Super Bowl Halftime Show To Be 'Poltical Hip Hop Kneeling Fest'

You know, I'm retired military. Spent 20 years of my life serving in the U.S. Navy and really enjoyed the time I served. Learned a lot and traveled to quite a few places.

A person who bitches about the political system and then proudly states that they never voted offends me more than someone who kneels during the National Anthem prior to a game. Why? Simple.................the person who takes a knee during the anthem is taking advantage of the rights afforded them under the Constitution, and feels secure in exercising those rights. I spent 20 years of my life swearing an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

I feel people who exercise their Constitutional rights appreciate the sacrifices of the military and their defense of the Constitution more than those who don't and just bitch about the country.
I haven’t seen any kneeling, the entire game...
Meet the very good doggos of Puppy Bowl XV
I have watched puppy bowl for years.

This half time worship of Colin Kaepernick is having a building backlash. There might be a whole new look to tomorrow as people finally get a gutfull

Between Nancy Pelosi trying to eliminate God from the House chamber and New York and Virginia legalizing infanticide, this half time disgrace fight be the last straw.
I hope Adam Levine has a wardrobe malfunction.
I for one do not want to see Adam Levine's vagigi. It's fishing channel or Andy Griffith re-runs for me during half-time.

Yeah, he's too much of wuss for me. I don't believe I am going to watch much of the game, but I do hope the Rams win. I don't want the Patriots to tie the Steelers in rings.
You know, I'm retired military. Spent 20 years of my life serving in the U.S. Navy and really enjoyed the time I served. Learned a lot and traveled to quite a few places.

A person who bitches about the political system and then proudly states that they never voted offends me more than someone who kneels during the National Anthem prior to a game. Why? Simple.................the person who takes a knee during the anthem is taking advantage of the rights afforded them under the Constitution, and feels secure in exercising those rights. I spent 20 years of my life swearing an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

I feel people who exercise their Constitutional rights appreciate the sacrifices of the military and their defense of the Constitution more than those who don't and just bitch about the country.

The military keeps us safe, they don’t defend our constitutional rights . It’s groups like the ACLU and even the NRA who protect our rights .
At least I learned about this before wasting time watching 1 second of the Half Time Show today.

F* Maroon 5, F* Adam Levine, F* Colin Kaepernick, & F* the NFL / Rodger Goodel for permitting this.

The SB has always been 1 thing fans could unite together to watch without being exposed to partisan political BS ... and now the NFL, Adam Levine, & Maroon 5 are going to take 1 side of a political issue and shove it in EVERYONE'S face during this year's Halftime show.

This kind of crap is why I have been watching a lot less even less.

Hey, Collin, you're a self-promoting, America-hating, POS LIAR! You said no team would hire you, but the Broncos came out and said they offered you a 1-year contract that you turned down because you refused to 'prove yourself' and to have to win the starting job!

You're a spoiled, elitist little prick who has been out so long you can't even play at the NFL level anymore.

So again, F* you, F* Maroon 5 /Adam Levine, & F* Roger Goodell for damaging the SB with your political crap

Maroon 5 frontman hints Superbowl show will be hip-hop kneeling fest. Fox News offers alternative for halftime.
Let me guess, who has the biggest biceps K or our poor white rube?
Knees News?
You do know the more you watch the dumber you get if that's possible.
Even got a stupid cartoon moniker
And you still are too dumb to know the def of snowflake?
I read no more
You know, I'm retired military. Spent 20 years of my life serving in the U.S. Navy and really enjoyed the time I served. Learned a lot and traveled to quite a few places.

A person who bitches about the political system and then proudly states that they never voted offends me more than someone who kneels during the National Anthem prior to a game. Why? Simple.................the person who takes a knee during the anthem is taking advantage of the rights afforded them under the Constitution, and feels secure in exercising those rights. I spent 20 years of my life swearing an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

I feel people who exercise their Constitutional rights appreciate the sacrifices of the military and their defense of the Constitution more than those who don't and just bitch about the country.

The military keeps us safe, they don’t defend our constitutional rights . It’s groups like the ACLU and even the NRA who protect our rights .

Hey Timmy, have you ever seen the oath of enlistment for the US military? Apparently, from your post, you haven't. Let me help you out with that...........

Be Ready To Raise Your Right Hand

The Oath of enlistment is something that every service member must promise and adhere to for his/her entire military career. From the Oath, you can see that you will be defending the Constitution - not a person. Discipline and accepting orders is sworn to. Finally, you vow to face the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) should any disputes arise. The Oath of Enlistment (for enlisted): "I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." The Oath of Office (for officers): "I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the _____ (Military Branch) of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God." Before you raise your right hand, make sure you understand what you are swearing or attesting to. The oath of enlistment should not be taken lightly, you will be bound by it for the next 4 to 6 years at a minimum.
You know, I'm retired military. Spent 20 years of my life serving in the U.S. Navy and really enjoyed the time I served. Learned a lot and traveled to quite a few places.

A person who bitches about the political system and then proudly states that they never voted offends me more than someone who kneels during the National Anthem prior to a game. Why? Simple.................the person who takes a knee during the anthem is taking advantage of the rights afforded them under the Constitution, and feels secure in exercising those rights. I spent 20 years of my life swearing an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

I feel people who exercise their Constitutional rights appreciate the sacrifices of the military and their defense of the Constitution more than those who don't and just bitch about the country.

The military keeps us safe, they don’t defend our constitutional rights . It’s groups like the ACLU and even the NRA who protect our rights .

I missed when you battled hand to hand.
Ah well "if you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military.
Indoctrination second to none re religion"
And great socialist benefits
You know, I'm retired military. Spent 20 years of my life serving in the U.S. Navy and really enjoyed the time I served. Learned a lot and traveled to quite a few places.

A person who bitches about the political system and then proudly states that they never voted offends me more than someone who kneels during the National Anthem prior to a game. Why? Simple.................the person who takes a knee during the anthem is taking advantage of the rights afforded them under the Constitution, and feels secure in exercising those rights. I spent 20 years of my life swearing an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

I feel people who exercise their Constitutional rights appreciate the sacrifices of the military and their defense of the Constitution more than those who don't and just bitch about the country.

The military keeps us safe, they don’t defend our constitutional rights . It’s groups like the ACLU and even the NRA who protect our rights .

Hey Timmy, have you ever seen the oath of enlistment for the US military? Apparently, from your post, you haven't. Let me help you out with that...........

Be Ready To Raise Your Right Hand

The Oath of enlistment is something that every service member must promise and adhere to for his/her entire military career. From the Oath, you can see that you will be defending the Constitution - not a person. Discipline and accepting orders is sworn to. Finally, you vow to face the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) should any disputes arise. The Oath of Enlistment (for enlisted): "I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." The Oath of Office (for officers): "I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the _____ (Military Branch) of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God." Before you raise your right hand, make sure you understand what you are swearing or attesting to. The oath of enlistment should not be taken lightly, you will be bound by it for the next 4 to 6 years at a minimum.

Pathetic, a bunch of dumb rubes who can't get a job elsewhere
At least I learned about this before wasting time watching 1 second of the Half Time Show today.

F* Maroon 5, F* Adam Levine, F* Colin Kaepernick, & F* the NFL / Rodger Goodel for permitting this.

The SB has always been 1 thing fans could unite together to watch without being exposed to partisan political BS ... and now the NFL, Adam Levine, & Maroon 5 are going to take 1 side of a political issue and shove it in EVERYONE'S face during this year's Halftime show.

This kind of crap is why I have been watching a lot less even less.

Hey, Collin, you're a self-promoting, America-hating, POS LIAR! You said no team would hire you, but the Broncos came out and said they offered you a 1-year contract that you turned down because you refused to 'prove yourself' and to have to win the starting job!

You're a spoiled, elitist little prick who has been out so long you can't even play at the NFL level anymore.

So again, F* you, F* Maroon 5 /Adam Levine, & F* Roger Goodell for damaging the SB with your political crap

Maroon 5 frontman hints Superbowl show will be hip-hop kneeling fest. Fox News offers alternative for halftime.
This is exactly why the NFL wanted LA in the Super bowl. They are bowing to the Left and the Powerful Media That controls their existence without The Media Coverage and television. Football would be A game kids play on Friday nights. LA wanted the Spotlight so Hollywood could shove it's leftist agenda down the throat of America Colin sucked when he did play, Maroon 5! Who the F are they? The NFL has already Kneeled now they just have to Bob
You know, I'm retired military. Spent 20 years of my life serving in the U.S. Navy and really enjoyed the time I served. Learned a lot and traveled to quite a few places.

A person who bitches about the political system and then proudly states that they never voted offends me more than someone who kneels during the National Anthem prior to a game. Why? Simple.................the person who takes a knee during the anthem is taking advantage of the rights afforded them under the Constitution, and feels secure in exercising those rights. I spent 20 years of my life swearing an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

I feel people who exercise their Constitutional rights appreciate the sacrifices of the military and their defense of the Constitution more than those who don't and just bitch about the country.

The military keeps us safe, they don’t defend our constitutional rights . It’s groups like the ACLU and even the NRA who protect our rights .

I missed when you battled hand to hand.
Ah well "if you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military.
Indoctrination second to none re religion"
And great socialist benefits

You know, up until 1999, I used to say that if you can't find a job, you could always join the military. I enlisted in 1982 right out of high school, and because it was easy for me to get in, I thought it was easy for everyone.

At least, up until I was selected for recruiting duty in 1999 and went to work at a MEPS. There I found out that only about 30 percent of the age eligible population is qualified to join the military. Many are unqualified because of civil convictions, drug use, physical shortfalls or because they don't have a diploma.

And, of that 30 percent that are eligible? Only around 1 percent actually joins the military. Many others have the same view you do of the military, and it is totally mistaken.
Behold , the tolerant right wing! Lol!

Behold! The Addle-brained ass! How is it "intolerant" to tolerate the fact that the entire black/cop mythos is a made up one? WE'RE not the one's bitching about it! For as often as blacks get into trouble, they get a free ride with the police 5X more than white people, because the paperwork and bad publicity and media attention to one's job of dealing with much less busting a black just ain't worth the trouble except in the worst of cases.

And even then, cops end up spending two years in court losing their jobs.
You know, I'm retired military. Spent 20 years of my life serving in the U.S. Navy and really enjoyed the time I served. Learned a lot and traveled to quite a few places.

A person who bitches about the political system and then proudly states that they never voted offends me more than someone who kneels during the National Anthem prior to a game. Why? Simple.................the person who takes a knee during the anthem is taking advantage of the rights afforded them under the Constitution, and feels secure in exercising those rights. I spent 20 years of my life swearing an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

I feel people who exercise their Constitutional rights appreciate the sacrifices of the military and their defense of the Constitution more than those who don't and just bitch about the country.

The military keeps us safe, they don’t defend our constitutional rights . It’s groups like the ACLU and even the NRA who protect our rights .

Hey Timmy, have you ever seen the oath of enlistment for the US military? Apparently, from your post, you haven't. Let me help you out with that...........

Be Ready To Raise Your Right Hand

The Oath of enlistment is something that every service member must promise and adhere to for his/her entire military career. From the Oath, you can see that you will be defending the Constitution - not a person. Discipline and accepting orders is sworn to. Finally, you vow to face the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) should any disputes arise. The Oath of Enlistment (for enlisted): "I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." The Oath of Office (for officers): "I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the _____ (Military Branch) of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God." Before you raise your right hand, make sure you understand what you are swearing or attesting to. The oath of enlistment should not be taken lightly, you will be bound by it for the next 4 to 6 years at a minimum.

Give me an example where the military defended our rights ?

If someone come along and tells you you can’t have a cross on your lawn, you calling the coast guard ?
Why are ya’ll watching the Super Bowl? Has the boycott over kneeling darkies been lifted?

I've found a way to do both. I enjoy the game, just don't like the NFL, and I can watch it now without my viewing being tabulated as a viewer.
At least I learned about this before wasting time watching 1 second of the Half Time Show today.

F* Maroon 5, F* Adam Levine, F* Colin Kaepernick, & F* the NFL / Rodger Goodel for permitting this.

The SB has always been 1 thing fans could unite together to watch without being exposed to partisan political BS ... and now the NFL, Adam Levine, & Maroon 5 are going to take 1 side of a political issue and shove it in EVERYONE'S face during this year's Halftime show.

This kind of crap is why I have been watching a lot less even less.

Hey, Collin, you're a self-promoting, America-hating, POS LIAR! You said no team would hire you, but the Broncos came out and said they offered you a 1-year contract that you turned down because you refused to 'prove yourself' and to have to win the starting job!

You're a spoiled, elitist little prick who has been out so long you can't even play at the NFL level anymore.

So again, F* you, F* Maroon 5 /Adam Levine, & F* Roger Goodell for damaging the SB with your political crap

Maroon 5 frontman hints Superbowl show will be hip-hop kneeling fest. Fox News offers alternative for halftime.

That's great, NFL. Insult and offend yet more fans of football who shell out big money to go to your game.
Sadly the country is trying to hold on to one of the great past times in America, but it's become way to political now. Anyone selling out to this bullcrap are sell outs period.

The blacks call their sell outs uncle Tom's and such, but the whites don't aspire to such bullcrap, but maybe it's time they should start with the sell out labels just as well.

Giving up on everything in respect to everyone crying wolf about everything, and then highjackjng everything to make a point has gone to the extreme now.
I hope Adam Levine has a wardrobe malfunction.
I for one do not want to see Adam Levine's vagigi. It's fishing channel or Andy Griffith re-runs for me during half-time.

Yeah, he's too much of wuss for me. I don't believe I am going to watch much of the game, but I do hope the Rams win. I don't want the Patriots to tie the Steelers in rings.

I'm not a big Patriot hater. I'm just getting tired of seeing them in the Super Bowl. It makes the "big game" completely uninteresting.

"Who's going to the Super Bowl this year? Oooo. Somebody and the Patriots. That's new and exciting."
You know, I'm retired military. Spent 20 years of my life serving in the U.S. Navy and really enjoyed the time I served. Learned a lot and traveled to quite a few places.

A person who bitches about the political system and then proudly states that they never voted offends me more than someone who kneels during the National Anthem prior to a game. Why? Simple.................the person who takes a knee during the anthem is taking advantage of the rights afforded them under the Constitution, and feels secure in exercising those rights. I spent 20 years of my life swearing an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

I feel people who exercise their Constitutional rights appreciate the sacrifices of the military and their defense of the Constitution more than those who don't and just bitch about the country.

The military keeps us safe, they don’t defend our constitutional rights . It’s groups like the ACLU and even the NRA who protect our rights .

I missed when you battled hand to hand.
Ah well "if you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military.
Indoctrination second to none re religion"
And great socialist benefits

People join the military for their own benefit . We haven’t had a draft in over 40 years . They are government employees just like the rest when you break it down .

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