Sunni thinks his wife is property

Absolutely. Japan had 2 nukes dropped on cities, Nam had agent orange and carpet bombing over civilians areas, Iraq was heavily bombed in cities like bagdad and the civilian death toll is in the hundreds of thousands, and in afghanistan we targeted farmers' crops and drove them into the mountains. Not our proudest moments.

And you didn't address the fact that the Palestinians were driven out of their houses and off their land, is it because you have no response to that?
No, we specifically did not target non-combatants.

And, the Palestinians had no land.

I have zero sympathies for the subhuman and the stupid.

Uhhhh who are the subhuman? People who live in Palestine?
Look at my post above (# 572) and it should clarify:

.... Being a willful victim and blowing themselves up and consistently targeting non-combatants does nothing for me except to confirm my belief that they are subhuman when they do these things, as are those who support them in doing these things.

In other words, you cannot find a post of mine supporting terrorism.

So in essence you are just lying and making things up. :evil:
No, I'm not making anything up. You tacitly support this stuff. It's loud and clear.

If you don't understand what tacit support is, let me know and I will be pleased to explain it to you.

You have to decide if you want to be a good man. I haven't seen you make that decision, at all.

"All that's necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing." ... Edmund Burke

In other words, you got nothing, zero, nada, zip.

Got it :cool:

You have supported the arab terrorist attacks in countless posts.
No, we specifically did not target non-combatants.

And, the Palestinians had no land.

I have zero sympathies for the subhuman and the stupid.

You can ignore history if you want but the Allies specifically targeted German cities at the end of the war for revenge. Japanese cities were targeted on purpose. Iraqi cities were targeted on purpose. And farmers's crops in Afgh. were targeted on purpose.
if the Palestinians had a house they also had land under that house, I know I own the land that my house sits on, don't you?
It was a war. Cities are targeted because they contain strategic targets, not because they contain potential dead non-combatants. Shit happens.

No, what war are you talking about here? All I see are subhumans specifically targeting non-combatants.

All Israelis are combatants, plus, haven't they all served in the military and are ready to re-up if the need arises?

Trying to say that German cities where the civilians were and all the civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were just part of war and not civilians targeted on purpose shows your complete lack of understanding about WWII, so I can't argue with willful ignorance, it's pointless. Good luck figuring out what breathing is for too.
You can ignore history if you want but the Allies specifically targeted German cities at the end of the war for revenge. Japanese cities were targeted on purpose. Iraqi cities were targeted on purpose. And farmers's crops in Afgh. were targeted on purpose.
if the Palestinians had a house they also had land under that house, I know I own the land that my house sits on, don't you?
It was a war. Cities are targeted because they contain strategic targets, not because they contain potential dead non-combatants. Shit happens.

No, what war are you talking about here? All I see are subhumans specifically targeting non-combatants.

All Israelis are combatants, plus, haven't they all served in the military and are ready to re-up if the need arises?

Really. So the children on the school bus are combatants.

Or, the children in the school where a scud hit are combatants.

And, folks getting pizza on a nice afternoon are combatants.

All Israeli adults are combatants, even the matzo ball pizza eaters. And it doesn't say much for their intelligence to bring up children in a war zone as though it's not their fault that there's a war going on. Children as human shields, hmmm.
You have supported the arab terrorist attacks in countless posts.

Well if I have done this on "countless" posts.

Then it should be easy for you to find "One" post where I have supported terrorism against civilians. :doubt:
I agree. He could find one.

And, while he is looking, perhaps you should look for a post of yours that condemns a Muslim for anything at all. You could shoot your tacit supporter label out of the ballpark.


I put no stock in your finding even one.

But, we could make it easy for you, and you could condemn one of the numerous and known Muslims who have committed a terrorist act right here.

*insert Jeopardy theme music*
You have supported the arab terrorist attacks in countless posts.

Well if I have done this on "countless" posts.

Then it should be easy for you to find "One" post where I have supported terrorism against civilians. :doubt:
I agree. He could find one.

And, while he is looking, perhaps you should look for a post of yours that condemns a Muslim for anything at all. You could shoot your tacit supporter label out of the ballpark.


I put no stock in your finding even one.

But, we could make it easy for you, and you could condemn one of the numerous and known Muslims who have committed a terrorist act right here.

*insert Jeopardy theme music*

Since I ask you to produce one first.

It would be proper etiquette for you to do so.

Then I will post what you are requiring of me. :cool:
Well if I have done this on "countless" posts.

Then it should be easy for you to find "One" post where I have supported terrorism against civilians. :doubt:
I agree. He could find one.

And, while he is looking, perhaps you should look for a post of yours that condemns a Muslim for anything at all. You could shoot your tacit supporter label out of the ballpark.


I put no stock in your finding even one.

But, we could make it easy for you, and you could condemn one of the numerous and known Muslims who have committed a terrorist act right here.

*insert Jeopardy theme music*

Since I ask you to produce one first.

It would be proper etiquette for you to do so.

Sunni Man said:
Etiquette has nothing to do with it. Logic does not allow for me to post something that doesn't exist. I cannot do the impossible.

Then I will post what you are requiring of me. :cool:
Go for it. Condemn even one Muslim terrorist. It's easy and actually possible.
All Israeli adults are combatants, even the matzo ball pizza eaters. And it doesn't say much for their intelligence to bring up children in a war zone as though it's not their fault that there's a war going on. Children as human shields, hmmm.
And the children on school buses and in schools are what?

And, the folks in the World Trade Center, of course they are combatants.

And, folks in a night club in Bali are combatants.

And, folks in a night club in Germany are combatants.

And, folks on a train in Spain are combatants.

And, folks on a train in England are combatants.


Once again, Produce one post of me supporting terrorism against civilians.

And I will reciprocate by posting something against a Muslim.

Look, you made the initial accusation and then reneged when challenged.

So it is only fair that you produce your evidence first.

Otherwise just admit that you lied and made it up and all will be forgiven. :cool:
Please post a link to anywhere that I have said I support terrorism?

R admit that you are just making things up and lying. :doubt:
I don't have to. Your tacit support is loud and clear.

In other words, you cannot find a post of mine supporting terrorism.

So in essence you are just lying and making things up. :evil:

I've never seen you support terrorism. However, I have seen you defend Shariah Law and the abuses it produces in the Middle East.
Once again, Produce one post of me supporting terrorism against civilians.

And I will reciprocate by posting something against a Muslim.

Look, you made the initial accusation and then reneged when challenged.

So it is only fair that you produce your evidence first.

Otherwise just admit that you lied and made it up and all will be forgiven. :cool:
It's impossible to renege on nothing. You tacitly support Muslim terrorists.
If you make an allegation about someone supporting terrorism, it's good debate policy to back that up with a link to the particular post that supports your allegation.
If you make an allegation about someone supporting terrorism, it's good debate policy to back that up with a link to the particular post that supports your allegation.
Sure. Whenever you let me know how to provide something that doesn't exist.


This is exactly the ignorance I spoke of in another thread. So few even know Critical Thought for Dummies. You are obviously one of them, but you aren't alone in your ignorance.
I am going to quit messing with her Sky Dancer.

She posted a blatant

And now refuses to admit it or provide evidence.

So in essence, she is a very dishonest poster. :doubt:

Good for you. Who needs it?

Just saying you support terrorism is empty accusation. Let's see a link to one of your posts if you've ever said that. (I've never seen it.)
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If you are chumming with Sky, you should know that this entire board and probably every person who has ever met her recognizes her as a blatant liar and psychotic besides.

I have never seen Si lie.

I know that Sunni is crafty when it comes to his faith and the way he words things. This is typical of Islamic idealogues, and is also dishonest. You won't see him EVER come out and decry specific acts of terrorism committed in the name of Allah. Ever.
If you are chumming with Sky, you should know that this entire board and probably every person who has ever met her recognizes her as a blatant liar and psychotic besides.

I have never seen Si lie.

I know that Sunni is crafty when it comes to his faith and the way he words things. This is typical of Islamic idealogues, and is also dishonest. You won't see him EVER come out and decry specific acts of terrorism committed in the name of Allah. Ever.
Sky is just one of those Useful Idiots.

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