Superior Culture?

There's no "absolutely true" involved here. It's an opinion.

And yes, one assumes that anyone who genuinely considers his own culture to be superior could make a case for that belief. It's a sad, sad thing to believe something and be incapable of explaining WHY you believe it.

What makes you think anyone is incapable of explaining their beliefs? Are you referring to someone in particular?
What makes you think anyone is incapable of explaining their beliefs? Are you referring to someone in particular?

I think she is referring to herself. She wants to tell us she thinks she a gasbag but she doesn't know how. So she acts it out.:lol:
and now for a little superior culture....

I am the God of fuck! I am the God of fuck!
Virgins sold in quantity,... herded by heredity
Red-neck-burn-out-mid-west-mind, who said date rape isn't kind?
Porno-nation, evaluation
What's this time for segregation
Libido, libido fascination, too much oral defecation...

White trash get down on your knees, time for cake and sodomy
White trash get down on your knees, time for cake and sodomy

Vcrs and Vaseline,.. tv-fucked by plastic queens
Cash in hand and dick on screen,.. who said God was ever clean?
Bible-belt round anglo-waste,... putting sinners in their place
Yeah, right,... great ..if you're so good ....then explain the shit stains on your face..

[ame=]YouTube - Marilyn Manson - Cake and Sodomy 1996 at the Bizarre Festiva[/ame]
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No one in particular. Don't you think it would be sad to hold a belief you couldn't articulate clearly?
You wouldn't be making the statement if you didn't think there were people who do not articulate their beliefs clearly. Who are these people?
You wouldn't be making the statement if you didn't think there were people who do not articulate their beliefs clearly. Who are these people?

If you've never personally met someone who was unable to explain why they believe what they believe, then you are fortunate and I congratulate you. I can assure you that they do, in fact, exist.

It was merely a general statement to the effect that such people exist, and that I find it very sad, not a specific insult to anyone actually present at the moment, so perhaps you could try a slightly larger, less constrictive size of panties and quit being so defensive and paranoid. I think we all know that if I had felt the desire to criticize or insult someone, I would have simply done so.
what ???..I dont get it??..what are you trying to say ??,,you belive that...that someone wouldint be making a statement if they didn't belive it I following you here ??...

Dunno about Sky. What I said was that there are people who sincerely hold beliefs, but are utterly incapable of explaining WHY they hold them coherently.
Dunno about Sky. What I said was that there are people who sincerely hold beliefs, but are utterly incapable of explaining WHY they hold them coherently.

That's because they only believe it because they were programmed to believe it .. that's what religion is .. programming.
That's because they only believe it because they were programmed to believe it .. that's what religion is .. programming.

Totally and completely true. Watch truthspeaker on the Mormon issue. He constantly reverts back to the default that has been programmed into him, and is incapable from deviating from it to exercise independent thought.

This is a funny thread.

The "superior culture" .. that has to try to figure out ways to look other cultures out.


If your culture was so goddamn superior, why would you need to lock out others? Shouldn't your superiorness make everyone want to follow you?

Exactly how superior are you if your culture can be overrun by another simply by being there?
Good point, if you want to look at a "superior culture" look at Song China, the Mongols conquered them and in 2 generations the conquereros became Chinese.

You could make a point of Old Rome having something like that too, Romes Conquerors constantly tried to emulate them.

My personal pipedream would be to let every other culture in, provided that these cultures let ours in too. (like it happens with the East Asian cultures at the moment)
Good point, if you want to look at a "superior culture" look at Song China, the Mongols conquered them and in 2 generations the conquereros became Chinese.

You could make a point of Old Rome having something like that too, Romes Conquerors constantly tried to emulate them.

My personal pipedream would be to let every other culture in, provided that these cultures let ours in too. (like it happens with the East Asian cultures at the moment)

I agree .. and being German I'm sure you've had enough of "superior cultures."

Being American, I've had enough as well.
That's because they only believe it because they were programmed to believe it .. that's what religion is .. programming.

Well, thank you so much for sharing. And you are whom, exactly, that you feel qualified to hand down such sweeping philosophical statements as settled fact?

Contrary to your narrow-minded and incredibly primitive bigotry and mindless hatred toward religion, many religious people are very intelligent, very well-educated, and more than capable of explaining their belief rationally. But then, you're too busy reacting to the blank programming YOU'VE received on the subject, aren't you?

This is a funny thread.

The "superior culture" .. that has to try to figure out ways to look other cultures out.


If your culture was so goddamn superior, why would you need to lock out others? Shouldn't your superiorness make everyone want to follow you?

Exactly how superior are you if your culture can be overrun by another simply by being there?

Who said anything about "locking anyone out"? And what makes you imagine that a culture that is qualitatively better is automatically immune to being outnumbered?

Oh, wait, I forgot. Mindless, insensible bigotry is your thing. Never mind.
Well, thank you so much for sharing. And you are whom, exactly, that you feel qualified to hand down such sweeping philosophical statements as settled fact?

Contrary to your narrow-minded and incredibly primitive bigotry and mindless hatred toward religion, many religious people are very intelligent, very well-educated, and more than capable of explaining their belief rationally. But then, you're too busy reacting to the blank programming YOU'VE received on the subject, aren't you?

There is a HUGE problem with your assumption, I was just going to post this fact but it matches your assumption just as well as the original topic:

Anyone who says their culture or ideals is superior are just the opposite.
Dunno about Sky. What I said was that there are people who sincerely hold beliefs, but are utterly incapable of explaining WHY they hold them coherently.
From my experience, I'd say that 90 percent of people who claim to be Christians don't know the basic teachings of their faith. They go to Church on special days, like Easter and Christmas, but do not understand the sermon. Yet, when the leave the service they will compliment the preacher on a fine sermon.

I strongly suspect that the vast majority of Islamics are the same way. They want to go to Mosque (some, but not all the time), and they want to be good as the religion teaches, and they want to create a good impression for their kids so that they grow up to be moral.

Religion is a cultural expression that cements the need for values. In that regard it is extremely valuable to people in that culture.
From my experience, I'd say that 90 percent of people who claim to be Christians don't know the basic teachings of their faith. They go to Church on special days, like Easter and Christmas, but do not understand the sermon. Yet, when the leave the service they will compliment the preacher on a fine sermon.

I strongly suspect that the vast majority of Islamics are the same way. They want to go to Mosque (some, but not all the time), and they want to be good as the religion teaches, and they want to create a good impression for their kids so that they grow up to be moral.

Religion is a cultural expression that cements the need for values. In that regard it is extremely valuable to people in that culture.

But dominant religions always create groups of violent militants opposed to it, and most resort to terrorism.
If I were Dutch, I would be worried about the clash of cultures that is brewing in Netherlands.

When the most liberal culture in the Western world keeps assimilating people who come from one of the more repressive cultures in the world, there is bound to come a time when the clash of values cannot be easily compromised.

But if anyone can find a peaceful solution to this clash, it's probably the Dutch.
From a historical perspective, the Dutch have fought a lot of wars in their history. Confrontation is a reality with most Germanic cultures. My ancestors as well as the Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegians and English just love to fight. Religion has tempered that a little, but it has never been totally effective with the Germanics.
From a historical perspective, the Dutch have fought a lot of wars in their history. Confrontation is a reality with most Germanic cultures. My ancestors as well as the Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegians and English just love to fight. Religion has tempered that a little, but it has never been totally effective with the Germanics.

Um ... you are historically retarded.

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