Superior Culture?

Refuse to participate in democracy?
Talking out your ass again?
The Netherlands has elected and appointed several Muslim officials. How many here in the US?

We have two muslim members of congress. Muslims in the Netherlands represent a significantly larger share of the population than they do in the U.S. I suspect that as the share of Muslims in the U.S. increases, more muslims will be elected.

Perhaps you, Anguille, should do your homework, however, before ASS-uming that it is impossible to be elected to higher office as an Islamic in the U.S.

Speaking of talking out one's ass....
No argument from me on that point.

SAdly the gate is open and those cows are already in the corn.

Many of those poor and bitter immigrants are emigrating to countries to which their own countries were former colonies.
Me too.

But as you and I both recognize, our choices are entirely subjective.

Some of this is subjective, on that we agree. On the other hand, do you believe that all human beings are endowed with certain inalienable rights? And, if so, what are these basic human rights? I would tend to stick with the bill of rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If this is the case, do Islamic nations provide this for ALL of their citizens? And, if not, does the world have a responsibility to ensure that ALL humans have a chance to have these basic rights fulfilled?

The civilized world banded together to fight apartheid in the 80s. We banded together to fight fascism and naziism in the 1930s and 40s. Are there some actions that we can agree are a clear violation of the human rights to which all humans are entitled, regardless of where in the world they were born?
We have two muslim members of congress. Muslims in the Netherlands represent a significantly larger share of the population than they do in the U.S. I suspect that as the share of Muslims in the U.S. increases, more muslims will be elected.

Perhaps you, Anguille, should do your homework, however, before ASS-uming that it is impossible to be elected to higher office as an Islamic in the U.S.

Speaking of talking out one's ass....

I asked you how many. You assumed I assumed something.
You are the twat who claims Muslims won't participate in democracy.
I asked you how many. You assumed I assumed something.
You are the twat who claims Muslims won't participate in democracy.

Please, stop misinterpreting my posts. My statement was that the overwhelming majority of muslim countries ARE NOT democracies. There is a difference.

And, nice language. You eat pie with that mouth?

p.s. It's creepy when you fixate on my girly parts.
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EVERY life choice comes with the assumption that it is superior to all other available choices. Why on Earth would anyone say, "I think that I shall hold this belief and live my life in this fashion, although it really sort of sucks and quite possibly isn't a good idea"?

Of course, we all hold these beliefs. That does not make any of them absolutely true. Buddhist teachers make a case for the superiority of the Buddhist path. But if someone is a Christian, why would he or she care? Wouldn't it be just as likely that the Christian could make a case for the Christian religion and culture of Christian countries being superior?
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Please, stop misinterpreting my posts. My statement was that the overwhelming majority of muslim countries ARE NOT democracies. There is a difference.

And, nice language. You eat pie with that mouth?

p.s. It's creepy when you fixate on my girly parts.

Here is what you said, dick :

I'm in agreement with the original post. I would say that the culture of the Dutch is superior to that of the fundamentalist Islamics who have migrated there and refuse to be educated, refuse to be tolerant, and refuse to participate in democracy.
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No argument from me on that point.

SAdly the gate is open and those cows are already in the corn.

indeed. and when east meets west, I'm sorry, West wins for mankind, in spite of their clamoring.
indeed. and when east meets west, I'm sorry, West wins for mankind, in spite of their clamoring.


What does that mean? East meet West and West wins. That sounds like a couple of football teams.

Are you saying Western Culture is superior? How so? What is your measurement of value?
Here is what you said, dick :

And, I stand by what I said. There are large numbers of fundamentalist Islamics in the Netherlands who refuse to do all of those things I listed.

p.s. My penis, though large, is totally invisible. It is clearly visible, however, that your insults are sadly lacking, oh breath of a camel's anus. Please exercise greater creativity in the future.
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And, I stand by what I said. There are large numbers of fundamentalist Islamics in the Netherlands who refuse to do all of those things I listed.

p.s. My penis, though large, is totally invisible. It is clearly visible, however, that your insults are sadly lacking, oh breath of a camel's anus. Please exercise greater creativity in the future.

I'm new at this. I don't usually call people names, cuntzmeow.
Hmm. I would personally have no idea. What are breasticles? Ticklish when fondled?
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Of course, we all hold these beliefs. That does not make any of them absolutely true. Buddhist teachers make a case for the superiority of the Buddhist path. But if someone is a Christian, why would he or she care? Wouldn't it be just as likely that the Christian could make a case for the Christian religion and culture of Christian countries being superior?

There's no "absolutely true" involved here. It's an opinion.

And yes, one assumes that anyone who genuinely considers his own culture to be superior could make a case for that belief. It's a sad, sad thing to believe something and be incapable of explaining WHY you believe it.

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