Sunni thinks his wife is property

You idiot there were no muslims when that was written, It was also written that the descendents of Ishmael would have a great nation they've had it and it is long since passed

Then using that same logic.

The jews time of having a great nation has also passed.

Which would make the current state of Israel a non-biblical aberration. :cool:

Wrong sunni boy Israel being born again just one piece of the puzzle.:cool:
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I WANT the Palestinians and other Muslims in the region to get smart in their struggles. I always have wanted that, until....

Up until they started targeting non-combatants, and I specifically recall when that was and when I changed - the ANO highjacking of PanAm 73 - I was sympathetic to their situation. I stopped that day and to this day, they continue the same tactics that alienated me from sympathizing with them and have done nothing at all to gain my sympathies since.

They need to smarten up in their fight for what they want (if they even know what they want anymore, other than the impossible).

So how many "non-combatants" did the US military kill in say, Iraq? Japan? Nam? Afghanistan?

They want their homes and land back after being evicted at the point of a gun, is that so unreasonable?
Did we specifically target them?

Absolutely. Japan had 2 nukes dropped on cities, Nam had agent orange and carpet bombing over civilians areas, Iraq was heavily bombed in cities like bagdad and the civilian death toll is in the hundreds of thousands, and in afghanistan we targeted farmers' crops and drove them into the mountains. Not our proudest moments.

And you didn't address the fact that the Palestinians were driven out of their houses and off their land, is it because you have no response to that?
So how many "non-combatants" did the US military kill in say, Iraq? Japan? Nam? Afghanistan?

They want their homes and land back after being evicted at the point of a gun, is that so unreasonable?
Did we specifically target them?

Absolutely. Japan had 2 nukes dropped on cities, Nam had agent orange and carpet bombing over civilians areas, Iraq was heavily bombed in cities like bagdad and the civilian death toll is in the hundreds of thousands, and in afghanistan we targeted farmers' crops and drove them into the mountains. Not our proudest moments.

And you didn't address the fact that the Palestinians were driven out of their houses and off their land, is it because you have no response to that?
No, we specifically did not target non-combatants.

And, the Palestinians had no land.

I have zero sympathies for the subhuman and the stupid.
Did we specifically target them?

Absolutely. Japan had 2 nukes dropped on cities, Nam had agent orange and carpet bombing over civilians areas, Iraq was heavily bombed in cities like bagdad and the civilian death toll is in the hundreds of thousands, and in afghanistan we targeted farmers' crops and drove them into the mountains. Not our proudest moments.

And you didn't address the fact that the Palestinians were driven out of their houses and off their land, is it because you have no response to that?
No, we specifically did not target non-combatants.

And, the Palestinians had no land.

I have zero sympathies for the subhuman and the stupid.

You can ignore history if you want but the Allies specifically targeted German cities at the end of the war for revenge. Japanese cities were targeted on purpose. Iraqi cities were targeted on purpose. And farmers's crops in Afgh. were targeted on purpose.
if the Palestinians had a house they also had land under that house, I know I own the land that my house sits on, don't you?
Absolutely. Japan had 2 nukes dropped on cities, Nam had agent orange and carpet bombing over civilians areas, Iraq was heavily bombed in cities like bagdad and the civilian death toll is in the hundreds of thousands, and in afghanistan we targeted farmers' crops and drove them into the mountains. Not our proudest moments.

And you didn't address the fact that the Palestinians were driven out of their houses and off their land, is it because you have no response to that?
No, we specifically did not target non-combatants.

And, the Palestinians had no land.

I have zero sympathies for the subhuman and the stupid.

You can ignore history if you want but the Allies specifically targeted German cities at the end of the war for revenge. Japanese cities were targeted on purpose. Iraqi cities were targeted on purpose. And farmers's crops in Afgh. were targeted on purpose.
if the Palestinians had a house they also had land under that house, I know I own the land that my house sits on, don't you?
It was a war. Cities are targeted because they contain strategic targets, not because they contain potential dead non-combatants. Shit happens.

No, what war are you talking about here? All I see are subhumans specifically targeting non-combatants.
It was a war. Cities are targeted because they contain strategic targets, not because they contain potential dead non-combatants. Shit happens.

America targeted the German city of Dresden during WWII

It contained no strategic targets and was full of noncombatant citizens.

Yet it was mercilessly bombed in order to terrorize the civilian Germans into submission and surrender.

The Japanese city of Tokyo was also a civilian city that was firebombed with no strategic value except to induce fear into the civilian population.
It was a war. Cities are targeted because they contain strategic targets, not because they contain potential dead non-combatants. Shit happens.

America targeted the German city of Dresden during WWII

It contained no strategic targets and was full of noncombatant citizens.

Yet it was mercilessly bombed in order to terrorize the civilian Germans into submission and surrender.

The Japanese city of Tokyo was also a civilian city that was firebombed with no strategic value except to induce fear into the civilian population.
I bet it makes you want to give a little girl a bag containing a bomb and ask her to deliver to a pizza parlor containing kids, moms and dads, and young folks on a date, like a good little girl. Then blow her up when she gets there.

It was a war. Cities are targeted because they contain strategic targets, not because they contain potential dead non-combatants. Shit happens.

America targeted the German city of Dresden during WWII

It contained no strategic targets and was full of noncombatant citizens.

Yet it was mercilessly bombed in order to terrorize the civilian Germans into submission and surrender.

The Japanese city of Tokyo was also a civilian city that was firebombed with no strategic value except to induce fear into the civilian population.
I bet it makes you want to give a little girl a bag containing a bomb and ask her to deliver to a pizza parlor containing kids, moms and dads, and young folks on a date, like a good little girl. Then blow her up when she gets there.
Are you mentally ill ?

Why would you post something like that ?? :confused:
America targeted the German city of Dresden during WWII

It contained no strategic targets and was full of noncombatant citizens.

Yet it was mercilessly bombed in order to terrorize the civilian Germans into submission and surrender.

The Japanese city of Tokyo was also a civilian city that was firebombed with no strategic value except to induce fear into the civilian population.
I bet it makes you want to give a little girl a bag containing a bomb and ask her to deliver to a pizza parlor containing kids, moms and dads, and young folks on a date, like a good little girl. Then blow her up when she gets there.
Are you mentally ill ?

Why would you post something like that ?? :confused:
I'm not the mentally ill one. That's what you pals do and you support them.

It's pretty sick, eh?
I bet it makes you want to give a little girl a bag containing a bomb and ask her to deliver to a pizza parlor containing kids, moms and dads, and young folks on a date, like a good little girl. Then blow her up when she gets there.
Are you mentally ill ?

Why would you post something like that ?? :confused:
I'm not the mentally ill one. That's what you pals do and you support them.

It's pretty sick, eh?

Please post a link to anywhere that I have said I support terrorism?

Or admit that you are just making things up and lying. :doubt:
I'm not the mentally ill one. That's what you pals do and you support them.

It's pretty sick, eh?

Please post a link to anywhere that I have said I support terrorism?

R admit that you are just making things up and lying. :doubt:
I don't have to. Your tacit support is loud and clear.

In other words, you cannot find a post of mine supporting terrorism.

So in essence you are just lying and making things up. :evil:
Please post a link to anywhere that I have said I support terrorism?

R admit that you are just making things up and lying. :doubt:
I don't have to. Your tacit support is loud and clear.

In other words, you cannot find a post of mine supporting terrorism.

So in essence you are just lying and making things up. :evil:
No, I'm not making anything up. You tacitly support this stuff. It's loud and clear.

If you don't understand what tacit support is, let me know and I will be pleased to explain it to you.

You have to decide if you want to be a good man. I haven't seen you make that decision, at all.

"All that's necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing." ... Edmund Burke
I don't have to. Your tacit support is loud and clear.

In other words, you cannot find a post of mine supporting terrorism.

So in essence you are just lying and making things up. :evil:
No, I'm not making anything up. You tacitly support this stuff. It's loud and clear.

If you don't understand what tacit support is, let me know and I will be pleased to explain it to you.

You have to decide if you want to be a good man. I haven't seen you make that decision, at all.

"All that's necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing." ... Edmund Burke

In other words, you got nothing, zero, nada, zip.

Got it :cool:
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In other words, you cannot find a post of mine supporting terrorism.

So in essence you are just lying and making things up. :evil:
No, I'm not making anything up. You tacitly support this stuff. It's loud and clear.

If you don't understand what tacit support is, let me know and I will be pleased to explain it to you.

You have to decide if you want to be a good man. I haven't seen you make that decision, at all.

"All that's necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing." ... Edmund Burke

In other words, you got nothing, zero, nada, zip.

Got it :cool:
You're right. I don't have anything, zero, nada, zip - absolutely zero posts of yours condemn these actions by your brethren.

There are tons of your posts condemning Jews and Israelis.

That's what tacit support is and you tacitly support Muslims who act this way. It is loud and clear.

You need to decide if you are a good man, or not.

"All that's necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing."
Dresden was full of factories producing weapons and equipment for the Nazi war machine. As was Tokyo. They were legit targets.
Dresden was a cultural landmark of little or no military significance, a "Florence on the Elbe" (Elbflorenz), as it was known, and the attacks were indiscriminate area bombing and not proportionate to the commensurate military gains.
Oh, well, if wiki says it it must be true.

Dresden was an industrial powerhouse.

So was Tokyo.
Did we specifically target them?

Absolutely. Japan had 2 nukes dropped on cities, Nam had agent orange and carpet bombing over civilians areas, Iraq was heavily bombed in cities like bagdad and the civilian death toll is in the hundreds of thousands, and in afghanistan we targeted farmers' crops and drove them into the mountains. Not our proudest moments.

And you didn't address the fact that the Palestinians were driven out of their houses and off their land, is it because you have no response to that?
No, we specifically did not target non-combatants.

And, the Palestinians had no land.

I have zero sympathies for the subhuman and the stupid.

Uhhhh who are the subhuman? People who live in Palestine?
Dresden was a cultural landmark of little or no military significance, a "Florence on the Elbe" (Elbflorenz), as it was known, and the attacks were indiscriminate area bombing and not proportionate to the commensurate military gains.

Good thing we don't do that anymore.

Weapons are expensive. We don't waste them on non-military targets.

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