"Super" commitee members should resign, and the President should publicly apologize.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
The super committee has failed.
And it is both unconscionable and unfortunately easily predictable. They have completely missed a great opportunity to find middle ground in a partisan way...but instead yesterday appeared on talking head shows and blamed the other guy.

They should all resign from their seat. The have failed their duty and every citizen in this country.

As for the President. He has categorically failed to be a leader. He is AWOL. He has chosen to be absent because he wants to blame it on congress rather than risk his own election.
Shame on him. He has also neglected his duty and his office.
He should publicly apologize and inform the world that he will not seek re-election.
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The super committee has failed.
And it is both unconscionable and unfortunately easily predictable. They have completely missed a great opportunity to find middle ground in a partisan way...but instead yesterday appeared on talking head shows and blamed the other guy..

According to author Durham W. Ellis, this is what historian Alexander Tyler said about the fall of the Athenian Republic:

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy ….

The super committee has failed.
And it is both unconscionable and unfortunately easily predictable. They have completely missed a great opportunity to find middle ground in a partisan way...but instead yesterday appeared on talking head shows and blamed the other guy..

According to author Durham W. Ellis, this is what historian Alexander Tyler said about the fall of the Athenian Republic:

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy ….


BTW - to show out of touch this President is...in the middle of the debt talks - HE is out trying to sell what amounts to a 3rd stimulus.
BTW - to show out of touch this President is...in the middle of the debt talks - HE is out trying to sell what amounts to a 3rd stimulus.

And arranging basketball games for millionaires to play in and other millionaires to watch, to get more money for his campaign.

Let us eat cake!
If we had a leader, he would come out and state


That's of course, if he cared.

Congress should be free to create their own committees, like the Gang of Six. We shouldn't let them roll over and die. This is their country and they have a job to do.
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Super Committee officially fails 3:50 pm. Obama administration officially fails 2009-2011.
The Super Committee is just another Obama Failure.

Bush's Fault. Has to be

Why do you think he created the Super Committee ... so he can blame it on them !!
The leader is supposed to lead and instead he pushes important issues off on other unqualified individuals that ALL should be fired.
What no response from the Dean-o-matic,blaming it all on the republicans??There has been many examples in history of people losing their heads over crap like this. We have no leadership.
The SuperCommittee was doomed to failure from the start, because if the Democrats can't cause their constituents to go to the polls and vote for them with visions of "Bread and Circuses" dancing through their heads, what else do they have left? Banning the display of the American flag? Replacing the American flag with the Mexican flag? Banning all prayer, public and private? Seizing the funds of the Catholic Church. Allowing public fornication and sodomy? Allowing marriage between humans and their goats? Their sheep? Their cows?
Without the ability to spend money, the Democrats are out of business.
The super committee has failed.
And it is both unconscionable and unfortunately easily predictable. They have completely missed a great opportunity to find middle ground in a partisan way...but instead yesterday appeared on talking head shows and blamed the other guy.

They should all resign from their seat. The have failed their duty and every citizen in this country.

As for the President. He has categorically failed to be a leader. He is AWOL. He has chosen to be absent because he wants to blame it on congress rather than risk his own election.
Shame on him. He has also neglected his duty and his office.
He should publicly apologize and inform the world that he will not seek re-election.

where did this concept of super committee come from. that excludes 94% of congress. it's like the "super delegates" that snubbed hillary in the primary. i think it's dirty and corrupt bullshit.
everything doesn't have to be fucking super.

great avatar iamwhatiseem, great post.
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The Dems wanted cuts to defense and now they have them.

What was their incentive to make a deal work?
The super committee has failed.
And it is both unconscionable and unfortunately easily predictable. They have completely missed a great opportunity to find middle ground in a partisan way...but instead yesterday appeared on talking head shows and blamed the other guy.

They should all resign from their seat. The have failed their duty and every citizen in this country.

As for the President. He has categorically failed to be a leader. He is AWOL. He has chosen to be absent because he wants to blame it on congress rather than risk his own election.
Shame on him. He has also neglected his duty and his office.
He should publicly apologize and inform the world that he will not seek re-election.

I agree. The super-committee should resign. But they wont. The longer they delay coming to an agreement the more valuable they are to the lobbyists.
The super committee has failed.
And it is both unconscionable and unfortunately easily predictable. They have completely missed a great opportunity to find middle ground in a partisan way...but instead yesterday appeared on talking head shows and blamed the other guy.

They should all resign from their seat. The have failed their duty and every citizen in this country.

As for the President. He has categorically failed to be a leader. He is AWOL. He has chosen to be absent because he wants to blame it on congress rather than risk his own election.
Shame on him. He has also neglected his duty and his office.
He should publicly apologize and inform the world that he will not seek re-election.

I just watched his press conference, well, announcement really since he didn't take questions.

to sum up- republicans + evil rich + ( the house now = 'congress) = gop fault.

and he'll veto any enactment of the sequester however it makes its way to him. If I recall he agreed to the super comm. etc...no? ;)
The super committee has failed.
And it is both unconscionable and unfortunately easily predictable. They have completely missed a great opportunity to find middle ground in a partisan way...but instead yesterday appeared on talking head shows and blamed the other guy..

According to author Durham W. Ellis, this is what historian Alexander Tyler said about the fall of the Athenian Republic:

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy ….



The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.
Alexis de Tocqueville

Read more: Alexis de Tocqueville Quotes - Page 2 - BrainyQuote
The super committee has failed.
And it is both unconscionable and unfortunately easily predictable. They have completely missed a great opportunity to find middle ground in a partisan way...but instead yesterday appeared on talking head shows and blamed the other guy.

They should all resign from their seat. The have failed their duty and every citizen in this country.

As for the President. He has categorically failed to be a leader. He is AWOL. He has chosen to be absent because he wants to blame it on congress rather than risk his own election.
Shame on him. He has also neglected his duty and his office.
He should publicly apologize and inform the world that he will not seek re-election.

I just watched his press conference, well, announcement really since he didn't take questions.

to sum up- republicans + evil rich + ( the house now = 'congress) = gop fault.

and he'll veto any enactment of the sequester however it makes its way to him. If I recall he agreed to the super comm. etc...no? ;)

I don't think the guy is really even interested in the "super" committee.
Like I say - he is out pushing his "jobs" bill which is inarguably a 3rd stimulus.
The Super Committee is just another Obama Failure.

Bush's Fault. Has to be

Why do you think he created the Super Committee ... so he can blame it on them !!
The leader is supposed to lead and instead he pushes important issues off on other unqualified individuals that ALL should be fired.

to be fair, he didn't. McConnell and Reid did. McConnell to boot the can and Reid to abrogate his responsibility and because he knew he could count on the media to win the PR war for him. And, hes right.
Why? I think automatic cuts now kick in. I'm ok with that. This 'Super Committee' was anything but super. I said that from day one. Squabbling over a measly $1.2 Trillion in cuts over ten years? My God,in ten years our Debt will be well over $20 Trillion. What's $1.2 Trillion in cuts? Not even a drop in a bucket. I'm glad they failed. Now lets see if these automatic cuts kick in.

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