Summary of the recent USMB climate debate

"Ice age" refers to the natural cycles where CO2 tracked surface temperature anomaly. The catch is that the latter is not doing that.

Summary of a climate debate, indeed.
"Ice age" refers to the natural cycles where CO2 tracked surface temperature anomaly. The catch is that the latter is not doing that.

Summary of a climate debate, indeed.

So is Antarctica an ICE AGE right now or not???

Jeopardy! music still playing since you did not answer....
In short, we have clear truth here, buried by trolls trying to shout it down.

We have two and only two measures of atmospheric temps, satellites and balloons, and both showed no warming in the atmosphere despite rising CO2 before crick's taxpayer funded heroes fudged both to keep the Co2 fraud going...

Their theory is that increasing Co2 in the atmosphere would warm the atmosphere


We have absolutely no breakout in cane activity, which would occur if oceans were actually warming.

We have no visual evidence of a single landmark on Earth "sinking" due to ocean "rise" because oceans are not rising because Antarctica is not melting at all, but rather gaining ice.

We have a planet where EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF LAND WITHIN 600 miles of a pole is in continent specific ICE AGE, and every piece of land outside of 600 miles of a pole is not, and land moves.

We have one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, with 90% of Earth ice, surface temps 50F colder than Arctic, and puts 9 times the ice that the Arctic puts in the oceans. In short, one Earth polar circle cools Earth much more than the other. All about land near the pole. Two polar oceans and Earth has no ice. That is the driver of Earth climate change.

We have the Co2 Fraud supporters here completely unable to explain how in the past 1 million years Co2 froze Greenland and melted North America AT THE SAME TIME because it did not and ATMOSPHERE is ruled out as a cause of either... The cause is that Greenland recently moved into the "within 600 miles" to the Pole zone and NA moved out (except for Ellesmere)

In short, Co2 does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Earth climate change is 99%+ about WHERE LAND IS, and LAND MOVES, and we could increase atmospheric Co2 10 fold from current levels and

More bullshit.
Funded by deniers:

Uh....I don't see where Berkely Earth was funded by deniers.
Uh....I don't see where Berkely Earth was funded by deniers.

Never fall for their "Exxon admits it" BS. They planted that. Their claim is that Exxon figured out a long time ago that Co2 causes warming. PROBLEM - Co2 DOES NOT CAUSE WARMING according to the two and only two measures we have of atmospheric temps.

FUDGE is not DATA. LIES are not FACTS.

Their side has NOTHING.
Ive been in this forum for 13 years.

Bottom line?

The climate crusaders have yet to provide any evidence the science is mattering in the real world. The discussions in here are nothing more than a hobby. :deal: All the "science" has been ignored by energy policymakers....dOy.

Environment scoreboard after 13 years....

Skeptics - 179

Crusaders - 3

laughing man 3.jpg
Because you’re incapable and on the wrong side. You have no evidence to back up made up tripe.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Let's see.....

1. In looking through the thread, you are pure commentary (1 word commentary I might add).

2. Don't need to back anything up....I've made no claims.

3. I am learning some things from someone who actually presents a good argument.

4. Your assertions are simply articles of faith (IOW tripe).
So is Antarctica an ICE AGE right now or not???

Jeopardy! music still playing since you did not answer....
Pretty idiotic. The only thing that matters is years modern man has been on earth,during the most recent ice age which technically hadn’t ended . You’re obviously an illiterate when it comes to evolution.
The climate crusaders have yet to provide any evidence the science is mattering in the real world.
You’ve been sleeping science illiterate. Science doesn’t matter ? Hilarious. Who dresses you in the morning ?
Ive been in this forum for 13 years.

Bottom line?

The climate crusaders have yet to provide any evidence the science is mattering in the real world. The discussions in here are nothing more than a hobby. :deal: All the "science" has been ignored by energy policymakers....dOy.

Environment scoreboard after 13 years....

Skeptics - 179

Crusaders - 3

View attachment 817879
The biggest tell on the Climate Religion, was "What if". As soon as that was said, the "science" went out the window.

What if the Earth burns up. Still hasnt, right Al Gore?
What if the oceans rise up and floods the coast. Still hasnt right AOC?
What if the Sun doesnt shine. Still has, and going to for quite a while longer.
What if all the Marxists/Democrats suddenly died of heart failure. Globull Warming would finally go away.

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