Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says


Page left the campaign in September of 16.

You dopes don't even know the basics of this matter.
then why did the warrants end up at trump?

It didn't. You poor, poor fools simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

That's the point.
well sure it did, it got special counsel.

No, dope. The FBI investigation began in July of 16, well before the warrant began.That is the same investigation that Mueller took over after Trump fired Comey.
but comey stated under oath trump wasn't under investigation. so what investigation exactly are you referring to?

Apparently nothing at all.


Page left the campaign in September of 16.

You dopes don't even know the basics of this matter.
then why did the warrants end up at trump?

It didn't. You poor, poor fools simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

That's the point.
well sure it did, it got special counsel.

Sorry, JC.....but you're once again so poorly informed you can't comment intelligently.

As the special counsel investigation has nothing to do with the manufactured Nunes Memo.
well sure it was. you can say that all day and I can say mine all day. in the end i'm correct since we have the special counsel. see how that works? see you can't explain how we got mueller. I've asked so many times my fingers bled and still nothing.

I'm quoting Trey Gowdy. A republican. Even Republicans acknowledge that the Nunes memo has nothing to do with the special counsel investigation.

In the end, you don't know what you're talking about. As always, you're arguing your own ignorance....bizarrely insisting that because you don't know what you're talking about, 'you win'. along. The adults are talking.
The memo has nothing to do with the investigation. It would still be underway if there were no dossier or warrant.
McCabe said without they would never have gotten the
Going on two years now the Democrate have been conducting the WITCH HUNT, an attempt to oveethrow the newly elected President of the United States ..

Only to have it exposed that the former 1st Lady and Secretary of State, the Obama administration - the most criminal in US history engaged in treason, and the Obama DOJ and FBI engaged in TREASON.

They collaborated with, shared classified information with, and paid a foreign spy who was working with Russians...

They collaborated with a foreign spy the FBI assessed was 'desperate to prevent Trump from being elected President'...

The FBI considered the fake, Russia propaganda-filled report as their 'Insurance Policy' to take down Trump in case he did win.

They deceived the FISA court into granting them warrants to spy on the political opposing party during an election... This DWARFS Watergate!

This is the largest criminal scandal in US history....

Hillary, Obama, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok - committed TREASON, and history will remember them as TRAITORS, enemis to the state.
Mueller’s been investigating for less than 9 months. Ken Starr investigated Whitewater for 6 years. Mueller can do this until Trump is out of office before your whining is heard.
The FBI was investigating Trump long before he was elected.

Yes. The FBI investigation began in July of 2016. Months before any warrant application, dope.
And going on 2 years now no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation exists.

And the Democrats turned to treason, collaborating with a foreign spy they assessed to be a lying extremist...

You may want to ask yourself when did lousy Trumpy fired Comey then Mueller was assigned as special counsel. If you can honestly answer that question........ Its not 2 years.

You may way want to ask Bannon who called Trump jr, Manafort, Kushner could have committed TREASON when they met with the Russians at Trump tower.

Stop lying please.
then why did the warrants end up at trump?

It didn't. You poor, poor fools simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

That's the point.
well sure it did, it got special counsel.

No, dope. The FBI investigation began in July of 16, well before the warrant began.That is the same investigation that Mueller took over after Trump fired Comey.
but comey stated under oath trump wasn't under investigation. so what investigation exactly are you referring to?

Apparently nothing at all.

then again, what was used to start the special counsel. again, as I stated, the dossier from the warrant on page. we know it. it's overwhelming.
It didn't. You poor, poor fools simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

That's the point.
well sure it did, it got special counsel.

No, dope. The FBI investigation began in July of 16, well before the warrant began.That is the same investigation that Mueller took over after Trump fired Comey.
but comey stated under oath trump wasn't under investigation. so what investigation exactly are you referring to?

Apparently nothing at all.

then again, what was used to start the special counsel. again, as I stated, the dossier from the warrant on page. we know it. it's overwhelming.

You genuinely don't know why the Special Counsel was seated?

Holy shit, dude. Do some research.
then why did the warrants end up at trump?

It didn't. You poor, poor fools simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

That's the point.
well sure it did, it got special counsel.

Sorry, JC.....but you're once again so poorly informed you can't comment intelligently.

As the special counsel investigation has nothing to do with the manufactured Nunes Memo.
well sure it was. you can say that all day and I can say mine all day. in the end i'm correct since we have the special counsel. see how that works? see you can't explain how we got mueller. I've asked so many times my fingers bled and still nothing.

I'm quoting Trey Gowdy. A republican. Even Republicans acknowledge that the Nunes memo has nothing to do with the special counsel investigation.

In the end, you don't know what you're talking about. As always, you're arguing your own ignorance....bizarrely insisting that because you don't know what you're talking about, 'you win'. along. The adults are talking.
dude, why do I care? I can read, I have the facts presented and the only conclusion is that the warrant from the dossier got us mueller. period. please give me how we got mueller?
well sure it did, it got special counsel.

No, dope. The FBI investigation began in July of 16, well before the warrant began.That is the same investigation that Mueller took over after Trump fired Comey.
but comey stated under oath trump wasn't under investigation. so what investigation exactly are you referring to?

Apparently nothing at all.

then again, what was used to start the special counsel. again, as I stated, the dossier from the warrant on page. we know it. it's overwhelming.

You genuinely don't know why the Special Counsel was seated?

Holy shit, dude. Do some research.
nope, show me what did. stick that up your ass goof. you make a claim, back it up, show me what got us mueller.
No, dope. The FBI investigation began in July of 16, well before the warrant began.That is the same investigation that Mueller took over after Trump fired Comey.
but comey stated under oath trump wasn't under investigation. so what investigation exactly are you referring to?

Apparently nothing at all.

then again, what was used to start the special counsel. again, as I stated, the dossier from the warrant on page. we know it. it's overwhelming.

You genuinely don't know why the Special Counsel was seated?

Holy shit, dude. Do some research.
nope, show me what did. stick that up your ass goof. you make a claim, back it up, show me what got us mueller.

Nope. You'll do your own research, baby bird. You'll look up why the Special Counsel was seated and by whom.

We're not your daddy. Its not our job to feed you information because you can't be bothered to look it up yourself.
but comey stated under oath trump wasn't under investigation. so what investigation exactly are you referring to?

Apparently nothing at all.

then again, what was used to start the special counsel. again, as I stated, the dossier from the warrant on page. we know it. it's overwhelming.

You genuinely don't know why the Special Counsel was seated?

Holy shit, dude. Do some research.
nope, show me what did. stick that up your ass goof. you make a claim, back it up, show me what got us mueller.

Nope. You'll do your own research, baby bird. You'll look up why the Special Counsel was seated and by whom.

We're not your daddy. Its not our job to feed you information because you can't be bothered to look it up yourself.
so you can't disagree with my explanation, cause you can't replace it with what you think. thanks,
Apparently nothing at all.

then again, what was used to start the special counsel. again, as I stated, the dossier from the warrant on page. we know it. it's overwhelming.

You genuinely don't know why the Special Counsel was seated?

Holy shit, dude. Do some research.
nope, show me what did. stick that up your ass goof. you make a claim, back it up, show me what got us mueller.

Nope. You'll do your own research, baby bird. You'll look up why the Special Counsel was seated and by whom.

We're not your daddy. Its not our job to feed you information because you can't be bothered to look it up yourself.
so you can't disagree with my explanation, cause you can't replace it with what you think. thanks,

Sure I can. I've actually looked at both the Nunes memo and know why the Special Counsel was seated.

You're literally arguing your own ignorance, insisting that because you have no idea what you're talking about....we're obligated to 'disprove' whatever blithering idiocy you make up.

Laughing....nope. Do your own research, baby bird. We're not your daddy.
The memo has nothing to do with the investigation. It would still be underway if there were no dossier or warrant.
McCabe said without they would never have gotten the
Mueller’s been investigating for less than 9 months. Ken Starr investigated Whitewater for 6 years. Mueller can do this until Trump is out of office before your whining is heard.
The FBI was investigating Trump long before he was elected.

Yes. The FBI investigation began in July of 2016. Months before any warrant application, dope.
And going on 2 years now no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation exists.

And the Democrats turned to treason, collaborating with a foreign spy they assessed to be a lying extremist...

In barely 6 months of investigations we have 4 indictments of Trump team members and 2 guilty pleas. With both Papodopoulos and Flynn admitting that they lied to the FBI about ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

We know there are very serious crimes in the Trump team. We know that these crimes relate directly with Russia. The only question many such crimes exist, by whom and for how long.

Which is why the Mueller investigation will continue.

You dont' know any such thing, moron. Flynn lied about talking to the Russian ambassador. I don't recall what Papawhatshisname lied about, but it wasn't about "ties between the Trump campaign and Russia."

There is no evidence that the Trump campaign has committed any crimes whatsoever. There is none. nada, zilch.

You don’t anything either dude.

Denial from fake messiah is not an evidence. Denial from fake messiah is not a verdict ( copied this from someone here ) ...... It takes time but Mueller will get there.

If Trump did not commit crime:
1. Why he is so scared?
2. Why is he acting like he committed crimes?
3. Why not stop lying and stop interfering then let the justice do the job? If he didn’t then he is cleared if he did then like everyone else he is not above the law. He should pay for his crimes.

The memo has nothing to do with the investigation. It would still be underway if there were no dossier or warrant.
McCabe said without they would never have gotten the
The FBI was investigating Trump long before he was elected.

Yes. The FBI investigation began in July of 2016. Months before any warrant application, dope.
And going on 2 years now no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation exists.

And the Democrats turned to treason, collaborating with a foreign spy they assessed to be a lying extremist...

In barely 6 months of investigations we have 4 indictments of Trump team members and 2 guilty pleas. With both Papodopoulos and Flynn admitting that they lied to the FBI about ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

We know there are very serious crimes in the Trump team. We know that these crimes relate directly with Russia. The only question many such crimes exist, by whom and for how long.

Which is why the Mueller investigation will continue.

You dont' know any such thing, moron. Flynn lied about talking to the Russian ambassador. I don't recall what Papawhatshisname lied about, but it wasn't about "ties between the Trump campaign and Russia."

There is no evidence that the Trump campaign has committed any crimes whatsoever. There is none. nada, zilch.

You don’t anything either dude.

Denial from fake messiah is not an evidence. Denial from fake messiah is not a verdict ( copied this from someone here ) ...... It takes time but Mueller will get there.

If Trump did not commit crime:
1. Why he is so scared?
2. Why is he acting like he committed crimes?
3. Why not stop lying and stop interfering then let the justice do the job? If he didn’t then he is cleared if he did then like everyone else he is not above the law. He should pay for his crimes.


Speculation through biased eyes.
The memo has nothing to do with the investigation. It would still be underway if there were no dossier or warrant.
McCabe said without they would never have gotten the
Yes. The FBI investigation began in July of 2016. Months before any warrant application, dope.
And going on 2 years now no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation exists.

And the Democrats turned to treason, collaborating with a foreign spy they assessed to be a lying extremist...

In barely 6 months of investigations we have 4 indictments of Trump team members and 2 guilty pleas. With both Papodopoulos and Flynn admitting that they lied to the FBI about ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

We know there are very serious crimes in the Trump team. We know that these crimes relate directly with Russia. The only question many such crimes exist, by whom and for how long.

Which is why the Mueller investigation will continue.

You dont' know any such thing, moron. Flynn lied about talking to the Russian ambassador. I don't recall what Papawhatshisname lied about, but it wasn't about "ties between the Trump campaign and Russia."

There is no evidence that the Trump campaign has committed any crimes whatsoever. There is none. nada, zilch.

You don’t anything either dude.

Denial from fake messiah is not an evidence. Denial from fake messiah is not a verdict ( copied this from someone here ) ...... It takes time but Mueller will get there.

If Trump did not commit crime:
1. Why he is so scared?
2. Why is he acting like he committed crimes?
3. Why not stop lying and stop interfering then let the justice do the job? If he didn’t then he is cleared if he did then like everyone else he is not above the law. He should pay for his crimes.


Speculation through biased eyes.

Laughing....says the people that are bleating about an anti-Trump conspiracy when the FBI gets a warrant on a guy that isn't working for Trump.
It didn't. You poor, poor fools simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

That's the point.
well sure it did, it got special counsel.

No, dope. The FBI investigation began in July of 16, well before the warrant began.That is the same investigation that Mueller took over after Trump fired Comey.
but comey stated under oath trump wasn't under investigation. so what investigation exactly are you referring to?

Apparently nothing at all.

then again, what was used to start the special counsel. again, as I stated, the dossier from the warrant on page. we know it. it's overwhelming.

Trump's firing of Comey prompted the appointment of Mueller. You honestly don't know this?
well sure it did, it got special counsel.

No, dope. The FBI investigation began in July of 16, well before the warrant began.That is the same investigation that Mueller took over after Trump fired Comey.
but comey stated under oath trump wasn't under investigation. so what investigation exactly are you referring to?

Apparently nothing at all.

then again, what was used to start the special counsel. again, as I stated, the dossier from the warrant on page. we know it. it's overwhelming.

Trump's firing of Comey prompted the appointment of Mueller. You honestly don't know this?

He genuinely doens't. JC doesn't come here prepared
McCabe said without they would never have gotten the
And going on 2 years now no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation exists.

And the Democrats turned to treason, collaborating with a foreign spy they assessed to be a lying extremist...

In barely 6 months of investigations we have 4 indictments of Trump team members and 2 guilty pleas. With both Papodopoulos and Flynn admitting that they lied to the FBI about ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

We know there are very serious crimes in the Trump team. We know that these crimes relate directly with Russia. The only question many such crimes exist, by whom and for how long.

Which is why the Mueller investigation will continue.

You dont' know any such thing, moron. Flynn lied about talking to the Russian ambassador. I don't recall what Papawhatshisname lied about, but it wasn't about "ties between the Trump campaign and Russia."

There is no evidence that the Trump campaign has committed any crimes whatsoever. There is none. nada, zilch.

You don’t anything either dude.

Denial from fake messiah is not an evidence. Denial from fake messiah is not a verdict ( copied this from someone here ) ...... It takes time but Mueller will get there.

If Trump did not commit crime:
1. Why he is so scared?
2. Why is he acting like he committed crimes?
3. Why not stop lying and stop interfering then let the justice do the job? If he didn’t then he is cleared if he did then like everyone else he is not above the law. He should pay for his crimes.


Speculation through biased eyes.

Laughing....says the people that are bleating about an anti-Trump conspiracy when the FBI gets a warrant on a guy that isn't working for Trump.

Sorry little girl, I stand where I always stand. I need to see proof and as of yet....there is none. You seem to be in the wrong sand box honey.
In barely 6 months of investigations we have 4 indictments of Trump team members and 2 guilty pleas. With both Papodopoulos and Flynn admitting that they lied to the FBI about ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

We know there are very serious crimes in the Trump team. We know that these crimes relate directly with Russia. The only question many such crimes exist, by whom and for how long.

Which is why the Mueller investigation will continue.

You dont' know any such thing, moron. Flynn lied about talking to the Russian ambassador. I don't recall what Papawhatshisname lied about, but it wasn't about "ties between the Trump campaign and Russia."

There is no evidence that the Trump campaign has committed any crimes whatsoever. There is none. nada, zilch.

You don’t anything either dude.

Denial from fake messiah is not an evidence. Denial from fake messiah is not a verdict ( copied this from someone here ) ...... It takes time but Mueller will get there.

If Trump did not commit crime:
1. Why he is so scared?
2. Why is he acting like he committed crimes?
3. Why not stop lying and stop interfering then let the justice do the job? If he didn’t then he is cleared if he did then like everyone else he is not above the law. He should pay for his crimes.


Speculation through biased eyes.

Laughing....says the people that are bleating about an anti-Trump conspiracy when the FBI gets a warrant on a guy that isn't working for Trump.

Sorry little girl, I stand where I always stand. I need to see proof and as of yet....there is none. You seem to be in the wrong sand box honey.

Then explain how a warrant in October is an attempt to spy on the Trump team.....when Page left the Trump team in September?
No, dope. The FBI investigation began in July of 16, well before the warrant began.That is the same investigation that Mueller took over after Trump fired Comey.
but comey stated under oath trump wasn't under investigation. so what investigation exactly are you referring to?

Apparently nothing at all.

then again, what was used to start the special counsel. again, as I stated, the dossier from the warrant on page. we know it. it's overwhelming.

Trump's firing of Comey prompted the appointment of Mueller. You honestly don't know this?

He genuinely doens't. JC doesn't come here prepared

Sometimes I'm not sure he's for real. Is it possible that someone can be truly that lost?
House Intelligence memo released: What it says

Well Here it is… Quite a bit to digest:

· The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the initial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.

· Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.

· The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications.

· DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president.

Before all the spin starts on both sides, take some time to get all the facts. I will do the same.

House Intelligence memo released: What it says

who cares what it says? it was made up by the white house and nunes aids to try to get Donald's fat butt out of trouble.


Wow! People really do believe anything the media tells them don't they?

There jannithing to say that isn’t true.

And when asked if the White House helped draft the fake memo nunes stood there like a deer in the headlights.


By the by, I’d prefer to believe the sum total of fact checked reports than anything the otengwbsociopath says.

Perhaps you should stop believing what the proven liar says.

I did. Two years after voting for Obama, I switched parties and didn't vote for him again.
You dont' know any such thing, moron. Flynn lied about talking to the Russian ambassador. I don't recall what Papawhatshisname lied about, but it wasn't about "ties between the Trump campaign and Russia."

There is no evidence that the Trump campaign has committed any crimes whatsoever. There is none. nada, zilch.

You don’t anything either dude.

Denial from fake messiah is not an evidence. Denial from fake messiah is not a verdict ( copied this from someone here ) ...... It takes time but Mueller will get there.

If Trump did not commit crime:
1. Why he is so scared?
2. Why is he acting like he committed crimes?
3. Why not stop lying and stop interfering then let the justice do the job? If he didn’t then he is cleared if he did then like everyone else he is not above the law. He should pay for his crimes.


Speculation through biased eyes.

Laughing....says the people that are bleating about an anti-Trump conspiracy when the FBI gets a warrant on a guy that isn't working for Trump.

Sorry little girl, I stand where I always stand. I need to see proof and as of yet....there is none. You seem to be in the wrong sand box honey.

Then explain how a warrant in October is an attempt to spy on the Trump team.....when Page left the Trump team in September?

You'll have to tell me what it was in my comment to Charwin that triggered you so? You might also want to explain why the "Dossier" ABOUT Trump was used to secure the October Warrant?

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