Superior Culture?

No, but I know they seem to enjoy sex just as much as the next guy. But don't let your prejudice get in your way.

so then you dont know the comparative experience in sexual gratification between an uncircumcised and circumcised man.

tall me more about prejudice, ravikins.
Before it was Muslim it was something else. They were doing it way back before the Christians and probably even before the Jews.

So they feel the need to match in time or what? What IS your point, that it's ok?
You're still speaking from a man's point of view. I don't think I would enjoy sex as much missing that part covering my clitoris. I'm sensitive enough as it is. But if any woman says she happy that way, I'm sure she is. But do you think it should be done to children? Shouldn't it be a personal choice?
For the boys it is a religious requirement and that isn't going to change.

But for the girls it a purely a cultural issue and is subject to the laws of that

As a male it was done as an infant. So thankfully I don't remember!

If I had to have it done as an adult. I might chicken out!!! :eek:
Because male circumcision doesn't utterly destroy a man's capacity to orgasm the way that excising a clitoris does for about 80% of the women who are circumcised.

to be fair though quite a few of you women cant seem to achieve an orgasm WITH a clitoris anyway. I could pull a stat from out of thin air if you'd like.
to be honest, i'm quite glad im not sporting the ole turtleneck. but I think there is a point to me made about how accepting our culture is for little boys to have their dicks cut on versus cultures that have the same kind of genital mutilation for gals. There is a similar debate about sexual gratification for those who are snipped and those who are not.

I think it should also be considered that women go have reconstructive surgeries on the ole vajayjay these days.. up to and including labia reconstruction. Im not defending FC, and removing the clitoris is just plain fucked up, but who is to say that im not missing out just because our culture is a big fan of male circumcision.

Good point about the reconstructive surgeries. But they are done by choice on grown women.
Most men I've known were happy to be the way they are, thankfully. I did overhear a conversation once with a guy who was going to get cut. He had some complaint about his parents not doing it. I sure hope he was finally happy after.
to be honest, i'm quite glad im not sporting the ole turtleneck.

I had never been with a man who was uncircumcized until a couple of years ago. It was interesting. I liked it, but the guy explained to me that he had experienced phimosis on his foreskin, and then we had to work around the possibility of injuring him again. It kind of killed the joy for me. I can only imagine what a pain in the arse it must be to live with that.
Having had sex with a couple of men in my day (wink), I'd say that it never seems to have impaired their pleasure in sex, or ability to orgasm easily. If anything, I've found that the circumcized men I've been with had an easier time of it than the uncircumcized men, who sometimes have issues with pulling, scarring or tearing.

I hate to break it to you but a guy will probably act like he found a golden willy wonka ticket at the prospect of sex even if his dick has been replaced with a piece of brick. You can't assume that both experiences are similar just because the dudes you've known intimately wag their tails at the first whiff.

just sayin.
Pray tell. Are you now going through the doors of child abuse, meaning parents that burn, scald, torture their children? Equating those sadists with those that profess to be practicing their faith?

If I had clue as to what you were saying I might know how to respond.
A clitorectomy is not a religious act. If you want to claim it is then you can't say only Muslims do it for religion, cuz as you well know by now, Christians do it too. Jews as well. Yes, there are Ethiopean Jews.
Uncircumcised men are very prone to various infections.

One friend I worked with had them so frequently that at age 35 he had to have the surgery performed on him.

He was out of work for quite awhile. Man that had to be painful!!! :eek:
Pray tell. Are you now going through the doors of child abuse, meaning parents that burn, scald, torture their children? Equating those sadists with those that profess to be practicing their faith?

Oh maybe you are defending American Christian child abusers. Who knows. All that is clear is that you have it out for Muslims.
Good point about the reconstructive surgeries. But they are done by choice on grown women.
Most men I've known were happy to be the way they are, thankfully. I did overhear a conversation once with a guy who was going to get cut. He had some complaint about his parents not doing it. I sure hope he was finally happy after.

that being said, there is no fucking way i'd get a circumcision as an adult.

no. fucking. way.
Interesting article
Central to her thesis is the fact that women do not routinely have orgasms during sexual intercourse.

She analyzed 32 studies, conducted over 74 years, of the frequency of female orgasm during intercourse.

When intercourse was "unassisted," that is not accompanied by stimulation of the clitoris, just a quarter of the women studied experienced orgasms often or very often during intercourse, she found.

Five to 10 percent never had orgasms. Yet many of the women became pregnant.

Dr. Lloyd's figures are lower than those of Dr. Alfred A. Kinsey, who in his 1953 book "Sexual Behavior in the Human Female" found that 39 to 47 percent of women reported that they always, or almost always, had orgasm during intercourse.

But Kinsey, Dr. Lloyd said, included orgasms assisted by clitoral stimulation.
I had never been with a man who was uncircumcized until a couple of years ago. It was interesting. I liked it, but the guy explained to me that he had experienced phimosis on his foreskin, and then we had to work around the possibility of injuring him again. It kind of killed the joy for me. I can only imagine what a pain in the arse it must be to live with that.

oh im sure. then again, how many gals have you known to get their clitoral hoods pierces? I had a gf in college with a pierced clit and, to be honest, I was scared shitless that i'd accidentally rip it out.
So they feel the need to match in time or what? What IS your point, that it's ok?

That it predates all three Judeo Christian religions. It's not part of religion. Not a religious ritual except for Jewish males, I don't know if Muslim men are required to be circumcised by Muslim law.

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