Sunni thinks his wife is property

Anyone with an accusation that Sunni Man supports terrorism should back it up with a link to the post that proves that. It is so easy for people to slander here.
I don't find her useful at all. I think she's a waste of space. As is anyone else who supports oppression and tyranny, either by word, act, or inaction.
Wow. Thanks for proving my point, Allie.

You think you can make accusations of others and not prove them. Keep going. You're working yourself up to a foam and it isn't even 9am yet.

What do your bosses think of paying for you to lob insults all day long on a forum instead of working?
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Anyone with an accusation that Sunni Man supports terrorism should back it up with a link to the post that proves that.
Sunni is a tacit supporter of Muslim terrorists.

That is a cold, hard, fact.

The fact that you are stupid and don't know what tacit support means, is tragic. But, just as tragic, is your stupidity in asking a negative to be demonstrated.

You are seriously mentally challenged and don't even know that it shows almost every time you type something, but you keep on. That makes you the quintessential Useful Idiot.

I don't find her useful at all. I think she's a waste of space. As is anyone else who supports oppression and tyranny, either by word, act, or inaction.
I agree.

"All that's necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing."
Wow. Thanks for proving my point, Allie.

You think you can make accusations of others and not prove them. Keep going. You're working yourself up to a froth, and it early.

Of course I can make an accusation and not prove it. You do it all the time.

Or you use lies to prove it.
So why on earth would anyone waste any time in trying to prove things to liars and ideologues? There's no point to it. With liars and demagogues you take a hard line...this is the way it is, deal with it or deal with me. I don't owe you shit, anything of value is wasted on you anyway.

It's the same attitude soldiers take towards enemies. They don't stand around proving they have a right to fight them. They just do it.
To mollify those who say I never speak against other Muslims or alleged terrorist attacks.

Here is one:

"If" Osama bin Laden was responsible for the attack on the World Trade Center.

Then he was in the wrong and should be denounced for his action.

Because it is against Islam to attack civilians or civilian targets. :cool:
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To mollify those who say I never speak against other Muslims or alleged terrorist attacks.

Here is one:

"If" Osama bin Laden was responsible for the attack on the World Trade Center.

Then he was in the wrong and should be denounced for his action.

Because it is against Islam to attack civilians or:cool: civilian targets.

Like saying "'if' it hurts you when others call you a goat fornicating Muslim retard, they should be sorry".

Thank you Sunni. That was great.

Honest. How stupid do you think we are?

Never mind, don't answer, lol.
The gift that just keeps giving.

Sunni did you read the insane rant of one of the Muslim Brotherhood's bigwigs I posted? You really should. He sounded much the same as you, though perhaps not as calm. After all, he was having to deal with questions in real time.
"Esam El-Erian: And you put Hamas in the same cage as Al Qaeda. They are fighting for their liberty, but you describe them as terrorists.
MJT: What do you think of Hamas’ martyrdom operations [suicide-bombings]?
Esam El-Erian: Hamas was elected in a democratic process that your former president Jimmy Carter witnessed, but you neglect everything and call them terrorists.
MJT: So you think they aren’t terrorists.
Esam El-Erian: Of course. They are fighters for liberty. Their land is occupied by the real terrorists. Real terrorists who kill innocent farmers in Qana and children in Egypt. They killed children in school here in 1968. They are the real terrorists.
MJT: Hamas kills children in schools.
Esam El-Erian: Why do you describe one as terrorist, but not the other? Say both are terrorists. If you make an excuse for someone, you must have this excuse for others.
MJT: Not all violence is terrorism. "

And so on...

Michael Totten » Hanging with the Muslim Brotherhood
MJT: Why should Americans be unbiased, but it’s okay for you to be biased?
Esam El-Erian: We are fighting for and defending our interests. "

Wow. Thanks for proving my point, Allie.

You think you can make accusations of others and not prove them. Keep going. You're working yourself up to a froth, and it early.

Of course I can make an accusation and not prove it. You do it all the time.

Or you use lies to prove it.
So why on earth would anyone waste any time in trying to prove things to liars and ideologues? There's no point to it. With liars and demagogues you take a hard line...this is the way it is, deal with it or deal with me. I don't owe you shit, anything of value is wasted on you anyway.

It's the same attitude soldiers take towards enemies. They don't stand around proving they have a right to fight them. They just do it.

Thank for the clarification on your stance that you can make accusations and not back them up.

The smart thing to do, if you truly believe there is no value in posting to me is to stop altogether.

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