Superior Culture?

I had never been with a man who was uncircumcized until a couple of years ago. It was interesting. I liked it, but the guy explained to me that he had experienced phimosis on his foreskin, and then we had to work around the possibility of injuring him again. It kind of killed the joy for me. I can only imagine what a pain in the arse it must be to live with that.

not something that is very common and easily remedied..with no future concerns of injury..
That it predates all three Judeo Christian religions. It's not part of religion. Not a religious ritual except for Jewish males, I don't know if Muslim men are required to be circumcised by Muslim law.

Wow, backing up to the nth degree! :eek: kudos on that one.

In other words:
We don't know where it starts, somewhere before history, prehistory that is. That both Muslims and Jews require male circumcision, well we don't know that, why or how, because it's prehistory. Well we know it's required, but not sure to degree or something.

Drop it now, even though it was myself that brought it up, I didn't know what I was talking about.​

That it predates all three Judeo Christian religions. It's not part of religion. Not a religious ritual except for Jewish males, I don't know if Muslim men are required to be circumcised by Muslim law.
Muslim men are 100% required to be circumcised by Islamic Law and the Quran. Same as the Jews. Both are following the the Abrahamic Covenent
Wow, backing up to the nth degree! :eek: kudos on that one.

In other words:
We don't know where it starts, somewhere before history, prehistory that is. That both Muslims and Jews require male circumcision, well we don't know that, why or how, because it's prehistory. Well we know it's required, but not sure to degree or something.

Drop it now, even though it was myself that brought it up, I didn't know what I was talking about.​


No more martinis for you, Annie.
touche. again, my pony in this race is not to defend FC so much as to ponder why the gender based double standard.

Well you should be clear about the difference between FC and clitorectomy cuz people are getting it mixed up.
I do see your points. If it was done on female infants, FC, only, I suppose it wouldn't make much difference to people if it was something they were used to.

There is a double standard. But more and more people nowadays are opposed to circumcision for either sex now that the medical establishment had come out against it for boys.
Muslim men are 100% required to be circumcised by Islamic Law and the Quran. Same as the Jews. Both are following the the Abrahamic Covenent

Thanks, I thought it was something like that. Is there a special ritual for Muslim boys?
Thanks, I thought it was something like that. Is there a special ritual for Muslim boys?

I think already Sunni said it happened as an infant, he doesn't remember.

Difference from women where pleasure may or may not be removed, it happens after the onset of menses.
Well you should be clear about the difference between FC and clitorectomy cuz people are getting it mixed up.
I do see your points. If it was done on female infants, FC, only, I suppose it wouldn't make much difference to people if it was something they were used to.

There is a double standard. But more and more people nowadays are opposed to circumcision for either sex now that the medical establishment had come out against it for boys.

so it's settled then. none of our kids will get the knife.

Some people can identify a defining moment in their childhood - an incident that brings an idea to mind which is then indelibly fixed in the psyche. For Gelding - an adopted alias for the American internet guru to all wanna-be eunuchs - that moment came when he was 12 years old and thrown against an older boy in a packed bus. "Do that again and I'll crush 'em," said the older boy, grabbing his genitals. The pain was as piercing as the pleasure. And so began a lifetime's quest to be castrated.
In the UK, self-motivated castration mainly exists only in the most extreme S&M scene, while in America those aspiring to be castrated comprise a burgeoning and divergent tribe made up of both gay and straight men. Men who want to be castrated fit no stereotype, have no common neuroses or childhood experience. Some are androgynous types (thin and underdeveloped) who want to remain in a prepubescent, asexual phase, others are eroto-phobes who don't like to feel driven by their libidos and want to become surgically tranquillised. Some want to be feminised, a few - known as nullos or smoothies - want to become nullified by having their penis removed along with their testicles.

The final cut | From the Guardian | The Guardian
I think already Sunni said it happened as an infant, he doesn't remember.

Difference from women where pleasure may or may not be removed, it happens after the onset of menses.

He was not born a Muslim.
Some people can identify a defining moment in their childhood - an incident that brings an idea to mind which is then indelibly fixed in the psyche. For Gelding - an adopted alias for the American internet guru to all wanna-be eunuchs - that moment came when he was 12 years old and thrown against an older boy in a packed bus. "Do that again and I'll crush 'em," said the older boy, grabbing his genitals. The pain was as piercing as the pleasure. And so began a lifetime's quest to be castrated.
In the UK, self-motivated castration mainly exists only in the most extreme S&M scene, while in America those aspiring to be castrated comprise a burgeoning and divergent tribe made up of both gay and straight men. Men who want to be castrated fit no stereotype, have no common neuroses or childhood experience. Some are androgynous types (thin and underdeveloped) who want to remain in a prepubescent, asexual phase, others are eroto-phobes who don't like to feel driven by their libidos and want to become surgically tranquillised. Some want to be feminised, a few - known as nullos or smoothies - want to become nullified by having their penis removed along with their testicles.

The final cut | From the Guardian | The Guardian
interesting but this conversation is starting to get to me. :eek:
So, in your book, no culture is ever superior?

Depending on what you mean by superior, of course some cultures are superior...dpending on how YOU define superior

All cultures are morally equivalent?

Cultures are morally different not equivalent. Who gets to decide what makes a culture moral?

From the perspective of the members of a culture, theirs is morally superior to others.

For instance, a culture that believes that gays should be killed for their "sins" and that women should be mutilated is just as good as a culture that peacefully tolerates all faiths?

Just as good to whom? You? Me? Sunni?

The question betrays a bias, I suspect.

A bias being that one must that think someone gets to be the final arbitor of any culture's goodness.

We can decide the cultures sucks or is golden in our opinions, but our standards, but there is no mathematical formula to decide which cultures is superior.

Some of them are clearly better warrior cultures than others.

Shall we use that metric for deciding which are moral and which are superior?

See my point?

What do those words superior or moral mean in relation to judging cultures?

Define your terms.

What makes a culture "superior"?

What makes a culture "moral"?
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Depending on what you mean by superior, of course some cultures are superior...dpending on how YOU define superior

Cultures are morally different not equivalent. Who gets to decide what makes a culture moral?

From the perspective of the members of a culture, theirs is morally superior to others.

Just as good to whom? You? Me? Sunni?

The question betrays a bias, I suspect.

A bias being that one must that think someone gets to be the final arbitor of any culture's goodness.

We can decide the cultures sucks or is golden in our opinions, but our standards, but there is no mathematical formula to decide which cultures is superior.

Some of them are clearly better warrior cultures than others.

Shall we use that metric for deciding which are moral and which are superior?

See my point?

What do those words superior or moral mean in relation to judging cultures?

Define your terms.

What makes a culture "superior"?

What makes a culture "moral"?

I've not a clue to 'who' decides, but myself. I'm for the civilization that allows for economic, social, personal growth. I'm for the system that pushes for education for all, regardless of class, sex, race or religion. I'm for the civilization that says a Jew, Black, Hispanic, White, Christian, Moslem what have you can rule. Which civilization/society comes most close?

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