Supericilous Emmanuel Macron:France stands ready to replace the United States as leader of the world

I'm not going to watch those. A better source? In english?
i'm not gonna give you those. any other questions? without you complaining?
It was a request. And no. I'm not interested in your twisting of other people's words.
he said it verbatum. just because you dont believe it because it doesnt fit your sick worldview isnt my problem. whatever helps ya sleep at night, bro.
Oh yeah? What about the context?
I'm not going to watch those. A better source? In english?
i'm not gonna give you those. any other questions? without you complaining?
It was a request. And no. I'm not interested in your twisting of other people's words.
he said it verbatum. just because you dont believe it because it doesnt fit your sick worldview isnt my problem. whatever helps ya sleep at night, bro.
Oh yeah? What about the context?
context schmontext
I'm not going to watch those. A better source? In english?
i'm not gonna give you those. any other questions? without you complaining?
It was a request. And no. I'm not interested in your twisting of other people's words.
he said it verbatum. just because you dont believe it because it doesnt fit your sick worldview isnt my problem. whatever helps ya sleep at night, bro.
Oh yeah? What about the context?
context schmontext
Not the kind you want to mention.
Didn't France used to be relevant? I mean, before they got conquered by Hitler with barely a shot fired.
Poland fought like hell, and they were invaded from both sides, at least they tried.
France is over run with members of the death cult.

Hell the death cult shot down over a hundred Parisians a few years ago.

I doubt they could lead people out of a wet paper bag. Never mind lead the world.
A lot of people have a lot to say about something they don't know a lot about.
The French Army was over by the Channel saving the English army's ass when the Germans came through the Ardennes. It was by trying to work in cooperation with the Brits that they were outflanked. They fought as best they could.
But, facts never bother those predisposed to their trite prejudices.
France is being overwhelmed by and submerged into Islam It is islam that would replace all of world leadership with itself.

Funny after TRUMP defeated Hillary becoming POTUS liberals claim Merkel was the most powerful person in the world...I guess that didn't work out. :eusa_think:
it is movements and parties of the extreme right, along with liberal "Extreme center" such as Macron's en marche, that are leading the populist revolt, far outweighing the movements and parties of the left in terms of voting strength and opinion-shaping.

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