Summing up the GOP defense

I don't think they've addressed the five core questions the Dems asked yesterday.
  1. Why did President Trump not tell his supporters to stop the attack on the Capitol as soon as he learned of it?
  2. Why did President Trump do nothing to stop the attack for at least two hours after the attack began?
  3. As our constitutional commander-in-chief, why did he do nothing to send help to our overwhelmed and besieged law enforcement officers for at least two hours…after the attack began?
  4. Why did President Trump—not at any point that day—condemn the violent insurrection and the insurrectionists?
  5. If a president incited a violent insurrection against our government, would that be a high crime and misdemeanor? Can we all agree at least on that?

  1. Why did President Trump not tell his supporters to stop the attack on the Capitol as soon as he learned of it? Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  2. Why did President Trump do nothing to stop the attack for at least two hours after the attack began?Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  3. As our constitutional commander-in-chief, why did he do nothing to send help to our overwhelmed and besieged law enforcement officers for at least two hours…after the attack began? Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  4. Why did President Trump—not at any point that day—condemn the violent insurrection and the insurrectionists?Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  5. If a president incited a violent insurrection against our government, would that be a high crime and misdemeanor? Can we all agree at least on that? A hypothetical question that is totally irrelevant to the trial for impeachment we're witnessing. An actual trial, with actual evidence, and actual legal definitons, such as 1st Amendment free speech rights.

The president of the US, does not get to spread lies about election fraud that never happened. The insurrection was based on lies, just like Mitch McConell said.

And when you put all the events together in totally Trump is 100% guilty, and not stopping the insurrection is just one more example of Trump's guilt.
The entire world knows the election was stolen. Your boy Finger Raping Joe is about 5 brain cells away from full blown dementia.
Those are just empty words typed on the page with no factual merit at all.

Anybody can do that:
2+2 = 37
The Earth is flat
The sky is pink
"we're rounding the curve"
"We won in a landslide"
"This is nothing it will all go away."

See in the real world, the big boy world you need these things called facts and evidence. When every court has ruled against Trump and his fake election fraud lies, with AG Barr and all election officials saying no fraud... There is no fraud.

Repeating a lie doesn't make it true.
You dumb fucks are so gullible. You fuckin retards will believe any lie Trump tells you.
You idiots believed Pizzagate. You idiots believe "we're rounding the curve" as cases were soaring...

If Trump or Alex Jones told you HRC was an alien life-form from another galaxy trying to eat the brains of all people on earth you dumb fucking retards would believe it, that's how stupid and gullible you are.

LOL....Settle down there Eugene....Face it, liberals today are just the spoiled children that never grew up....They were never told no as children, and were fed lies their whole lives that everything was unicorns, and lolipops....Grow up dumbass.
I crush you with facts and evidence and you have no response at all except childish name calling.

You have nothing to say in rebuttal of my statements...

Well, let's see, what would you like me to rebutt? You calling me a "dumbass"? Or, the spittal drooling rant about Alex Jones something or another? Get a grip loser....
I don't think they've addressed the five core questions the Dems asked yesterday.
  1. Why did President Trump not tell his supporters to stop the attack on the Capitol as soon as he learned of it?
  2. Why did President Trump do nothing to stop the attack for at least two hours after the attack began?
  3. As our constitutional commander-in-chief, why did he do nothing to send help to our overwhelmed and besieged law enforcement officers for at least two hours…after the attack began?
  4. Why did President Trump—not at any point that day—condemn the violent insurrection and the insurrectionists?
  5. If a president incited a violent insurrection against our government, would that be a high crime and misdemeanor? Can we all agree at least on that?

  1. Why did President Trump not tell his supporters to stop the attack on the Capitol as soon as he learned of it? Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  2. Why did President Trump do nothing to stop the attack for at least two hours after the attack began?Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  3. As our constitutional commander-in-chief, why did he do nothing to send help to our overwhelmed and besieged law enforcement officers for at least two hours…after the attack began? Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  4. Why did President Trump—not at any point that day—condemn the violent insurrection and the insurrectionists?Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  5. If a president incited a violent insurrection against our government, would that be a high crime and misdemeanor? Can we all agree at least on that? A hypothetical question that is totally irrelevant to the trial for impeachment we're witnessing. An actual trial, with actual evidence, and actual legal definitons, such as 1st Amendment free speech rights.

The president of the US, does not get to spread lies about election fraud that never happened. The insurrection was based on lies, just like Mitch McConell said.

And when you put all the events together in totally Trump is 100% guilty, and not stopping the insurrection is just one more example of Trump's guilt.

Aw Bull Shit...Look, since day 1 you people have set up catch 22 after catch 22....If Trump that day had over rode Nancy in her refusal to the Sargent at arms request for additional security, then you'd have been all over him for that....
Nope, nobody cares about that. Trump is in trouble because he incited an insurrection based on fabricated lies. Then he did nothing to stop that insurrection for hours.
Trump is 100% guilty.

Everybody and their mother expects a White Wash by the Banana Bunch, the Pro-Violence, Anti-Constitutionalist Party.

But....but....What about the Dems! The GOPQ is reaching as far back as 2001 to find Whataboutism.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal TDS ^^^
That is your go to generic response every-time you are overwhelmed by the facts. “TDS syndrome”

You have no real factual logical response to the issue at hand.

All you do is make pathetic excuses for Trump’s repeated fuck ups. You love Trump/GOP more than America. Your loyalty is to Trump and the GOP instead of America.

You can not man up and take responsibility for your failures, or the failures of Trump and his policy, all you can do is offer lame excuses and scream TDS..

I challenge you idiot Trumpers to debate the issues and provide facts, you can’t do it. You just scream TDS like a pussy bitch.

Blah blah blah so sleepy...zzzz

You are yet another brainwashed Proggie who engages in Perpetual Projection.
I don't think they've addressed the five core questions the Dems asked yesterday.
  1. Why did President Trump not tell his supporters to stop the attack on the Capitol as soon as he learned of it?
  2. Why did President Trump do nothing to stop the attack for at least two hours after the attack began?
  3. As our constitutional commander-in-chief, why did he do nothing to send help to our overwhelmed and besieged law enforcement officers for at least two hours…after the attack began?
  4. Why did President Trump—not at any point that day—condemn the violent insurrection and the insurrectionists?
  5. If a president incited a violent insurrection against our government, would that be a high crime and misdemeanor? Can we all agree at least on that?

  1. Why did President Trump not tell his supporters to stop the attack on the Capitol as soon as he learned of it? Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  2. Why did President Trump do nothing to stop the attack for at least two hours after the attack began?Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  3. As our constitutional commander-in-chief, why did he do nothing to send help to our overwhelmed and besieged law enforcement officers for at least two hours…after the attack began? Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  4. Why did President Trump—not at any point that day—condemn the violent insurrection and the insurrectionists?Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  5. If a president incited a violent insurrection against our government, would that be a high crime and misdemeanor? Can we all agree at least on that? A hypothetical question that is totally irrelevant to the trial for impeachment we're witnessing. An actual trial, with actual evidence, and actual legal definitons, such as 1st Amendment free speech rights.

The president of the US, does not get to spread lies about election fraud that never happened. The insurrection was based on lies, just like Mitch McConell said.

And when you put all the events together in totally Trump is 100% guilty, and not stopping the insurrection is just one more example of Trump's guilt.

Aw Bull Shit...Look, since day 1 you people have set up catch 22 after catch 22....If Trump that day had over rode Nancy in her refusal to the Sargent at arms request for additional security, then you'd have been all over him for that....
And we know he tried and was turned down.

Democrats had a plan all along.
They had their bus loads of ANTIFA Zcoming into town to stir up shit. THEY didnt want the NG there. They needed ANTIFA to lead a small crowd into the Capitol to stir up trouble.

In a PEACEFUL PROTEST of over 100k they were able to get about 250 to riot.

And most of those rioting were waving flags and taking selfies. Not exactly an insurrection by any stretch of a non-feverish imagination.

But....but....What about the Dems! The GOPQ is reaching as far back as 2001 to find Whataboutism.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal TDS ^^^
That is your go to generic response every-time you are overwhelmed by the facts. “TDS syndrome”

You have no real factual logical response to the issue at hand.

All you do is make pathetic excuses for Trump’s repeated fuck ups. You love Trump/GOP more than America. Your loyalty is to Trump and the GOP instead of America.

You can not man up and take responsibility for your failures, or the failures of Trump and his policy, all you can do is offer lame excuses and scream TDS..

I challenge you idiot Trumpers to debate the issues and provide facts, you can’t do it. You just scream TDS like a pussy bitch.

Blah blah blah so sleepy...zzzz

You are yet another brainwashed Proggie who engages in Perpetual Projection.

Agree. The 'Deal or No Deal' fanboy is boring.
I don't think they've addressed the five core questions the Dems asked yesterday.
  1. Why did President Trump not tell his supporters to stop the attack on the Capitol as soon as he learned of it?
  2. Why did President Trump do nothing to stop the attack for at least two hours after the attack began?
  3. As our constitutional commander-in-chief, why did he do nothing to send help to our overwhelmed and besieged law enforcement officers for at least two hours…after the attack began?
  4. Why did President Trump—not at any point that day—condemn the violent insurrection and the insurrectionists?
  5. If a president incited a violent insurrection against our government, would that be a high crime and misdemeanor? Can we all agree at least on that?

  1. Why did President Trump not tell his supporters to stop the attack on the Capitol as soon as he learned of it? Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  2. Why did President Trump do nothing to stop the attack for at least two hours after the attack began?Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  3. As our constitutional commander-in-chief, why did he do nothing to send help to our overwhelmed and besieged law enforcement officers for at least two hours…after the attack began? Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  4. Why did President Trump—not at any point that day—condemn the violent insurrection and the insurrectionists?Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  5. If a president incited a violent insurrection against our government, would that be a high crime and misdemeanor? Can we all agree at least on that? A hypothetical question that is totally irrelevant to the trial for impeachment we're witnessing. An actual trial, with actual evidence, and actual legal definitons, such as 1st Amendment free speech rights.

The president of the US, does not get to spread lies about election fraud that never happened. The insurrection was based on lies, just like Mitch McConell said.

And when you put all the events together in totally Trump is 100% guilty, and not stopping the insurrection is just one more example of Trump's guilt.

Aw Bull Shit...Look, since day 1 you people have set up catch 22 after catch 22....If Trump that day had over rode Nancy in her refusal to the Sargent at arms request for additional security, then you'd have been all over him for that....
And we know he tried and was turned down.

Democrats had a plan all along.
They had their bus loads of ANTIFA Zcoming into town to stir up shit. THEY didnt want the NG there. They needed ANTIFA to lead a small crowd into the Capitol to stir up trouble.

In a PEACEFUL PROTEST of over 100k they were able to get about 250 to riot.

And most of those rioting were waving flags and taking selfies. Not exactly an insurrection by any stretch of a non-feverish imagination.

The selfies turned me off.
I don't think they've addressed the five core questions the Dems asked yesterday.
  1. Why did President Trump not tell his supporters to stop the attack on the Capitol as soon as he learned of it?
  2. Why did President Trump do nothing to stop the attack for at least two hours after the attack began?
  3. As our constitutional commander-in-chief, why did he do nothing to send help to our overwhelmed and besieged law enforcement officers for at least two hours…after the attack began?
  4. Why did President Trump—not at any point that day—condemn the violent insurrection and the insurrectionists?
  5. If a president incited a violent insurrection against our government, would that be a high crime and misdemeanor? Can we all agree at least on that?

  1. Why did President Trump not tell his supporters to stop the attack on the Capitol as soon as he learned of it? Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  2. Why did President Trump do nothing to stop the attack for at least two hours after the attack began?Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  3. As our constitutional commander-in-chief, why did he do nothing to send help to our overwhelmed and besieged law enforcement officers for at least two hours…after the attack began? Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  4. Why did President Trump—not at any point that day—condemn the violent insurrection and the insurrectionists?Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  5. If a president incited a violent insurrection against our government, would that be a high crime and misdemeanor? Can we all agree at least on that? A hypothetical question that is totally irrelevant to the trial for impeachment we're witnessing. An actual trial, with actual evidence, and actual legal definitons, such as 1st Amendment free speech rights.

The president of the US, does not get to spread lies about election fraud that never happened. The insurrection was based on lies, just like Mitch McConell said.

And when you put all the events together in totally Trump is 100% guilty, and not stopping the insurrection is just one more example of Trump's guilt.

Aw Bull Shit...Look, since day 1 you people have set up catch 22 after catch 22....If Trump that day had over rode Nancy in her refusal to the Sargent at arms request for additional security, then you'd have been all over him for that....
And we know he tried and was turned down.

Democrats had a plan all along.
They had their bus loads of ANTIFA Zcoming into town to stir up shit. THEY didnt want the NG there. They needed ANTIFA to lead a small crowd into the Capitol to stir up trouble.

In a PEACEFUL PROTEST of over 100k they were able to get about 250 to riot.

And most of those rioting were waving flags and taking selfies. Not exactly an insurrection by any stretch of a non-feverish imagination.

The selfies turned me off.

Still doesn't make it anything other than a riot carried out by stupid people....And certainly NOT some insurrection called for by the President, which is laughable...
A real revolution won't be televised. The power grid would be down and all communication devices would be incommunicado, except for generator run Hamm radio and battery operated CB'S.

But....but....What about the Dems! The GOPQ is reaching as far back as 2001 to find Whataboutism.
The DNCp has already made the GOP case for them.
I don't think they've addressed the five core questions the Dems asked yesterday.
  1. Why did President Trump not tell his supporters to stop the attack on the Capitol as soon as he learned of it?
  2. Why did President Trump do nothing to stop the attack for at least two hours after the attack began?
  3. As our constitutional commander-in-chief, why did he do nothing to send help to our overwhelmed and besieged law enforcement officers for at least two hours…after the attack began?
  4. Why did President Trump—not at any point that day—condemn the violent insurrection and the insurrectionists?
  5. If a president incited a violent insurrection against our government, would that be a high crime and misdemeanor? Can we all agree at least on that?

  1. Why did President Trump not tell his supporters to stop the attack on the Capitol as soon as he learned of it? Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  2. Why did President Trump do nothing to stop the attack for at least two hours after the attack began?Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  3. As our constitutional commander-in-chief, why did he do nothing to send help to our overwhelmed and besieged law enforcement officers for at least two hours…after the attack began? Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  4. Why did President Trump—not at any point that day—condemn the violent insurrection and the insurrectionists?Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  5. If a president incited a violent insurrection against our government, would that be a high crime and misdemeanor? Can we all agree at least on that? A hypothetical question that is totally irrelevant to the trial for impeachment we're witnessing. An actual trial, with actual evidence, and actual legal definitons, such as 1st Amendment free speech rights.

The president of the US, does not get to spread lies about election fraud that never happened. The insurrection was based on lies, just like Mitch McConell said.

And when you put all the events together in totally Trump is 100% guilty, and not stopping the insurrection is just one more example of Trump's guilt.

Aw Bull Shit...Look, since day 1 you people have set up catch 22 after catch 22....If Trump that day had over rode Nancy in her refusal to the Sargent at arms request for additional security, then you'd have been all over him for that....
And we know he tried and was turned down.

Democrats had a plan all along.
They had their bus loads of ANTIFA Zcoming into town to stir up shit. THEY didnt want the NG there. They needed ANTIFA to lead a small crowd into the Capitol to stir up trouble.

In a PEACEFUL PROTEST of over 100k they were able to get about 250 to riot.

And most of those rioting were waving flags and taking selfies. Not exactly an insurrection by any stretch of a non-feverish imagination.

The selfies turned me off.

Still doesn't make it anything other than a riot carried out by stupid people....And certainly NOT some insurrection called for by the President, which is laughable...

I don't think they've addressed the five core questions the Dems asked yesterday.
  1. Why did President Trump not tell his supporters to stop the attack on the Capitol as soon as he learned of it?
  2. Why did President Trump do nothing to stop the attack for at least two hours after the attack began?
  3. As our constitutional commander-in-chief, why did he do nothing to send help to our overwhelmed and besieged law enforcement officers for at least two hours…after the attack began?
  4. Why did President Trump—not at any point that day—condemn the violent insurrection and the insurrectionists?
  5. If a president incited a violent insurrection against our government, would that be a high crime and misdemeanor? Can we all agree at least on that?

  1. Why did President Trump not tell his supporters to stop the attack on the Capitol as soon as he learned of it? Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  2. Why did President Trump do nothing to stop the attack for at least two hours after the attack began?Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  3. As our constitutional commander-in-chief, why did he do nothing to send help to our overwhelmed and besieged law enforcement officers for at least two hours…after the attack began? Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  4. Why did President Trump—not at any point that day—condemn the violent insurrection and the insurrectionists?Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  5. If a president incited a violent insurrection against our government, would that be a high crime and misdemeanor? Can we all agree at least on that? A hypothetical question that is totally irrelevant to the trial for impeachment we're witnessing. An actual trial, with actual evidence, and actual legal definitons, such as 1st Amendment free speech rights.

The president of the US, does not get to spread lies about election fraud that never happened. The insurrection was based on lies, just like Mitch McConell said.

And when you put all the events together in totally Trump is 100% guilty, and not stopping the insurrection is just one more example of Trump's guilt.

Aw Bull Shit...Look, since day 1 you people have set up catch 22 after catch 22....If Trump that day had over rode Nancy in her refusal to the Sargent at arms request for additional security, then you'd have been all over him for that....
And we know he tried and was turned down.

Democrats had a plan all along.
They had their bus loads of ANTIFA Zcoming into town to stir up shit. THEY didnt want the NG there. They needed ANTIFA to lead a small crowd into the Capitol to stir up trouble.

In a PEACEFUL PROTEST of over 100k they were able to get about 250 to riot.

And most of those rioting were waving flags and taking selfies. Not exactly an insurrection by any stretch of a non-feverish imagination.

The selfies turned me off.

Still doesn't make it anything other than a riot carried out by stupid people....And certainly NOT some insurrection called for by the President, which is laughable...

Especially since that was all it was.
I don't think they've addressed the five core questions the Dems asked yesterday.
  1. Why did President Trump not tell his supporters to stop the attack on the Capitol as soon as he learned of it?
  2. Why did President Trump do nothing to stop the attack for at least two hours after the attack began?
  3. As our constitutional commander-in-chief, why did he do nothing to send help to our overwhelmed and besieged law enforcement officers for at least two hours…after the attack began?
  4. Why did President Trump—not at any point that day—condemn the violent insurrection and the insurrectionists?
  5. If a president incited a violent insurrection against our government, would that be a high crime and misdemeanor? Can we all agree at least on that?

  1. Why did President Trump not tell his supporters to stop the attack on the Capitol as soon as he learned of it? Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  2. Why did President Trump do nothing to stop the attack for at least two hours after the attack began?Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  3. As our constitutional commander-in-chief, why did he do nothing to send help to our overwhelmed and besieged law enforcement officers for at least two hours…after the attack began? Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  4. Why did President Trump—not at any point that day—condemn the violent insurrection and the insurrectionists?Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  5. If a president incited a violent insurrection against our government, would that be a high crime and misdemeanor? Can we all agree at least on that? A hypothetical question that is totally irrelevant to the trial for impeachment we're witnessing. An actual trial, with actual evidence, and actual legal definitons, such as 1st Amendment free speech rights.

The president of the US, does not get to spread lies about election fraud that never happened. The insurrection was based on lies, just like Mitch McConell said.

And when you put all the events together in totally Trump is 100% guilty, and not stopping the insurrection is just one more example of Trump's guilt.

Aw Bull Shit...Look, since day 1 you people have set up catch 22 after catch 22....If Trump that day had over rode Nancy in her refusal to the Sargent at arms request for additional security, then you'd have been all over him for that....
And we know he tried and was turned down.

Democrats had a plan all along.
They had their bus loads of ANTIFA Zcoming into town to stir up shit. THEY didnt want the NG there. They needed ANTIFA to lead a small crowd into the Capitol to stir up trouble.

In a PEACEFUL PROTEST of over 100k they were able to get about 250 to riot.

And most of those rioting were waving flags and taking selfies. Not exactly an insurrection by any stretch of a non-feverish imagination.

The selfies turned me off.

Still doesn't make it anything other than a riot carried out by stupid people....And certainly NOT some insurrection called for by the President, which is laughable...

View attachment 456395
Also note in the BLM & antifa riots they were in restricted areas like hwys and streets scattered everywhere including moving barricades, but in the Capitol march those once breeched were mostly conducted within the roped off path tourist area, even escorted like tourists within the path line allowed just like protesters were allowed in Kavanaughs hearing and other moments.
I don't think they've addressed the five core questions the Dems asked yesterday.
  1. Why did President Trump not tell his supporters to stop the attack on the Capitol as soon as he learned of it?
  2. Why did President Trump do nothing to stop the attack for at least two hours after the attack began?
  3. As our constitutional commander-in-chief, why did he do nothing to send help to our overwhelmed and besieged law enforcement officers for at least two hours…after the attack began?
  4. Why did President Trump—not at any point that day—condemn the violent insurrection and the insurrectionists?
  5. If a president incited a violent insurrection against our government, would that be a high crime and misdemeanor? Can we all agree at least on that?

  1. Why did President Trump not tell his supporters to stop the attack on the Capitol as soon as he learned of it? Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  2. Why did President Trump do nothing to stop the attack for at least two hours after the attack began?Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  3. As our constitutional commander-in-chief, why did he do nothing to send help to our overwhelmed and besieged law enforcement officers for at least two hours…after the attack began? Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  4. Why did President Trump—not at any point that day—condemn the violent insurrection and the insurrectionists?Who knows, is that illegal and impeachable? (ans; NO)
  5. If a president incited a violent insurrection against our government, would that be a high crime and misdemeanor? Can we all agree at least on that? A hypothetical question that is totally irrelevant to the trial for impeachment we're witnessing. An actual trial, with actual evidence, and actual legal definitons, such as 1st Amendment free speech rights.

The president of the US, does not get to spread lies about election fraud that never happened. The insurrection was based on lies, just like Mitch McConell said.

And when you put all the events together in totally Trump is 100% guilty, and not stopping the insurrection is just one more example of Trump's guilt.

Aw Bull Shit...Look, since day 1 you people have set up catch 22 after catch 22....If Trump that day had over rode Nancy in her refusal to the Sargent at arms request for additional security, then you'd have been all over him for that....
And we know he tried and was turned down.

Democrats had a plan all along.
They had their bus loads of ANTIFA Zcoming into town to stir up shit. THEY didnt want the NG there. They needed ANTIFA to lead a small crowd into the Capitol to stir up trouble.

In a PEACEFUL PROTEST of over 100k they were able to get about 250 to riot.

And most of those rioting were waving flags and taking selfies. Not exactly an insurrection by any stretch of a non-feverish imagination.

The selfies turned me off.

Still doesn't make it anything other than a riot carried out by stupid people....And certainly NOT some insurrection called for by the President, which is laughable...

View attachment 456395
Also note in the BLM & antifa riots they were in restricted areas like hwys and streets scattered everywhere including moving barricades, but in the Capitol march those once breeched were mostly conducted within the roped off path tourist area, even escorted like tourists within the path line allowed just like protesters were allowed in Kavanaughs hearing and other moments.

" House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has gone on record praising the storming of the Capitol as an "impressive show of democracy in action" -- the 2011 invasion of the Madison, Wis., state capitol, that is. "


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