Super Bowl Halftime Show To Be 'Poltical Hip Hop Kneeling Fest'

1. Right off - where is the National Anthem?

They have America the Beautiful Sung
At least I learned about this before wasting time watching 1 second of the Half Time Show today.

F* Maroon 5, F* Adam Levine, F* Colin Kaepernick, & F* the NFL / Rodger Goodel for permitting this.

The SB has always been 1 thing fans could unite together to watch without being exposed to partisan political BS ... and now the NFL, Adam Levine, & Maroon 5 are going to take 1 side of a political issue and shove it in EVERYONE'S face during this year's Halftime show.

This kind of crap is why I have been watching a lot less even less.

Hey, Collin, you're a self-promoting, America-hating, POS LIAR! You said no team would hire you, but the Broncos came out and said they offered you a 1-year contract that you turned down because you refused to 'prove yourself' and to have to win the starting job!

You're a spoiled, elitist little prick who has been out so long you can't even play at the NFL level anymore.

So again, F* you, F* Maroon 5 /Adam Levine, & F* Roger Goodell for damaging the SB with your political crap

Maroon 5 frontman hints Superbowl show will be hip-hop kneeling fest. Fox News offers alternative for halftime.

Deal with the facts that it was about police brutality and not the flag.
Deal with the fact that the original dumbass who came up with the idea made it about himself, that he lied about not being offered a job, was too stupid to realize the American flag is a symbol that represents many things, and did not realize how many people he would offend with his stupid 'protest'.

I'm sorry to break it to you but it's wasn't about the flag and never was you need to look closer.
1. Right off - where is the National Anthem?

They have America the Beautiful Sung
At least I learned about this before wasting time watching 1 second of the Half Time Show today.

F* Maroon 5, F* Adam Levine, F* Colin Kaepernick, & F* the NFL / Rodger Goodel for permitting this.

The SB has always been 1 thing fans could unite together to watch without being exposed to partisan political BS ... and now the NFL, Adam Levine, & Maroon 5 are going to take 1 side of a political issue and shove it in EVERYONE'S face during this year's Halftime show.

This kind of crap is why I have been watching a lot less even less.

Hey, Collin, you're a self-promoting, America-hating, POS LIAR! You said no team would hire you, but the Broncos came out and said they offered you a 1-year contract that you turned down because you refused to 'prove yourself' and to have to win the starting job!

You're a spoiled, elitist little prick who has been out so long you can't even play at the NFL level anymore.

So again, F* you, F* Maroon 5 /Adam Levine, & F* Roger Goodell for damaging the SB with your political crap

Maroon 5 frontman hints Superbowl show will be hip-hop kneeling fest. Fox News offers alternative for halftime.

Deal with the facts that it was about police brutality and not the flag.
Deal with the fact that the original dumbass who came up with the idea made it about himself, that he lied about not being offered a job, was too stupid to realize the American flag is a symbol that represents many things, and did not realize how many people he would offend with his stupid 'protest'.

I'm sorry to break it to you but it's wasn't about the flag and never was you need to look closer.
Not to Kaepernick. To him it was all about himself.

When 1st asked most snowflakes had a clue. :p
1. Right off - where is the National Anthem?

They have America the Beautiful Sung
At least I learned about this before wasting time watching 1 second of the Half Time Show today.

F* Maroon 5, F* Adam Levine, F* Colin Kaepernick, & F* the NFL / Rodger Goodel for permitting this.

The SB has always been 1 thing fans could unite together to watch without being exposed to partisan political BS ... and now the NFL, Adam Levine, & Maroon 5 are going to take 1 side of a political issue and shove it in EVERYONE'S face during this year's Halftime show.

This kind of crap is why I have been watching a lot less even less.

Hey, Collin, you're a self-promoting, America-hating, POS LIAR! You said no team would hire you, but the Broncos came out and said they offered you a 1-year contract that you turned down because you refused to 'prove yourself' and to have to win the starting job!

You're a spoiled, elitist little prick who has been out so long you can't even play at the NFL level anymore.

So again, F* you, F* Maroon 5 /Adam Levine, & F* Roger Goodell for damaging the SB with your political crap

Maroon 5 frontman hints Superbowl show will be hip-hop kneeling fest. Fox News offers alternative for halftime.

Deal with the facts that it was about police brutality and not the flag.
Deal with the fact that the original dumbass who came up with the idea made it about himself, that he lied about not being offered a job, was too stupid to realize the American flag is a symbol that represents many things, and did not realize how many people he would offend with his stupid 'protest'.

I'm sorry to break it to you but it's wasn't about the flag and never was you need to look closer.
Then why choose the anthem that envelopes the flag ?? Bad choice that sent the wrong message.

I think the idea was to go straight to the heart of it all, and that meant attacking the flag that has stood while good things and bad things had went on beneath it in this nation.

So to get the most bang for the buck, the anthem was attacked by kneeling while it was being played in so that the message was that the blacks see this nation as a racist nation that has existed under the very flag that has represented it, and it was time to show that the blacks meant business by going after it in this type of way.

Am I wrong ?
1. Right off - where is the National Anthem?

They have America the Beautiful Sung
At least I learned about this before wasting time watching 1 second of the Half Time Show today.

F* Maroon 5, F* Adam Levine, F* Colin Kaepernick, & F* the NFL / Rodger Goodel for permitting this.

The SB has always been 1 thing fans could unite together to watch without being exposed to partisan political BS ... and now the NFL, Adam Levine, & Maroon 5 are going to take 1 side of a political issue and shove it in EVERYONE'S face during this year's Halftime show.

This kind of crap is why I have been watching a lot less even less.

Hey, Collin, you're a self-promoting, America-hating, POS LIAR! You said no team would hire you, but the Broncos came out and said they offered you a 1-year contract that you turned down because you refused to 'prove yourself' and to have to win the starting job!

You're a spoiled, elitist little prick who has been out so long you can't even play at the NFL level anymore.

So again, F* you, F* Maroon 5 /Adam Levine, & F* Roger Goodell for damaging the SB with your political crap

Maroon 5 frontman hints Superbowl show will be hip-hop kneeling fest. Fox News offers alternative for halftime.

Deal with the facts that it was about police brutality and not the flag.
Deal with the fact that the original dumbass who came up with the idea made it about himself, that he lied about not being offered a job, was too stupid to realize the American flag is a symbol that represents many things, and did not realize how many people he would offend with his stupid 'protest'.

I'm sorry to break it to you but it's wasn't about the flag and never was you need to look closer.
Then why choose the anthem that envelopes the flag ?? Bad choice that sent the wrong message.

I think the idea was to go straight to the heart of it all, and that meant attacking the flag that has stood while good things and bad things had went on beneath it in this nation.

So to get the most bang for the buck, the anthem was attacked by kneeling while it was being played in so that the message was that the blacks see this nation as a racist nation that has existed under the very flag that has represented it, and it was time to show that the blacks meant business by going after it in this type of way.

Am I wrong ?
In regards to be people clutching their pearls over kneeling.....this is more due to the fact that Racism is so American that when people protest it, others think they are protesting America.
1. Right off - where is the National Anthem?

They have America the Beautiful Sung
At least I learned about this before wasting time watching 1 second of the Half Time Show today.

F* Maroon 5, F* Adam Levine, F* Colin Kaepernick, & F* the NFL / Rodger Goodel for permitting this.

The SB has always been 1 thing fans could unite together to watch without being exposed to partisan political BS ... and now the NFL, Adam Levine, & Maroon 5 are going to take 1 side of a political issue and shove it in EVERYONE'S face during this year's Halftime show.

This kind of crap is why I have been watching a lot less even less.

Hey, Collin, you're a self-promoting, America-hating, POS LIAR! You said no team would hire you, but the Broncos came out and said they offered you a 1-year contract that you turned down because you refused to 'prove yourself' and to have to win the starting job!

You're a spoiled, elitist little prick who has been out so long you can't even play at the NFL level anymore.

So again, F* you, F* Maroon 5 /Adam Levine, & F* Roger Goodell for damaging the SB with your political crap

Maroon 5 frontman hints Superbowl show will be hip-hop kneeling fest. Fox News offers alternative for halftime.

Deal with the facts that it was about police brutality and not the flag.
Deal with the fact that the original dumbass who came up with the idea made it about himself, that he lied about not being offered a job, was too stupid to realize the American flag is a symbol that represents many things, and did not realize how many people he would offend with his stupid 'protest'.

I'm sorry to break it to you but it's wasn't about the flag and never was you need to look closer.
Then why choose the anthem that envelopes the flag ?? Bad choice that sent the wrong message.

I think the idea was to go straight to the heart of it all, and that meant attacking the flag that has stood while good things and bad things had went on beneath it in this nation.

So to get the most bang for the buck, the anthem was attacked by kneeling while it was being played in so that the message was that the blacks see this nation as a racist nation that has existed under the very flag that has represented it, and it was time to show that the blacks meant business by going after it in this type of way.

Am I wrong ?
In regards to be people clutching their pearls over kneeling.....this is more due to the fact that Racism is so American that when people protest it, others think they are protesting America.
and when you don't agree with a black person, you're racist.

let's not forget the other stupid extreme, shall we?

and let's look at racism around the world and stop thinking this country is so ass backwards as to be the ONLY country in the world who has people leary of other races.
I thought the halftime show was pretty good. I was especially impressed with the number of black performers that showed up and snubbed the pro Kaepernick crowd that had called for a boycott. Money talks.
And where is Kaepernick now? Totally irrelevant living off his Nike money which I probably all he will ever make. Maybe his radical, activist Muslim girlfriend will comfort him. D bag.

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