

Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
superdelegates are like super hero action figures for the democrats:

A "superdelegate" or an "unpledged delegate" is a delegate to the Democratic National Convention or Republican National Convention that is seated automatically, based on their status as current (Republican and Democratic) or former (Democratic only) party leader or elected official. Other superdelegates are chosen during the primary season. Democratic superdelegates are free to support any candidate for the nomination. This contrasts with convention delegates that are selected based on the party primaries and caucuses in each U.S. state, in which voters choose among candidates for the party's presidential nomination.

Although "superdelegate" was originally coined and created to describe this type of Democratic delegate, the term has become widely used to describe these delegates in both parties,[1] even though it is not an official term used by either party.

For Democrats, superdelegates fall into two categories:

  • delegates seated based on other positions they hold, who are formally described (in Rule 9.A) as "unpledged party leader and elected official delegates"[2](unpledged PLEO delegates); and
  • additional unpledged delegates selected by each state party (in a fixed predetermined number), who are formally described (in Rule 9.B) as "unpledged add-on delegates" and who need not hold any party or elected position before their selection as delegates.[2]
For Republicans, there are generally 3 unpledged delegates in each state, consisting of the state chairman and two RNC committee members. However, according to the RNC communications director Sean Spicer, convention rules obligate those RNC members to vote according to the result of primary elections held in their states. [3]

A common criticism is that unpledged delegates could potentially swing the results to nominate a candidate that did not receive the majority of votes during the primaries.

watch for DWS to start changing things around. if i was in a union and conservative i'd be pissed, how they spend my dues.


btw, beyonce sucks. all that music is canned you know, it's the half value two for one millie vanilli halftime show.
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It's how both parties can control who becomes the nomination for President.

It is the parties that decide who is desirable or undesirable to run or not.
GOP rules allow for ... 'superdelegates,' with more than half of state parties exercising the option to make their chairman, national committeewoman and national committeeman automatic delegates," Republican strategist and Bush official Karl Rove wrote last year. "These uncommitted delegates, 210 in all, could be the most fluid force in the convention if no candidate has locked in victory."

superdelegates are like a hammer between the eyes to Republicans...

the stupid op deserves one btw ..
IOW, it's a way to rig the system.

It's like I have been telling all you noobs here at USMB.

Democracy is an illusion. You have no control.
Get it through your heads people, both parties have it rigged and this needs to change.
Dems are even worse that Repubs but both have rigged it.
"GOP rules allow for ... 'superdelegates,' with more than half of state parties exercising the option to make their chairman, national committeewoman and national committeeman automatic delegates," Republican strategist and Bush official Karl Rove wrote last year. "These uncommitted delegates, 210 in all, could be the most fluid force in the convention if no candidate has locked in victory."

He is referring to members of the Republican National Committee, the party's governing body. Each state comes with one committeeman and one committeewoman, in addition to all state party chairs. Party rules also allocate three to Guam, Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands.

Can GOP 'superdelegates' stop Trump?
GOP rules allow for ... 'superdelegates,' with more than half of state parties exercising the option to make their chairman, national committeewoman and national committeeman automatic delegates," Republican strategist and Bush official Karl Rove wrote last year. "These uncommitted delegates, 210 in all, could be the most fluid force in the convention if no candidate has locked in victory."

superdelegates are like a hammer between the eyes to Republicans...

the stupid op deserves one btw ..
In the Republican Party there are only "super delegates" IF nobody has won enough delegates to secure the nomination.
IOW, it's a way to rig the system.

It's like I have been telling all you noobs here at USMB.

Democracy is an illusion. You have no control.

When we were a Republic the Constitution works, we the people were in control.
It has been changed to a Democracy and now it is not working and the elites in both parties are now in control.
It's how both parties can control who becomes the nomination for President.

It is the parties that decide who is desirable or undesirable to run or not.
Nope. Republicans don't have super delegates.

Yes they do in a way. They just do it differently.
All delegates to the Republican National Convention are elected in state primaries. The Democrats have "super delegates", who are mostly elected officials who are free to cast their ballots for any candidate they choose.
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It's how both parties can control who becomes the nomination for President.

It is the parties that decide who is desirable or undesirable to run or not.
Nope. Republicans don't have super delegates.

I posted a thread above yours saying they do .. Rove ring a bell ?....dial back your ignorance a tad.
You posted a thread? No, dumb fuck, you posted a post. That's why it's called a "post", you are posting in a "thread". And you were too stupid to find the relevant content so you expected others to do it for you.
It's how both parties can control who becomes the nomination for President. It is the parties that decide who is desirable or undesirable to run or not.
Nope. Republicans don't have super delegates.
Bullshit. Read the cite in the OP or provide us with proof of your statement.
He didn't post any content so I can't read it and your ignorance isn't my problem.
If you're going to just lie about something that easily debunked, ignorance isn't strong enough to describe your level of imbecility. I guess 'useless troll' would come the closest.
Hillary won the popular vote in her party last go round but lost the election.

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