Super Bowl XLIX Predictions

Funny how people want to tout Wilson big plays trying to elevate him above mediocre and dismiss other teams big plays to make themselves look better.
It really is fun to see Seattle fans try to convince themselves that it wasn't luck that the Hawks are in the SB.
It's also fun to see them try to convince themselves that Belicheck and Brady aren't the greatest coach and QB in the game.

Under-estimating the opposition makes it that much harder to eat crow.
It really is fun to see Seattle fans try to convince themselves that it wasn't luck that the Hawks are in the SB.
It's also fun to see them try to convince themselves that Belicheck and Brady aren't the greatest coach and QB in the game.

Under-estimating the opposition makes it that much harder to eat crow.

I don't under-estimate them at all. The Patriots are a fantastic team and I have said many times that they can win this game. I just don't think it is the probable outcome based on statistical analysis of recent performances put in their proper perspectives. Sure, New England can win. I would be surprised but I wouldn't be shocked to my core and it wouldn't really change my analysis. All I would say is "hey they beat the probabilities. Good for them. Congratulations." My guess is Seattle would win this game 60% - 65% of the time...but the Bills beat the Patriots this year and the Rams beat the Seahawks this year too. Pfft....we'll find out at the end of the game whether the probabilities held up or the Patriots beat the statistical odds. Based purely on the numbers Seattle should win, but hell it's a football game...anything can happen.
Funny how people want to tout Wilson big plays trying to elevate him above mediocre and dismiss other teams big plays to make themselves look better.

I don't think anyone dismisses the big plays of the other team...but Seattle does lead the NFL in plays over 20 yards so...there's that. It's not that other teams can't make an explosive play, it's that Seattle does it more often.
Usually its easier to stop what you know is coming and they still had a good game running the ball.

All teams who played Seattle over the past two years knew up front that Seattle would be running the ball and not to many found a way to stop them. Even with Matthew and Peppers up front couldn't stop Lynch why does anyone think a porous run defense of New England can?
It really is fun to see Seattle fans try to convince themselves that it wasn't luck that the Hawks are in the SB.
It's also fun to see them try to convince themselves that Belicheck and Brady aren't the greatest coach and QB in the game.

Under-estimating the opposition makes it that much harder to eat crow. must be a hoot sitting this one out.
You did trying to fit Seattle defense into your own analysis.......

Ok whatever...just because Wilson had a great finish to the NFC Championship doesn't mean he passed well the whole game. Seattle's passing game against Green Bay was abysmal. Yeah Wilson rallied and turned it around but it was still a shitty game overall. Similarly, just because Starks had one big run doesn't mean Green Bay's running game was effective. Really not that hard to grasp
Solid yes above avg yes.......great ???? No............... 81 yds per game ...doesnt sound so unstoppable once the stats are looked at instead of the hype.
Marshawn Lynch? Good luck toppling over Vince Wilfork or running passed Devin McCourty, Russel Wilson?

Let's have a look at how RBs have done against New England

Devin Herron: 5.5 yards per carry against you
Justin Forsett: 5.4 yards per carry against you
Eddie Lacy: 4.7 yards per carry against you
Jamal Charles: 5.1 yards per carry against you
Knile Davis: 6.7 yards per carry against you

And you think you are going to stop Lynch?!?!?!?!?! :rofl: Best of fucking luck to you.
Who's more stoppable? Lynch or Tom fuckin Brady?

I believe you've left someone out.

I asked the LORD for a 10 point lead and that is what I believe I'll receive. Seahawks beat the Patriots by 10 points. See you after the game. God willing.
Solid yes above avg yes.......great ???? No............... 81 yds per game ...doesnt sound so unstoppable once the stats are looked at instead of the hype.
Pay attention - the line is usually right on - as I've seen over the past 35 years

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Yeah they were right on the nose last year too huh?

OOps! They took a drubbing.
Solid yes above avg yes.......great ???? No............... 81 yds per game ...doesnt sound so unstoppable once the stats are looked at instead of the hype.
Pay attention - the line is usually right on - as I've seen over the past 35 years

NFL Las Vegas Sportsbook Odds Football Sports Betting Lines and Point Spreads at

Yeah they were right on the nose last year too huh?
Wondering if you saw the yahoo article game analysis, one where computer ran the game 50,000 times, curious you narrowed your spread right after that......
The team that scores the most points in regulation or overtime will "win".

I hope it's New England doing it in a way that obviously cheating and highly controversial which will lead to great turmoil and possible destruction of the entire NFL. I hope the lights go out in the middle of a scoring play. I hope the retractable field starts moving during the game. I hope Brady is seen deflating balls on the sideline. I hope players are seen taking steroids on the sideline. I hope the spread isn't covered so Vegas takes a bath.

One thing is certain so no "hoping" is needed: Cities will burn! Drunken and Ignorant Sports Zombies will celebrate "their" teams' win by doing what any mindless person would do: Burn it all down!

All the Stupor Bowl 4.6 million dollar commercials can be seen here by the way:

NFL Super Bowl TV Commercials - YouTube

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