Superbowl Ratings not so super

I watched. It was a good game. My guess is people are just tired of seeing New England.
Fock NE, Fock Tawwmy Brady, Fock that cheatin' Billicheck, Fock that swarmy little egotist Kraft ... Fock the entire town of Bahstahn! I hope all those bandwagon fans try wearing their gear in Philly and get the FOCK kicked outta them!

Btw, did the police ever recover the police horse the rioters in Philly stole?
ratings for ALL TV sports have been in decline for years, while ratings for streaming have steadily increased.

Asshole, whether you watch the game on TV or streaming through the internet, it ALL counts towards the ratings! Unless you have a way and device to see it that gets around that. The more you talk, the bigger an ignorant ass you make of yourself.
ahhhh, thanks for playing.
They were a little over 100 million! That is horrible. With the snow and cold gripping the country and nothing else on, not to mention the excitement around Brady going for his 6th ring, ratings should have been through the roof.

Yet they were horrible. This is the first Super Bowl I didn’t watch one snap. I apparently was the only one. Football will never be the same to me and millions of others like me.

Fuck the NFL!

Super Bowl on NBC is lowest rated in 8 years

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Too bad

They missed a great game
And millennial's are more into these video game championships than real sports.
I saw a Neflix show about these championships in Europe....good lord...they fill stadiums of people watching a bunch of huge screens, and on television.
That will likely be the new "NFL" within 10 years here.
They were a little over 100 million! That is horrible. With the snow and cold gripping the country and nothing else on, not to mention the excitement around Brady going for his 6th ring, ratings should have been through the roof.

Yet they were horrible. This is the first Super Bowl I didn’t watch one snap. I apparently was the only one. Football will never be the same to me and millions of others like me.

Fuck the NFL!

Super Bowl on NBC is lowest rated in 8 years

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Its ratings were the lowest since 2009. I forget what I figured, they were down by 7 or 9% from last year. Clearly, the NFL has hurt itself, from all of the stupid rules, players who won't salute the flag, jackass Roger Goodell, players like Ray Lewis who punched out his wife in an elevator in front of a camera, then gets an award while Brady gets suspended for a soft ball no one can prove he had anything to do with. People are fed up with the crap. We are tired of whining cry babies who make 40 million a year for 4-5 months work then bitch. We want our gladiatorial sport back with bone-crushing hits by guys that can both deliver it and TAKE it. I watched the game, but not in any way that can be tracked to add to the ratings. I still like the sport and teams, but I no longer support the NFL.

That was Ray Rice, not Ray Lewis. Ray Rice has been black-balled from the NFL.

You're right --- Ray Lewis was the one involved in murder. Definitely a high quality, Hall of Fame, kind of guy.

Murder, assault, its hard to keep all the thugs of the NFL apart. I just checked again and it seems Lewis was just nominated to football HOF. So much for high standards.
They were a little over 100 million! That is horrible. With the snow and cold gripping the country and nothing else on, not to mention the excitement around Brady going for his 6th ring, ratings should have been through the roof.

Yet they were horrible. This is the first Super Bowl I didn’t watch one snap. I apparently was the only one. Football will never be the same to me and millions of others like me.

Fuck the NFL!

Super Bowl on NBC is lowest rated in 8 years

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I blame it all on Justin Timberlake and crappy commercials

The game itself kicked ass
They were a little over 100 million! That is horrible. With the snow and cold gripping the country and nothing else on, not to mention the excitement around Brady going for his 6th ring, ratings should have been through the roof.

Yet they were horrible. This is the first Super Bowl I didn’t watch one snap. I apparently was the only one. Football will never be the same to me and millions of others like me.

Fuck the NFL!

Super Bowl on NBC is lowest rated in 8 years

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Its ratings were the lowest since 2009. I forget what I figured, they were down by 7 or 9% from last year. Clearly, the NFL has hurt itself, from all of the stupid rules, players who won't salute the flag, jackass Roger Goodell, players like Ray Lewis who punched out his wife in an elevator in front of a camera, then gets an award while Brady gets suspended for a soft ball no one can prove he had anything to do with. People are fed up with the crap. We are tired of whining cry babies who make 40 million a year for 4-5 months work then bitch. We want our gladiatorial sport back with bone-crushing hits by guys that can both deliver it and TAKE it. I watched the game, but not in any way that can be tracked to add to the ratings. I still like the sport and teams, but I no longer support the NFL.

That was Ray Rice, not Ray Lewis. Ray Rice has been black-balled from the NFL.

You're right --- Ray Lewis was the one involved in murder. Definitely a high quality, Hall of Fame, kind of guy.

Murder, assault, its hard to keep all the thugs of the NFL apart. I just checked again and it seems Lewis was just nominated to football HOF. So much for high standards.

Hey...OJ is in the HOF
They were a little over 100 million! That is horrible. With the snow and cold gripping the country and nothing else on, not to mention the excitement around Brady going for his 6th ring, ratings should have been through the roof.

Yet they were horrible. This is the first Super Bowl I didn’t watch one snap. I apparently was the only one. Football will never be the same to me and millions of others like me.

Fuck the NFL!

Super Bowl on NBC is lowest rated in 8 years

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Too bad

They missed a great game

It was a good game... went down to the wire.
I watched. It was a good game. My guess is people are just tired of seeing New England.

That is because you are dishonest liberal. Many people wanted to see Brady go for 6.

If you were honest if was because of the disrespect to our flag and fallen soldiers!

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They were a little over 100 million! That is horrible. With the snow and cold gripping the country and nothing else on, not to mention the excitement around Brady going for his 6th ring, ratings should have been through the roof.

Yet they were horrible. This is the first Super Bowl I didn’t watch one snap. I apparently was the only one. Football will never be the same to me and millions of others like me.

Fuck the NFL!

Super Bowl on NBC is lowest rated in 8 years

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Why do you care what the ratings were?

You can't enjoy the game unless everyone in America is watching?

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Nope I cherish the backlash against the antiAmerican NFL!

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They were a little over 100 million! That is horrible. With the snow and cold gripping the country and nothing else on, not to mention the excitement around Brady going for his 6th ring, ratings should have been through the roof.

Yet they were horrible. This is the first Super Bowl I didn’t watch one snap. I apparently was the only one. Football will never be the same to me and millions of others like me.

Fuck the NFL!

Super Bowl on NBC is lowest rated in 8 years

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Once AGAIN --- two things about "ratings", number one, they have been in steady decline for ALL sports across the board (MLB, NBA, NFL, NHL and even though it's not a sport, NASCAR) as well as for TV in general as millions disconnect from the traditional broadcast (as I did years ago) because we have OTHER OPTIONS. F'rinstance I watched the whole game --- which I don't normally do unless I have a team in it ---- with no TV service at all. As did who knows how many others via Hulu, YouTube, etc.

And number two, the function of ratings is to set advertising rates. That's it. Unless you're either buying or selling commercial time on that broadcast, they have no meaning. What they measure is attention, not any kind of "accord" with what they're watching. And given the multitudinous options available to everybody, that attention number really can't be measured. Only a piece of it can, and it's a diminishing share of the whole. That's why TV ratings are in multi-year declines for baseball, football, basketball, hockey, any sport you like. Because technology.

So nice try at cherrypicking, but we've done this already. Many times.
NBA TV Ratings Continue to Rise as 2018 Starts - Sports Media Watch

Nice try
ratings for ALL TV sports have been in decline for years, while ratings for streaming have steadily increased.

Asshole, whether you watch the game on TV or streaming through the internet, it ALL counts towards the ratings! Unless you have a way and device to see it that gets around that. The more you talk, the bigger an ignorant ass you make of yourself.

Apparently you don't know how TV ratings work. Streaming isn't counted in it. I already posted about that ---- TV watching is going down while streaming is going up. Everybody knows that. TV knows it, Netflix knows it, Hulu knows it pro sports, who provide their own streaming resources, know it too.
I watched. It was a good game. My guess is people are just tired of seeing New England.

Yeah we took care of that though.
Out wit the old, in wit the new, get used to the green 'cuz it's the new blue.

Oh please.

Just tell me this.

Who da champeens? :5_1_12024:

To be fair, since I on;y watch the Stupor Bowl if I'm invested in one of its teams, the last one I watched was the Saints over the Colts. Won that one too. I still have a memento on my kitchen wall from it.

Boudreaux gave it to me. :D

Philly for sure, and I rooted for them. My point is that there have been very few teams that have pulled off multiple Superbowl wins. But hey, I'm happy for you guys. Kinda disappointing though with all the shenanigans that followed... kinda classless.

I don't know what that means but considering management has put together a solid team package that's so solid up and down the roster that it can run its backup QB and still knock off Brady and the Pats, I'm saying this is just the beginning. Take dat to da bank.
ratings for ALL TV sports have been in decline for years, while ratings for streaming have steadily increased.

Asshole, whether you watch the game on TV or streaming through the internet, it ALL counts towards the ratings! Unless you have a way and device to see it that gets around that. The more you talk, the bigger an ignorant ass you make of yourself.

Apparently you don't know how TV ratings work. Streaming isn't counted in it. I already posted about that ---- TV watching is going down while streaming is going up. Everybody knows that. TV knows it, Netflix knows it, Hulu knows it pro sports, who provide their own streaming resources, know it too.

Sure, right, I spent a large part of my life as a network and telecom engineer for the biggest telecom company in the world and you know more. You really think whoever sells you their streaming service doesn't collect data on you and what you watch? You don't think the NFL doesn't want to know where their audience is? You are even dumber than I thought and have no idea how advertising, marketing and pricing works. If there is one SURE way of getting your head counted, it is plugging in through the internet.
They were a little over 100 million! That is horrible. With the snow and cold gripping the country and nothing else on, not to mention the excitement around Brady going for his 6th ring, ratings should have been through the roof.

Yet they were horrible. This is the first Super Bowl I didn’t watch one snap. I apparently was the only one. Football will never be the same to me and millions of others like me.

Fuck the NFL!

Super Bowl on NBC is lowest rated in 8 years

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Once AGAIN --- two things about "ratings", number one, they have been in steady decline for ALL sports across the board (MLB, NBA, NFL, NHL and even though it's not a sport, NASCAR) as well as for TV in general as millions disconnect from the traditional broadcast (as I did years ago) because we have OTHER OPTIONS. F'rinstance I watched the whole game --- which I don't normally do unless I have a team in it ---- with no TV service at all. As did who knows how many others via Hulu, YouTube, etc.

And number two, the function of ratings is to set advertising rates. That's it. Unless you're either buying or selling commercial time on that broadcast, they have no meaning. What they measure is attention, not any kind of "accord" with what they're watching. And given the multitudinous options available to everybody, that attention number really can't be measured. Only a piece of it can, and it's a diminishing share of the whole. That's why TV ratings are in multi-year declines for baseball, football, basketball, hockey, any sport you like. Because technology.

So nice try at cherrypicking, but we've done this already. Many times.
NBA TV Ratings Continue to Rise as 2018 Starts - Sports Media Watch

Nice try

*ANY* seasonal sport will snowball its interest level as its season develops versus where it started that season. That's just common sense. It's also why this board's bogus arguments about trying to tie the NFL into politics (while claiming to want exactly the opposite) ARE bogus, as they tried to cite equally bogus "lagging" attendance at September games --- the beginning of the football season at the same time baseball was reaching its climax.

But overall, big picture, yes all TV sport --- and all TV in general --- is in ratings decline. Want a link? Here ya go, from six weeks ago:

>> But the NFL isn’t the only league to take ratings hits this year. NASCAR’s audience has been getting pared down over the last decade, reaching a stunningly low level in 2017. College football also slid back a bit in 2017. MLB and NBA ratings stagnated on local RSNs this season, and the results on a national level were a mixed bag (though both the World Series and Finals shined in 2017). The NHL took a hit in half of its American markets, and also on a national level for NBC. The Premier League took a step backwards on NBC after seeing positive growth following its switch to the peacock in 2013-14. USMNT matches were down 15% as well amidst an absolutely disastrous year on the pitch. <<​

I count pro and college football, baseball, basketball, hockey, soccer and English football all in decline, as well as NASCAR.

From later on that same page, analyzing why this is:

>> We’re also going to learn more about viewing habits about consumers in 2018. Gone are the days where watching live on TV is the sole option for consuming sports – fans often stream games on devices and watch them at bars, two areas that Nielsen is frantically trying to measure accurately. If they’re able to do that, maybe networks can take some solace in the fact that the ratings decreases in many sports aren’t as drastic as they once assumed.

There is no one answer for *why* ratings are dropping. Every sport and every network has a different batch of reasons. But with more options to occupy fans’ times than ever before, leagues and networks cannot take their viewers for granted. These aren’t the days where viewers only have three networks to watch. If someone doesn’t watch to watch what is on for *whatever* reason, they have a near-endless amount of options, from on-demand streaming content to oodles of live networks, not to mention non-TV/movie content. <<​

There's another comparison you need for this context, and that is this, from an analysis last November::

  • After 7 weeks of the NFL regular season, the league's ratings are down just 5 percent from 2016. NFL games have averaged 15.1 million viewers per TV window through Week 7 in 2017, compared to 15.9 million viewers in 2016.
  • However, according to data cited in this CNN Media article, ratings at the four major networks are down an average 8% in prime time. NBC is down 4%, CBS is down 6%, ABC is down 11%, and Fox's prime time viewership dropped 20% through the first month of the new TV season, according to Nielsen data. And those numbers are down despite the inclusion of live sporting events.
  • In short, if you calculated the networks' ratings excluding NFL games, their ratings declines would be even more pronounced relative to NFL games.
Long story short, comparatively, NFL ratings are still stronger than other programming offered by the networks. --- Forbes
--- so just as I said, *ALL* TV ratings are in decline. If you've ever heard of Hulu or Netflix or YouTube or a slew of other similar services, and/or if you subscribe to a pro sports stream package like I do, then you have an idea why that is.

So with the TV sports declining in general, and with the NFL's part of that decline taking less of a hit than non-sports TV, the point of cherrypicking to rationalize a bogus point is proven.

/spikes ball, does goofy dance
Last edited:
ratings for ALL TV sports have been in decline for years, while ratings for streaming have steadily increased.

Asshole, whether you watch the game on TV or streaming through the internet, it ALL counts towards the ratings! Unless you have a way and device to see it that gets around that. The more you talk, the bigger an ignorant ass you make of yourself.

Apparently you don't know how TV ratings work. Streaming isn't counted in it. I already posted about that ---- TV watching is going down while streaming is going up. Everybody knows that. TV knows it, Netflix knows it, Hulu knows it pro sports, who provide their own streaming resources, know it too.

Sure, right, I spent a large part of my life as a network and telecom engineer for the biggest telecom company in the world and you know more. You really think whoever sells you their streaming service doesn't collect data on you and what you watch? You don't think the NFL doesn't want to know where their audience is? You are even dumber than I thought and have no idea how advertising, marketing and pricing works. If there is one SURE way of getting your head counted, it is plugging in through the internet.

I'm sure my streaming is tallied. But it's NOT tallied in TV ratings because that's not what Nielsen does.
I told you this twice already.
You realize the season started with a boycott on behalf of the treatment of Colin Kapernic .
I watched. It was a good game. My guess is people are just tired of seeing New England.

That is because you are dishonest liberal. Many people wanted to see Brady go for 6.

If you were honest if was because of the disrespect to our flag and fallen soldiers!

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Nothing in this or any NFL game has jack cheese to do with "fallen soldiers".
That's your butthurt talking.
ratings for ALL TV sports have been in decline for years, while ratings for streaming have steadily increased.

Asshole, whether you watch the game on TV or streaming through the internet, it ALL counts towards the ratings! Unless you have a way and device to see it that gets around that. The more you talk, the bigger an ignorant ass you make of yourself.

Apparently you don't know how TV ratings work. Streaming isn't counted in it. I already posted about that ---- TV watching is going down while streaming is going up. Everybody knows that. TV knows it, Netflix knows it, Hulu knows it pro sports, who provide their own streaming resources, know it too.

Sure, right, I spent a large part of my life as a network and telecom engineer for the biggest telecom company in the world and you know more. You really think whoever sells you their streaming service doesn't collect data on you and what you watch? You don't think the NFL doesn't want to know where their audience is? You are even dumber than I thought and have no idea how advertising, marketing and pricing works. If there is one SURE way of getting your head counted, it is plugging in through the internet.
Who said anything about buying a streaming service?

Not that I would have watched the game or know anything about that kind of stuff.

They were a little over 100 million! That is horrible. With the snow and cold gripping the country and nothing else on, not to mention the excitement around Brady going for his 6th ring, ratings should have been through the roof.

Yet they were horrible. This is the first Super Bowl I didn’t watch one snap. I apparently was the only one. Football will never be the same to me and millions of others like me.

Fuck the NFL!

Super Bowl on NBC is lowest rated in 8 years

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Its ratings were the lowest since 2009. I forget what I figured, they were down by 7 or 9% from last year. Clearly, the NFL has hurt itself, from all of the stupid rules, players who won't salute the flag, jackass Roger Goodell, players like Ray Lewis who punched out his wife in an elevator in front of a camera, then gets an award while Brady gets suspended for a soft ball no one can prove he had anything to do with. People are fed up with the crap. We are tired of whining cry babies who make 40 million a year for 4-5 months work then bitch. We want our gladiatorial sport back with bone-crushing hits by guys that can both deliver it and TAKE it. I watched the game, but not in any way that can be tracked to add to the ratings. I still like the sport and teams, but I no longer support the NFL.

That was Ray Rice, not Ray Lewis. Ray Rice has been black-balled from the NFL.

You're right --- Ray Lewis was the one involved in murder. Definitely a high quality, Hall of Fame, kind of guy.

Murder, assault, its hard to keep all the thugs of the NFL apart. I just checked again and it seems Lewis was just nominated to football HOF. So much for high standards.

Ray Lewis didn't murder anyone. He was guilty of obstruction of justice which he admitted to and paid his time. But, why let facts stand in the way of a good debate with fellow ignorant board members.

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