the FISA warrant was gotten to spy on the then Candidate Trump. Remember what Watergate was about? spying on political opponents and covering up. no different here except here the people doing the spying and covering up have great support from much of the media, an entire political party and high ranking feds to protect and turn a blind eye. Nixon had no such protections and had to resign

It was absolutely meant to sway an election because the FISA warrant was gotten to spy on the then Candidate Trump.

The FISA warrant targeted Carter Page who was no longer a member of the Trump Team.

When I first heard about this memo. WOW.......... I thought FBI they raped Trump. To find out it was carter page they’ve been monitoring since 2013.

I did not get a copy of the memo. So now WHAT?

The memo is just the beginning of Americans finding out what the hecks been going on is my guess..

False documents from the Clinton campaign were used by the Obama administration to undermine and illegally spy on a (Trump) Presidential candidate and help/attempt to steal an election seems to be the probable bottom line.

From the what I read they were tracking & monitoring Page then continued when he was part of Trump campaign.
Nothing said about anything else.

The Nunes memo is about a warrant to monitor Page in October of 2016.

Page stopped being a member of the Trump team in September of 2016.

Thus, the working theory of the that the FBI sought to wire tap trump by getting a warrant on a guy that didn't work the Trump campaign.

Its literally the stupidest thing I've ever heard. And I've debated with the Birthers.
Millions of Americans were never previously under surveillance as a foreign agent either.

Obviously there is plenty of basis for a warrant on Page as he's had one for years.

You shouldn't be defending Page. You should be pissed that Trump hired this guy in the first place.
so why wasn't he arrested in 2013 if he was an agent?

That's not within my purview to know. My guess is that he's producing good intel.
If it's not within my purview to know then why are you giving us your worthless opinion on it?

Feel free not to respond, dope.
You said your opinion was worthless, then you gave it to us nevertheless.

Don't you realize your behavior is schizophrenic?

That's not what I said at all. You should have stayed in school.
But you'll trust the once recused, forever disgraced Nunes? [emoji23]

The Summary of EVIDENCE is not a product written by Nunes.

AS YOU ALREADY KNOW AND CHOOSE TO IGNORE, it is a compilation of FACTS and EVIDENCE collected by multiple agencies, Intel Sources, and even the US IG (the one who found the FBI's 'un-recoverable lost' text messages).

Democrats, Obama, his DOJ - LYNCH / HOLDER, his FBI - Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok - Can NOT 'SPIN' Your Way Out Of This One!

The memo is the invention of a bunch of partisan republicans cherrypickings. The Russia investigation will go on.

Again, the Summary of EVIDENCE is a compilation of FACTS and EVIDENCE from multiple agencies and Intel sources from within the Federal Govt, to include the US IG (who, again, caught the FBI attempting to HIDE text messages - he recovered the text messages the FBI claimed were 'un-recoverable' because they had never been saved due to a 'glitch').

AGAIN, you can continue to deny REALITY all you want ,but this Summary PROVES Obama Cabinet Members, leaders within the DOJ and GBI conspired together to take down the President of the United States!

You can NOT spin your way out of this one!

Summary of the evidence compiled by Trump surrogate Nunez.

FBI Director Christopher Wray a Trump appointee totally rejected that stupid memo because there was a lot emission and lack of fact checking.

Yes you are right. Someone is going to get in trouble with this one big time.
Mueller investigation will move and will finish he job.

How do you know there was a lot of emission and lack of fact checking?
Do you work for the FBI? If so why are you spouting off here...i.e. like Peter Strzok and Lisa Page who also hated Trump and especially people like me?
Obviously you work for the FBI as you indicate you've READ all the information that was confidential...and like Peter Strzok and Lisa Page you can attest that it is "false"?
You do know the FBI is probably monitoring comments like yours i.e. YOU know the memo had a "lot emission and lack of fact checking."
So don't be surprised if you hear from them because if you do that means YOU are NOT qualified to read confidential information and you emphatically claim that there
was lot emission and lack of fact checking."!

Really? Then explain this memo from FBI Director Christopher Wray.

F.B.I. Condemns Push to Release Secret Republican Memo

The F.B.I. was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it,” the bureau said in a statement, referring to the House Intelligence Committee. “As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”
Page wasn't even with the Trump campaign at the time, retard.
He was with the Trump campaign when the FBI douchebags used the Steele "dossier" pike of crap to get a FISA warrant.


Page left the campaign in September of 16.

You dopes don't even know the basics of this matter.
then why did the warrants end up at trump?

The only warrant was specific to Page.
Hillary and the FBI collaborated with a foreign spy working with Russians, a spy they assessed to be a lying anti-Trump extremist desperate to prevent Trump from becoming President ... like they were...

Sure, dope. That's why they got a warrant on a guy that wasn't even with the campaign any longer just 20 days before the election.
When did Page claim to have ties to the Kremlin? BTW, Hillary has ties to the Kremlin, and so does Slick Willy.

They tried to get a FISA warrant in 2013, but it got turned down. The three warrants after that were requested so the FBI could spy on the Trump campaign.

Page wasn't even with the Trump campaign at the time, retard.
He was with the Trump campaign when the FBI douchebags used the Steele "dossier" pike of crap to get a FISA warrant.


Page left the campaign in September of 16.

You dopes don't even know the basics of this matter.
then why did the warrants end up at trump?

It didn't. You poor, poor fools simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

That's the point.
well sure it did, it got special counsel.
Page wasn't even with the Trump campaign at the time, retard.
He was with the Trump campaign when the FBI douchebags used the Steele "dossier" pike of crap to get a FISA warrant.


Page left the campaign in September of 16.

You dopes don't even know the basics of this matter.
then why did the warrants end up at trump?

It didn't. You poor, poor fools simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

That's the point.
well sure it did, it got special counsel.

Sorry, JC.....but you're once again so poorly informed you can't comment intelligently.

As the special counsel investigation has nothing to do with the manufactured Nunes Memo.
The memo has nothing to do with the investigation. It would still be underway if there were no dossier or warrant.
McCabe said without they would never have gotten the
The FBI was investigating Trump long before he was elected.

Yes. The FBI investigation began in July of 2016. Months before any warrant application, dope.
And going on 2 years now no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation exists.

And the Democrats turned to treason, collaborating with a foreign spy they assessed to be a lying extremist...

In barely 6 months of investigations we have 4 indictments of Trump team members and 2 guilty pleas. With both Papodopoulos and Flynn admitting that they lied to the FBI about ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

We know there are very serious crimes in the Trump team. We know that these crimes relate directly with Russia. The only question many such crimes exist, by whom and for how long.

Which is why the Mueller investigation will continue.

You dont' know any such thing, moron.

Of course we do. Flynn and Papodopoulos have both plead guilty. There's no question that these very serious crimes occured.


And both admitted in court, that they lied to the FBI about contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. There is no question that these very serious crimes relate directly to Russia.

Which is why the Mueller investigation will continue.
what serious crime are you talking about exactly?
Page wasn't even with the Trump campaign at the time, retard.
He was with the Trump campaign when the FBI douchebags used the Steele "dossier" pike of crap to get a FISA warrant.


Page left the campaign in September of 16.

You dopes don't even know the basics of this matter.
then why did the warrants end up at trump?

It didn't. You poor, poor fools simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

That's the point.
well sure it did, it got special counsel.

No, dope. The FBI investigation began in July of 16, well before the warrant began.That is the same investigation that Mueller took over after Trump fired Comey.
The memo has nothing to do with the investigation. It would still be underway if there were no dossier or warrant.
McCabe said without they would never have gotten the
Yes. The FBI investigation began in July of 2016. Months before any warrant application, dope.
And going on 2 years now no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation exists.

And the Democrats turned to treason, collaborating with a foreign spy they assessed to be a lying extremist...

In barely 6 months of investigations we have 4 indictments of Trump team members and 2 guilty pleas. With both Papodopoulos and Flynn admitting that they lied to the FBI about ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

We know there are very serious crimes in the Trump team. We know that these crimes relate directly with Russia. The only question many such crimes exist, by whom and for how long.

Which is why the Mueller investigation will continue.

You dont' know any such thing, moron.

Of course we do. Flynn and Papodopoulos have both plead guilty. There's no question that these very serious crimes occured.


And both admitted in court, that they lied to the FBI about contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. There is no question that these very serious crimes relate directly to Russia.

Which is why the Mueller investigation will continue.
what serious crime are you talking about exactly?[/QUOTE]

Look up the potential prison sentences for what Flynn plead guilty to.

Then come back to us.
The memo has nothing to do with the investigation. It would still be underway if there were no dossier or warrant.
McCabe said without they would never have gotten the
Yes. The FBI investigation began in July of 2016. Months before any warrant application, dope.
And going on 2 years now no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation exists.

And the Democrats turned to treason, collaborating with a foreign spy they assessed to be a lying extremist...

In barely 6 months of investigations we have 4 indictments of Trump team members and 2 guilty pleas. With both Papodopoulos and Flynn admitting that they lied to the FBI about ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

We know there are very serious crimes in the Trump team. We know that these crimes relate directly with Russia. The only question many such crimes exist, by whom and for how long.

Which is why the Mueller investigation will continue.

You dont' know any such thing, moron.

Of course we do. Flynn and Papodopoulos have both plead guilty. There's no question that these very serious crimes occured.


And both admitted in court, that they lied to the FBI about contacts between the Trump team and the Russians. There is no question that these very serious crimes relate directly to Russia.

Which is why the Mueller investigation will continue.
what serious crime are you talking about exactly?[/QUOTE]

Your woefully neglected education?
He was with the Trump campaign when the FBI douchebags used the Steele "dossier" pike of crap to get a FISA warrant.


Page left the campaign in September of 16.

You dopes don't even know the basics of this matter.
then why did the warrants end up at trump?

It didn't. You poor, poor fools simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

That's the point.
well sure it did, it got special counsel.

Sorry, JC.....but you're once again so poorly informed you can't comment intelligently.

As the special counsel investigation has nothing to do with the manufactured Nunes Memo.
well sure it was. you can say that all day and I can say mine all day. in the end i'm correct since we have the special counsel. see how that works? see you can't explain how we got mueller. I've asked so many times my fingers bled and still nothing.
He was with the Trump campaign when the FBI douchebags used the Steele "dossier" pike of crap to get a FISA warrant.


Page left the campaign in September of 16.

You dopes don't even know the basics of this matter.
then why did the warrants end up at trump?

It didn't. You poor, poor fools simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

That's the point.
well sure it did, it got special counsel.

No, dope. The FBI investigation began in July of 16, well before the warrant began.That is the same investigation that Mueller took over after Trump fired Comey.
but comey stated under oath trump wasn't under investigation. so what investigation exactly are you referring to?

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