Supply Chain

Sorry you're impoverished red states are experiencing such shortages. Probably because the dispatchers don't want to send their employees into Covid hot zones. Sucks to be you . Bye bye
The neighborhood in the city I grew up in has been African american for a couple of decades and more. A dozen or so murders a year is the norm now among all the other crimes and this area has a lot of middle class people. There were none in my time living there and it was a hard working community. It sucks to be a lot of things. And good people always suffer.
what difference does it make now how we got here?

Its more important to fix the problem
It is impossible to fix a problem if you don't know how you got there in the first place. You wouldn't know what needed to be fixed. Your statement reminds me of Hilarity saying "At this point, what difference does it make" when referring to the Bengazi fiasco.
So here we are two full years into supply chain interruptions and we are still having them.

Wasn't Biden going to make it better?

It's so bad that if someone was selling air off of the shelves at the grocery store they would be out of that too. Currently there's still air sections in every aisle of my large Kroger or Publix.

When is this going to end?
By years end, it is going to be much worse.

China has shut down factories because of the virus spreading there...just about everything is reliant on CHINA for some part or another.
Ukraine war----creating a shortage of wheat and other staples
Biden's attack on oil-----has harmed fertiziliers for food for people and cattle.
Biden's attack on oil---will raise the costs so people will work and buy less.

It takes a few months to work through the system, but a shit storm is coming this fall.
Yes first with Nixon and the Reagan with MFN allocation. all at the behest of the capitalist. These people are not our friends nor do they care about the lowered standard of living in the US all they care about is profits which is why I don't support them.
Nixon was thinking geo politically

he wanted to play china off of the soviet union during the height of the Cold War

after that not much happened till the Soviet Union imploded

Many in the west did have the simplistic hope that if china modernized it would adopt capitalism and democracy

but those dreams have vanished

we created a monster much more dangerous than the old Soviet Union
It is impossible to fix a problem if you don't know how you got there in the first place. You wouldn't know what needed to be fixed. Your statement reminds me of Hilarity saying "At this point, what difference does it make" when referring to the Bengazi fiasco.
I would rather discuss solutions than point fingers
Nixon was thinking geo politically

he wanted to play china off of the soviet union during the height of the Cold War

after that not much happened till the Soviet Union imploded

Many in the west did have the simplistic hope that if china modernized it would adopt capitalism and democracy

but those dreams have vanished

we created a monster much more dangerous than the old Soviet Union
Yes and now they are coming back pissed over abuses by the West in the 18-19th century.
Like history, if you disregard it, you are doomed to repeat it.
I suppose we can waste our time ranting about globalists, environmentalists, bleeding heart libs, on the take politicians, and anyone else we have a gripe against

but how does that help us move forward now?
I suppose we can waste our time ranting about globalists, environmentalists, bleeding heart libs, on the take politicians, and anyone else we have a gripe against

but how does that help us move forward now?
Until you address those problems, the other problems will continue to arise.
You tell me--you said you were into solutions, I would rather discuss solutions than point fingers. Tell me all about the solutions you arrive at that don't take history into account.
One step would be placing tariffs on medical equipment and supplies imported from china

granted some production would go to india or other places

but not all
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I suppose we can waste our time ranting about globalists, environmentalists, bleeding heart libs, on the take politicians, and anyone else we have a gripe against

but how does that help us move forward now?
Or you can stop voting for globalists like Trump.
One step would be placing tariffs of medical equipment and supplies imported from china

granted some production would go to india or other places

but not all
Now back to my original point, why tariffs. The answer would be to combat currency manipulation and level the playing field with China--history. Any solution can be arrived at by asking "why" five times and inevitably, one of those "whys" will result in a historical answer.

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