Superior Culture?

Well, the prejudice you expereince as a German in the Netherlands is actually fairly funny, we are the evil militaristic Bratwurst Destroyers and they are the guys who have a Dope-Propelled Airforce.
More of a soccer rivalry today. Besides, all European rivalries subside once you start bitching about America.
Incidently, the Dutch national soccer team wears orange, which is also what Trash removing services wear in Germany.
There are 2 and a half countries were one gets serious prejudice problems as a German, Israel, Poland and parts of the USA. With Israel and Poland one can expect what to get, in the USA its totally random. Everything from "Oh you are from Germany? I have German heritage!" (quite often) too "Ahhh, a fascist-communist-Nazi-Weasel!" (just once, and that guy was braindead)



LOL!! m'peon, I can't wait to point that out to my Dutch friend's that sanitation workers in DDR wear orange. A German friend of mine once asked me why I chose to study Dutch instead of German seeing as Dutch, as he put it, is not really a language, just a mish mash of bad French, bad English and very bad German.
Isn't it odd that this man states the obvious yet has a huge amount of people against him.

This is because a lot of people subscribe to the belief that "Being nice is the most important thing in the world", and the truth is under no obligation to be nice. It just has to be true.
This is because a lot of people subscribe to the belief that "Being nice is the most important thing in the world", and the truth is under no obligation to be nice. It just has to be true.

Sometimes it's the lone voice in the wilderness...
I think the problem with superiority claims is that it is always relative. Superior to whom?

Most religious traditions teach that their own path is superior to others and make claims to back up the assertion. Buddhism is unique....blah, blah, blah and Christianity blah, blah and Islam blah, blah, blah.

Buddhism is a superior path FOR BUDDHISTS--not for Christians, Jews, Muslims, atheists, Hindus, Jains, agnostics, rational humanists etc.

EVERY life choice comes with the assumption that it is superior to all other available choices. Why on Earth would anyone say, "I think that I shall hold this belief and live my life in this fashion, although it really sort of sucks and quite possibly isn't a good idea"?
EVERY life choice comes with the assumption that it is superior to all other available choices. Why on Earth would anyone say, "I think that I shall hold this belief and live my life in this fashion, although it really sort of sucks and quite possibly isn't a good idea"?

Kind of what Obama has been doing since 'elected'? I mean with his choices and changes?

Two future Empress Know-It-Alls going at each other. Will the nice talk last? How long does it take for Jello to set?
Perfectly resonable for you and I to think that those traits makes the best, most superior, the most moral culture, Annie.

After all those are lies we tell ourselves that we live up to which make us think our culture is superior to others.

But to someone from another culture, many of those ideas are simply ghastly.

Who are you or I to tell them they are wrong?

My point here isn't to get into a debate about why our culture is superior, so much as it is to explain to you that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

If you think they are lies, why do you tell them to yourself?

You should really learn the difference between "lies" and "opinions". Cultural superiority is strictly a matter of opinion, based on one's own criteria, and all the gentleman quoted in the OP was saying is that it should be perfectly okay to hold and express such an opinion.
No, not period.

Those words suggest that we should do something ABOUT those who are intolerant of our way of life.

Tell me, what should we do?

Invade their countries and bomb them into becoming secular humanists?

Tell them to turn around and go back to wherever they came from.
Kind of what Obama has been doing since 'elected'? I mean with his choices and changes?

If Obama holds an actual solid, immutable belief other than the fact that he's God's gift - you should excuse the expression - to humanity, I have yet to figure out what it is.
If Obama holds an actual solid, immutable belief other than the fact that he's God's gift - you should excuse the expression - to humanity, I have yet to figure out what it is.
If Cecilie1200 holds an actual solid, immutable belief other than the fact that she's God's gift - you should excuse the expression - to humanity, I have yet to figure out what it is.
Here's the deal, if they disagree with those Western Values, they should not be migrating to Holland, US, UK, etc. Seriously, if they indeed find our values 'ghastly' as being tolerant of gays, etc., they should stay where they will not find those challenges.

BTW, I still think our culture is superior. :lol:

No argument from me on that point.

SAdly the gate is open and those cows are already in the corn.
No, not period.

Those words suggest that we should do something ABOUT those who are intolerant of our way of life.

Tell me, what should we do?

Invade their countries and bomb them into becoming secular humanists?

I think that what is required in this era are the same tactics that were required to address South Africa in the 1980s. The civilized world must stand together and say, "this behavior is unacceptable."

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