Sunni thinks his wife is property

To piss off irrational hateful bastards like you.

Mission accomplished!

More insults, which proves that you can't think of a rational response, which means I win.
Mindlessly screeching "JOOOOOS!!!" doesn't deserve anything more than insults. Retard.

I didn't yell any such thing, I said that the jews control the US. Sheesh, if you don't know that, you don't know anything. Now go get your mom to change your diaper.
Jews would be protected just like they were when the Muslims ruled Spain.
Good luck selling that.

Unfortunately for you, Israel's population actually made something of a piece of shit block of real estate.

That's good.

When the Zionist pukes of Israel are finally defeated and the Muslims take over.

That will be a good foundation for the Islamic state of Palestine. :cool:

More insults, which proves that you can't think of a rational response, which means I win.
Mindlessly screeching "JOOOOOS!!!" doesn't deserve anything more than insults. Retard.

I didn't yell any such thing, I said that the jews control the US. Sheesh, if you don't know that, you don't know anything. Now go get your mom to change your diaper.

Momma jokes are 20 years old idiot.
More insults, which proves that you can't think of a rational response, which means I win.
Mindlessly screeching "JOOOOOS!!!" doesn't deserve anything more than insults. Retard.

I didn't yell any such thing, I said that the jews control the US.
Yes. And that's when I pointed out your retardery.

Don't like it? Don't be a retard. Simple enough.
Sheesh, if you don't know that, you don't know anything.
I don't know that, because it's not reality. You know it, because it's not reality.

That's because you're a retard.
Now go get your mom to change your diaper.
You really suck at this. :lol:

Probably because you're a retard.
Jews would be protected just like they were when the Muslims ruled Spain.
Good luck selling that.

Unfortunately for you, Israel's population actually made something of a piece of shit block of real estate.

That's good.

When the Zionist pukes of Israel are finally defeated and the Muslims take over.

That will be a good foundation for the Islamic state of Palestine. :cool:

:lol:You muslim scum can't stop killing each other long enough to defeat anybody boy.
That's good.

When the Zionist pukes of Israel are finally defeated and the Muslims take over.

That will be a good foundation for the Islamic state of Palestine. :cool:

Thats what I don't get Sunni, you say the Muslims and Jews can live peacefully together as equals, and than you go say Palestine will be an Islamic State.
They don't get it. What if they do "take over" Israel? Within a week, someone else would step in to rule them.

They have to get smart and they don't get that.

Palestinian muslims have progressed as far as they can progress. They are the descendants of Abraham and Hagar, the slave woman. Here is who they are, "The angel said also that her son should be the father of a multitude, but he would be a "wild ass man, his hand against every man and every man’s hand against him." Genesis 21:1-21

They have set their hand against man and man's hand agains them. That does not describe a people that can create and maintain a great nation. They are adversaries, they have chosen to be adversaries from the time of Abraham, and they will always be adversaries creating chaos and setting their hands against the hand of man.
Thats what I don't get Sunni, you say the Muslims and Jews can live peacefully together as equals, and than you go say Palestine will be an Islamic State.
They don't get it. What if they do "take over" Israel? Within a week, someone else would step in to rule them.

They have to get smart and they don't get that.

Palestinian muslims have progressed as far as they can progress. They are the descendants of Abraham and Hagar, the slave woman. Here is who they are, "The angel said also that her son should be the father of a multitude, but he would be a "wild ass man, his hand against every man and every man’s hand against him." Genesis 21:1-21

They have set their hand against man and man's hand agains them. That does not describe a people that can create and maintain a great nation. They are adversaries, they have chosen to be adversaries from the time of Abraham, and they will always be adversaries creating chaos and setting their hands against the hand of man.
Perhaps I am the one in denial. I don't want to believe that is true.

I WANT the Palestinians and other Muslims in the region to get smart in their struggles. I always have wanted that, until....

Up until they started targeting non-combatants, and I specifically recall when that was and when I changed - the ANO highjacking of PanAm 73 - I was sympathetic to their situation. I stopped that day and to this day, they continue the same tactics that alienated me from sympathizing with them and have done nothing at all to gain my sympathies since.

They need to smarten up in their fight for what they want (if they even know what they want anymore, other than the impossible). I see no, zero, signs of that happening anytime soon. Being a willful victim and blowing themselves up and consistently targeting non-combatants does nothing for me except to confirm my belief that they are subhuman when they do these things, as are those who support them in doing these things.

And, I know many of my contemporaries also have since lost the ability to sympathize with them. I would bet good money that many here also once sympathized with them but don't any longer.
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I WANT the Palestinians and other Muslims in the region to get smart in their struggles. I always have wanted that, until....

Up until they started targeting non-combatants, and I specifically recall when that was and when I changed - the ANO highjacking of PanAm 73 - I was sympathetic to their situation. I stopped that day and to this day, they continue the same tactics that alienated me from sympathizing with them and have done nothing at all to gain my sympathies since.

They need to smarten up in their fight for what they want (if they even know what they want anymore, other than the impossible).

So how many "non-combatants" did the US military kill in say, Iraq? Japan? Nam? Afghanistan?

They want their homes and land back after being evicted at the point of a gun, is that so unreasonable?
Palestinian muslims have progressed as far as they can progress. They are the descendants of Abraham and Hagar, the slave woman. Here is who they are, "The angel said also that her son should be the father of a multitude, but he would be a "wild ass man, his hand against every man and every man’s hand against him." Genesis 21:1-21

They have set their hand against man and man's hand agains them. That does not describe a people that can create and maintain a great nation. They are adversaries, they have chosen to be adversaries from the time of Abraham, and they will always be adversaries creating chaos and setting their hands against the hand of man.

What else would you expect a Jewish book written by Jews to say about Muslims?

btw When Abraham took Hagar and married her to become his wife she was no longer a slave woman.
Palestinian muslims have progressed as far as they can progress. They are the descendants of Abraham and Hagar, the slave woman. Here is who they are, "The angel said also that her son should be the father of a multitude, but he would be a "wild ass man, his hand against every man and every man’s hand against him." Genesis 21:1-21

They have set their hand against man and man's hand agains them. That does not describe a people that can create and maintain a great nation. They are adversaries, they have chosen to be adversaries from the time of Abraham, and they will always be adversaries creating chaos and setting their hands against the hand of man.

What else would you expect a Jewish book written by Jews to say about Muslims?

btw When Abraham took Hagar and married her to become his wife she was no longer a slave woman.

You idiot there were no muslims when that was written, It was also written that the descendents of Ishmael would have a great nation they've had it and it is long since passed
I WANT the Palestinians and other Muslims in the region to get smart in their struggles. I always have wanted that, until....

Up until they started targeting non-combatants, and I specifically recall when that was and when I changed - the ANO highjacking of PanAm 73 - I was sympathetic to their situation. I stopped that day and to this day, they continue the same tactics that alienated me from sympathizing with them and have done nothing at all to gain my sympathies since.

They need to smarten up in their fight for what they want (if they even know what they want anymore, other than the impossible).

So how many "non-combatants" did the US military kill in say, Iraq? Japan? Nam? Afghanistan?

They want their homes and land back after being evicted at the point of a gun, is that so unreasonable?
Did we specifically target them?



You idiot there were no muslims when that was written, It was also written that the descendents of Ishmael would have a great nation they've had it and it is long since passed

Then using that same logic.

The jews time of having a great nation has also passed.

Which would make the current state of Israel a non-biblical aberration. :cool:
You idiot there were no muslims when that was written, It was also written that the descendents of Ishmael would have a great nation they've had it and it is long since passed

Then using that same logic.

The jews time of having a great nation has also passed.

Which would make the current state of Israel a non-biblical aberration. :cool:
So, a shitty nation regularly kicks your ass.

How does being even more pathetic feel?

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