Superbowl Ratings not so super

Goodell has ruined the game. Unbelievable the game broke the record for most yards. Not just playoffs or the SB, but all games.

Defense used to win championships, but obviously that's a thing of the past. Now it's just pitch and catch.
They were a little over 100 million! That is horrible. With the snow and cold gripping the country and nothing else on, not to mention the excitement around Brady going for his 6th ring, ratings should have been through the roof.

Yet they were horrible. This is the first Super Bowl I didn’t watch one snap. I apparently was the only one. Football will never be the same to me and millions of others like me.

Fuck the NFL!

Super Bowl on NBC is lowest rated in 8 years

Sent from my iPhone using

One of the reasons is that the dominance of New England is hurting the NFL. Everyone expected New England to win. I didn't watch until the 3rd quarter when it was clear that this was a ballgame.
I'm sure my streaming is tallied. But it's NOT tallied in TV ratings because that's not what Nielsen does.
I told you this twice already.

The Superbowl is a licensed and trademarked NFL product and anyone who transmits it in ANY form pays a usage fee to possess it, otherwise they are in big trouble. Even broadcast network stations estimate their coverage and numbers received in the broadcast area. All those who subscribe to, use or receive that product ARE COUNTED and tabulated by market category. EVERYTHING you do on the internet is so recorded. The amount of time you spend on this site vs. somewhere else is kept track of. AS to what you "tell" others, I'd sooner believe an ISIL terrorist where the good bets are in town for a good meal.

And once AGAIN --- fourth time now ---- Nielsen ratings DO NOT COUNT what anybody does on the internet. They count television... terrestrial broadcast plus cable. That's it.

But that internet streaming is --- once AGAIN --- a major reason those Nielsen ratings do not reflect the level of interest from the public, Because any given member of the public DOESN'T NEED television to watch a sports event, or the news, or any number of entertainment shows, because they have those other options.

If we lived in a world where streaming did not exist, and watching a football game actually required a TV, then I would have found a way to place myself in front of somebody else's TV, most likely a local sports bar.


Ergo Nielsen ratings do not, and can not, measure how interested the public is in a given event. It can only measure how much of the public uses that particular medium to access it. They do not, and can not, measure how much of the public uses some other medium to access it. Nor do they measure how many do so en masse, i.e. they could not measure me in that sports bar.

What People Watch, Listen To and Buy | Nielsen

Need I say more.
Do you have ANY idea what a total horse's ass you really are?
One of the reasons is that the dominance of New England is hurting the NFL. Everyone expected New England to win. I didn't watch until the 3rd quarter when it was clear that this was a ballgame.

Have you ever watched a Patriots game? The general idea is to wear down the opposing defense to allow Tom Brady to throw the ball for massive gains. The games are often won in the 4th quarter. What is weird in this the coach benched one of the Patriots top defenders and called some questionable plays combined with bad calls by the refs. The Eagles were good, but the Patriots were better, and unfortunately sabotaged by their own coach.
One of the reasons is that the dominance of New England is hurting the NFL. Everyone expected New England to win. I didn't watch until the 3rd quarter when it was clear that this was a ballgame.

Have you ever watched a Patriots game? The general idea is to wear down the opposing defense to allow Tom Brady to throw the ball for massive gains. The games are often won in the 4th quarter. What is weird in this the coach benched one of the Patriots top defenders and called some questionable plays combined with bad calls by the refs. The Eagles were good, but the Patriots were better, and unfortunately sabotaged by their own coach.
Obviously, Boston heard from ....
First time I watched it in a while. Had to see my Eagles win.

Did find the patriot fans reactions amusing at the end of the game. It reminded me of Nov 8 2016
One of the reasons is that the dominance of New England is hurting the NFL. Everyone expected New England to win. I didn't watch until the 3rd quarter when it was clear that this was a ballgame.

Have you ever watched a Patriots game? The general idea is to wear down the opposing defense to allow Tom Brady to throw the ball for massive gains. The games are often won in the 4th quarter. What is weird in this the coach benched one of the Patriots top defenders and called some questionable plays combined with bad calls by the refs. The Eagles were good, but the Patriots were better, and unfortunately sabotaged by their own coach.

Agree. Only a fool thinks that the Eagles, hot as they were these last few games with a substitute back-up QB who was going to retire from football not long ago, walked into the Superbowl and put up 41 points against the Pats and beat them, without there being something wrong with the Pats. Belichick made the first bad move I've ever seen him make in his career and the result is that he handed Phili a victory. There was some bad blood between him and Kraft over that other QB not long ago. Now this thing with Butler. Something odd is going on in New England behind the scenes.
Ray Lewis didn't murder anyone. He was guilty of obstruction of justice which he admitted to and paid his time. But, why let facts stand in the way of a good debate with fellow ignorant board members.

It's not a matter of ignorance as much as simply not caring enough to keep track of what Ray Lewis did or does. I simply have better things to do with my own life. But if you think you know half of what really goes on with these players and don't realize they try to keep as much as they can out of the news, then you have another thing coming.

So you take time out of your day to post on threads on subjects you admittedly know nothing about? Why even bother?
They were a little over 100 million! That is horrible. With the snow and cold gripping the country and nothing else on, not to mention the excitement around Brady going for his 6th ring, ratings should have been through the roof.

Yet they were horrible. This is the first Super Bowl I didn’t watch one snap. I apparently was the only one. Football will never be the same to me and millions of others like me.

Fuck the NFL!

Super Bowl on NBC is lowest rated in 8 years

Sent from my iPhone using

One of the reasons is that the dominance of New England is hurting the NFL. Everyone expected New England to win. I didn't watch until the 3rd quarter when it was clear that this was a ballgame.
You missed Justin Timberlake
Why do you care what the ratings were?
Football is now political.

The Stock Market is now political.

Entertainment is now political.

Everything is now political.

We're doing this to ourselves.

Or people who realize they have a platform are willing to take a stand.

Hey, remember how the Dixie Chicks went ahead and said that Bush's War in Iraq was a really terrible idea? And how we punished them for saying it?

Well guess what, they were right. IT WAS a terrible idea.

So now people are all upset that these black folks are complaining that the police are shooting other unarmed black folks with little or no consequences, and they took a stand.

HOW DARE THEY? Just shut up and enjoy the money we are giving you and hope some cop doesn't shoot you because he thought you stole that nice car you bought with the money.
Why do you care what the ratings were?
Football is now political.

The Stock Market is now political.

Entertainment is now political.

Everything is now political.

We're doing this to ourselves.

Or people who realize they have a platform are willing to take a stand.

Hey, remember how the Dixie Chicks went ahead and said that Bush's War in Iraq was a really terrible idea? And how we punished them for saying it?

Well guess what, they were right. IT WAS a terrible idea.

So now people are all upset that these black folks are complaining that the police are shooting other unarmed black folks with little or no consequences, and they took a stand.

HOW DARE THEY? Just shut up and enjoy the money we are giving you and hope some cop doesn't shoot you because he thought you stole that nice car you bought with the money.
One of the reasons is that the dominance of New England is hurting the NFL. Everyone expected New England to win. I didn't watch until the 3rd quarter when it was clear that this was a ballgame.

Have you ever watched a Patriots game? The general idea is to wear down the opposing defense to allow Tom Brady to throw the ball for massive gains. The games are often won in the 4th quarter. What is weird in this the coach benched one of the Patriots top defenders and called some questionable plays combined with bad calls by the refs. The Eagles were good, but the Patriots were better, and unfortunately sabotaged by their own coach.

Agree. Only a fool thinks that the Eagles, hot as they were these last few games with a substitute back-up QB who was going to retire from football not long ago, walked into the Superbowl and put up 41 points against the Pats and beat them, without there being something wrong with the Pats. Belichick made the first bad move I've ever seen him make in his career and the result is that he handed Phili a victory. There was some bad blood between him and Kraft over that other QB not long ago. Now this thing with Butler. Something odd is going on in New England behind the scenes.

Well, their defensive coach already knew he was leaving and going to accept the head coaching job at Detroit. I think the Pats dynasty is over for sometime Gronk thinking of retiring, Brady probably should while he can still walk.
Why do you care what the ratings were?
Football is now political.

The Stock Market is now political.

Entertainment is now political.

Everything is now political.

We're doing this to ourselves.

Or people who realize they have a platform are willing to take a stand.

Hey, remember how the Dixie Chicks went ahead and said that Bush's War in Iraq was a really terrible idea? And how we punished them for saying it?

Well guess what, they were right. IT WAS a terrible idea.

So now people are all upset that these black folks are complaining that the police are shooting other unarmed black folks with little or no consequences, and they took a stand.

HOW DARE THEY? Just shut up and enjoy the money we are giving you and hope some cop doesn't shoot you because he thought you stole that nice car you bought with the money.

Dixie Chicks. Excellent analogy. :thup:

Once again, somebody standing up against mob mentality, taking the time to actually think about whether the MM makes any sense, and the mob -- in the Chicks' case radio station collusion -- enacts the penalty for defying the holy MM. Same shit, different venue.
One of the reasons is that the dominance of New England is hurting the NFL. Everyone expected New England to win. I didn't watch until the 3rd quarter when it was clear that this was a ballgame.

Have you ever watched a Patriots game? The general idea is to wear down the opposing defense to allow Tom Brady to throw the ball for massive gains. The games are often won in the 4th quarter. What is weird in this the coach benched one of the Patriots top defenders and called some questionable plays combined with bad calls by the refs. The Eagles were good, but the Patriots were better, and unfortunately sabotaged by their own coach.

Agree. Only a fool thinks that the Eagles, hot as they were these last few games with a substitute back-up QB who was going to retire from football not long ago, walked into the Superbowl and put up 41 points against the Pats and beat them, without there being something wrong with the Pats. Belichick made the first bad move I've ever seen him make in his career and the result is that he handed Phili a victory. There was some bad blood between him and Kraft over that other QB not long ago. Now this thing with Butler. Something odd is going on in New England behind the scenes.

Yeah yeah yeah I expect we'll hear these whining excuses for 51 more weeks from snowflakes who just can't admit they got beat. Actually I was reading these excuses two weeks before the game in another thread. May as well call them the New England Butthurtriots.

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